美國各劇撥出時間表 (一月) - 歐美

By Tom
at 2006-12-31T10:22
at 2006-12-31T10:22
Table of Contents
詳細時間與電視台可參考 http://tv.yahoo.com/ http://www.tvguide.com/
http://www.tv.com/ http://www.imdb.com/sections/tv/
January 2007
* 1 (Mon)
* Dog Bites Man (1x10)
* 2 (Tue)
* Dirt (1x01)
* Law & Order: CI (6x12)
* Law & Order: SVU (8x10)
* 3 (Wed)
* According to Jim (6x01, 6x02)
* Friday Night Lights (1x11)
* Knights of Prosperity (1x01)
* Medium (3x07)
* The King of Queens (9x06)
* 4 (Thu)
* 30 Rock (1x09)
* C.S.I. (7x11)
* ER (13x12)
* My Name Is Earl (2x12)
* Scrubs (6x04)
* Shark (1x11)
* The O.C. (4x09)
* The Office (US) (3x11)
* The War at Home (2x11)
* Til Death (1x11)
* Ugly Betty (1x11)
* 5 (Fri)
* Beyond the Break (2x11)
* Close to Home (2x12)
* Ghost Whisperer (2x12)
* Las Vegas (4x09)
* Law & Order (17x11)
* Masters of Horror (2x09)
* Numb3rs (3x12)
* 6 (Sat)
* 7 (Sun)
* American Dad! (2x09)
* Brothers & Sisters (1x11)
* Cold Case (4x12)
* Desperate Housewives (3x11)
* The L Word (4x01)
* The Simpsons (18x10)
* 8 (Mon)
* C.S.I. Miami (5x12)
* Old Christine (2x12)
* The Class (1x12)
* Two and a Half Men (4x12)
* What About Brian (2x10)
* 9 (Tue)
* Boston Legal (3x11)
* Dirt (1x02)
* House (3x11)
* Law & Order: CI (6x12)
* Law & Order: SVU (8x11)
* 10 (Wed)
* According to Jim (3x06, 6x04)
* Criminal Minds (2x13)
* CSI: NY (3x13)
* Friday Night Lights (1x12)
* Knights of Prosperity (1x02)
* Medium (3x08)
* 11 (Thu)
* 30 Rock (1x10)
* ER (13x13)
* Grey's Anatomy (3x11)
* Men in Trees (1x12)
* Scrubs (6x05)
* Smallville (6x10)
* Supernatural (2x10)
* The Office (US) (3x12)
* The War at Home (2x12)
* Til Death (1x12)
* Ugly Betty (1x12)
* 12 (Fri)
* Beyond the Break (2x12)
* Close to Home (2x13)
* Las Vegas (4x10)
* Law & Order (17x12)
* Masters of Horror (2x10)
* Numb3rs (3x13)
* 13 (Sat)
* 14 (Sun)
* 24 (6x01, 6x02)
* 7th Heaven (11x12)
* Brothers & Sisters (1x12)
* Cold Case (4x13)
* Crossing Jordan (6x01)
* Desperate Housewives (3x12)
* Rome (2x01)
* The L Word (4x02)
* Without a Trace (5x12)
* 15 (Mon)
* 24 (6x03, 6x04)
* C.S.I. Miami (5x13)
* How I Met Your Mother (2x13)
* Old Christine (2x13)
* What About Brian (2x11)
* 16 (Tue)
* Boston Legal (3x12)
* Dirt (1x03)
* Law & Order: SVU (8x12)
* NCIS (4x12)
* The Unit (2x12)
* 17 (Wed)
* According to Jim (6x05, 6x06)
* Criminal Minds (2x13)
* CSI: NY (3x13)
* Friday Night Lights (1x13)
* Knights of Prosperity (1x03)
* Medium (3x09)
* One Tree Hill (4x11)
* 18 (Thu)
* 30 Rock (1x11)
* C.S.I. (7x12)
* Grey's Anatomy (3x12)
* Men In Trees (1x13)
* My Name Is Earl (2x14)
* Scrubs (6x06)
* Shark (1x12)
* Smallville (6x11)
* Supernatural (2x11)
* The O.C. (4x11)
* The Office (US) (3x13)
* The War at Home (2x13)
* Til Death (1x13)
* Ugly Betty (1x13)
* 19 (Fri)
* Beyond the Break (2x13)
* Las Vages (4x11)
* Masters of Horror (2x11)
* Monk (5x11)
* Psych (1x09)
* 20 (Sat)
* 21 (Sun)
* Battlestar Galactica (3x12)
* Brothers & Sisters (1x13)
* Crossing Jordan (6x02)
* Desperate Housewives (3x13)
* Rome (2x02)
* The L Word (4x03)
* Without a Trace (5x14)
* 22 (Mon)
* 24 (6x05)
* Everybody Hates Chris (2x11)
* Heroes (1x12)
* How I Met Your Mother (2x14)
* Old Christine (2x14)
* Prison Break (2x14)
* Studio 60 (1x12)
* The Class (1x14)
* The Game (1x11)
* Two and a Half Men (4x13)
* What About Brian (2x12)
* 23 (Tue)
* Dirt (1x04)
* Gilmore Girls (7x11)
* NCIS (4x13)
* Veronica Mars (3x10)
* 24 (Wed)
* Bones (2x12)
* CSI: NY (3x14)
* Knights of Prosperity (1x04)
* Medium (3x09)
* One Tree Hill (4x12)
* 25 (Thu)
* C.S.I. (7x13)
* Grey's Anatomy (3x13)
* Men In Trees (1x14)
* Smallville (6x12)
* Supernatural (2x12)
* The O.C. (4x12)
* The War at Home (2x14)
* 26 (Fri)
* Beyond the Break (2x14)
* Masters of Horror (2x12)
* Monk (5x12)
* Psych (1x10)
* 27 (Sat)
* 28 (Sun)
* 7th Heaven (11x14)
* American Dad! (2x11)
* Battlestar Galactica (3x13)
* Cold Case (4x14)
* Crossing Jordan (6x03)
* Dresden Files (1x02)
* Family Guy (5x09)
* King of the Hill (11x01)
* Rome (2x03)
* The L Word (4x04)
* The Simpsons (18x11)
* Top Gear (9x01)
* 29 (Mon)
* 24 (6x06)
* Heroes (1x13)
* Studio 60 (1x13)
* 30 (Tue)
* Big Day (1x12, 1x13)
* Boston Legal (3x13)
* Dirt (1x05)
* Gilmore Girls (7x12)
* House (3x12)
* Veronica Mars (3x11)
* 31
* According to Jim (6x08)
* Bones (2x12)
* Knights of Prosperity (1x06)
* Medium (3x10)
* One Tree Hill (4x13)
詳細時間與電視台可參考 http://tv.yahoo.com/ http://www.tvguide.com/
http://www.tv.com/ http://www.imdb.com/sections/tv/
January 2007
* 1 (Mon)
* Dog Bites Man (1x10)
* 2 (Tue)
* Dirt (1x01)
* Law & Order: CI (6x12)
* Law & Order: SVU (8x10)
* 3 (Wed)
* According to Jim (6x01, 6x02)
* Friday Night Lights (1x11)
* Knights of Prosperity (1x01)
* Medium (3x07)
* The King of Queens (9x06)
* 4 (Thu)
* 30 Rock (1x09)
* C.S.I. (7x11)
* ER (13x12)
* My Name Is Earl (2x12)
* Scrubs (6x04)
* Shark (1x11)
* The O.C. (4x09)
* The Office (US) (3x11)
* The War at Home (2x11)
* Til Death (1x11)
* Ugly Betty (1x11)
* 5 (Fri)
* Beyond the Break (2x11)
* Close to Home (2x12)
* Ghost Whisperer (2x12)
* Las Vegas (4x09)
* Law & Order (17x11)
* Masters of Horror (2x09)
* Numb3rs (3x12)
* 6 (Sat)
* 7 (Sun)
* American Dad! (2x09)
* Brothers & Sisters (1x11)
* Cold Case (4x12)
* Desperate Housewives (3x11)
* The L Word (4x01)
* The Simpsons (18x10)
* 8 (Mon)
* C.S.I. Miami (5x12)
* Old Christine (2x12)
* The Class (1x12)
* Two and a Half Men (4x12)
* What About Brian (2x10)
* 9 (Tue)
* Boston Legal (3x11)
* Dirt (1x02)
* House (3x11)
* Law & Order: CI (6x12)
* Law & Order: SVU (8x11)
* 10 (Wed)
* According to Jim (3x06, 6x04)
* Criminal Minds (2x13)
* CSI: NY (3x13)
* Friday Night Lights (1x12)
* Knights of Prosperity (1x02)
* Medium (3x08)
* 11 (Thu)
* 30 Rock (1x10)
* ER (13x13)
* Grey's Anatomy (3x11)
* Men in Trees (1x12)
* Scrubs (6x05)
* Smallville (6x10)
* Supernatural (2x10)
* The Office (US) (3x12)
* The War at Home (2x12)
* Til Death (1x12)
* Ugly Betty (1x12)
* 12 (Fri)
* Beyond the Break (2x12)
* Close to Home (2x13)
* Las Vegas (4x10)
* Law & Order (17x12)
* Masters of Horror (2x10)
* Numb3rs (3x13)
* 13 (Sat)
* 14 (Sun)
* 24 (6x01, 6x02)
* 7th Heaven (11x12)
* Brothers & Sisters (1x12)
* Cold Case (4x13)
* Crossing Jordan (6x01)
* Desperate Housewives (3x12)
* Rome (2x01)
* The L Word (4x02)
* Without a Trace (5x12)
* 15 (Mon)
* 24 (6x03, 6x04)
* C.S.I. Miami (5x13)
* How I Met Your Mother (2x13)
* Old Christine (2x13)
* What About Brian (2x11)
* 16 (Tue)
* Boston Legal (3x12)
* Dirt (1x03)
* Law & Order: SVU (8x12)
* NCIS (4x12)
* The Unit (2x12)
* 17 (Wed)
* According to Jim (6x05, 6x06)
* Criminal Minds (2x13)
* CSI: NY (3x13)
* Friday Night Lights (1x13)
* Knights of Prosperity (1x03)
* Medium (3x09)
* One Tree Hill (4x11)
* 18 (Thu)
* 30 Rock (1x11)
* C.S.I. (7x12)
* Grey's Anatomy (3x12)
* Men In Trees (1x13)
* My Name Is Earl (2x14)
* Scrubs (6x06)
* Shark (1x12)
* Smallville (6x11)
* Supernatural (2x11)
* The O.C. (4x11)
* The Office (US) (3x13)
* The War at Home (2x13)
* Til Death (1x13)
* Ugly Betty (1x13)
* 19 (Fri)
* Beyond the Break (2x13)
* Las Vages (4x11)
* Masters of Horror (2x11)
* Monk (5x11)
* Psych (1x09)
* 20 (Sat)
* 21 (Sun)
* Battlestar Galactica (3x12)
* Brothers & Sisters (1x13)
* Crossing Jordan (6x02)
* Desperate Housewives (3x13)
* Rome (2x02)
* The L Word (4x03)
* Without a Trace (5x14)
* 22 (Mon)
* 24 (6x05)
* Everybody Hates Chris (2x11)
* Heroes (1x12)
* How I Met Your Mother (2x14)
* Old Christine (2x14)
* Prison Break (2x14)
* Studio 60 (1x12)
* The Class (1x14)
* The Game (1x11)
* Two and a Half Men (4x13)
* What About Brian (2x12)
* 23 (Tue)
* Dirt (1x04)
* Gilmore Girls (7x11)
* NCIS (4x13)
* Veronica Mars (3x10)
* 24 (Wed)
* Bones (2x12)
* CSI: NY (3x14)
* Knights of Prosperity (1x04)
* Medium (3x09)
* One Tree Hill (4x12)
* 25 (Thu)
* C.S.I. (7x13)
* Grey's Anatomy (3x13)
* Men In Trees (1x14)
* Smallville (6x12)
* Supernatural (2x12)
* The O.C. (4x12)
* The War at Home (2x14)
* 26 (Fri)
* Beyond the Break (2x14)
* Masters of Horror (2x12)
* Monk (5x12)
* Psych (1x10)
* 27 (Sat)
* 28 (Sun)
* 7th Heaven (11x14)
* American Dad! (2x11)
* Battlestar Galactica (3x13)
* Cold Case (4x14)
* Crossing Jordan (6x03)
* Dresden Files (1x02)
* Family Guy (5x09)
* King of the Hill (11x01)
* Rome (2x03)
* The L Word (4x04)
* The Simpsons (18x11)
* Top Gear (9x01)
* 29 (Mon)
* 24 (6x06)
* Heroes (1x13)
* Studio 60 (1x13)
* 30 (Tue)
* Big Day (1x12, 1x13)
* Boston Legal (3x13)
* Dirt (1x05)
* Gilmore Girls (7x12)
* House (3x12)
* Veronica Mars (3x11)
* 31
* According to Jim (6x08)
* Bones (2x12)
* Knights of Prosperity (1x06)
* Medium (3x10)
* One Tree Hill (4x13)
All Comments

By Dorothy
at 2007-01-03T00:09
at 2007-01-03T00:09

By Ingrid
at 2007-01-07T15:30
at 2007-01-07T15:30

By Elvira
at 2007-01-10T20:24
at 2007-01-10T20:24

By Hardy
at 2007-01-12T16:57
at 2007-01-12T16:57

By Dora
at 2007-01-16T16:15
at 2007-01-16T16:15

By Emma
at 2007-01-19T01:29
at 2007-01-19T01:29

By Sierra Rose
at 2007-01-20T14:35
at 2007-01-20T14:35

By Regina
at 2007-01-23T06:34
at 2007-01-23T06:34
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