美國各劇撥出時間表 (二月) - 歐美

John avatar
By John
at 2007-02-06T19:02

Table of Contents


詳細時間與電視台可參考 http://tv.yahoo.com/ http://www.tvguide.com/
http://www.tv.com/ http://www.imdb.com/sections/tv/

February 2007
1 (Thu)
>30 Rock (1x12)
>C.S.I. (7x14)
>ER (13x14)
>Greys Anatomy (3x14)
>Men in Trees (1x15)
>My Name Is Earl (2x15)
>Scrubs (6x07)
>Shark (1x13)
>Smallville (6x13)
>Supernatural (2x13)
>The O.C. (4x13)
>The Office (US) (3x15)
>The War at Home (2x15)
>Til Death (1x14)
>Ugly Betty (1x14)

2 (Fri)
>Ghost Whisperer (2x14)
>Las Vegas (4x12)
>Law & Order (17x13)
>Masters of Horror (2x13)
>Monk (5x13)
>Numb3rs (3x14)
>Psych (1x11)

3 (Sat)

4 (Sun)
>Criminal Minds (2x14)
>Rome (2x04)
>The L Word (4x05)
>Top Gear (9x02)

5 (Mon)
>24 (6x07)
>C.S.I. Miami (5x14)
>Everybody Hates Chris (2x15)
>Heroes (1x14)
>How I Met Your Mother (2x14)
>Prison Break (1x16)
>Studio 60 (1x14)
>The Class (1x15)
>The Game (1x13)
>Two and a Half Men (4x14)

6 (Tue)
>Boston Legal (3x14)
>Dirt (1x06)
>Gilmore Girls (7x13)
>House (3x13)
>Law & Order: CI (6x13)
>Law & Order: SVU (8x13)
>NCIS (4x14)
>The Unit (2x13, 2x14)
>Veronica Mars (3x12)

7 (Wed)
>Bones (2x13)
>Criminal Minds (2x15)
>CSI: NY (3x15)
>Friday Night Lights (1x15)
>Knights of Prosperity (1x06)
>Lost (3x07)
>Medium (3x11)
>One Tree Hill (4x13)

8 (Thu)
>30 Rock (1x13)
>C.S.I. (7x15)
>ER (13x15)
>Greys Anatomy (3x15)
>Men in Trees (1x16)
>My Name Is Earl (2x16)
>Scrubs (6x08)
>Shark (1x14)
>Smallville (6x14)
>Supernatural (2x14)
>Survivor (14x01)
>The O.C. (4x14)
>The Office (US) (3x16)
>The War at Home (2x16)
>Til Death (1x15)
>Ugly Betty (1x15)

9 (Fri)
>Close to Home (2x14)
>Ghost Whisperer (2x15)
>Las Vegas (4x13)
>Law & Order (17x14)
>Monk (5x14)
>Numb3rs (3x15)
>Psych (1x12)

10 (Sat)

11 (Sun)
>7th Heaven (11x15)
>American Dad! (2x12)
>Battlestar Galactica (3x14)
>Brothers & Sisters (1x14)
>Crossing Jordan (6x04)
>Desperate Housewives (3x14)
>Dresden Files (1x03)
>Family Guy (5x10)
>King of the Hill (11x02)
>Rome (2x05)
>The L Word (4x06)
>The Simpsons (18x12)

12 (Mon)
>24 (6x08, 6x09)
>C.S.I. Miami (5x15)
>Everybody Hates Chris (2x12)
>Heroes (1x15)
>How I Met Your Mother (2x15)
>Studio 60 (1x15)
>The Class (1x16)
>The Game (1x14)
>Two and a Half Men (4x15)
>What About Brian (2x14)

13 (Tue)
>Boston Legal (3x15)
>Dirt (1x07)
>Gilmore Girls (7x14)
>Law & Order: CI (6x14)
>Law & Order: SVU (8x14)
>Life on Mars (2x01)
>NCIS (4x15)
>The Unit (2x15)
>Veronica Mars (3x13)

14 (Wed)
>According to Jim (6x09)
>Bones (2x14)
>Criminal Minds (2x16)
>CSI: NY (3x16)
>In Case of Emergency (1x06)
>Knights of Prosperity (1x08)
>Lost (3x08)
>Medium (3x12)
>One Tree Hill (4x14)

15 (Thu)
>30 Rock (1x14)
>C.S.I. (7x16)
>ER (13x16)
>Greys Anatomy (3x16)
>Men in Trees (1x17)
>My Name Is Earl (2x17)
>Shark (1x15, 1x16)
>Smallville (6x15)
>Supernatural (2x15)
>The O.C. (4x15)
>The Office (US) (3x17)
>The War at Home (2x17)
>Til Death (1x16)
>Ugly Betty (1x16)

16 (Fri)
>Beyond the Break (2x06)
>Close to Home (2x15)
>Ghost Whisperer (2x16)
>Las Vegas (4x14)
>Law & Order (17x15)
>Monk (5x15)
>Numb3rs (3x16)
>Psych (1x13)

17 (Sat)

18 (Sun)
>7th Heaven (11x16)
>Amazing Race (11x01)
>American Dad! (2x13)
>Battlestar Galactica (3x15)
>Brothers & Sisters (1x15)
>Cold Case (4x15)
>Crossing Jordan (6x05)
>Desperate Housewives (3x15)
>Dresden Files (1x04)
>Family Guy (5x11)
>King of the Hill (11x03)
>Rome (2x06)
>The L Word (4x07)
>The Simpsons (18x13)
>Without a Trace (5x15)

19 (Mon)
>24 (6x10)
>C.S.I. Miami (5x16)
>Everybody Hates Chris (2x17)
>Heroes (1x16)
>How I Met Your Mother (2x16)
>Prison Break (2x17)
>Studio 60 (1x16)
>The Class (1x17)
>Two and a Half Men (4x16)
>What About Brian (2x15)

20 (Tue)
>Boston Legal (3x16)
>Dirt (1x08)
>Gilmore Girls (7x15)
>Law & Order: CI (6x15)
>Law & Order: SVU (8x15)
>NCIS (4x16)
>Veronica Mars (3x14)

21 (Wed)
>According to Jim (6x10)
>Criminal Minds (2x17)
>CSI: NY (3x17)
>In Case of Emergency (1x08)
>Jericho (1x12)
>Knights of Prosperity (1x09)
>Lost (3x09)
>Medium (3x13)
>One Tree Hill (4x15)

22 (Thu)
>30 Rock (1x15)
>C.S.I. (7x17)
>ER (13x17)
>Grey's Anatomy (3x17)
>My Name Is Earl (2x18)
>Supernatural (2x16)
>Scrubs (6x10)
>The O.C. (4x16)
>The Office (US) (3x18)

23 (Fri)
>Beyond the Break (2x07)
>Close to Home (2x16)
>Ghost Whisperer (2x17)
>Law & Order (17x16)
>Monk (5x16)
>Psych (1x14)

24 (Sat)

25 (Sun)
>Battlestar Galactica (3x16)
>Crossing Jordan (6x06)
>Dresden Files (1x05)
>The L Word (4x08)
>Without a Trace (5x16)

26 (Mon)
>24 (6x11)
>C.S.I. Miami (5x17)
>Heroes (1x17)
>How I Met Your Mother (2x17)
>Prison Break (2x18)
>Studio 60 (1x17)
>The Class (1x18)
>Two and a Half Men (4x17)

27 (Tue)
>Gilmore Girls (7x16)
>Law & Order: CI (6x16)
>Law & Order: SVU (8x16)
>NCIS (4x17)
>Veronica Mars (3x15)

28 (Wed)
>According to Jim (6x11)
>Criminal Minds (2x18)
>In Case of Emergency (1x09)
>Jericho (1x13)
>Knights of Prosperity (1x10)
>Lost (3x10)
>Medium (3x14)
>One Tree Hill (4x16)

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2007-02-11T15:30
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-02-11T20:31

Aimee Teegarden

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2007-02-06T00:27
Aimee Teegarden 就是在Friday Night Lights中飾演Julia的女孩 imdb資料如下,1989年生,今年18歲,是一個非常可愛的女生 http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1631435/ 因為看了FNL,所以想蒐集一下小妮子的演藝作品 沒想到除了當當Mode ...

Heroes - AICN訪談part 1

Una avatar
By Una
at 2007-02-05T23:59
原新聞網址 http://www.aintitcool.com/node/31459 **** Ain’t It Cool is in the middle of an email interview with Kring. We were originally going to post the who ...

Studio 60 - 114

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2007-02-05T21:13
這禮拜好少新片哦~ And Amanda Peet came back with a new trick! 一個魔術,接受了Danny的告白!! (啊啊啊啊啊啊啊) ┌─────┐ │Iand#39;M CRAZY │ │ABOUT YOU!│ └─────┘ ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2007-02-05T20:34
這部好像非常沒有討論的熱潮 似乎也是不少人很早就放棄的影集 剛看完了111 我覺得109和110比111好看很多 覺得編劇在設計劇情和嫌犯的動機 還有解決案件的方式等等變的更有創意了 雖然說Standoff的內容並不是相當有深度 也不是每一個環節和每一句台詞都有什麼特殊的含意或線索 於是也沒辦法隨時都讓觀 ...

百視達 - 影集試看

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2007-02-05T19:56
不知道是什麼活動 現在有免費的影集第一季前兩集可以借來看 都是兩個影集綁一起 The O.C + Smallville ER + The West Wing ER + Nip/Tuck Six feet under + Soprano The Gilmore Girl + OTH 應該 ...