美國各劇撥出時間表 (四月) - 歐美

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2007-04-03T22:14

Table of Contents


詳細時間與電視台可參考 http://tv.yahoo.com/ http://www.tvguide.com/
http://www.tv.com/ http://www.imdb.com/sections/tv/

April 2007

* 1 (Sun)
>Amazing Race (11x07, 11x08)
>American Dad! (2x15)
>Brothers & Sisters (1x17)
>Cold Case (4x20)
>Dresden Files (1x10)
>King of the Hill (11x05)
>Mind of Mencia (3x01)
>ReGenesis (3x01, 3x02)
>Reno 911! (4x08)
>The Tudors (1x01)
>The War at Home (2x21)

* 2 (Mon)
>24 (6x16)
>The Black Donnellys (1x06)
>Lincoln Heights (1x13)
>Prison Break (2x22)
>The Riches (1x04)

* 3 (Tue)
>American Idol (6x26)
>Boston Legal (3x18)
>House (3x17)
>Law & Order: CI (6x18)
>Law & Order: SVU (8x18)
>Life on Mars (2x07)
>NCIS (4x19)
>The Shield (6x01)
>The Unit (2x19)

* 4 (Wed)
>According to Jim (6x13)
>American Idol (6x27)
>Bones (2x18)
>Crossing Jordan (6x11)
>In Case of Emergency (1x11)
>Jericho (1x17)
>Lost (3x15)
>Medium (3x17)
>South Park (11x05)

* 5 (Thu)
>30 Rock (1x18)
>Andy Barker PI (1x04)
>C.S.I. (7x19)
>October Road (1x04)
>Pimp My Ride (6x01)
>Scrubs (6x15)
>Shark (1x18)
>Survivor (14x08)
>The Office (US) (3x19)
>Waterloo Road (2x09)

* 6 (Fri)
>Close to Home (2x19)
>Ghost Whisperer (2x19)
>Law & Order (17x18)
>Numb3rs (3x20)
>Raines (1x04)
>Six Degrees (1x09)

* 7 (Sat)
>Doctor Who (3x02)

* 8 (Sun)
>7th Heaven (11x17)
>Brothers & Sisters (1x18)
>Cold Case (4x21)
>Desperate Housewives (3x17)
>Dresden Files (1x11)
>Entourage (3x13)
>Mind of Mencia (3x02)
>ReGenesis (3x03)
>Reno 911! (4x09)
>The Sopranos (6x13)
>The Tudors (1x02)
>Without a Trace (5x20)

* 9 (Mon)
>24 (6x17)
>The Black Donnellys (1x07)
>C.S.I. Miami (5x19)
>How I Met Your Mother (2x19)
>Old Christine (2x18)
>The King of Queens (9x07)
>The Riches (1x05)
>Two and a Half Men (4x19)

* 10 (Tue)
>Boston Legal (3x19)
>House (3x18)
>Life on Mars (2x08)
>NCIS (4x20)
>The Shield (6x02)

* 11 (Wed)
>According to Jim (6x14)
>Criminal Minds (2x20)
>Crossing Jordan (6x12)
>CSI: NY (3x20)
>In Case of Emergency (1x12)
>Lost (3x16)
>Medium (3x18)
>MythBusters (5x07)
>South Park (11x06)
>Til Death (1x21)

* 12 (Thu)
>30 Rock (1x19)
>Andy Barker PI (1x05)
>C.S.I. (7x20)
>ER (13x18)
>My Name Is Earl (2x19)
>Notes from the Underbelly (1x01, 1x02)
>Scrubs (6x16)
>The Office (US) (3x20)

* 13 (Fri)
>Raines (1x05)
>Six Degrees (1x10)
>Stargate Atlantis (3x11)
>Stargate SG-1 (10x11)

* 14 (Sat)
>Doctor Who (3x03)

* 15 (Sun)
>7th Heaven (11x18)
>Cold Case (4x22)
>Desperate Housewives (3x18)
>Dresden Files (1x12)
>Entourage (3x14)
>ReGenesis (3x04)
>The Sopranos (6x14)
>The Tudors (1x03)
>Without a Trace (5x21)

* 16 (Mon)
>24 (6x18)
>The Black Donnellys (1x08)
>C.S.I. Miami (5x20)
>Old Christine (2x19)
>The King of Queens (9x08)
>The Riches (1x06)
>Two and a Half Men (4x20)

* 17 (Tue)
>Boston Legal (3x20)
>Gilmore Girls (7x18)
>House (3x19)
>NCIS (4x21)

* 18 (Wed)
>According to Jim (6x15)
>Bones (2x19)
>Crossing Jordan (6x13)
>In Case of Emergency (1x13)
>Lost (3x17)
>MythBusters (5x08)
>South Park (11x07)

* 19 (Thu)
>Andy Barker PI (1x06)
>ER (13x19)
>Greys Anatomy (3x20)
>Scrubs (6x17)
>Smallville (6x18)
>Supernatural (2x18)
>Ugly Betty (1x20)

* 20 (Fri)
>Raines (1x06)
>Six Degrees (1x11)
>Stargate Atlantis (3x12)
>Stargate SG-1 (10x12)

* 21 (Sat)
>Doctor Who (3x04)

* 22 (Sun)
>7th Heaven (11x19)
>American Dad! (2x16)
>Desperate Housewives (3x19)
>Entourage (3x15)
>King of the Hill (11x06)
>ReGenesis (3x05)
>The Simpsons (18x17)
>The Sopranos (6x15)
>The Tudors (1x04)
>The War at Home (2x22)

* 23 (Mon)
>24 (6x19)
>C.S.I. Miami (5x21)
>Heroes (1x19)
>The Riches (1x07)

* 24 (Tue)
>Gilmore Girls (7x19)
>NCIS (4x22)

* 25 (Wed)
>Criminal Minds (2x21)
>Crossing Jordan (6x14)
>CSI: NY (3x21)
>Lost (3x18)
>MythBusters (5x09)

* 26 (Thu)
>C.S.I. (7x21)
>ER (13x20)
>Greys Anatomy (3x21)
>Scrubs (6x18)
>Shark (1x19)
>Smallville (6x19)
>Supernatural (2x19)
>Ugly Betty (1x21)

* 27 (Fri)
>Ghost Whisperer (2x20)
>Numb3rs (3x21)
>Raines (1x07)
>Stargate Atlantis (3x13)

* 28 (Sat)
>Doctor Who (3x05)

* 29 (Sun)
>Desperate Housewives (3x20)
>Entourage (3x16)
>Family Guy (5x15)
>The Sopranos (6x16)
>The Tudors (1x05)

* 30 (Mon)
>24 (6x20)
>C.S.I. Miami (5x22)
>Heroes (1x20)
>How I Met Your Mother (2x20)
>The Riches (1x08)

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2007-04-06T17:45
The Shield終於來了!!!!!!
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2007-04-09T15:28
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2007-04-13T20:53
no, Entourage還是第三季阿
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2007-04-15T21:09
嗚,四月只有兩集grey's anatomy


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2007-04-03T15:42
居然是安潔莉那的… 這是諷刺她很easy嗎? http://lib.verycd.com/2007/03/14/0000142968.html - ...

To the TV Heaven - show get cancelled

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2007-04-03T15:24
http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117962405.html?categoryid=14andamp;cs=1andamp;p=0 andgt;.andlt; Wedding Bells看起來還不錯說 NBC看來還不打算繼續播Studio 60...拿什麼奇怪的Real ...

05-06 美國各家無線電視台 TOP 5 SHOWS

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2007-04-03T03:06
現在波好像有點晚, 不知道板上之前有沒有這個資訊.. ====================================================== 05-06 美國各家無線電視台 TOP 5 SHOWS (平均每集觀看人數/百萬人) CBS [影集] 1. CSI: Crime Scen ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2007-04-02T23:10
看完第二季了 真不錯 怎麼好像板上都沒人在討論這部影集= = 國外很紅國內沒人看嗎 andgt;/////andlt; - ...

The Practice DVD release update

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2007-04-02T23:08
http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/releaseinfo.cfm?ReleaseID=6563 June 12 一區正式發行, 比預定日期提早了一點, Amazon 現在可以 pre-order了. 哇哈哈... 終於等到了. ※ 引述《netflix (電影迷)》之銘言: : 今天 ...