英文吵架100句 from六人行 - 六人行

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2006-07-14T23:28

Table of Contents

1. You make me sick!
2. What's wrong with you?
3. I'm very disappointed.
5. You're a jerk!
6. Don't talk to me like that!
7. Who do you think you are?
8. What's your problem?
9. I hate you!
10. I don't want to see your face!

11. You're crazy!
12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind?
13. Don't bother me.
14. Knock it off.
15. Get out of my face.
16. Leave me alone.
17. Get lost.
18. Take a hike!
19. You piss me off.
20. It's none of your business.

21. What's the meaning of this?
22. How dare you!
23. Cut it out.
24. You stupid jerk!
25. You have a lot of nerve.
26. I'm fed up.
27. I can't take it anymore.
28. I've had enough of your garbage.
29. Shut up!
30. What do you want?

31. Do you know what time it is?
32. What were you thinking?
33. How can you say that?
34. Who says?
35. That's what you think!
36. Don't look at me like that.
37. What did you say?
38. You are out of your mind.
39. You make me so mad.
40. Drop dead.

41. Don't give me your shoot.
42. Don't give me your excuses/ No more excuses.
43. Nonsense!
44. You're a pain in the ass.
45. You're an asshole.
46. You asked for it.
47. Get over yourself.
48. You're nothing to me.
49. It's not my fault.
50. You look guilty.

51. I can't help it.
52. That's your problem.
53. I don't want to hear it.
54. Get off my back.
55. Give me a break.
56. Who do you think you're talking to?
57. Look at this mess!
58. You're so careless.
59. Why on earth didn't you tell me the truth?
60. I'm about to explode!

61. What a stupid idiot!
62. I'm not going to put up with this!
63. I never want to see your face again!
64. That's terrible.
65. Just look at what you've done!
66. I wish I had never met you.
67. You're a disgrace.
68. I'll never forgive you!
69. Don't nag me!
70. I'm sick of it.

71. Don't you dare come back again!
72. Stop screwing/ fooling/ messing around!
73. Mind your own business!
74. You're just a good for nothing bum!
75. You've gone too far!
76. I loathe you!
77. I detest you!
78. Get the hell out of here!
79. Don't be that way!
80. Can't you do anything right?

81. You're impossible.
82. Don't touch me!
83. Get away from me!
84. Get out of my life.
85. You're a joke!
86. Don't give me your attitude.
87. You'll be sorry.
88. We're through.
89. Look at the mess you've made!
90. You've ruined everything.

91. I can't believe your never.
92. You're away too far.
93. I can't take you any more!
94. I'm telling you for the last time!
95. I could kill you!
96. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
97. I can't believe a word you say.
98. You never tell the truth.
99. Don't push me!
100. Enough is enough!


All Comments

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2006-07-15T22:16
還有 crap!
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2006-07-19T06:36
這應該不是出自friends 網路上很多這東西

美麗佳人 美國版 8 月號

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2006-07-13T23:24
好久沒見到 Monica 了 這次她登上了美麗佳人美國版的八月號 天哪....還是那麼優雅動人!! *^^* http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/lookinside.php?item=F030006251 - ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2006-07-13T17:45
大家好 我想買整套的DVD已經很久了 但是一直拿不定主意是台版好還是美版好……… 想請問一下版上是否有人買一區的DVD 不知道和台版的比起來其幕後花序等是否比較值得呢?? 還有要如何判定自己的電腦是否能放一區片呢? 謝謝 - ...

Matthew 的 "The Ron Clark Story"

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2006-07-13T11:17
早上起來 意外的看到這部片 現在衛視西片台正在撥放 Matthew Perry 所演的 and#34;The Ron Clark Storyand#34; 中文翻的很and#34;俗and#34; 叫做and#34;春風化雨師道情and#34; 這部片是改編自真人真事 在劇中他飾演在紐約布魯克林區 一位最難 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2006-07-13T02:17
就第十季最後一集啊 Rachel不是跟Ross說:you learned some new moves! 然後Ross就說有同事送他一本Sex for Dummies... 本來以為是惡搞的 因為這種 XXXX for Dummies的書很常見 結果我今天逛書店的時候...真的在書櫃上看到這本書= ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2006-07-12T15:09
第2季只到22 好像也沒有第3季了 官網都不見了 - ...