藍苺夜原聲帶裡DEVIL'S HIGHWAY - 王家衛

By Hazel
at 2008-06-06T15:41
at 2008-06-06T15:41
Table of Contents
※ 引述《iamhohohoho (iamhohohoho)》之銘言:
: 這首歌一開始聽見 i am a poor wayfaring stranger...
: 天呀!已經好久沒有讓我聽見這樣會讓我感動的聲音了!
: 在原聲帶裡沒有歌詞
: 不知版有沒有人有?
: 謝謝!!
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
I am your enemy for hire
I cut the line, I brave the danger
I've come to seek my savior
L'amour here she flies
I close my eyes to see her face
I lay down to die on my devil's highway
Then beneath the sand there lies a story
There are ghosts who wait and hide
There were others who saw glory faded fast before me
L'adore now she cries
I close my eyes to see her face
I lay down to die on my devil's highway
Devil's highway
Devil's highway
Devil's highway
Devil's highway
With the earthbound heavens aflame
The thicket cuts me to the bone
The carry on howl calls me by name
Masses that the desert claims
I'm going back home, back home
I close my eyes to see her face
I lay down to die on my devil's highway
: 這首歌一開始聽見 i am a poor wayfaring stranger...
: 天呀!已經好久沒有讓我聽見這樣會讓我感動的聲音了!
: 在原聲帶裡沒有歌詞
: 不知版有沒有人有?
: 謝謝!!
I am a poor wayfaring stranger
I am your enemy for hire
I cut the line, I brave the danger
I've come to seek my savior
L'amour here she flies
I close my eyes to see her face
I lay down to die on my devil's highway
Then beneath the sand there lies a story
There are ghosts who wait and hide
There were others who saw glory faded fast before me
L'adore now she cries
I close my eyes to see her face
I lay down to die on my devil's highway
Devil's highway
Devil's highway
Devil's highway
Devil's highway
With the earthbound heavens aflame
The thicket cuts me to the bone
The carry on howl calls me by name
Masses that the desert claims
I'm going back home, back home
I close my eyes to see her face
I lay down to die on my devil's highway
All Comments

By Joseph
at 2008-06-10T08:06
at 2008-06-10T08:06

By David
at 2008-06-14T00:30
at 2008-06-14T00:30
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