誰說博物館不好玩.... - CSI

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2007-06-09T13:43

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This exhibit was WAY better than I ever thought it could be. It was
incredibly interactive and it looked like the cast was really having fun with
it. If anyone is planning on attending, get there early. My ticket was for 10
am, the museum opens at 9:30. I was there at 9 and there was already a line.
While you are waiting in line, they show a video about the current exhibits,
CSI included. MH was precious. I don't usually use that word, but she was so
excited about the exhibit (it looked like they did the interviews at the VIP
opening) and she was downright cute and giddy. WP was great as well as JF. GE
was also making his comments. I did the 2nd crime scene and I also snuck into
other areas (it wasn't too tough). I spent about an hour and a half in there.
The detail was fantastic. Not only are you walked through a crime scene, but
you can go to a "trace lab" and hear insights from cast (in character) and
actual forensics experts. This is no fluffy piece of museum crap. This was
the real deal. I have a new found respect for Hodges (very very funny). All
of the terminals that are in my pictures at the different stations provide
more info about your case. At the end, you have to "present" your case to
Grissom. Very cool.

The other thing that was fanfreakintastic was the miniatures. Which, by the
way got very smudgy very quickly (but if you tell a museum employee they
clean them up), because they are not a part of the CSI exhibit (which costs
extra), but a part of the regular collection (at least for now). I thought
that this part was interesting compared to the CSI Experience, because with
the miniatures, you have a lot of hardcores (like us) and then people that
have no idea what they are looking at (some woman kept yelling, asking why
there was some guys office in the Exhibit- Grissom's office) and there were
also kids licking the case (ok, one kid, but as far as I was concerned it was
a hundred, eeewww) and running around. Inside the exhibit, there were some
people having fun with it and some people that were freaking out because they
got a clue wrong. All in all, I thought that the attention to detail was like
nothing I have ever seen before in any sort of Museum Exhibit. Maybe I don't
get out much, but this was great. Along the ceiling, they had certificates
and diplomas for the characters, Grissom's office, the assignment board (from
season 1?), just neat stuff. I think anyone would enjoy this, not just CSI
fans. Because they did such a great job of entertwining the show's characters
as your leads and actual forensic experts, anyone could get into it. I took a
ton of pictures of the exhibit and the miniatures (maybe too many of the
miniatures) and all that stuff knowing that some folks might never get to see

A couple helpful hints if you are going to be going:

The Museum is hot as blazes so dress accordingly. At one point I thought I
might be having a heart attack (I of course stayed)
When you get to Chicago, if you are not driving (which I suggest you not
do...ugh), you can get a day pass from CTA (public transport, El and buses)
for $5. They offer them at kiosks.
The Museum is a little out of the way so they lost money on me today, between
museum, shopping, etc.
Get there early
Be careful with your pictures. The lighting is weird, so you will probably
have to go without a flash. No flash for the miniatures. Bad bad idea. I had
to retake most of those.
Stay and check out the rest of the Museum, not only is it the largest of its
kind in the Western hemisphere, but the staff was really nice and helpful
If you can hook up with someone local, there are tickets floating around that
are two for one.

Way worth the trip.


∞我是立志追隨女王的艾瑞卡,最想成為女王的鈕釦,依偎在她胸前 ﹌▽﹌ ∞


Tags: CSI

All Comments

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2007-06-11T20:51
不能照相的原因可能是CBS的關係...推試著問問看 ^__^
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2007-06-13T15:54
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-06-14T02:27
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2007-06-18T03:18
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2007-06-22T15:27
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2007-06-23T20:09
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2007-06-25T06:50
話說,還有Star War的特展耶...有沒有任意門或是企業號的
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2007-06-29T08:56
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2007-06-30T05:39
企業號是 Star Trek 他們常戰鬥,可是沒打過 Star War 喔
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2007-07-02T12:41
任意門是日本貨啊...XD 唉...只是想不要付機票錢就能
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-07-04T05:22
Star Trek不但有展而且還會巡迴喔
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2007-07-08T06:29
其實CSI也是.... ^^|||
James avatar
By James
at 2007-07-09T19:23
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2007-07-11T09:32
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2007-07-12T01:18
應該是主要贊助...連 https://daxiv.com
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2007-07-15T14:31
策略成分 https://muxiv.com


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2007-06-09T12:11
※ 引述《tonylin (Szmanda頭髮站起來啦)》之銘言: : 6.3個CSI裡面的專業分工跟行政編制都一樣嗎? : 不一樣...旗艦店分工較細,有外勤的,跟實驗室研究員,跟警探合作 : 蘋果店跟海灘店則是有身兼警探與研究員 : 實際上各州制度不同,而真實的情況也有點不同 小小補 ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2007-06-07T11:35
最近比較忙,直到現在才po.. 不知道有沒有人跟我一樣的感覺... 看到那四人組我第一個想到 and#34;少年偵探團出動!!!!!andlt;(‵▽′+)/and#34; 角色就不分配了,以免引起眾怒..囧 -- 笨點 ...

ny 324 有瑕疵 (有雷)

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2007-06-07T01:26
牽涉到劇情,所以掛個 (雷) 就是在那些恐怖份子用槍來突破保險櫃時 一個大大的瑕疵產生了 各位有注意過槍是放在哪發射嗎? 沒錯~是地上 但是當他們破門而 ...

Marg 新片 Mr. Brooks

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2007-06-07T00:36
如果是因為Marg而要去看這部片的人 可以再考慮一下了 她的戲份並不多也不怎重要 演一個不怎樣的媽媽角色 反而Danielle Panabaker的角色重要了許多 - ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-06-07T00:03
BTA有網友去參觀展覽,還拍了照片跟影迷分享喔。 不能去的各位看看照片精神與它同在也好 xD http://s163.photobucket.com/albums/t310/chadini/CSI%20Experience/ 看起來好像真的很有趣說…… -- ...