請教看漫畫的順序 - 星際爭霸戰

By Oscar
at 2019-03-04T16:13
at 2019-03-04T16:13
Table of Contents
最近Humble Bundle推出了Star Trek漫畫包,因為以前沒追過電視影集,
不懂這些漫畫的時間表,只知道Star Trek: Discovery好像是新的平行時空系列。
Star Trek: Waypoint Special #1
Star Trek: Waypoint Vol. 1
Star Trek (2011-2016) Vol. 1-13
Star Trek: Deviations
Star Trek/Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Space
Star Trek: Boldly Go Vol. 1-3
Star Trek: Alien Spotlight Vol. 1-2
Star Trek: New Visions Vol. 1-8
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hive
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Intelligence Gathering
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Ghosts
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Through the Mirror
Star Trek: The Next Generation 20/20
Star Trek: Discovery: Succession
Star Trek: Discovery Annual 2018
Star Trek: The Q Conflict #1
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Mirror Broken
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Terra Incognita #1-6
Star Trek/Green Lantern Vol. 1-2
Star Trek vs. Transformers #1-4
Star Trek: Discovery: Light of Kahless
Star Trek: Harlan Ellison's City on the Edge of Forever
不懂這些漫畫的時間表,只知道Star Trek: Discovery好像是新的平行時空系列。
Star Trek: Waypoint Special #1
Star Trek: Waypoint Vol. 1
Star Trek (2011-2016) Vol. 1-13
Star Trek: Deviations
Star Trek/Planet of the Apes: The Primate Directive
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Space
Star Trek: Boldly Go Vol. 1-3
Star Trek: Alien Spotlight Vol. 1-2
Star Trek: New Visions Vol. 1-8
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hive
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Intelligence Gathering
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Ghosts
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Through the Mirror
Star Trek: The Next Generation 20/20
Star Trek: Discovery: Succession
Star Trek: Discovery Annual 2018
Star Trek: The Q Conflict #1
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Mirror Broken
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Terra Incognita #1-6
Star Trek/Green Lantern Vol. 1-2
Star Trek vs. Transformers #1-4
Star Trek: Discovery: Light of Kahless
Star Trek: Harlan Ellison's City on the Edge of Forever
All Comments

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at 2019-03-09T14:53
at 2019-03-09T14:53

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at 2019-03-14T13:34
at 2019-03-14T13:34

By Donna
at 2019-03-19T12:14
at 2019-03-19T12:14

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at 2019-03-24T10:54
at 2019-03-24T10:54

By Ida
at 2019-03-29T09:34
at 2019-03-29T09:34
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