貝爾探視槍擊案傷者 - Nolan

David avatar
By David
at 2012-07-25T10:01

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Christian Bale in town visiting victims of shooting




有五位還在治療當中的傷者 兩位從另外一間醫院來看布魯思韋恩少爺的

這些傷者病人很高興看到貝爾本人 他們明顯都是貝爾的影迷


貝爾跟他的妻子還見了幾位醫生們 其中還有護士是蝙蝠俠粉絲

看到貝爾的到來十分驚喜 對於貝爾能夠前來很感動

華納表示貝爾是自行去的 並不是代表電影公司

Christian Bale, star of the last three Batman films, met at the Medical
Center of Aurora on Tuesday afternoon with seven patients injured in the mass
shooting that occurred during a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises."

Bill Voloch, interim president of Medical Center of Aurora, said Bale spent
about 2½ hours at the hospital, where he met with five people still being
treated for their injuries. Two others came from Swedish Medical Center to
meet Bale, who stars as Batman/Bruce Wayne.

"The patients were really happy to meet Bale," Voloch said. "They are
obviously big fans of his movies. They wanted to see Batman and were really
pleased to see Bale."

Bale and his wife, Sibi Blazic, also met with a number of doctors, Aurora police officers and emergency medical technicians who were
first responders when James Eagan Holmes allegedly killed 12 people and
injured 58 others at Century Aurora 16 theater early Friday morning. Bale
spent about 10 minutes with each person.

"It was good for the patients," Voloch said. "We hope it was therapeutic for
them, and all the staff really appreciated him coming."

Nurse Crystal Flateland said she definitely did.

Flateland and 18 other staff members from Swedish were taken to the Medical
Center of Aurora Tuesday for an appreciation buffet and — to their surprise
when they arrived — a meet and greet with Bale.

"I am probably one of the biggest Batman fans ever," Flateland said. "It was
amazing, actually, to get to meet him. I think it's really great he came out
here. It was touching."

Flateland was called in to work the night of the shooting.

During the night, she was part of a medical team transferred to the Medical
Center of Aurora where more help was needed. Flateland said she ended up
working about 40 hours straight.

"It was kind of exhausting," Flateland said. "But I've now caught up on sleep
and recovered."

Bale also spent some time with Gov. John Hickenlooper.

The Medical Center of Aurora received 18 patients from the movie theatre
shooting and seven were admitted. Four patients went to Swedish Medical

Voloch said Bale notified that he wanted to visit the injured, but asked that
media not be notified. "He just wanted to meet with victims and police."

Among the people Bale visited with was Carey Rottman, of Denver. Friends
quickly tweeted out a photo of their visit.

Bale and Bazic also visited a growing memorial to victims near the movie

Officials from Warner Bros. Pictures, maker of Bale's most recent film, said
Bale came to Aurora on his own.

"Mr. Bale is there as himself, not representing Warner Brothers," said an
assistant for Susan Fleishman, executive vice president for Warner Brothers
corporate communications.

Read more: Christian Bale in town visiting victims of shooting - The Denver
Post http://www.denverpost.com/theatershooting/ci_21147699#ixzz21avDw6Nr

Tags: Nolan

All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2012-07-26T03:07
推 Q_Q Bale you're our true hero
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2012-07-30T13:15

討論7.25大直美麗華 預售現場情況用

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2012-07-25T09:51
因為自己等一下要來去補眠 XD 所以這篇文章是「先開起來放」這樣 atat 歡迎有要去的人 (或甚至已經在現場的) 大家可以討論盛況啊~  (但不曉得這次跟上次比 最後人數會怎樣就是了) PS1.本篇為討論用 徵票或徵人相關 請至置底專區 PS2.然後基於以下原因 先前「請勿公開約時間」的限制應該可以解 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2012-07-25T01:30
※ 引述《EnPei (Step by step)》之銘言: : 依照板友newline在Theather板 #1FecBYGn 提供的資料 : 我畫了一張《台灣各大戲院巨型銀幕比較圖》(主要是IMAX比較圖) : 本來是利用來跟朋友解說真實IMAX與數位IMAX的差別~ : 想說順便拿來分享給大家 : 再次 ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2012-07-24T23:42
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHoUJwK3yOg 當初會注意黑暗騎士,很大一部份是被這預告的表現方式吸引, 看過整部電影之後再回頭看這段預告,真的會發現這段預告實在 太到位了。 布魯斯和阿福的對話正好是 ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2012-07-24T22:51
香港[2012/07/16~07/22] 排名 片名(港譯) 本週票房 累計票房 =============================================== 1 蝙蝠俠-夜神起義 2,576萬 2,576萬 2 冰河世紀4:玩轉 ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2012-07-24T21:05
這種傷要長期下來才看得出差異的 不然頂多只會覺得膝蓋很痛 而不會去注意到軟骨已被磨光 其實仔細想想,布魯斯的確把自己挑戰得很極限 第二集他從二樓以上跳下來 而且還用雙腳著地的次數有幾次? 雖然我沒仔細算 但是次數真的超多 例如說從停車場四樓以上往下跳到車上 或是哈 ...