這就是街舞5 EP09 - 中國綜藝

By Emily
at 2022-10-12T19:30
at 2022-10-12T19:30
Table of Contents
Zykens與朱潔靜合作 VS 馬東杰 Badd Machine與蘇飛合作
馬東杰運氣真的太差了 一直跟Zykens對戰
我猜Badd Machine被淘汰 已經巡迴各地當裁判跟教課了
馬東杰有進總決賽 也許自己battle或大師團哪位battle讓他復活
昂昂周鈺翔與依力凡合作跳新疆舞 VS 鍾晨Riceball與魏伸洲合作朝鮮舞
鍾晨Riceball獲勝 昂昂應該被淘汰了 Poppin C battle救周鈺翔復活
Kyoka Carlton跟李孟舉于雪嬌合作 VS Yuki豆豆跟侯垚庄婷合作
不知道是豆豆自動棄權還是怎樣 總之Kyoka Carlton獲勝
Yuki有沒有晉級不知道 有穿婚紗沒錯
我是覺得談戀愛OK 但節目會留下紀錄
看BouBoo跟Nikki分手後超尷尬 還是不要太高調
畢竟才熱戀幾個月 未來的事很難說
侯垚庄婷結婚了 這次庄婷終於沒有抹得黑黑了 皮膚超白
其他組 不知道助演嘉賓是誰 我僅說分組
八度跟Hiroko搭檔 淘汰
斯文跟Sniper搭檔 可能有晉級
陳詩杭跟鄭浩東搭檔 浩東確定有晉級 陳詩杭不知道
Shaadow跟抄襲仔搭檔 抄襲仔確定晉級 Shaadow應該也是
Some people don't think that
putting a killer to death can stop people from killing,
so they believe that the death penalty should be abolished.
But if a killer doesn't need to fear being executed,
can we expect to feel safer from harm?
Zykens與朱潔靜合作 VS 馬東杰 Badd Machine與蘇飛合作
馬東杰運氣真的太差了 一直跟Zykens對戰
我猜Badd Machine被淘汰 已經巡迴各地當裁判跟教課了
馬東杰有進總決賽 也許自己battle或大師團哪位battle讓他復活
昂昂周鈺翔與依力凡合作跳新疆舞 VS 鍾晨Riceball與魏伸洲合作朝鮮舞
鍾晨Riceball獲勝 昂昂應該被淘汰了 Poppin C battle救周鈺翔復活
Kyoka Carlton跟李孟舉于雪嬌合作 VS Yuki豆豆跟侯垚庄婷合作
不知道是豆豆自動棄權還是怎樣 總之Kyoka Carlton獲勝
Yuki有沒有晉級不知道 有穿婚紗沒錯
我是覺得談戀愛OK 但節目會留下紀錄
看BouBoo跟Nikki分手後超尷尬 還是不要太高調
畢竟才熱戀幾個月 未來的事很難說
侯垚庄婷結婚了 這次庄婷終於沒有抹得黑黑了 皮膚超白
其他組 不知道助演嘉賓是誰 我僅說分組
八度跟Hiroko搭檔 淘汰
斯文跟Sniper搭檔 可能有晉級
陳詩杭跟鄭浩東搭檔 浩東確定有晉級 陳詩杭不知道
Shaadow跟抄襲仔搭檔 抄襲仔確定晉級 Shaadow應該也是
Some people don't think that
putting a killer to death can stop people from killing,
so they believe that the death penalty should be abolished.
But if a killer doesn't need to fear being executed,
can we expect to feel safer from harm?
All Comments

By Sandy
at 2022-10-17T15:55
at 2022-10-17T15:55

By Xanthe
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By Tom
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By James
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By Charlie
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By Rachel
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By Zanna
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By Tom
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By Odelette
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By Ursula
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By Necoo
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By Elizabeth
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By Todd Johnson
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By Yedda
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By Rebecca
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By Jacob
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By Wallis
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By Hamiltion
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By William
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By Carol
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By Rebecca
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By Liam
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By Kristin
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By Franklin
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29

By William
at 2022-10-19T22:55
at 2022-10-19T22:55

By Jacob
at 2022-10-15T02:29
at 2022-10-15T02:29
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