金錢世界編劇透露重新選角秘辛 - 電影

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2017-12-25T17:27

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'All The Money in the World' Writer Reveals Patty Jenkins Helped Secret


David Scarpa recounts how the film hit a crisis before re-emerging with
an acclaimed performance from Christopher Plummer.

David Scarpa細述電影在Christopher Plummer以精湛演出使這部戲在此受到注目之前

The most buzzed-about casting of the year got a little top-secret help
from Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins.

神力女超人的導演Patty Jenkins秘密地幫助了今年度最令人驚奇的選角過程。

When director Ridley Scott decided to erase disgraced actor Kevin Spacey
from All the Money in the World, one question on producers' minds was
how to keep the casting process secret. They needed to find a new J. Paul
Getty, the mogul whose grandson Paul Getty III was kidnapped in 1973, and
they needed to do it without anyone knowing.

當Ridley Scott導演決定換掉Kevin Spacey時,在製片們心中都有個疑問:怎麼使
選角過程保密。他們需要一個新的J. Paul Getty,而且他們必須在沒人知道的情況

"'If it gets out, and we don't cast this and we can't make it happen,
the movie is dead," screenwriter David Scarpa recalls producers saying
when they unveiled their recasting plan to him in early November. Scarpa
admits that he was doubtful the production could secretly find a new Getty,
re-shoot scenes with the new actor and still make the film's quickly
approaching December release date.

David Scarpa回想製片們在11月初說明重新選角計畫時對他說的話。Scarpa坦承他

"When a call goes out to the casting agencies, 'Ridley Scott is looking
for an actor to play a 90-year-old guy,' pretty much everybody knows
what movie that is," said Scarpa.

「當向casting agencies發出通知時,說『Ridley Scott正在找一個男演員來演

The team found a solution with help from Jenkins, who sent out the call
under the guise of the role being for her TNT limited drama series
One Day She'll Darken, which she is working on with her husband, writer
Sam Sheridan.

所以團隊因為Jenkins找到了一個方法:讓大家以為是她與丈夫Sam Sheridan正在
前製作業的TNT迷你影集One Day She'll Darken的角色在選角。

"Ridley's casting agents basically asked if they could send the call out
for the part under their production's name," says Scarpa. "So basically
it was, 'Patty Jenkins is looking for a 90-year-old guy.' That was
basically how they were able to do it. There was a lot of this sort
of … crafty maneuvers in order to make this thing come off."

通知,那這樣就變成是Patty Jenkins在找一位90歲的男性,這是他們能夠達成

The recasting and reshoots paid off, with critics giving praise to the
film. Plummer has earned a Golden Globe nomination for his work, with
his director Scott and co-star Michelle Williams also earning nominations.

導演及Michelle Williams也獲提名。


透過這樣而有back-up plan也是好的。

Tags: 電影

All Comments

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2017-12-28T01:17
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-12-31T13:17
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2018-01-03T13:27
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2018-01-03T23:05
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2018-01-05T04:39
當初選角時Plummer就看過劇本了 這邊指的應該是怕他

一部中國電影 很像葉問和子彈飛那種

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2017-12-25T17:23
在客運上看到的 因為前面在睡覺只有看到中間 一個師傅跟徒弟對打 在一群軍人旁邊 徒弟把師父假裝打死 然後送給師父兩棟房子 有一個女扮男裝的問師父說你不要嗎? 師傅回答:徒弟拿走我一輩子的名聲幹嘛不要 在天津 一個人肚子插了兩把刀 被一群人放在野外 帶頭的軍官說:and#34;你也打傷 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2017-12-25T17:05
如果要找一部很好哭的片,與神同行很適合 可是好哭和好看是兩件事 就像麻辣鍋,好辣不等於好吃 整部片為了讓你一直哭,一直哭 音樂各種悲壯,演員拼命哭腔 畫面調度也用盡全力的煽情 主要劇情梗概就是: 「啊!原來我誤會他了!」 「啊!原來他用心良苦!」 「啊!原來是情非得以!」 然後為了在公式化的闖關遊戲中製造 ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2017-12-25T16:39
變形金剛外傳《大黃蜂》首曝劇照!網:阿笠博士的車? https://i.imgur.com/XLTICJ0.jpg 記者洪文/綜合報導 《變形金剛》電影系列外傳《大黃蜂》(Bumblebee)11月剛殺青,24日曝光首張電影劇 照,女主角海莉史坦菲德(Hailee Steinfeld)站在一台黃色金龜車 ...


David avatar
By David
at 2017-12-25T16:23
電影所聚焦之處是北美原住民社會的困境,法律資源的貧乏與權力不平等的社會結構,讓 這些偏遠地區的社群甚至不具有足以維持安全的基礎。 電影直指的社會現實太過殘酷,觀賞完到現在還是難以平復,就像胸口開了大洞一樣深深 失落著...在現代文明難以觸及的世界角落,人藉由社會地位的差距與沒有法律束縛的顧 慮,要成為獸是 ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2017-12-25T16:06
是大概幼稚園時看的 現在已經20幾 印象很模糊 只印象有一個道士把被符咒定住的殭屍的符咒撕下來 開玩笑跟旁邊的道士(還是小孩,沒什麼印象)說你看,不會動吧之類的話,然後殭屍眼睛就動了(也有可能是頭轉了一下,沒記很清楚),然後道士沒發現,又把符咒貼了回去 然後我有印象是童子尿,他們好像帶了一個小朋友進那個墓 ...