關於LV7*3最後那一段話... - CSI
![Jessica avatar](/img/woman-biz.jpg)
By Jessica
at 2007-04-11T00:12
at 2007-04-11T00:12
Table of Contents
※ 引述《MRZ (臺大歷史系教授......Orz)》之銘言:
: 以下純靠記憶:
: 老葛:於是我們研判得知死者是因為電鋸反彈而挫賽.
: 學生甲:難道沒有第三人嗎?
: 老葛:如果有第三人,會在現場的血跡中留下腳印.
: (OS:如果有第三人腳印的話,我就會跟妳這個腦殘妹說啦!)
: 學生甲(死不認輸):可是為什麼能得知此事會有意外的可能性?
: 老葛(差點翻白眼):各位是右撇子的請舉手.(幾乎全體舉手)是左撇子的
: 請舉手.(學生甲舉手)依據統計,全美國每年有2500名左撇子因為不善於
: 使用專門給右撇子設計的工具而挫賽.所以這是很常見的事情.要知道從
: 這些案例中我們可以知道:保鑣案顯示我們必須注意微小的地方;馬豆案
: 則是受害者即目擊證人,但不見得一定是在看得到的地方留下證據.榮民
: 案讓我們知道有時候事情就是很沒道理,所以不能將邏輯硬套在非邏輯
: 之上;電鋸案則表示當證據改變的時候,結論也必須跟著改變.還有什麼
: 問題沒有?
GRISSOM: Part of being a CSI is learning to work in the absence of
absolute certainty. Each and every case brings us a new
opportunity to learn something.
For instance, in the case of Donna Basset, we can see that
there is no such thing as an insignificant detail.
(He points to Rebecca McGill.)
Here, the evidence itself can bear witness. Don't just look
for what you think you're going to find.
(He points to Jack Day.)
And this one, never impose logic on an illogical act.
(Then to Ray and Lou.)
And finally, if the evidence changes, your theory must
change as well. Questions?
(The male student raises his hand.)
MALE STUDENT: How do you deal with the smell?
GRISSOM: You get used to it.
MALE STUDENT: I'm not sure I can do this.
GRISSOM: Well, not everyone can.
SMART GIRL: Why do you do it?
GRISSOM: Because the dead can't speak for themselves.
(They look at each other.)
◣◢ 慾海沈浮名利爭
▅█∩█▅ 電光石火步此生 ▄▅▃ ◢██◣
◥▄▄▄◤ 風塵情事揮不盡 ╒╣ ╠════╕
◎ ↘˙↙ ◢◣ 觀世不笑是痴人 ◢ 笑情山鄉
◥◣ ̄︹ ̄ █◤ ◢
◥ ▏海 ▋◤╱ ◢ ψlimitex.ptt
: 以下純靠記憶:
: 老葛:於是我們研判得知死者是因為電鋸反彈而挫賽.
: 學生甲:難道沒有第三人嗎?
: 老葛:如果有第三人,會在現場的血跡中留下腳印.
: (OS:如果有第三人腳印的話,我就會跟妳這個腦殘妹說啦!)
: 學生甲(死不認輸):可是為什麼能得知此事會有意外的可能性?
: 老葛(差點翻白眼):各位是右撇子的請舉手.(幾乎全體舉手)是左撇子的
: 請舉手.(學生甲舉手)依據統計,全美國每年有2500名左撇子因為不善於
: 使用專門給右撇子設計的工具而挫賽.所以這是很常見的事情.要知道從
: 這些案例中我們可以知道:保鑣案顯示我們必須注意微小的地方;馬豆案
: 則是受害者即目擊證人,但不見得一定是在看得到的地方留下證據.榮民
: 案讓我們知道有時候事情就是很沒道理,所以不能將邏輯硬套在非邏輯
: 之上;電鋸案則表示當證據改變的時候,結論也必須跟著改變.還有什麼
: 問題沒有?
GRISSOM: Part of being a CSI is learning to work in the absence of
absolute certainty. Each and every case brings us a new
opportunity to learn something.
For instance, in the case of Donna Basset, we can see that
there is no such thing as an insignificant detail.
(He points to Rebecca McGill.)
Here, the evidence itself can bear witness. Don't just look
for what you think you're going to find.
(He points to Jack Day.)
And this one, never impose logic on an illogical act.
(Then to Ray and Lou.)
And finally, if the evidence changes, your theory must
change as well. Questions?
(The male student raises his hand.)
MALE STUDENT: How do you deal with the smell?
GRISSOM: You get used to it.
MALE STUDENT: I'm not sure I can do this.
GRISSOM: Well, not everyone can.
SMART GIRL: Why do you do it?
GRISSOM: Because the dead can't speak for themselves.
(They look at each other.)
◣◢ 慾海沈浮名利爭
▅█∩█▅ 電光石火步此生 ▄▅▃ ◢██◣
◥▄▄▄◤ 風塵情事揮不盡 ╒╣ ╠════╕
◎ ↘˙↙ ◢◣ 觀世不笑是痴人 ◢ 笑情山鄉
◥◣ ̄︹ ̄ █◤ ◢
◥ ▏海 ▋◤╱ ◢ ψlimitex.ptt
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