關於第七部劇情的設定 - 星際大戰

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2015-12-21T04:33

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※ 引述《windhya (飄飄小幽靈)》之銘言:
: 一直很納悶...new republic跟resistance到底是什麼關係
: 推 jason1231990: 這讓leia非常不滿她認為帝國殘餘依舊虎視旦旦,結果 12/21 04:22
: → jason1231990: 沒得到新共和政客的支持把她排除在政治進程之外 12/21 04:22
: 推 jason1231990: 而自己私自和跟有同樣顧慮的議員在資金匱乏的情況下 12/21 04:28
: → jason1231990: 成立抵抗力量 12/21 04:28



A small, secretive private military force, the Resistance was founded
by rebel hero Leia Organa to monitor the actions of the First Order.

Most New Republic power brokers tolerate the Resistance while regarding
Organa and her fighters as dead-enders with an unfortunate fixation
on the past. Organa’s cash-strapped movement relies on credits,
ships and equipment quietly funneled to it from the few senators
who share her concerns.




The Rebel Alliance stood bravely against the evil of the Galactic Empire,
never backing down despite overwhelming odds.

Formed from resistance movements that arose during the Clone Wars,
the Rebellion worked in secret for decades to overthrow the Emperor
and restore democracy to the galaxy.

Eventually, armed with the firepower of ships like the X-wing and A-wing,
and the leadership of figures including Princess Leia and Admiral Ackbar,
the Rebel Alliance triumphed over the Empire at the Battle of Endor.

Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open.
( ゚∀゚)o彡 Stormtrooper: What did you say? (′ー`)?
Rey: You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open.
( ゚∀゚)o彡 Stormtrooper: I will tighten these restraints, scavenger scum!
I am Bond, James bond. (|||゚д゚)/


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星際大戰卡通 雷

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2015-12-21T01:06
應該說 為什麼編劇要讓歐比王的愛人死掉 看了超級難過的好煩喔 我一直希望它們能結婚耶 喔對 西斯大帝屌打達斯魔還滿帥的 但是歐比王就不太帥 救不了自己的愛人好慘 -- - ...

光劍 vs 雷射子彈的問題 (星戰七雷)

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2015-12-20T23:30
※ 引述《RealJustice (Nice to Meet You~)》之銘言: : 可能對版上的星戰迷大大來說, 是非常簡單的問題, : 但對我這種一日粉絲, 有些設定就不甚理解. : 光劍是很厲害, 可是為甚麼能克制雷射槍? 因為原力,絕地武士的感知能力可以預測彈著位置 光劍要搭配絕地武士才會真的厲 ...

光劍 vs 雷射子彈的問題 (星戰七雷)

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-12-20T23:17
可能對版上的星戰迷大大來說, 是非常簡單的問題, 但對我這種一日粉絲, 有些設定就不甚理解. 光劍是很厲害, 可是為甚麼能克制雷射槍? 星戰七那個很老的外星人, 叫FN拿著光劍就上戰場, 這可是槍林彈雨偶爾有砲擊啊, 難道有內建AT.Field?? 被盯上後, 對方也很配合的使用近戰武器來決鬥是哪 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2015-12-20T21:21
剛剛看99人 正想截圖 但人馬上掉到94 現在又8X 請問本版有HOT過嗎??? 昨晚應該比較有可能齁 爆了 留個圖作紀念 http://imgur.com/1PiEIxR http://imgur.com/R2meewP - ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2015-12-20T19:55
※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1MTfH011 ] 對於1977~1983年間已懂事的觀眾,非常鼓勵入場,這絕對是部能激發感動的鉅作; 但對早年星戰三部曲(後來所謂的IV~VI)熱潮期過後才漸懂事的觀眾而言, 對本片是否能有所好評,其個人在當代的觀影習慣與體驗,會左右其評價。 具體而言,本片an ...