關於蜘蛛人二女主角(有雷慎入) - 電影

By Tom
at 2014-04-27T11:00
at 2014-04-27T11:00
Table of Contents
※ 引述《NomoreSeven (Alger)》之銘言:
: 防雷頁
: 後面女主角掉下去 蜘蛛人噴她 阿 不是 是蜘蛛人噴絲救她的時後 我朋友說她有撞到頭 才死的
: 可是我完全沒看到有撞到頭?!還是他看到的頭跟我不同個?我一直以為是脊椎斷掉死的
: 所以女主角到底是怎麼死的?!
: 難道是被我帥死的?(誤)
資料出處 維基百科
Main article: The Night Gwen Stacy Died
In The Amazing Spider-Man #121 (June 1973), by writer Gerry Conway and
penciller Gil Kane, inked by John Romita Sr and Tony Mortellaro, the Green
Goblin (Norman Osborn, who has identified Peter Parker as Spider-Man) holds
Gwen Stacy captive on a tower of the George Washington Bridge. Spider-Man
arrives to fight the Green Goblin. When the Goblin throws Gwen Stacy off the
bridge, Spider-Man catches her by her leg with a string of web. He initially
thinks he has saved her. After he pulls her back onto the bridge, he realizes
she has already died. In shock and anger, Spider-Man nearly kills the Green
Goblin in retaliation, but in the end chooses not to do so. But despite his
restraint, the Green Goblin seemingly dies anyway when he is impaled by his
own goblin glider while attempting to kill Spider-Man. Norman Osborn would
not return for nearly three hundred issues. Peter is left wondering if Gwen
was dead before the fall or if his attempt to save her by breaking her fall
snapped her neck.
The death of Gwen Stacy had an enormous impact in the world of comic-book
fandom.[11] Before her, except possibly as part of an origin story,
superheroes did not fail so catastrophically; nor did a loved one of the
superhero die so suddenly without warning.[12][13][14] Because of this, some
fans and historians take the death of Gwen Stacy as one marker of the end of
the period they refer to as the Silver Age of Comic Books.[citation needed]
In the real world, physicist James Kakalios shows in his book The Physics of
Superheroes that, consistent with Newton's laws of motion, the sudden stop
would have killed Gwen Stacy.[15] The comic book Civil War: Casualties of
War: Captain America/Iron Man (2007) concurred that the proximate cause of
death was the sudden stop during a high-speed fall. An issue of Peter
Parker/Spider-Man revisits the issue, and further confirms Gwen died of a
broken neck due to the use of the webbing.[volume & issue needed]
Contradictorily, in the fourth issue of Marvels, the police forensic
scientist reports that she died from the shock of the fall prior her neck
breaking, placing the blame on the Green Goblin and not Spider-Man.
大致是說 "關" 他是被 綠惡魔 (諾曼奧斯朋,而非電影裡的哈利奧斯朋)被俘虜在華盛頓
後來 "關" 被綠惡魔丟下橋,蜘蛛人用蜘蛛絲捉住"關"的腳,蜘蛛人以為救到了,但是
而死 (這部分感覺比較像舊的蜘蛛人1 ) 。 蜘蛛人則被"關"的死因而困惑:"關"是再墜落前就死了,
"關"的死亡則讓影迷認為是"白銀時代(silver age)"的結束,(這部分回文裡有,不多說)
現實生活中的物理學家 James Kakalios 在他的著作 "超級英雄的物理學" 中表示,
: 防雷頁
: 後面女主角掉下去 蜘蛛人噴她 阿 不是 是蜘蛛人噴絲救她的時後 我朋友說她有撞到頭 才死的
: 可是我完全沒看到有撞到頭?!還是他看到的頭跟我不同個?我一直以為是脊椎斷掉死的
: 所以女主角到底是怎麼死的?!
: 難道是被我帥死的?(誤)
資料出處 維基百科
Main article: The Night Gwen Stacy Died
In The Amazing Spider-Man #121 (June 1973), by writer Gerry Conway and
penciller Gil Kane, inked by John Romita Sr and Tony Mortellaro, the Green
Goblin (Norman Osborn, who has identified Peter Parker as Spider-Man) holds
Gwen Stacy captive on a tower of the George Washington Bridge. Spider-Man
arrives to fight the Green Goblin. When the Goblin throws Gwen Stacy off the
bridge, Spider-Man catches her by her leg with a string of web. He initially
thinks he has saved her. After he pulls her back onto the bridge, he realizes
she has already died. In shock and anger, Spider-Man nearly kills the Green
Goblin in retaliation, but in the end chooses not to do so. But despite his
restraint, the Green Goblin seemingly dies anyway when he is impaled by his
own goblin glider while attempting to kill Spider-Man. Norman Osborn would
not return for nearly three hundred issues. Peter is left wondering if Gwen
was dead before the fall or if his attempt to save her by breaking her fall
snapped her neck.
The death of Gwen Stacy had an enormous impact in the world of comic-book
fandom.[11] Before her, except possibly as part of an origin story,
superheroes did not fail so catastrophically; nor did a loved one of the
superhero die so suddenly without warning.[12][13][14] Because of this, some
fans and historians take the death of Gwen Stacy as one marker of the end of
the period they refer to as the Silver Age of Comic Books.[citation needed]
In the real world, physicist James Kakalios shows in his book The Physics of
Superheroes that, consistent with Newton's laws of motion, the sudden stop
would have killed Gwen Stacy.[15] The comic book Civil War: Casualties of
War: Captain America/Iron Man (2007) concurred that the proximate cause of
death was the sudden stop during a high-speed fall. An issue of Peter
Parker/Spider-Man revisits the issue, and further confirms Gwen died of a
broken neck due to the use of the webbing.[volume & issue needed]
Contradictorily, in the fourth issue of Marvels, the police forensic
scientist reports that she died from the shock of the fall prior her neck
breaking, placing the blame on the Green Goblin and not Spider-Man.
大致是說 "關" 他是被 綠惡魔 (諾曼奧斯朋,而非電影裡的哈利奧斯朋)被俘虜在華盛頓
後來 "關" 被綠惡魔丟下橋,蜘蛛人用蜘蛛絲捉住"關"的腳,蜘蛛人以為救到了,但是
而死 (這部分感覺比較像舊的蜘蛛人1 ) 。 蜘蛛人則被"關"的死因而困惑:"關"是再墜落前就死了,
"關"的死亡則讓影迷認為是"白銀時代(silver age)"的結束,(這部分回文裡有,不多說)
現實生活中的物理學家 James Kakalios 在他的著作 "超級英雄的物理學" 中表示,
All Comments

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