陰屍路衍生劇Isle改名及本傳少許情報 - 殭屍影集

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2022-08-29T00:40

Table of Contents

Isle of the Dead no more, new title The Walking Dead: Dead City

Entertainment Weekly reports that AMC has confirmed The Walking Dead spinoff Isl
e of the Dead has been given a new title. The Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and Ma
ggie (Lauren Cohan) spinoff will officially be known as The Walking Dead: Dead C
ity. Isle of the Dead was the title used when the spin off was announced in Marc
h, but it was only a working title.

首先是Isle of the Dead
The Walking Dead: Dead city

The Walking Dead: Dead City began filming in New Jersey this summer with a relea
se date scheduled sometime in 2023. The series is written by Eli Jorné , who ha
written for the flagship series and will serve as showrunner and executive produ
cer with Morgan, Cohan and Scott M. Gimple.

死城已經在新澤西開拍 預計2023開播

The series will see the pair travel to Manhattan and discover that the island ha
s been overrun by a horde of walkers one million strong. It is still unclear wha
t catastrophic event will require the teaming up of these characters. They have
been at each other’s throats the majority of season 11, and there is the histor
y there. But, something significant will happen to make them head out on a missi
on so far from their families. Perhaps some of their family members will travel
with them.


Showrunners of The Walking Dead have stated that the last eight episodes will no
t set up any of the upcoming spinoff series. The purpose of these final episodes
is to close chapters on some stories while leaving others open for future ones.
Viewers will have to wait until the respective spinoffs begin to discover how t
hings come about to set up those stories


The Walking Dead: Dead City cast
As with all of the spinoffs, there will be many new characters introduced. Addit
ional cast members joining Morgan and Cohan include Gaius Charles, Mahina Napole
on, eljko Ivanek, Jonathan Higginbotham, Karina Ortiz, Caleb Reese Paul, Charli
e Solis, Aixa Kendrick, Eleanor Reissa and Trey Santiago-Hudson.


The Walking Dead returns to AMC on October 2 at 9 p.m. ET.






All Comments

John avatar
By John
at 2022-08-31T23:25
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2022-09-03T22:10
Una avatar
By Una
at 2022-09-06T20:55
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2022-09-09T19:40
D+跟amazon prime可看陰屍路+驚嚇陰屍路+境外世界
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2022-09-12T18:25
但境外世界真的難看到翻 我有信仰都很難吃動....
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2022-09-15T17:11
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2022-09-18T15:56
Evan兄 prime有驚嚇陰屍路到第六季 第七季已經有上
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2022-09-21T14:41
外面世界他prime是翻譯成陰屍路:劫後餘生 第一季看
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2022-09-24T13:26

陰屍路最終季Part.3 情報(有雷)

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2022-08-17T19:33
不知道要怎麼下標題== Our survivors have been scattered to handle different situations, but now it app ears that coming together will be the theme for the last eigh ...

重磅回歸!「陰屍路」瑞克領銜新影集 「B

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2022-07-25T15:21
重磅回歸!「陰屍路」瑞克領銜新影集 「BJ」要拍第4集 2022-07-23 聯合報 記者蘇詠智/即時報導 要打造出受歡迎的影視品牌不易,歐美影視業者繼續在名作上開發新的可能:「小精靈」 、「BJ」系列將分別推出前傳與續集;即將完結的「陰屍路」則會有不同角色掛帥的番外 篇影集;就連已落幕30年的「妙管 ...

陰屍路最終季 Final Trailer釋出

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2022-07-23T05:43
如題 之前網路在傳最後的Trailer有八分鐘 但不知道為什麼這部只有三分鐘? Trailer看到的幾個重點: 最後面出現一個城堡的新據點 亞倫說他聽過一個故事 說活屍可以爬牆跟開門了 然後再配上一個活屍手在抓柵欄+門把轉+爬柵欄的畫面 整部Trailer一樣沒看到Rick 不知道是在壓情報還是Rick ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2022-07-22T16:19
現在已經七月底快八月了 不知道有沒有最終季最後8集的消息呢 先前預計8月播出 剛剛看了些新聞也有可能在9月 好亂啊 有人知道確定播出的時間嗎 謝謝 -- ◣ ◢ ◢██◣ ~● ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2022-07-13T01:43
如題 Today, July 11, 2022, fans have posted several photos with several sections of t he walls already removed. This is a monumental moment in The Walking ...