[雷] 「再解狗迷思」之簡介及關鍵字 - 探索頻道
![Quintina avatar](/img/woman-ring.jpg)
By Quintina
at 2010-11-03T16:28
at 2010-11-03T16:28
Table of Contents
MythBusters 2010 season (維基百科)
流言終結者:再解狗迷思 (Hair of the Dog) 第149集
單元: 挑戰尋血獵犬2 (Beat the Bloodhound, Part 2)、 挑戰嗅探犬 (Beat the
Sniffer Dog)
尋血獵犬(Bloodhound)、刺鼻臭味:紅鯡魚(red herring)、消除氣味:市售無臭裝
(commercial no-scent suit)、涉越深水(deep water run)、列隊指認(line-up)、流言
終結者之無臭無味裝(Mythbuster's no scent no body odor suit);
嗅探犬(sniffer dog)、違禁品(contraband)、更強的氣味(much stronger scent)、音波
驅狗器(ultrasonic dog repellent device)、欺騙領犬員(? dog handlers);
狗和訓狗師(dog & trainer)、尋找特定嫌犯(find a particular suspect)、沒洗過的襯
衫(unwashed shirt)、體味消除區(body odor ?)、沖洗身體(body wash)、特製濕巾擦洗
(? scrubbed body)、防護裝(protective suit)、丙酮擦拭(wipe down with acetone)、
無臭狩獵噴霧(no scent hunting spray)、防毒面具(gas mask)、濾心(air filter)、過
濾吐氣(remove odors from his breath)、噴灑洗澡水(sprayed wash water)、背包式噴
灑器(backpack sprayers);
大狗有利(bigger dog is better)、擾亂注意力(distractions)、塑膠罐(plastic
container)、咖啡(coffee)、花生醬(peanut butter)、香水(perfume)、漂白水(bleach)
、香茅油(citronella)、裝滿道具的倉庫(warehouse filled with props)、項圈攝影機
(collar camera?)、凱莉的愛犬(Kari's two puppies)、室外演唱會場景
(outdoor-concert scenario)、超吵汽車音響(car with stereo blaring)、快餐車
(fast food truck)、髒尿布(dirty diapers)、假底層(false bottom)、裝滿行李的房間
(warehouse full of luggage)、誤判信號(miss dog's sign);
追蹤犬(tracking dogs):人類氣味(human scent)、緝毒犬(detection dog or
detecting dog):特定物質(specific substances)、氣味物品(scent particles);
Beat the Bloodhound, Part 2
A revisit of the “Fool the Bloodhound” myth from 2007. Adam and Jamie
investigated new suggestions for evading detection by a scent hound, using
the same dog (Morgan) and handler from that earlier episode. Given a
five-minute head start, Jamie fled while using…
Myth statement Status Notes
…a literal red herring. "Busted"
Jamie spread canned herring across his path in attempt to throw Morgan off
the scent. The dog stopped to eat the fish and passed the point where Jamie
turned off the main trail, but later doubled back and found him.
…a suit treated with cleaning products intended to neutralize
odors. "Busted"
Despite Jamie’s suit and choice of hiding places to shelter himself from the
breeze, Morgan found him without difficulty.
…an escape route that crosses a river (rather than a small stream as in
2007). "Busted"
Morgan was able to pick up Jamie’s scent in the water and find him. Adam and
Jamie concluded that the size of the body of water had no effect on a
bloodhound’s ability to track fugitives.
…a complete full-body cleaning and equipment to mask his scent. "Busted"
Jamie scrubbed himself down and rinsed with wipes meant for use by hunters to
disguise their scent, then put on a protective suit with a gas mask and air
filter to remove odors from his breath. He sprayed a false scent trail using
his own wash water, threw the sprayer into the tall grass, and hid. The trail
distracted Morgan for a short time, but he soon found the sprayer and tracked
Jamie to his hiding place.
Adam and Jamie also explored a bloodhound’s ability to single out a suspect
from a group.
Myth statement Status Notes
If several suspects flee at once, the dog can find a particular one after
being given his/her scent. "Plausible"
Five men each provided one unwashed shirt, then fled together for a short
distance before splitting up. Morgan was given one of the five shirts for a
scent, then began to track; he initially had the correct trail, but soon
became confused and could not find it again. In a second test, he did find
the correct suspect, leading Adam and Jamie to conclude that picking a single
suspect out of a lineup in this manner was a plausible but unreliable method.
However, it was noted that Morgan was not trained to track multiple targets.
Beat the Sniffer Dog
Four contraband-detecting dogs – Buck, Rex, Gypsy, Max – and their handlers
took part in a series of tests arranged by the Build Team. They investigated
the possibility of fooling the dogs by…
…masking the scent of the contraband with a much stronger one. "Busted"
The contraband was packed into a plastic container with one of five strong
scent materials (coffee, peanut butter, citronella, perfume, and bleach) and
hidden in a large warehouse filled with props. Rex was able to find the
package every time, with only the citronella slowing him down to any degree.
…using an ultrasonic dog repellent device. "Busted"
Kari tested out such a device on her own two puppies to verify its
effectiveness. The Build Team then set up a typical outdoor-concert scenario,
with over 200 people gathered in a parking lot and possible distractions for
the dog: a car with stereo blaring and a fast food truck. One person was
given the contraband and the repellent device to trigger whenever Gypsy came
too close, but she was able to ignore it and find her target.
…distracting the dog with another scent. "Busted"
The concert scenario was reset and a female dog in heat was placed near the
person with the contraband, in an attempt to distract the male sniffing dog
with pheromones. Max did become confused, whereupon his handler removed both
him and the female from the area; after a few minutes, Max was brought back
in and successfully found the contraband. The handler noted that it is
standard procedure to remove all other dogs from the area being searched to
prevent this sort of situation.
…packing the contraband with materials intended to cause a false positive
and/or repel the handler. "Busted"
Tory fitted a false bottom into a suitcase, loaded the contraband into this,
then packed that suitcase and several others with the chosen material. The
cases were hidden in a large warehouse full of luggage. Tests with strongly
aromatic cheese and sausage, and with dirty diapers from Kari’s baby, failed
to deter Buck from picking the correct bag or his handler from searching it
to find the contraband. The handler noted that both dogs and their handlers
are thoroughly trained in seeing through attempts to deceive them.
MythBusters 2010 season (維基百科)
流言終結者:再解狗迷思 (Hair of the Dog) 第149集
單元: 挑戰尋血獵犬2 (Beat the Bloodhound, Part 2)、 挑戰嗅探犬 (Beat the
Sniffer Dog)
尋血獵犬(Bloodhound)、刺鼻臭味:紅鯡魚(red herring)、消除氣味:市售無臭裝
(commercial no-scent suit)、涉越深水(deep water run)、列隊指認(line-up)、流言
終結者之無臭無味裝(Mythbuster's no scent no body odor suit);
嗅探犬(sniffer dog)、違禁品(contraband)、更強的氣味(much stronger scent)、音波
驅狗器(ultrasonic dog repellent device)、欺騙領犬員(? dog handlers);
狗和訓狗師(dog & trainer)、尋找特定嫌犯(find a particular suspect)、沒洗過的襯
衫(unwashed shirt)、體味消除區(body odor ?)、沖洗身體(body wash)、特製濕巾擦洗
(? scrubbed body)、防護裝(protective suit)、丙酮擦拭(wipe down with acetone)、
無臭狩獵噴霧(no scent hunting spray)、防毒面具(gas mask)、濾心(air filter)、過
濾吐氣(remove odors from his breath)、噴灑洗澡水(sprayed wash water)、背包式噴
灑器(backpack sprayers);
大狗有利(bigger dog is better)、擾亂注意力(distractions)、塑膠罐(plastic
container)、咖啡(coffee)、花生醬(peanut butter)、香水(perfume)、漂白水(bleach)
、香茅油(citronella)、裝滿道具的倉庫(warehouse filled with props)、項圈攝影機
(collar camera?)、凱莉的愛犬(Kari's two puppies)、室外演唱會場景
(outdoor-concert scenario)、超吵汽車音響(car with stereo blaring)、快餐車
(fast food truck)、髒尿布(dirty diapers)、假底層(false bottom)、裝滿行李的房間
(warehouse full of luggage)、誤判信號(miss dog's sign);
追蹤犬(tracking dogs):人類氣味(human scent)、緝毒犬(detection dog or
detecting dog):特定物質(specific substances)、氣味物品(scent particles);
Beat the Bloodhound, Part 2
A revisit of the “Fool the Bloodhound” myth from 2007. Adam and Jamie
investigated new suggestions for evading detection by a scent hound, using
the same dog (Morgan) and handler from that earlier episode. Given a
five-minute head start, Jamie fled while using…
Myth statement Status Notes
…a literal red herring. "Busted"
Jamie spread canned herring across his path in attempt to throw Morgan off
the scent. The dog stopped to eat the fish and passed the point where Jamie
turned off the main trail, but later doubled back and found him.
…a suit treated with cleaning products intended to neutralize
odors. "Busted"
Despite Jamie’s suit and choice of hiding places to shelter himself from the
breeze, Morgan found him without difficulty.
…an escape route that crosses a river (rather than a small stream as in
2007). "Busted"
Morgan was able to pick up Jamie’s scent in the water and find him. Adam and
Jamie concluded that the size of the body of water had no effect on a
bloodhound’s ability to track fugitives.
…a complete full-body cleaning and equipment to mask his scent. "Busted"
Jamie scrubbed himself down and rinsed with wipes meant for use by hunters to
disguise their scent, then put on a protective suit with a gas mask and air
filter to remove odors from his breath. He sprayed a false scent trail using
his own wash water, threw the sprayer into the tall grass, and hid. The trail
distracted Morgan for a short time, but he soon found the sprayer and tracked
Jamie to his hiding place.
Adam and Jamie also explored a bloodhound’s ability to single out a suspect
from a group.
Myth statement Status Notes
If several suspects flee at once, the dog can find a particular one after
being given his/her scent. "Plausible"
Five men each provided one unwashed shirt, then fled together for a short
distance before splitting up. Morgan was given one of the five shirts for a
scent, then began to track; he initially had the correct trail, but soon
became confused and could not find it again. In a second test, he did find
the correct suspect, leading Adam and Jamie to conclude that picking a single
suspect out of a lineup in this manner was a plausible but unreliable method.
However, it was noted that Morgan was not trained to track multiple targets.
Beat the Sniffer Dog
Four contraband-detecting dogs – Buck, Rex, Gypsy, Max – and their handlers
took part in a series of tests arranged by the Build Team. They investigated
the possibility of fooling the dogs by…
…masking the scent of the contraband with a much stronger one. "Busted"
The contraband was packed into a plastic container with one of five strong
scent materials (coffee, peanut butter, citronella, perfume, and bleach) and
hidden in a large warehouse filled with props. Rex was able to find the
package every time, with only the citronella slowing him down to any degree.
…using an ultrasonic dog repellent device. "Busted"
Kari tested out such a device on her own two puppies to verify its
effectiveness. The Build Team then set up a typical outdoor-concert scenario,
with over 200 people gathered in a parking lot and possible distractions for
the dog: a car with stereo blaring and a fast food truck. One person was
given the contraband and the repellent device to trigger whenever Gypsy came
too close, but she was able to ignore it and find her target.
…distracting the dog with another scent. "Busted"
The concert scenario was reset and a female dog in heat was placed near the
person with the contraband, in an attempt to distract the male sniffing dog
with pheromones. Max did become confused, whereupon his handler removed both
him and the female from the area; after a few minutes, Max was brought back
in and successfully found the contraband. The handler noted that it is
standard procedure to remove all other dogs from the area being searched to
prevent this sort of situation.
…packing the contraband with materials intended to cause a false positive
and/or repel the handler. "Busted"
Tory fitted a false bottom into a suitcase, loaded the contraband into this,
then packed that suitcase and several others with the chosen material. The
cases were hidden in a large warehouse full of luggage. Tests with strongly
aromatic cheese and sausage, and with dirty diapers from Kari’s baby, failed
to deter Buck from picking the correct bag or his handler from searching it
to find the contraband. The handler noted that both dogs and their handlers
are thoroughly trained in seeing through attempts to deceive them.
All Comments
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