[雷] 「忍痛大考驗」之簡介及關鍵字 - 探索頻道

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-09-17T14:40

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List of MythBusters episodes (維基百科)
MythBusters 2010 season (維基百科)

流言終結者:忍痛大考驗 (No Pain, No Gain) 第142集

單元: 忍痛大考驗 (No Pain, No Gain)、 瓦斯桶火箭 (Gas Canister Rocket)


忍痛能力(pain tolerance)、男人(men)、女人(Women)、無止痛劑之自然生產
(Natural Childbirth without pain killer)、天生紅髮(Natural redheads)、罵髒
話(Cursing aloud)、普通字眼(innocuous words);
瓦斯桶(propane tank)、燒烤(barbecue grill)、火箭(rocket);

高溫(extreme heat)、加熱器(heater)、辣椒素注射(capsaicin injection)、電擊
測試(electric current)、馮弗萊刺激毛(von Frey filament)、低溫(extreme cold)
、冷壓測試(cold pressure test)、手(hand)、攝氏1度、冰水(ice water)、
扶手式電子停止裝置、循環泵浦(recirculating pump)、髒話消音、嘴型打碼、髒話
遮擋工具(curse-proof tool);
符合加州法規的庫房(shed to California building code)、木柴(wood)、木炭
(charcoal)、汽油(gasoline)、信號彈(flares)、洩壓閥(pressure relief valve)
、特製拆除工具(custom removal tool)、可攜式瓦斯爐(portable propane gas
range)、供氣筒(feed-tank)、回火制止器(flashback arrester)、鏽蝕的瓦斯桶
(rusted tank)、桶壁厚度、噴嘴(nozzle)、裝滿的瓦斯桶(full tank)、半滿的瓦斯
桶(partially filled tank)、蒸氣空間(vapor space)、火箭發射台(rocket
launch tower)、9釐米手槍(9 mm pistol)

忍痛能力(pain tolerance);
高溫(high temperature)、高壓(high pressure)、爆炸(explosion)、壓力槽
(pressure vessel)、推動力(thrust)、突沸(BLEVE)、沸騰液體膨脹蒸氣爆炸
(boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion)


Women have a higher pain tolerance than men. "Confirmed"
Twenty-five members of each gender took part. The women lasted an average
of 100.4 seconds in the ice, while the average for the men was 84.3
seconds. Body fat of each subject was not measured, recorded or taken
into account.

Natural redheads have a lower pain tolerance than people of other hair
colors. "Busted"
Two dozen people of each group (redheads and non-redheads) took part. The
average time for the redheads was 132.2 seconds, while that for the
non-redheads was 79.1 seconds. It's unclear, from the footage included in
the episode, if the subjects were told the details of the myth being
tested. Again, the amount of body fat of both groups (one of the main
factors in sensitivty to low temperatures) was not taken into account.

Cursing aloud will allow a person to tolerate more pain than using mild
language. "Confirmed"
Adam, Jamie, Grant, Tory, and Kari subjected themselves to the ice bath
while saying a list of innocuous words to cope with the pain. Jamie and
Tory had to disqualify themselves because they lasted the full 3 minutes;
Tory also began cursing during this attempt. They were replaced by two
staff members. In the second trial, the five subjects were allowed to say
a list of curse words, resulting in an average 30% increase in the time
that they could keep their hands in the ice. The two tests were performed
in the same order for every subject and did not take habituation
(progressive sensitivity reduction) into account.


If the propane tank on a barbecue grill is exposed to fire, it can
rupture explosively and propel itself 150 ft (46 m) into the
air. "Plausible"
The Build Team constructed a shed to California building code, placed a
grill (with a full tank) inside, and stocked it with wood and charcoal to
ensure a long and hot fire. When they ignited the shed, the pressure
relief valve on the propane tank eventually opened and vented the gas.
For all subsequent trials, Grant disabled the valve on every tank. The
second trial involved a tank placed directly on a propane-fired burner;
this time, the tank exploded and threw shrapnel up to 300 ft (91 m) in
all directions. In a third test, the team bored a hole partway through
the tank’s base to simulate an old tank that had partially rusted
through, and saw it peel itself apart from the bottom up. Reasoning that
the tank might need to have some vapor space in order to launch, they
repeated the test with a partially filled tank and got it to fly 60 ft
(18 m) into the air while remaining intact.
The team declared the myth plausible at this point, then continued
working in an attempt to get a higher flight. Tory built a launch guide
and set up a 9 mm pistol to fire upward into the base of the tank as it
sat on the burner, creating an instant nozzle. With the fire going and
the tank about to burst, the team triggered the pistol and the resulting
blast sent the tank into a high, spinning trajectory – enough to
convince them that a propane tank could become a rocket under the right



All Comments

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-09-17T22:19
推~我真的好想知道kelly罵什麼 XDDD
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2010-09-19T01:54
更正 kari
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2010-09-23T03:24
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2010-09-23T23:57
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-09-25T08:32


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-09-15T17:30
炫耀文,不喜誤入 ------------------------- 【二次大戰全彩實錄】二戰知識大挑戰活動 得獎通知函 親愛的朋友,您好: 感謝您參加Discovery頻道【二次大戰全彩實錄】二戰知識大挑戰活動,恭喜您獲得二次 大戰紀念T-SHIRT一件!贈品將以掛號方式寄出,煩請留意簽收!本活 ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2010-09-15T17:24
#16RMody6 這個網站只有到第六季的集數,有神人知道哪邊可以找到第六季之後的中文集數嗎? 一到六季幾乎每集都有,有標(缺)的就是手邊沒有, 目前正在傳第三季,應該可以在週五前把手邊有的都傳完, http://zh.tv.wikia.com/wiki/%E6%B5%81%E8%A8%80%E7%B ...

[LIVE] 第143集 觀眾來找碴

George avatar
By George
at 2010-09-12T09:57
※ 引述《testes (testes)》之銘言: : 其實關於車子對撞的實驗涉及的牛頓第3定律「作用力和反作用力」 : 我想應該大多數人國中就教過了 : 這實驗會被反駁成應該是時速50哩撞牆的人可能忘記了一點 : A車用50哩撞牆時:獲得牆給予的反作用力 : 對撞時A車撞擊B車時:獲得B車給予的反作用力+B ...

[LIVE] 第143集 觀眾來找碴

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-09-12T02:43
※ 引述《sisko196 (晨)》之銘言: : 集數:第八季 第143集 : 主題:觀眾來找碴 Mythssion Control : 驗證流言: : Revisit for and#34;Knock Your Socks Offand#34; and and#34;Compact Compact ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2010-09-11T00:13
如標題 雖然不是探索頻道的節目 但是因為是鱷魚先生的電影就發在這裡了 以前鱷魚先生的節目有介紹到這部 以下有劇情怕被雷請按←離開 故事是發生在厄文夫婦一次的節目拍攝中的插曲 美國情報組織研發了一種新軍事科技(我沒看到開頭所以不清楚是什麼 卻在陰錯陽 ...