[雷] 「流感流言大檢驗」之簡介及關鍵字 - 探索頻道
![Selena avatar](/img/cat5.jpg)
By Selena
at 2010-10-19T06:29
at 2010-10-19T06:29
Table of Contents
List of MythBusters episodes (維基百科)
MythBusters 2010 season (維基百科)
流言終結者:流感流言大檢驗 (Flu Fiction) 第147集
單元: 感冒流言大檢驗 (Fever Pitch)、 斷頭龍捲風 (Tornado Decapitation)
普通感冒(common cold)、噴嚏(sneeze)、飛沬(droplets)、鼻涕(nasal secretions)、
時速和距離(speed & distance);
龍捲風(tornado)、窗戶玻璃(window glass)、斷頭(decapitation);
噴嚏靶場(sneeze shooting range)、高速攝影機(high-speed camera)、鼻煙(tabacco
snuff)、刺激鼻腔黏膜(irritate the mucous membrane)、櫻桃口味的飲料粉(cherry
drink powder)、白紙(white paper)、食物染料(food coloring)、鼻滴管(nasal
dropper)、螢光染料(fluorescent dye)、每小時60毫升的黏液(60 milliliters of
mucus per hour)、紫外線燈(ultraviolet light or black light)、做模型
(model-building work)、派對(party)、交叉感染、測試對象(Test subject)、潔癖
(germaphobe)、不知情的人(unsuspecting ones)、刻意避免身體接觸(avoid physical
contact consciously)、避免間接接觸(avoid indirect contact);
血滴子〔斷頭台〕(guillotine)、人頸的磁振造影(MRI of human neck)、豬脊椎(pig
spine)、豬皮及肌肉(skin and muscle)、長頸(elongated neck)、假人頭(human-like
head)、厚3.2mm的玻璃板(1/8 inch thick glass panes)、符合龍捲風地區的住宅建築規
章標準(conformed to building codes for houses in tornado-prone areas)、用手拋
擲(throwing by hand)、速度和準度(speed and accuracy)、玻璃碎裂、卡車(pickup
truck)、交通錐(travel cone)、鋼架(steel structure)、保麗龍磚夾具(styrofoam
blocks holder)、用較重且低速的玻璃模擬輕而高速的玻璃(heavy glass sheet by low
speed equivalent of light pane by high speed)、五級龍捲風(F5 tornado)、二級龍
捲風(F2 tornado)、玻璃沒有完全脫離、額外的動能(extra kinetic energy)、有疑問就
做個機器人(If in doubt, ? robot)、腳輪(castor)、輪子裝在支軸(tires on axle)、
電動馬達(Electric motor);
傳播與污染(spread & contaminated)、改變行為(behavior change);動能(kinetic
Fever Pitch
Adam and Jamie explore three myths associated with the common cold.
A sneeze can leave a person’s nose/mouth at 100 mph (160 km/h). "Busted"
Adam and Jamie used snuff to irritate their mucous membranes and force
themselves to sneeze. Droplets from Adam’s and Jamie’s sneezes traveled at
35 mph (56 km/h) and 39 mph (63 km/h), respectively.
Droplets from a sneeze can travel up to 30 ft (9.1 m). "Busted"
To get a visual indication of distance, Adam mixed cherry drink powder into
the snuff and sneezed over a 30-foot-long strip of white paper. When this
method failed to show any marks, he and Jamie tried drinking a small amount
of food coloring just before sneezing. This idea worked, giving a maximum
distance of 17 ft (5.2 m) for Adam and 13 ft (4.0 m) for Jamie.
Nasal secretions from a person with a cold can spread so far and so quickly
that anyone in the vicinity can become contaminated. "Confirmed"
Adam and Jamie consulted with an otolaryngologist and learned that a person
with a cold may secrete up to 60 milliliters of mucus per hour. Jamie built a
rig from a syringe and tubing to match that drip rate with fluorescent dye,
and Adam wore it by his nose as he did model-building work. After one hour,
he and everything he had touched were stained with the dye.
They then set up a party for Adam to host, with three “germaphobe” guests
(Kari, Grant, and Tory, who were briefed to try to avoid contact with Adam)
and three unsuspecting ones. Thirty minutes later, Adam, the whole table, and
every guest except Kari – who admitted that she actually was a germaphobe –
were heavily contaminated. In a second experiment in which Adam consciously
did his best to avoid physical contact, all six guests came up clean.
Adam and Jamie declared the myth confirmed at this point, commenting that a
healthy person would find it very difficult to avoid being contaminated by a
sick one who did not attempt to keep from spreading his/her germs.
Tornado Decapitation
Tornado-force winds can propel window glass with enough speed to decapitate a
person. "Confirmed"
Kari and Tory obtained a pig spine with skin and muscle, trimmed it down to
resemble an elongated neck, and attached a dummy head. The Build Team then
obtained several 1/8 in (3.2 mm) thick glass panes that conformed to building
codes for houses in tornado-prone areas, and began throwing them at "Neck
Man" by hand. They had difficulty reaching a suitable combination of speed
and accuracy; none of their throws inflicted more than a minor wound.
Tory then built a frame to attach to a pickup truck, with a heavy 14.3 lb
(6.5 kg) glass sheet loosely mounted to hit Neck Man edge-on but break loose
just before impact. The first attempt, at 80 mph (129 km/h) – the equivalent
kinetic energy of a light pane traveling 300 mph (483 km/h) in an F5 tornado
– sliced the head off. A second test at 40 mph (64 km/h) (150 mph (241 km/h)
for a light pane in a less powerful F2 tornado) also cut completely through
the neck. However, the glass did not break out of its holder, indicating that
the momentum of the truck may have affected the result.
Back at the workshop, the team built a rig to throw 1/4 in (6.4 mm) thick
panes (twice as heavy as the original ones) at 70 mph (113 km/h). After
several tries, they were able to score a hit that completely and cleanly
severed the head, leading them to declare the myth confirmed.
List of MythBusters episodes (維基百科)
MythBusters 2010 season (維基百科)
流言終結者:流感流言大檢驗 (Flu Fiction) 第147集
單元: 感冒流言大檢驗 (Fever Pitch)、 斷頭龍捲風 (Tornado Decapitation)
普通感冒(common cold)、噴嚏(sneeze)、飛沬(droplets)、鼻涕(nasal secretions)、
時速和距離(speed & distance);
龍捲風(tornado)、窗戶玻璃(window glass)、斷頭(decapitation);
噴嚏靶場(sneeze shooting range)、高速攝影機(high-speed camera)、鼻煙(tabacco
snuff)、刺激鼻腔黏膜(irritate the mucous membrane)、櫻桃口味的飲料粉(cherry
drink powder)、白紙(white paper)、食物染料(food coloring)、鼻滴管(nasal
dropper)、螢光染料(fluorescent dye)、每小時60毫升的黏液(60 milliliters of
mucus per hour)、紫外線燈(ultraviolet light or black light)、做模型
(model-building work)、派對(party)、交叉感染、測試對象(Test subject)、潔癖
(germaphobe)、不知情的人(unsuspecting ones)、刻意避免身體接觸(avoid physical
contact consciously)、避免間接接觸(avoid indirect contact);
血滴子〔斷頭台〕(guillotine)、人頸的磁振造影(MRI of human neck)、豬脊椎(pig
spine)、豬皮及肌肉(skin and muscle)、長頸(elongated neck)、假人頭(human-like
head)、厚3.2mm的玻璃板(1/8 inch thick glass panes)、符合龍捲風地區的住宅建築規
章標準(conformed to building codes for houses in tornado-prone areas)、用手拋
擲(throwing by hand)、速度和準度(speed and accuracy)、玻璃碎裂、卡車(pickup
truck)、交通錐(travel cone)、鋼架(steel structure)、保麗龍磚夾具(styrofoam
blocks holder)、用較重且低速的玻璃模擬輕而高速的玻璃(heavy glass sheet by low
speed equivalent of light pane by high speed)、五級龍捲風(F5 tornado)、二級龍
捲風(F2 tornado)、玻璃沒有完全脫離、額外的動能(extra kinetic energy)、有疑問就
做個機器人(If in doubt, ? robot)、腳輪(castor)、輪子裝在支軸(tires on axle)、
電動馬達(Electric motor);
傳播與污染(spread & contaminated)、改變行為(behavior change);動能(kinetic
Fever Pitch
Adam and Jamie explore three myths associated with the common cold.
A sneeze can leave a person’s nose/mouth at 100 mph (160 km/h). "Busted"
Adam and Jamie used snuff to irritate their mucous membranes and force
themselves to sneeze. Droplets from Adam’s and Jamie’s sneezes traveled at
35 mph (56 km/h) and 39 mph (63 km/h), respectively.
Droplets from a sneeze can travel up to 30 ft (9.1 m). "Busted"
To get a visual indication of distance, Adam mixed cherry drink powder into
the snuff and sneezed over a 30-foot-long strip of white paper. When this
method failed to show any marks, he and Jamie tried drinking a small amount
of food coloring just before sneezing. This idea worked, giving a maximum
distance of 17 ft (5.2 m) for Adam and 13 ft (4.0 m) for Jamie.
Nasal secretions from a person with a cold can spread so far and so quickly
that anyone in the vicinity can become contaminated. "Confirmed"
Adam and Jamie consulted with an otolaryngologist and learned that a person
with a cold may secrete up to 60 milliliters of mucus per hour. Jamie built a
rig from a syringe and tubing to match that drip rate with fluorescent dye,
and Adam wore it by his nose as he did model-building work. After one hour,
he and everything he had touched were stained with the dye.
They then set up a party for Adam to host, with three “germaphobe” guests
(Kari, Grant, and Tory, who were briefed to try to avoid contact with Adam)
and three unsuspecting ones. Thirty minutes later, Adam, the whole table, and
every guest except Kari – who admitted that she actually was a germaphobe –
were heavily contaminated. In a second experiment in which Adam consciously
did his best to avoid physical contact, all six guests came up clean.
Adam and Jamie declared the myth confirmed at this point, commenting that a
healthy person would find it very difficult to avoid being contaminated by a
sick one who did not attempt to keep from spreading his/her germs.
Tornado Decapitation
Tornado-force winds can propel window glass with enough speed to decapitate a
person. "Confirmed"
Kari and Tory obtained a pig spine with skin and muscle, trimmed it down to
resemble an elongated neck, and attached a dummy head. The Build Team then
obtained several 1/8 in (3.2 mm) thick glass panes that conformed to building
codes for houses in tornado-prone areas, and began throwing them at "Neck
Man" by hand. They had difficulty reaching a suitable combination of speed
and accuracy; none of their throws inflicted more than a minor wound.
Tory then built a frame to attach to a pickup truck, with a heavy 14.3 lb
(6.5 kg) glass sheet loosely mounted to hit Neck Man edge-on but break loose
just before impact. The first attempt, at 80 mph (129 km/h) – the equivalent
kinetic energy of a light pane traveling 300 mph (483 km/h) in an F5 tornado
– sliced the head off. A second test at 40 mph (64 km/h) (150 mph (241 km/h)
for a light pane in a less powerful F2 tornado) also cut completely through
the neck. However, the glass did not break out of its holder, indicating that
the momentum of the truck may have affected the result.
Back at the workshop, the team built a rig to throw 1/4 in (6.4 mm) thick
panes (twice as heavy as the original ones) at 70 mph (113 km/h). After
several tries, they were able to score a hit that completely and cleanly
severed the head, leading them to declare the myth confirmed.
All Comments
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