[雷] 「滑水道高空特」之簡介及關鍵字 - 探索頻道
![Ethan avatar](/img/cat1.jpg)
By Ethan
at 2010-10-01T21:06
at 2010-10-01T21:06
Table of Contents
Discovery Channel 官網節目表
List of MythBusters episodes (維基百科)
MythBusters 2010 season (維基百科)
流言終結者:滑水道高空特技 (Waterslide Wipeout) 第145集
單元: 滑水道高空特技 (Waterslide Wipeout)、向左轉,向右轉(Left Hand Turn)
滑水道(waterslide)、坡道(ramp)、兒童泳池(kiddie pool)、飛行35公尺(fly 115
減少左轉次數(few left turns)、省油(more fuel efficiency)、路線(route)、右
轉(right turns)、距離(distance)、時間(time)、交通(traffic)、怠速(idling);
YouTube影片(YouTube clip)、概念驗證(proof the concept)、比例模型(scale
model)、假人(dummy)、重力無法等比縮小(Gravity doesn't scale)、落點
(landing spot)、潤滑(lubricate)、藍色水(blue color water)、肥皂水(soapy
water)、固定姿勢(Fixed position)、滑水道尺寸(dimension of the slide)、斜坡
earth mover)、大型堆土機(mass earth mover)、坡道上讓鏟斗在前(bucket first)
、柳柵(straw walls)、屏障(barrier)、膠帶(duct tape)、光面乙烯基(? vinyl)、
找出突起物、全球定位系統(GPS)、追蹤速度及距離(tracking speed & distance)、
從中段開始(start from the middle)、水桶(bucket)、手提除草劑噴灑器
(hand-held sprayer)、傑米稍重(Jamie is slightly heavier)、橡膠圈(ring of
Rubber)、電腦特效(computer graphics);
快遞公司(delivery companies)、規劃路線(calculate routes)、三次右轉(three
right turns)、繞遠路(extra distance)、避開紅綠燈(bypass the signal)、對向
來車(coming traffic)、油箱旁接(bypass the fuel tank)、獨立的燃油箱(own
fuel cell)、燃油重量(fuel weight)、一致性(consistency)、同樣速度和駕駛風格
(same speed & same driving style)、一般汽車(regular size car)、控制的路線
(controlled course)、送貨卡車(delivery truck)、遞送包裹(delivering
packages)、流言快遞(MCS , MythBusters Courier Service)、舊金山(San
Francisco)、城市環境(urban environments)、倫巴街(Lombard Street)、空檔
Waterslide Wipeout
A person can slide down a supersized waterslide, launch off a ramp at the
end, fly 115 ft (35 m), and land in a kiddie pool with perfect
accuracy. "Busted"
The Mythbusters first built a scale model of the slide, and discovered
that the concept was plausible. They then built the full size ramp with
dimensions based on thorough analysis of the video. For safety reasons,
the Mythbusters built the slide next to a man-made lake (38.399581°N
120.995017°W) so that they could avoid injury if they missed the target.
After several runs, the Mythbusters concluded that the 115 foot flight
distance was impossible, as they could only travel at a maximum distance
of 72 ft (22 m) with a peak speed of 30 mph (48 km/h). In order to
achieve the 115 foot distance, they would need to be traveling at least
40 mph (64 km/h). They then tested the accuracy of the slide, and found
that the accuracy was fairly consistent. However, because they couldn't
achieve the distance portion of the myth, they were forced to bust the
myth. Just to make absolutely sure, the MythBusters contacted the people
responsible for making the video, and they confirmed that the video was
made using computer graphics.
Left Hand Turn
Driving a route taking only right turns instead of left turns is more
fuel efficient than driving normally, because the vehicle uses up more
gas idling while waiting for traffic to clear on a left turn than taking
three right turns. "Confirmed"
For their first test, the Build Team drove a regular size car on a
controlled course. On the first run, they drove the car around a block
using a left hand turn, but had to wait for a turn signal. In the second
run, they instead took three right turns to bypass the signal, but the
route was longer. The results showed that the car managed to cover more
distance in less time taking right turns compared to left turns while
only consuming less than one percent more fuel. For a real world result,
the Build Team obtained a full size delivery truck, with the objective of
delivering packages to several locations scattered throughout San
Francisco. For their second run, they drove the exact same route, but
replaced all of the left turns with right turns. Both runs included the
treacherous Lombard Street hill. After reviewing their results, the Build
Team discovered that the right turn route was more fuel efficient with a
3% difference, despite having to drive a longer distance. Kari then
pointed out that this would be an ideal strategy for delivery trucks in
urban environments, but would not work as well with regular cars.
Discovery Channel 官網節目表
List of MythBusters episodes (維基百科)
MythBusters 2010 season (維基百科)
流言終結者:滑水道高空特技 (Waterslide Wipeout) 第145集
單元: 滑水道高空特技 (Waterslide Wipeout)、向左轉,向右轉(Left Hand Turn)
滑水道(waterslide)、坡道(ramp)、兒童泳池(kiddie pool)、飛行35公尺(fly 115
減少左轉次數(few left turns)、省油(more fuel efficiency)、路線(route)、右
轉(right turns)、距離(distance)、時間(time)、交通(traffic)、怠速(idling);
YouTube影片(YouTube clip)、概念驗證(proof the concept)、比例模型(scale
model)、假人(dummy)、重力無法等比縮小(Gravity doesn't scale)、落點
(landing spot)、潤滑(lubricate)、藍色水(blue color water)、肥皂水(soapy
water)、固定姿勢(Fixed position)、滑水道尺寸(dimension of the slide)、斜坡
earth mover)、大型堆土機(mass earth mover)、坡道上讓鏟斗在前(bucket first)
、柳柵(straw walls)、屏障(barrier)、膠帶(duct tape)、光面乙烯基(? vinyl)、
找出突起物、全球定位系統(GPS)、追蹤速度及距離(tracking speed & distance)、
從中段開始(start from the middle)、水桶(bucket)、手提除草劑噴灑器
(hand-held sprayer)、傑米稍重(Jamie is slightly heavier)、橡膠圈(ring of
Rubber)、電腦特效(computer graphics);
快遞公司(delivery companies)、規劃路線(calculate routes)、三次右轉(three
right turns)、繞遠路(extra distance)、避開紅綠燈(bypass the signal)、對向
來車(coming traffic)、油箱旁接(bypass the fuel tank)、獨立的燃油箱(own
fuel cell)、燃油重量(fuel weight)、一致性(consistency)、同樣速度和駕駛風格
(same speed & same driving style)、一般汽車(regular size car)、控制的路線
(controlled course)、送貨卡車(delivery truck)、遞送包裹(delivering
packages)、流言快遞(MCS , MythBusters Courier Service)、舊金山(San
Francisco)、城市環境(urban environments)、倫巴街(Lombard Street)、空檔
Waterslide Wipeout
A person can slide down a supersized waterslide, launch off a ramp at the
end, fly 115 ft (35 m), and land in a kiddie pool with perfect
accuracy. "Busted"
The Mythbusters first built a scale model of the slide, and discovered
that the concept was plausible. They then built the full size ramp with
dimensions based on thorough analysis of the video. For safety reasons,
the Mythbusters built the slide next to a man-made lake (38.399581°N
120.995017°W) so that they could avoid injury if they missed the target.
After several runs, the Mythbusters concluded that the 115 foot flight
distance was impossible, as they could only travel at a maximum distance
of 72 ft (22 m) with a peak speed of 30 mph (48 km/h). In order to
achieve the 115 foot distance, they would need to be traveling at least
40 mph (64 km/h). They then tested the accuracy of the slide, and found
that the accuracy was fairly consistent. However, because they couldn't
achieve the distance portion of the myth, they were forced to bust the
myth. Just to make absolutely sure, the MythBusters contacted the people
responsible for making the video, and they confirmed that the video was
made using computer graphics.
Left Hand Turn
Driving a route taking only right turns instead of left turns is more
fuel efficient than driving normally, because the vehicle uses up more
gas idling while waiting for traffic to clear on a left turn than taking
three right turns. "Confirmed"
For their first test, the Build Team drove a regular size car on a
controlled course. On the first run, they drove the car around a block
using a left hand turn, but had to wait for a turn signal. In the second
run, they instead took three right turns to bypass the signal, but the
route was longer. The results showed that the car managed to cover more
distance in less time taking right turns compared to left turns while
only consuming less than one percent more fuel. For a real world result,
the Build Team obtained a full size delivery truck, with the objective of
delivering packages to several locations scattered throughout San
Francisco. For their second run, they drove the exact same route, but
replaced all of the left turns with right turns. Both runs included the
treacherous Lombard Street hill. After reviewing their results, the Build
Team discovered that the right turn route was more fuel efficient with a
3% difference, despite having to drive a longer distance. Kari then
pointed out that this would be an ideal strategy for delivery trucks in
urban environments, but would not work as well with regular cars.
All Comments
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