[雷] 酒瓶砸頭之簡介及關鍵字 - 探索頻道

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-09-03T18:55

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List of MythBusters episodes (維基百科)
MythBusters 2010 season (維基百科)

流言終結者:酒瓶砸頭 (Bottle Bash) 第141集

單元: 酒瓶砸頭 (Bottle Bash)、 皮革大砲 (Leather Cannon)、


啤酒瓶(beer bottle)、空瓶或滿瓶(empty or full bottle)、人腦(human brain)、顱骨
皮革(leather)、瑞典版大砲(Swedish cannon)、愛爾蘭版大砲(Irish cannon)

美式足球頭盔(football helmet)、加速計(accelerometer)、假人頭(fake human head)
、酒吧鬥毆機器人(swinging arm machine)、彈簧(spring)、明膠(gelatin)、果凍腦
(jello brain)、高速攝影機(high-speed camera)、蘇打水(carbonated water)、聚氨酯
塑膠(polyurethane plastic)、人造皮膚(artificial skin)、人造血液(artificial
帕落特砲(Parrott gun)、鑄鐵(cast iron)、砲彈(cannonball)、黑火藥(Black Powder)
、砲口初速(muzzle velocity)、高速攝影機(high-speed camera)、量尺(scale)、幀率
(frame rate)、銅芯(copper core)、鐵環(iron bands)、後膛(breech)、砲管(barrel)
、膠水(glue)、銅栓(brass plug)、環氧樹脂(epoxy resin)、潤滑(lubricate)、時尚大
砲(stylish cannon)

G力(G-force)、變形吸收能量、腦震盪(concussion)、顱骨骨折(skull fractures)、頭
皮撕裂傷(skin lacerations)、腦部晃動程度、衝擊試驗(impact test);攝影測速、炮


Bottle Bash : When bashing somebody in the head with a beer bottle, an empty
beer bottle will cause more damage than a full one. "Busted"
The Mythbusters first started by striking a fake human head with both
full and empty bottles. The initial results showed that the full bottle
struck with an average G-force of 28.1 while the empty bottle struck at an
average of 22.7 Gs. However, the Mythbusters noted that the G-forces varied
widely depending on how hard the head was struck. To get more consistent
results, Adam built a machine to simulate a swinging arm. In their second
test, the Mythbusters used the robot arm to strike a container with gelatin
representing the human brain. Analyzing the results, they found that full
bottle still delivered more force to the brain than the empty bottle, making
an injury like a concussion more likely. However, the Mythbusters decided to
factor in other injuries such as skull fractures and lacerations. They built
a container to more closely simulate a human skull. The full bottles were
able to smash the skull, while the empty bottle could not even crack it. They
then used artificial skin and blood to test for lacerations. However, the
full and empty bottles caused the same amount of lacerations. The full bottle
was clearly more capable of causing damage than the empty bottle.

Leather Cannon : A fully functional cannon can be built completely out of
leather. "Busted"
For comparison, the Build Team fired a Civil War Parrott gun of similar
size to the cannons described in the myth to measure its muzzle velocity,
which was 389 mph (626 km/h). Because there are two separate versions of the
myth, originating from Sweden and Ireland, the Build Team decided to test
both designs. The Swedish cannon consisted of a copper core wrapped in
leather and iron bands, while the Irish cannon was built completely out of
leather. The Swedish cannon managed to fire its cannonball at a speed of 450
mph (720 km/h), but blew out its breech in the process. The Irish cannon
failed spectacularly, with the breech blowing out, the cannonball moving only
two feet, and the barrel completely unravelling, making a second shot
impossible. They then built a third leather cannon and reinforced it with
significantly more leather. They also lubricated the barrel to make it easier
for the cannonball to fire. The cannon managed to fire successfully, but the
cannonball could only achieve a speed of 52 mph (84 km/h). While the cannon
was still structurally intact, the barrel was too damaged for a second shot.


All Comments

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2010-09-08T13:35
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-09-10T09:05
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-09-12T01:24
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2010-09-15T15:15
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-09-17T04:13

[Live] 第141集 酒瓶砸頭

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-09-02T22:45
美國播出時間:2010.04.14 臺灣播出時間:2010.09.02 首播時間:09/02 23:00 重播時間:09/03 03:00 09/03 11:00 09/05 00:00 09/05 09:00 09/05 18 ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2010-09-02T17:41
※ [本文轉錄自 ask 看板 #1CVshSLN ] 作者: qiusan (Q桑) 看板: ask 標題: [請問] 想請問關於知識頻道(探索.國家.旅遊生活) 時間: Thu Sep 2 17:14:01 2010 想請問關於知識頻道裡的兩個節目名稱 1. 一個自稱人類學佳的主持人到世界各地收集 ...

探索頻道總部劫持案落幕 槍手遭擊斃

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2010-09-02T10:55
探索頻道總部劫持案落幕 槍手遭擊斃 時間:2010/9/2 07:12 撰稿‧編輯:季 平   新聞引據: 中央社、美聯社 美國探索電視頻道(Discovery Channel)位於馬里蘭州銀泉(Silver Spring)的總部1日遭到 槍手劫持。經過4個小時的對峙,警方開槍擊斃槍手,遭到劫持的3名人質 ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2010-09-02T02:48
as title 為何discovery不像國家地理頻道能直接在首頁載全月節目表呢?(小抱怨一下) 我己加入會員 但卻一直無法進站載整月節目表 所以想請問各位愛用者有人知道下載法寶嗎?? 先謝謝各位~ - ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-09-02T02:32
http://tinyurl.com/23o2d55 據稱槍手至少劫持了一個人。 網路傳言槍手的「要求」發表在這個網頁: http://savetheplanetprotest.com/ 假如網頁是真的,看起來是環保極端份子。 要求探索頻道停播任何他認為不應該播出的節目(尖端武器之類的), 而專門播出解 ...