1010 - 六人行

By Oliver
at 2006-08-23T16:06
at 2006-08-23T16:06
Table of Contents
※ 引述《samchiu (閒祭秋)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《samchiu (閒祭秋)》之銘言:
: : 今天我們來討論S10E10
: : TOW Chandler Gets Caught
: : 請各位高手來回答一下以下的問題:
: : 5.
: : Mon:Isn't it? And what about the amazing wings coating,
: : and crown molding and doormal window and attic?
: : Chan:And wiggal worms and zip zops?
: 這題還沒有人答過...
: 麻煩幫忙一下吧...
Monica: Isn’t it? Then what about the amazing wainscotting and the
crown molding and the dormer windows in the attic?
(crown molding)、還有閣樓上的屋頂窗(dormer window)呢?
Chandler: And the wiggle worms and the zip zorps? (pause) What were the
things you said?
還有蠕動的蟲跟zip zorps?(停頓)你在說些什麼阿?
其實根本沒有zip zorp這種東西,因為chandler不懂mon講的那些建築專業用語,
所以故意編出一個字表達他的不滿.所以chandler一說完zip zorps,下一句就接
"what were the things u said?"
: ※ 引述《samchiu (閒祭秋)》之銘言:
: : 今天我們來討論S10E10
: : TOW Chandler Gets Caught
: : 請各位高手來回答一下以下的問題:
: : 5.
: : Mon:Isn't it? And what about the amazing wings coating,
: : and crown molding and doormal window and attic?
: : Chan:And wiggal worms and zip zops?
: 這題還沒有人答過...
: 麻煩幫忙一下吧...
Monica: Isn’t it? Then what about the amazing wainscotting and the
crown molding and the dormer windows in the attic?
(crown molding)、還有閣樓上的屋頂窗(dormer window)呢?
Chandler: And the wiggle worms and the zip zorps? (pause) What were the
things you said?
還有蠕動的蟲跟zip zorps?(停頓)你在說些什麼阿?
其實根本沒有zip zorp這種東西,因為chandler不懂mon講的那些建築專業用語,
所以故意編出一個字表達他的不滿.所以chandler一說完zip zorps,下一句就接
"what were the things u said?"
All Comments

By Jacob
at 2006-08-27T18:36
at 2006-08-27T18:36

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at 2006-08-30T12:58
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