111-part 06 - 六人行

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2012-08-03T20:43

Table of Contents


1. It is revealed in this episode that Rachel's middle name is Karen.

2. In the opening scene where Monica and Phoebe are
walking to the newsstand, you can see one of Joey's VD posters
from "The One Where Underdog Gets Away" in the alley.

3. Chandler tries to get his friends to watch
Weekend at Bernie's instead of watching his mother on The Tonight Show.
It is revealed in "The One with the Embryos" that
Weekend at Bernie's is actually Rachel's favorite movie.


1. At the restaurant Paolo eats something out of Rachel's hand,
but in the next shot it's in her hand again

2. Joey says that it wasn't easy for his mom
to give birth to seven children,
but she had eight children including him.

3. In the last part, when Rachel gives the draft chapter of her book
to the friends, she doesn't have any for herself in her hand at first,
but in the next shot, you can see that she has one.


All Comments

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2012-08-05T15:06
推花絮 連戲中的細節差異蠻有趣的:P
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2012-08-09T02:02
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2012-08-13T09:32


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2012-08-02T19:58
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MgJipQw1Y4 不知道大家有沒有看過這段影片 是Jimmy Kimmel邀名人唸惡毒推特文的片段 裡面有 Matt LeBlanc~ 話說最近在看 The Episode 他找不到六人行好友幫他客串那裡好可憐喔... 他現在的形 ...

馬修派瑞新秀"Go On"的奧運系列廣告:)

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2012-08-01T07:25
NBC在轉播奧運時, 不忘狂推他們秋季檔的各大新戲, 每部都有拿奧運當主題來拍廣告, 馬修派瑞的新戲and#34;Go Onand#34;請到了上屆奧運中超紅的體操選手Shawn Johnson來站台. Go On的故事大綱是剛剛喪妻的馬修派瑞, 在喪假結束前被上司要求要做完心理治療才能消假上班, ...

片頭曲開始前 最短的一段開場

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2012-08-01T04:17
大家好 用PTT半年 今天才發現有這個版 我非常喜歡看六人行 國中當初會接觸是因為年代在播第十季最後 看完之後發現這種美式幽默很合胃口 看得很開心 後來就去圖書館借了第六季某一片來看 (有RACHEL 跟 Pheobe要當室友錄音那集) 後來就開始一直去圖書館借 暑假某天逛亞藝影音 當時六人行在 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2012-07-31T01:55
我發的文章 所以我就自己來號召好了 :P 看到部分板友推文已預購 心癢癢呀~~ 不知道大家團購意願如何? 但我自己也沒在Amazon買過東西 >< 有熱心主購願意開團嗎? 預購似乎有七折優惠 也太超值了吧 ※ 引述《barbie212254 (B)》之銘言: : 超級好消息 真的要出藍光了! : ...

Breaking Bad有Weird Mr. Heckles

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2012-07-28T00:11
有版友在看Breaking Bad嗎? 是部內容跟毒品有關,緊張刺激的美劇,今天竟然在裡面看到住在Rachael公寓樓下的Weird Mr. Heckles, 重點是他看起來還比以前更年輕, 完全沒有老呢!! - ...