114-part 02 - 六人行

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2012-11-10T20:18

Table of Contents


[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the girls are all there,
discussing their bad luck with men.]

Rachel: Ok, ok, Roger was creepy, but he was nothing compared to Pete Carney.

Monica: Which one was Pete Carney?

Rachel: Pete the Weeper? Remember that guy who used to cry every time
we had sex. (imitating) "Was it good for you?"

Monica: Yeah, well, I'll take a little crying any day over
Howard-the-"I-win"-guy. (imitating) "I win! I win!"
I went out with the guy for two months—I didn't get to win once.

Rachel: How did we end up with these jerks? We're good people!

Monica: I don't know. Maybe we're some kinda magnets.

Phoebe: I know I am. That's why I can't wear a digital watch.

Monica: There's more beer, right?

Phoebe: Oh! You know my friend Abby who shaves her head?
She said that if you want to break the bad boyfriend cycle,
you can do like a cleansing ritual.

Rachel: Pheebes, this woman is voluntarily bald.

Phoebe: Yeah. So, we can do it tomorrow night, you guys.
It's Valentine's Day. It's perfect.

Monica: Ok, well, what kind of ritual?

Phoebe: Ok. We can, um, we can burn the stuff they gave us.

Rachel: Or?

Phoebe: Or...or we can chant and dance around naked, you know, with sticks.

Monica: Burning's good.

Rachel: Burning's good. Yeah, I got stuff to burn.

[Scene: The Restaurant, Joey, Lorraine, Chandler, and Janice
are at the table. Joey and Lorraine are seated very close,
Chandler and Janice have backed their chairs away from one another.]

Lorraine: You know, ever since I was little,
I've been able to pick up quarters with my toes.

Joey: Good for you. (jumps suddenly) Uh, quarters or rolls of quarters?

Janice: By the way, Chandler. I cut you out of all my pictures.
So if you want, I have a bag with just your heads.

Chandler: That's OK.

Janice: Oh, are you sure? Really?
Because you know, you could make little puppets out of them,
and you could use them in your theater of cruelty.

(Lorraine whispers into Joey's ear.)

Joey: (to Lorraine) We can't do that.

Chandler: (disgusted) What? What can't you do?

Joey: Uh, can I talk to you for a second, over there?

(Chandler and Joey leave the table.)

Joey: Uh, we might be leaving now.

Chandler: Tell me it's "you and me" we.

Joey: She said she wants to slather my body with stuff and then lick it off.
I'm not even sure what slathering is,
but I definitely want to be a part of it.

Chandler: Ok, you can not do this to me.

Joey: You're right, I'm sorry. You're right.

Lorraine: (to waiter) Uh, can we have three chocolate mousses to go please?

Joey: I'm outta here. Here's my credit card. Dinner's on me.
I'm sorry, Chandler.

Chandler: I hope she throws up on you.

(Joey leaves with Lorraine. Chandler sits back down with Janice.)

Chandler: So...

Janice: Just us.

Chandler: Oh, what a crappy night!

Janice: Although, I have enjoyed the fact that,
uh your shirt's been stickin' outta your zipper
ever since you came back from the bathroom.

Chandler: Excuse me. (gets up, jumps up and down
while he zips his zipper up... other patrons look at him)
How ya doin'?

Janice: So, do we have the best friends or what?

Chandler: Joey's not a friend.
He's...a stupid man who left us his credit card.
Another drink? Some dessert? A big screen TV?

Janice: I will go for that drink.

Chandler: You got it. Good woman! (the waiter turns around, it's a man)
Could we get a bottle of your most overpriced champagne?

Janice: Each.

Chandler: That's right, each. Oh, and a uh Rob Roy.
(to Janice) I've always wanted to know...

[Scene: Chandler's bedroom, Chandler wakes up,
and finds someone else's hand on his chest.
He rolls over and is shocked to see Janice there.]

Janice: Happy Valentine's Day!

Commercial Break


All Comments

114-part 01

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-11-10T20:10
114 The One With the Candy Hearts -Part-01 [Scene: Central Perk, Ross is eyeing a beautiful woman at the counter, and Joey and Chandler are egging him on ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-11-08T18:33
無聊男玩驗孕棒竟顯示懷孕 原來罹患睪丸癌 http://ppt.cc/bJkg 一看到這篇新聞就想到錢德失業的時候亂玩驗孕棒的那集 XD 現在回想幸好他們兩個人都沒有懷孕 哈哈哈 - ...

有人在追Matthew的Go on嗎?

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2012-11-04T22:24
※ 引述《topsecret99 (不能說的秘密)》之銘言: : 男主角Ryan怎麼看我都覺得是Chandler啊XDDDD : 不知道是Ryan的角色設定本來就跟Chandler有像還是 : Matthew本來演喜劇就是這個感覺 : 怎麼看我都覺得像是Chandler轉職後的生活lol.... : 而且裡面 ...

有人在追Matthew的Go on嗎?

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2012-11-04T14:29
Friends結束後 有看過六人演的影集就只有Joey和Cougar Town和Episodes 都是為了演員而看 但都沒有追完... 最近無意中看了Go on 剛好有戳到笑點吧Pilot就讓我想繼續追下去:p 只是有一個問題!!!!!!!!! 男主角Ryan怎麼看我都覺得是Chandler啊XD ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2012-10-31T09:30
看到這個新聞就想到Ross曾經交過的女友 哈哈~ 韓垃圾場女 髒亂家中引人側目 http://ppt.cc/AghP 有些女孩在外打扮光鮮亮麗,但家中卻邋遢髒亂不堪,南韓媒體報 導,1名有明星般外貌的女子,讓人難以置信家裡如此髒亂,內衣不洗、寵物狗狗排泄物 也不清,令人難以恭維。 南韓「朝鮮日報」網站今天 ...