121-part 02 - 六人行

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2013-08-08T10:14

Table of Contents

121 The One With The Fake Monica –Part 2

[Scene: A Tap Class, the girls are standing at the door.]

Monica: What d'you think?

Phoebe: Lotsa things.

(They go in and sit down.)

Rachel: Which one do you think she is?

(The teacher comes up to them.)

Teacher: May I help you?

Monica: Oh, no thanks, we're just here to observe.

Teacher: You don't observe a dance class. You dance a dance class.
Spare shoes are over there.

Rachel: What does she mean?

Phoebe: I think she means (Imitates) 'You dance a dance class'.
Oh, c'mon, c'mon. (They put on some spare shoes)

Monica: Okay, d'y'see anybody you think could be me?

Teacher: (To the class) People! Last time there were some empty yoghurt
containers lying around after class.
Let's not have that happen again!

Rachel: She could be you.

(Music starts)

Teacher: Let's get started. Five, six, a-five six seven eight...

(Everyone starts to dance in unison. Monica flounders)

Monica: Okay, I'm not getting this!

Phoebe: (Dancing in a swirly, Phoebe kind of way) I'm totally getting it!

Monica: Did you ever feel like sometimes
you are just so unbelievably uncoordinated?

(Rachel taps into view; she is in perfect sync with the rest of the class)

Rachel: What? You just click when they click.

Teacher: Alright people, now everyone grab a partner.

(The girls are unsure how to pair off. Phoebe settles it)

Phoebe: Okay. And, my, dead, mother, says, you, are, it. I'm with Rachel.

Monica: Great. It's gym class all over again.

Phoebe and Rachel: Aww.

Teacher: Well that's all right, you can come up to the front
and dance with me.

Monica: Why don't I just take off my clothes and have a nightmare.

(She starts to walk very slowly toward the front of the room.
The teacher grabs her hand and pulls her. Suddenly a woman bursts in)

Woman: It's okay, it's okay, I'm here, I'm here.
Sorry I'm late, okay, here I am. Who's the new tense girl?

Teacher: She's your partner.

Woman: Hi. I'm Monica.

Monica: Oh. Monica! ...Hi. I'm Mo- ...nana.

Woman: (Fake Monica) Monana?

Monica: Yeah. It's Dutch.

Fake Monica: You're kidding! I-I spent three years in Amsterdam.
(Asks her something in Dutch)

Monica: Um, Pennsylvania Dutch.

Teacher: And we're dancing. A-five, six, seven, eight...

[Scene: Central Perk, Ross is entering.]

Ross: (Mortified) Hi.

Chandler and Joey: Hey.

Joey: Where've you been?

Ross: At the vet.

Chandler: She's not gonna make you wear
one of those big plastic cones, is she?

Ross: She says Marcel's humping thing's not a phase.
Apparently he's reached sexual maturity.

Joey: (To Chandler) Hey! He beat ya.

Ross: She says as time goes on,
he's gonna start getting agressive and violent.

Chandler: So what does this mean?

Ross: I'm gonna have to give him up.

Commercial Break


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118-part 04

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2013-08-08T00:53
※ 引述《samchiu (閒祭秋)》之銘言: (Time lapse.) (時間經過) Rachel: I couldnand#39;t be inner. Monica? 我不跟不行。莫妮卡? Phoebe: Monica, in or out? 莫妮卡,跟還不跟? ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2013-08-02T16:13
※ [本文轉錄自 EAseries 看板 #1Hzp1gcm ] 作者: nerve333 (小杏) 看板: EAseries 標題: [閒聊] 馬修派瑞andamp;麗莎庫卓希望六人行從未結束 時間: Tue Jul 30 11:17:57 2013 原文網址(有影片)andgt;andgt; htt ...

《六人行》有無電影版?Lisa Kudrow回答...

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2013-08-02T16:10
※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1H-sb5dR ] 作者: yeslol (LOL) 看板: movie 標題: [新聞]《六人行》有無電影版?Lisa Kudrow回答... 時間: Fri Aug 2 16:09:38 2013 新聞網址:http://ppt.cc/PNLI 《六人行》推 ...

CNN現在有Chandler & Phoebe

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2013-07-27T09:16
Matthew Perry是guest host 訪問 Lisa Kudrow 中! 在CNN!! - ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2013-07-27T00:20
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8uMGmqltLU 天啊Rachel真的不年輕了耶... - ...