124-part 04 - 六人行

By Sierra Rose
at 2013-10-11T20:28
at 2013-10-11T20:28
Table of Contents
01. When Rachel is on the balcony with her date Carl,
a set worker dressed in black is visible
on the left side of the screen.
01. Rachel says that Ross mentioned asking Rachel out on a date
on her first night in the city.
However, it's actually her second night in the city.
02. Rachel's birthday is inconsistent.
In "The One with Joey's New Girlfriend",
Rachel tells Gunther her birthday is May 5,
and this is consistent with the month of birthday parties
thrown for her on the show in "The One Where Rachel Finds Out",
(which aired in May 1995) and in her one-month-early surprise party
in "The One Where Rachel Smokes", (which aired in April 1999).
Rachel's 30th birthday, however, is celebrated in February
in "The One Where They All Turn Thirty",
(which aired on February 8, 2001).
Rachel also mentions that her birthday is after Valentine's Day
in "The One with the Girl From Poughkeepsie".
A birthday in February is also consistent with Rachel's statement
to a police officer in "The One with Chandler's Dad"
that she is an Aquarius (January 21- February 19).
在405 瑞秋告訴阿剛,她的生日是5/5
124 本集為瑞秋半的生日派對在五月(依據播出日期1995/5)
518 為瑞秋辦的"提前一個月驚喜生日派對"在四月(依據播出日期1999/4)
714 瑞秋30歲生日派對在二月(依據播出日期2001/2/8)
410 瑞秋提到她生日是在情人節過後(二月)
722 瑞秋對警察說她是水瓶座(1/21~2/19)
Trivia (冷知識)_:
01. This is the first episode to mention Rachel's habit of exchanging gifts.
This habit becomes a running joke throughout the series.
02. This is the first appearance of Lauren Tom as Julie.
Julie was in 7 episodes of Friends.
03. This is the first episode
with Rachel's name in the title of the episode.
04. This episode received an Emmy nomination for
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Art Direction for a Series
(John Shaffner, Greg J. Grande).
05. This episode runs 25:55 on DVD (a typical sitcom runs about 22:00).
There's more at the beginning of the teaser
(the guys are bored silly with baby pictures,
while the girls are overly excited).
Chandler makes an O.J. joke a little later.
And also, as Rachel leaves her date on the balcony to go to the airport,
she offers him to Monica.
Allusions (相關知識):
01. Carl: I'm just saying if I see one more picture of Ed Begley Jr.
in that stupid electric car, I'm gonna shoot myself.
Ed Begley Jr. is an actor and environmentalist
who is best known for his role on the television series St. Elsewhere.
02. Chandler: Hey, is something going on with O.J.?
Chandler was referring to the O.J. Simpson trial
which took place during this season. O.J. Simpson,
a famous football player, was accused of murdering two people.
It is often characterized as being "the Trial of the Century."
辛普森案 是美國加州最高法院對前美式橄欖球明星、演員
03. Ross: Do you know who this Carl is?
Chandler: Um, let's see. Alvin, Simon, Theodore. No.
Ross: Well, Rachel's having drinks with him tonight.
Joey: Oh no! How can she do that when she's never shown
any interest in you?
Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are the main characters
of the popular children's show Alvin & the Chipmunks.
04. Melanie: Anyway, that's when me and my friends started
this whole fruit basket business.
We call ourselves "The Three Basketeers."
Joey: Like the three musketeers, only with fruit.
This is an allusion to the book and film The Three Musketeers.
《三劍客》(Les Trois Mousquetaires)是法國作家大仲馬1844年出版的小說,
05. Rachel: This one's from Joey... feels like a book.
Thinks it's a book... feels like a book. And... it's a book!
Phoebe: Oh, it's Dr. Seuss!
Joey: That book got me through some tough times.
Joey buys Rachel Dr. Seuss' book Oh the Places You'll Go.
Dr Seuss is a famous children's author
who also wrote Cat in the Hat and How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
Oh the Places You'll Go has gained notoriety for its usage as a gift
to graduates.
(英語:Theodor Seuss Geisel,1904年3月2日-1991年9月24日)
,較常使用蘇斯博士(Dr. Seuss)為筆名。
01. When Rachel is on the balcony with her date Carl,
a set worker dressed in black is visible
on the left side of the screen.
01. Rachel says that Ross mentioned asking Rachel out on a date
on her first night in the city.
However, it's actually her second night in the city.
02. Rachel's birthday is inconsistent.
In "The One with Joey's New Girlfriend",
Rachel tells Gunther her birthday is May 5,
and this is consistent with the month of birthday parties
thrown for her on the show in "The One Where Rachel Finds Out",
(which aired in May 1995) and in her one-month-early surprise party
in "The One Where Rachel Smokes", (which aired in April 1999).
Rachel's 30th birthday, however, is celebrated in February
in "The One Where They All Turn Thirty",
(which aired on February 8, 2001).
Rachel also mentions that her birthday is after Valentine's Day
in "The One with the Girl From Poughkeepsie".
A birthday in February is also consistent with Rachel's statement
to a police officer in "The One with Chandler's Dad"
that she is an Aquarius (January 21- February 19).
在405 瑞秋告訴阿剛,她的生日是5/5
124 本集為瑞秋半的生日派對在五月(依據播出日期1995/5)
518 為瑞秋辦的"提前一個月驚喜生日派對"在四月(依據播出日期1999/4)
714 瑞秋30歲生日派對在二月(依據播出日期2001/2/8)
410 瑞秋提到她生日是在情人節過後(二月)
722 瑞秋對警察說她是水瓶座(1/21~2/19)
Trivia (冷知識)_:
01. This is the first episode to mention Rachel's habit of exchanging gifts.
This habit becomes a running joke throughout the series.
02. This is the first appearance of Lauren Tom as Julie.
Julie was in 7 episodes of Friends.
03. This is the first episode
with Rachel's name in the title of the episode.
04. This episode received an Emmy nomination for
Outstanding Individual Achievement in Art Direction for a Series
(John Shaffner, Greg J. Grande).
05. This episode runs 25:55 on DVD (a typical sitcom runs about 22:00).
There's more at the beginning of the teaser
(the guys are bored silly with baby pictures,
while the girls are overly excited).
Chandler makes an O.J. joke a little later.
And also, as Rachel leaves her date on the balcony to go to the airport,
she offers him to Monica.
Allusions (相關知識):
01. Carl: I'm just saying if I see one more picture of Ed Begley Jr.
in that stupid electric car, I'm gonna shoot myself.
Ed Begley Jr. is an actor and environmentalist
who is best known for his role on the television series St. Elsewhere.
02. Chandler: Hey, is something going on with O.J.?
Chandler was referring to the O.J. Simpson trial
which took place during this season. O.J. Simpson,
a famous football player, was accused of murdering two people.
It is often characterized as being "the Trial of the Century."
辛普森案 是美國加州最高法院對前美式橄欖球明星、演員
03. Ross: Do you know who this Carl is?
Chandler: Um, let's see. Alvin, Simon, Theodore. No.
Ross: Well, Rachel's having drinks with him tonight.
Joey: Oh no! How can she do that when she's never shown
any interest in you?
Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are the main characters
of the popular children's show Alvin & the Chipmunks.
04. Melanie: Anyway, that's when me and my friends started
this whole fruit basket business.
We call ourselves "The Three Basketeers."
Joey: Like the three musketeers, only with fruit.
This is an allusion to the book and film The Three Musketeers.
《三劍客》(Les Trois Mousquetaires)是法國作家大仲馬1844年出版的小說,
05. Rachel: This one's from Joey... feels like a book.
Thinks it's a book... feels like a book. And... it's a book!
Phoebe: Oh, it's Dr. Seuss!
Joey: That book got me through some tough times.
Joey buys Rachel Dr. Seuss' book Oh the Places You'll Go.
Dr Seuss is a famous children's author
who also wrote Cat in the Hat and How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
Oh the Places You'll Go has gained notoriety for its usage as a gift
to graduates.
(英語:Theodor Seuss Geisel,1904年3月2日-1991年9月24日)
,較常使用蘇斯博士(Dr. Seuss)為筆名。
All Comments

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