320 "The One With The Dollhouse" - 六人行

By Jacob
at 2006-08-27T18:32
at 2006-08-27T18:32
Table of Contents
嗯 ..... 只是分享一些問題而已 ~ 我在一個英文讀書會 , 裡頭有討論 Friends ,
Friends 裡頭有許多問題 , 可能是文法上的、可能是 Chandler 的冷笑話 .....
底下是討論內容 , 我把它陳列出來 ~
以下有錯請指正 ~~ 謝謝 ~~
1. Dug my action --- Like my action
Rachel: Okay, my boss, Joanna, when you left, she started asking questions
about you...
Chandler: Oh-ho, liked what she saw, huh? Dug my action, did she? Checkin’
out the Chan-Chan man!
Rachel: (looks at him) That was (pause) surreal. Okay, what do think? Are you
interested at all?
2. Get out of here --- 少來
Lauren: I used to umm, schedule my classes so I could watch Dr. Drake Remoray
on Days of Our Lives.
Joey: Get out of here, really?!
Lauren: Absolutely!
3. They gave me the shaft all right --- They put me in the trick!
Lauren: Oh but then, they went and dropped you down that elevator shaft.
Joey: They gave me the shaft all right.
Lauren: (laughing) Oh, you’re so funny. Listen, umm, what are you doing
after rehearsals? Do you want to get a drink, or something?
4. We just clicked! --- We just matched!
Rachel: What?!
Joanna: Oh God, we just clicked! Y’know how people just click? Like he came
by to pick me up, and I opened the door, and it was just like, click!
Did he tell you?
Rachel: Oh, I....
5. climb someone's butt --- 拍馬屁 (Unpolite)
Apple polisher (Polite)
Joanna: Sophie, would you please climb out of my butt. Why hasn’t he called,
Rachel? Why?
Rachel: Okay, okay. Umm, well ah, maybe he, maybe he feels awkward because
you are my boss.
Joanna: Awkward? Why should he feel awkward?
Hello ~~ ! Welcome to
My Blog ---> http://xvictory.blogspot.com/
All Comments

By Vanessa
at 2006-08-29T20:34
at 2006-08-29T20:34

By Oscar
at 2006-08-30T07:51
at 2006-08-30T07:51

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at 2006-09-03T20:03
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