Amanda Peet has a GIRL!! Congrats!! - 歐美

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2007-02-27T17:32

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'Studio 60' Star Gives Birth to Girl (It's the first child for the actress)
February 23, 2007

Amanda Peet, who stars as network president Jordan McDeere on "Studio 60 on
the Sunset Strip," will have one more person under her charge.

The actress and her husband, screenwriter David Benioff, welcomed a baby girl
on Tuesday, Feb. 20, reports People.

The girl is named Frances Pen and weighted 6 lbs., 10 oz. at birth. This is
the first child for the couple.

"Amanda and her daughter are resting comfortably," Peet's rep says.

The couple got engaged last July and were married in September in New York
with Mark Ruffalo and Elizabeth Berkley among the wedding guests.

Benioff, 36, is a screenwriter who wrote "25th Hour" and "Troy." He's
apparently tapped to pen the script for "Wolverine," the upcoming "X-Men"

Peet, 35, is mainly known for her film resume that includes "The Whole Nine
Yards" and its sequel, "Saving Silverman," "Something's Gotta Give," "Melinda
and Melinda," "A Lot Like Love" and the upcoming four-hankerchief weepie
"Griffin and Phoenix" opposite Dermot Mulroney.

On TV, she appeared on "C.P.W.," "Seinfeld," "Spin City" and starred on "Jack
& Jill."


Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2007-03-03T14:29
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2007-03-06T22:42
恭喜老爺 賀喜夫人

Adrian Pasdar 上 Rachael Ray Show

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2007-02-27T13:31
今天早上 Rachael Ray Show 的特別來賓是 Adrian Pasdar (Nathan, Heroes)。 該節目的官網有簡短介紹和收錄一小段訪問, 主要是說他有一次帶他小朋友去劇組的情形, 小孩童言童語真是感人~ http://www.rachaelrayshow.c ...

Grey's anatomy 裡的情侶

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2007-02-27T00:05
才剛剛看到第三季第二集,就好想上來寫些廢話啊~~~~ Greyand#39;s Anatomy裡面的情侶我最喜歡的就是Cristina/Burke這一對了, 想當初這兩位跟Meredith/Mcdreamy一樣,都是一夜情開始的,但是這對就 後發先至,感情穩健的持續發展中.....   一開始他們 ...

GA的音樂 season2

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2007-02-26T19:21
Episode 1: Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head 00 and#34;Raindrops Keep Falling On My Headand#34; - B.J.Thomas 01 and#34;I Want Candyand#34; - Bow Wow Wow 0 ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2007-02-26T19:20
不知道有沒有OP 不過看到就PO一下囉 XD 1st Season Greyand#39;s Anatomy[All the track of episodes] Episode 1: A Hard Dayand#39;s Night 01 and#34;Portions for Foxesand#34; ...

Heroes 如果Peter接觸到...

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2007-02-26T15:51
這應該不算有雷了吧 剛剛看影集 突然想到 如果Peter接觸到Niki的話 那會不會也有第二人格 造成紐約的大爆炸 感覺上 通常第二人格 都是被壓抑的負面情感 不知道有沒有人討論過這個問題? - ...