CNN 的2014年最好與最糟回顧 - 追愛總動員

By Liam
at 2014-12-25T17:53
at 2014-12-25T17:53
Table of Contents
2014's best and worst in pop culture
Worst: We know some fans liked the "How I Met Your Mother" series finale in
March. We know the creators, cast and crew all worked hard to end a
long-running show with the dignity it deserved, and we commend them for it.
We appreciate Neil Patrick Harris and Josh Radnor coming up with thoughtful,
reasonable defenses. But when we start talking about the best finales of all
time, gotta say, this one doesn't make the cut.
將How I Met Your Mother 的結局放在最糟的項目裡(比較中間的相片)
All Comments

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at 2014-12-28T00:51
at 2014-12-28T00:51

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at 2014-12-30T07:50
at 2014-12-30T07:50

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