CSI: LV 1212 雷~~ - CSI

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2012-01-26T14:31

Table of Contents

淡淡的感傷 之 防雷頁

本集重點: 恭送女王~~(揮淚)


辦公室裡, 囧尼去找凱姐, 辦公室是空的,
於是囧尼換成去找DB, 結果一樣找無人.
囧尼: (撥電話) Hey, DB. I got a lead on the squid team of Mark
Gabriel. And an account with all the money flowing to. So
call me back if you want to learn more about them, okay?
莎拉: (走過來) You're looking for DB? I don't think you can
hear from him any time soon.
囧尼: Why is that?
莎拉: You haven't heard? Laura Gabriel was murdered with FBI.
囧尼: How could that be!?
莎拉: Well, apparantly, Mark Gabriel's squid team sneaked into
the FBI detail and got Laura Gabrial and other FBIs killed.
Catherine and DB went to the scene. Catherine got all
off and I've heard DB sent her home.
囧尼: (呼叫器響) There is a gunfire heard at Southern Highland.
莎拉: Southern Highland? That's near Catherine's house!

小員警: Why you guys calling me to Catherine's house? Is she
still miles away?
囧尼: We're trying to reach her. She's in IDB.
莎拉跟囧尼進屋搜查, 莎拉發現子彈一枚.
莎拉: It's 5 by 28.
囧尼: That's the bullet Gabriel's guy used.
(接到電話) Russell's van is found abandoned near 215.

莎拉跟囧尼抵達車子停放的地點, 布拔跟他們報告狀況.
布拔: ... trace of blood found on the backside seat. Maybe
Catherine is injured. Question is, why didn't they all in?
囧尼: They probably do not trust their phones anymore. Gabriel's
guys probably hacked in our communication system and that's
why they know what happened around.
(囧尼繼續嘗試撥電話給凱姐, 結果電話在附近的草叢響了)
莎拉: (找到電話) It's Catherine's cell. They ditched her phone.
旁邊另一個手機忽然也響了起來, 囧尼撿起查看
囧尼: It's Russell's cell phone. Oh, man, it's his wife calling!
布拔: Your crime scene. But this is my call.
(拿過囧尼手裡的電話) Mrs. Russell? This is Jim Brass.

囧尼: (不停的打著電話) Yeah, give me a flag down hear as soon as
possible! The Deniell's scene is our priority now.
(掛電話對查車子的小哈說) Hey, Hodges, can you follow that
alley back to the lab once you finished?
小哈: Sure.
囧尼: (對另一邊的亨利說) Henry, I want you compare the DNA with
both Catherine and Russell as soon as possible.
Hey, Henry, you with me?
亨利: (臉色很難看) Yeah, I just can't stop thinking...
囧尼: Don't think, just do it.
莎拉: Hey, Nick, you know Catherine is thinking resignation?
囧尼: No, why?
莎拉: I pulled out an e-mail to Russell from Catherine about
that. (出示現場沾有血跡的螢幕)
囧尼: Well, if she's leaving, she'll going to tell us first,
莎拉: Nothing makes sense now.
布拔: (走過來跟囧尼說) I put everything in radio silence. If
we need to share something, we talked to each other face
to face, okay?
囧尼才剛點完頭, 電話又響了, 這次是羅賓爺爺.
羅賓爺爺: Hey, Nick. I'm in Russell's crime scene. But Russell is
no where to see. Do you know where he is?
囧尼: I got a situation here, man. I'll call you later.
羅賓爺爺: Okay, roll as you can.

結果羅賓爺爺掛了電話後收到簡訊一則: DB Room 12.
Mitchell回答沒有, 於是羅賓爺爺走去敲該motel的12號房間的門
開門的黑人女子: You are Doctor Robin?
羅賓爺爺: (看到房間裡的DB) What's going on here?
     (看到躺在床上的凱姐) Is that Catherine?
DB: I'll fill you latter. Kitty, thank you very much.
(問上前檢查凱姐的羅賓爺爺) What do you think?

警局裡FBI的Agent Pratt (我終於聽懂他的名字了...)正在抓狂中
Pratt: You waited an hour to call me?
布拔: Every time we called FBI, somebody got dead.
艾禿: You told us that Mark Gabriel is FBI's target. And now CSI
Russell and Wiilows are missing?
Pratt: Okay, look, my partner McQuiad was murdered today, okay?
You don't think I care for the safety of CSI Russell?
布拔: You sure about that?
Pratt: Whatever you think, I'm in charge now. Everythng goes
through me!
布拔: (接到通知, 對艾禿說) Mark Gabriel is in.
(對Pratt說) Don't worry, we'll get you back.

Morgan依照車前道血跡判斷凱姐是在移動中被擊中的, 然後上了DB的車.
小葛: I've seen this kind of body before, covering by same bugs.
Morgan: So based on the ability of those bugs. It's only been
here for 3 or 4 hours. Question is, who this guy is?

羅賓爺爺: It's through and through, but it didn't do any fital.
... But I'm not doing this without proper tools.
DB: (想了一下) Miss Kitty, your wear XXX, right?
Kitty: Yeah?
DB: Do you have tweezers for your hair wity you?
Kitty: You some kind of Columbia person? I do. (拿出)
DB: (接過) Will this do, doc?
Kitty: Wait, aren't you guys should wear something first?
羅賓爺爺: Yes. You're hired. Cleaned your hand and move to here.

莎拉: ... Looks like a .4 cal. I got a blood pool here.
Morgan thinks Catherine was hit when she moved from inside
to the outside of the house though.
囧尼: Maybe Catherine got one down.

DB: Doc, you have cash?
羅賓爺爺: Yeah, a couple.
DB: Miss Kitty. You're really helpful. You earned these. (塞錢)
凱姐: (摘下手錶) Here, I would like to give this to you, too.
You saved my life. (Kitty握了握凱姐的手)
DB: And this is a get-out-of-jail card. Don't loose it.
Kitty: Does't see anything here. Doesn't heard anything.
I'm just pulling my acyline nails! Thanks! (離開)
羅賓爺爺: D.B., Catherine gonna need to sleep for a couple of
DB: Okay. Doc, I need you to find Bradd. Tell him to bring us
羅賓爺爺小心翼翼出了房間, 然後回到現場去問狀況.
羅賓爺爺: Mitchel, the body been trandported?
Mitchel: Yes, doc. It's going back to the lab.
羅賓爺爺: Well, I'm done, too.

布拔跟艾禿去詢問Mark Gabriel,
Mark Gabriel一看到跟在他們身後的Pratt就炸了 
Gabriel: Get him out of here! You killed my wife. You son of a
Pratt: You're the one who killed your wife and my FBIs! Don't
play victim here!
布拔: Agent Pratt, looks like we're the ones speaking here.
Pratt: Fine. I'll leave.
Gabriel: Don't try to hide behind the mirror, Boy Scout!
羅賓爺爺: Brass, you have a moment?
布拔: Doc, if this can go away-
羅賓爺爺: (打斷) It can't.

布拔跟艾禿趕到旅館現場, 卻看到被破壞的門把,
兩人走進去, 房裡已經空無一人, 只剩床上的血跡.
布拔: We're too late.
艾禿: What the hell happen! You still keep the radio silence,
布拔: Yes.
艾禿: So how did the bad guys get here before us?
布拔: Maybe they have been kept an eye on all of us. (檢查房間)
   Despite of the force entry, no sign of struggles.
   The window of the bathroom is open.
Maybe Caherine and DB made out before they came in.
艾禿: I hope they made out of here.

結果事實是兩人真的逃走了, 在Kitty小姐的幫助下.
Jackell: So what can a get-you-out-of-jail card do, hum? I would
rather have some revolving credits!
DB: If we can get out safely, I'll get you some revolving credits.
Kitty: Hey, it should be my credits! I'm the one to call you!
凱姐: What tripped you off to the call?
Kitty: Honey, anyone in that neighborhood would not wear a
raincoat even though it is his birthday coat!

羅賓爺爺: Hey, how's Catherine? She should be on a heavy duty
囧尼: You haven't heard that, do you?
羅賓爺爺: What?
囧尼: They were not in the room anymore. Someone got there before
us so they have to run.
羅賓爺爺: Catherine is in no condition for the run!
囧尼: Right... let's just hope they'll find ways to contact us
soon. So what about the body?
羅賓爺爺: Again, the bugs did an amazing job.
囧尼: You know, I began to wander if the beetles are so awesome,
why don't they just leave the body after the job is done
insead of dumping all the beetles around?

DB: Hey, Mr. Jackell? I hate to bother you for other things.
But do you have a phone? Can I burrow one? Swear to God
I'll get you back. (Jackell拿出一袋易拋式電話) Disposable
phones? Sweet! Thank you!
Jackell: And I got a feeling you'll need this. (遞出一把槍)
DB: Yeah... Annie Oaley here.
凱姐: (接過槍迅速的上膛) You may not get it back.
Jackell: Darling, the way you handle that piece? I think you
兩人接近一棟大樓, 凱姐按下的對講機.
凱姐: I need to see Teddy Jr.
門房: And who is this?
凱姐: Just told him... um... Golfilocks.

凱姐: Hey, Teddy.
Teddy: Hey! How's things going on? I haven't seen you or your
old man for a long time! Even before you turning into
a cop!
凱姐: Yeah. Teddy, I need a kind of a jam. (出示傷口)
Teddy: You need a doctor?
凱姐: Yes. But my friend Russelll and I have to disappear for
a while as well.
Teddy: Sure. The old man will rolled the whole carpet for you.
DB: Uh, well. Golfilocks?
凱姐: (笑) Yeah, when the only thing important for me other than
having fun is attracting mans, and a girl got a lot of
attention from the pole.
DB: And then how you end up being a CSI?
凱姐: Well, working in the pole means looking at all variety of
men with problems. Then, there is this one man coming in,
but he wasn't trying to get rid of the problem. He is
trying to solve it.
   Jimmy Detero. Detective. At once, there is someone who
wasn't looking only at my pretty face.
DB: Jimmy sounds like a very wise man.
凱姐: Yes. He would run cases and look for my opinions.
DB: Okay, how about run this case with me now?
凱姐: Sure. But at first I think you should call home.
When's the last time your wife hasn't hear from you within
24 hours?
DB: Hey, it's me. No, no, no. I'm fine. I just lost my phone.
Uh, where am I? I'm at a stripe pub with Catherine...

Pratt: We still don't know where they are.
囧尼: Well, I assume they're hiding until they find safe ways
to come back.
Pratt: Can't blame them.(兩人走進討論間)
莎拉: So, we've all seen the works done in McClain's office.
They're efficient, clean, A-plus.
囧尼: Exactly.
莎拉: Since then they got all messed with the works on FBI
and Catherine?
Pratt: They still got to her yesterday.
莎拉: Yes, and they made mistakes even with the yelled friend.
Why the inconsistence?
Pratt: I know Mark Gabriel. He doesn't make such kind of
莎拉: Maybe they're not mistakes. Maybe they're made
Pratt: You think Mark Gabriel's guy leave those thing behind to
point to him? Then he's been setting-up!
莎拉: By who, and why?

凱姐: You want to talk the case now?
DB: Yeah, I want to talk about how Mark Gabriel is not our guy.
凱姐: What!?
DB: You had never sent out a resignation letter, did you?
凱姐: What resignation lette?
DB: Here, I printed it out before I go looking for you. "...
dear friends, I tender my resignation."
凱姐: I didn't write that!
DB: "...I would leave a while for staying alone. ...I'll leave
some unfinished job cleaning my desk." But some parts are
true, right?
凱姐: " ... I found my role now is unsatisfying and untenable."
How did they know?
DB: Well, they can hack into your e-mail. You know, all these
sounds just so right. A CSI got all exhausted by the death
of her friend. Goes nuts, goes home, resign.
And under this situation, who will you leash your rage to?
凱姐: Mark Gabriel. Oh my gosh, that's why they took my back-up
gun! They're planning to use it on Gabriel.
DB: Yes, and then you get disappeared! I think that is what they
planned. But based on your behaving from last night till now,
I think you ruined their plan. So safest thing for you now is
coming out of cold.
凱姐: How?
DB: Mr. Teddy? Can you call the corner asking them send two cases
here? One extra long.
Teddy: Got you!

囧尼: (拉開第一個屍袋, DB坐了起來) Well come back in leavin!
DB: Why is it so hard for everyone to believe?
大衛: (跟亨利等人推著凱姐進來) Here is another!
亨利: Sorry but aren't your sight of leaving.
Morgan: Yeah, looks like you're out and left us your casseroll.

凱姐在儲物間整理好了自己, 莎拉跟她在一起
莎拉: So the resignation e-mail is fake?
凱姐: Yeah, a good one. Getting inside my head.
莎拉: So you really feel that way? Missing something in your
凱姐: Well, sort of. Ever since Linsay is leaving, I feel like
needing to have someone else to share all my feelings, but
some other days, I'm fine. And then there comes Laura.
Looks having a perfect life but then appeared to be a lie.
莎拉: And then she turned out dead.
凱姐: Yeah, who's pulling all those strings behind the curtain?
莎拉: I'm puting my fingers to XXXXX. Sometimes the simplest
answer is the best answer.
凱姐: (皺眉) What do you mean?
莎拉: I'm saying that probably you didn't just run into your

凱姐: ...She allows me to see her in control of an abusing
relationship. I sent her to the lawyer! Who was killed
by her husband! And then she was murdered as well?
The next should be her husband?
DB: And to die by your hand. So who generally get the benefit
if the husband died?
凱姐: The wife. All is not well seen.

DB: Henry! (亨利從地板上跳起撞到桌子) I'm sorry, do we wake you
亨利: It's been a rough 48 hours.
DB: Yeah we know. So how you compare the DNA of the FBIs?
亨利: I use their database for that purpose.
DB: What about Laura Gabriel.
亨利: It fits the DNA we collected in the condo.
DB: (對凱姐說) So what do you think? Plenty of opportunity to
plant others in the condo?
凱姐: We do have Laura's clothes and others evidences from the
DB: All right. Henry, re-run the DNA and then compare it to other
databases. Every known databases.

DB: We compared the DNA with the samples collected in hospital.
艾禿: No match. The body wasn't Laura Gabriel.
DB: We found her in the military database. (出示照片)
Pratt: She was one of the assassions!
艾禿: She infrared your detail yesterday. But then she ended up
shoting by someone who she trusted.
DB: ... and, the DNA profile of the driver is not match as well.
Pratt: No, no, McQuaid died in that car!
DB: Well, the guy is Geoffery XXX. Another military guy. He's
one of those guys who cleaned up McClain's office. (出示照片)
Pratt: No, no, no, I don't believe in any of this!
艾禿: Your team is destroyed. And he and Laura were behind this.
Pratt: How could he? They worked with him for so many years!
DB: Well, a lot of things can drive a person. Sex, money, and
maybe both.
艾禿: To be honest, I thought it was you.
Pratt: I'm sorry, am I supposed to feel better? (往外走)
DB: (在走廊上攔住人) Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. None of us saw
  this coming.
Pratt: Yes. But you worked with the guy 24 hours a day, and 7
days a week! You guys supposed to be best friend, and
now... I should know there is something wrong when
McQuiad said he's quitting! He always has this weakness
when things come to beautiful women!
DB: Well, they're still out of there. Laura Gabriel, when she
was playing victim, she gave us an account number of Mark
Gabriel which we can use to trace. How does that sound?
Pratt: Sounds good for me.
DB: Good, because the next part won't.

Pratt跟Mark Gabriel約在一個停車場裡見面
Gabriel: So now you want my help? Interesting place choice.
Pratt: I wanted to make sure your people are listening.
Gabriel: So what now? Aren't with LVPD anymore?
凱姐: (走下車) We're the least of your problem.
Gabriel: What do you mean?
凱姐: Your wife. She played you.
Gabriel: Impressive. Clearly my wife has learned things from
the past years.
凱姐: She set your own dogs to you.
Gabriel: She betrayed you, too. That's why you want her.
With Boy Scout.
Pratt: Someone got to do the job.
Gabriel: This has been a fair conversation. But I prefer to
settle my problem by my own. (上車離開)
凱姐: That went well.
Pratt: I hope so.
凱姐: I just hope he wasn't as smart as he thought he is.

他收到了一筆錢, 於是來到了41 Fern Ridge Road, 正是Laura藏匿處.
他潛了進去, 聽到Laura打開蓮蓬頭的水聲,
他小心的移動到了浴室, 開槍, 拉開浴簾才發現之後並沒有人!
凱姐: (從殺手背後開了一槍示警) I won't miss next time.
Pratt: Put your gun on the ground. Mark Gabriel made you a higher
price so you're willing to switch ground now.
凱姐: And Laura Gabriel is very cooperative.
Pratt: Well, out of this, we're not done yer. Where is McQuiad?
殺手: You don't know? You already have him.

Pratt: We do have McQuiad.
DB: How come? He's not in the FBI sedan.
Pratt: He's in the culviet by her house.
凱姐: Great. So he not only tried to set me up, but also he tried
to set a shut of me.
DB: Well, the first shut is missing, right?
As Sara said, the mistake is nearly impossible. Maybe he's
trying to warn you.
凱姐: And why would he do that?
DB: Well, obviously he cared for you.

Pratt: I didn't have the chance to say this, but you really
kicked the ass yesterday. (凱姐一笑)
Russell is right. McQuiad has feelings for you.
Really. I think he saw himself in you.
Someone who has a dignity. Someone who wouldn't give up.
That is something highly appreciated.
凱姐: Are you trying to ask me out for a date or are you trying
to offer me a job?
Pratt: I'm not officially offering a job. But that's one you can
consider about.
凱姐: Well, I'm still on this job right now. But thanks.

Laura: I already gave all my statements to the cops.
凱姐: I just have one question: why me?
Laura: You really have to ask? Why do you think I choose you?
I knew you. You always want the boy who needed you.
I always want a boy who can give me something.
凱姐: Like Mark Gabriel.
Laura: Yeah, at first, he gave me a lot of things. But then
I need others. Then I met McQuiad.
凱姐: And you saw the opportunity to set up your husband. The
opportunity to set me up.
Laura: I take the chance. I am not like you. You'd rather to
accept the life you can get, but not try to get the life
you want. I always try to get the life I want.
凱姐: Then tell me what you want now. And, if you really know me,
you should have known it's gonna end up like this.

布拔, 囧尼, 莎拉, Morgan跟小葛聚在一起
布拔: ... the guy wanted to dogde the needle to Mark Gabriel now.
囧尼: He really has no problem switching gears, huh?
然後大家的手機響了, 簡訊顯示: Family meeting call.

小哈, 亨利, 羅賓爺爺跟大衛也都收到了簡訊,
囧尼: Well, you call a family meeting call?
DB: No, no, no, I didn't. Catherine did.
凱姐: (微笑看著大家) I just wanted to say how brilliant people
all of you are, what a great team you formed, and how much
I respect all of you both as colleagues and as friends.
There were a couple of changes happened recently, which
initially hurt me but ultimately being different.
Nicky, one thing I said to you is wrong. Yes, it's been
a long 19 years here. For the job, for the lab. But I mean,
the truth is, it's gone by too fast. However, I still
reach to the point in whch one feels to compile a change.
... I've been offered another job in FBI.
莎拉: When you need to go?
凱姐: Well, its' effective immediately. I resigned already.
Officially this time.
You are all family, which is why the decision is so hard.
I mean, how could I leave this place, how could I leave
all of you? (眼眶泛淚微笑)
   But not only all of you are in good hand (看向DB), and
you're all rock-solid bad-ass scientist. Don't ever forget
囧尼: Even though you're leaving, you'll always be here with us,
always. (上前抱住凱姐)

凱姐: I've been sitting here and thinking all the things.
... Make you feel King Kong and coacaine and rushes of
Morgan: This is why I like the job so much.
凱姐: Then hang on that. But not so tight to let the rest slips
away. That's what your dad wants to tell you as well.
Morgan: (收到簡訊, 苦笑) Back to work.
凱姐: Go ahead. I'll have this one.
Morgan: I'll get the next one.
凱姐: You got it.

本集心得: 於是說陪伴大家好久好久的女王也離開了,
FBI請好好珍惜我們的女王, 下次合作的時候希望能看到女王回家坐坐~~
Thank you, Marg Helgenberger.
As Nicky said, even you're leaving, you'll always be here with us.

Tags: CSI

All Comments

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2012-01-30T02:26
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-02-01T07:29
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2012-02-03T10:10
怕爆雷, 我要在這篇說之前推文猜測辭職信的大家好強! XD
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2012-02-05T18:26
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2012-02-09T15:08
好像只是累了吧 演太多年了 想轉換跑道
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2012-02-10T20:55
有人覺得最後一場戲有點奇怪嗎? 只剩Morgan一個
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-02-11T04:03
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-02-15T17:46
凱姐怎麼跑去FBI, 之前不是說華盛頓?
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2012-02-16T11:37
應該只是單純對比101吧 我覺得還不錯
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2012-02-18T02:27
看完狂哭!!! 凱姐就這樣走惹 NO~~~~~~~~~~~~
John avatar
By John
at 2012-02-20T11:39
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-02-21T19:05
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2012-02-26T15:42
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2012-02-27T02:14
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2012-03-01T17:58
樓上正解, 我想他們大概監控了Mark那邊的訊息~~
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-03-02T12:26
太感動了這一集QQ 十餘年的時光好快也好短暫 淚送凱姊T_T
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-03-05T04:32
我剛看完 真的很感人! 感謝凱姐這麼多年的陪伴!
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2012-03-06T18:40
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-03-07T16:43
但最後如同後來的消息 劇組認為還是聚焦在凱姐 好決定!
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2012-03-09T19:02
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-03-12T10:50
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2012-03-12T14:36
I'll always miss Catherine. Thanks, Marg Helgenberger.

CSI Miami S10ep12 海灘店 有雷

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2012-01-21T01:39
我其實已經好久沒看csi了 可能是因為前陣子中了步步驚心的毒 結果那一陣子就一整個對美劇沒興趣XD (這毒可真的害我大概2個月沒看美劇了 不過 話說美劇也在冬休嘛..( ′-`)y-~) 這集的海灘店 我會覺得不錯 是因為 似乎有第七季(還是第八季呀??) 反正就是最好看的那季的FU (有養眼帥哥傑西的那 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-01-20T18:56
CSI系列我最晚開始追邁阿密系列~ 結果最著迷~我從第十季往前跳看,Eric的故事看不少 想請問各位專家 有沒有哪幾季的哪些集是以Ryan為主要人物寫故事?3Q~ 另外,eric的姐姐有特別寫成哪集故事嗎? - ...

CSI: LV 1211 雷~~

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-01-20T06:45
詳細版雷文來了~~ 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 阿編我恨你 片頭回顧FBI先生們來的那一集~~ 鏡頭帶到某律師辦公室, 一名女性客戶在外頭等著, 律師: You dispose a body, I dispose a case! (掛電話) 亞裔女助理: ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2012-01-19T15:06
上一篇太可怕所以來一篇比較輕鬆的XD http://www.tvguide.com/News/CSINY-Megan-Dodds-1041954.aspx 她不是在英劇MI-5裡的CIA? - ...

CSI S12E11 超大雷...

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2012-01-19T14:47
(有雷的簡短心得...不想踩雷的請快閃) (以下有雷) 這話延續本季魔王Mark Gabriel的主線劇情. 基本上就是Mark Gabri ...