CSI: LV 1215 雷~~ - CSI
![Ivy avatar](/img/woman-glasses.jpg)
By Ivy
at 2012-02-24T10:53
at 2012-02-24T10:53
Table of Contents
Finn姐真的滿有戲的 之 防雷頁~~
本集重點: 殺人房子! 但是跟NY那次的很不一樣~~非常符合本店風格~~ XDD
囧尼: So I got working with you?
莎拉: You know the reason. You have problem with that?
囧尼: Oh, nothing, I just keep my opinion open.
(看到Mitch面對一個抓狂中的男子) Hey, what's happening, Mitch?
Mitch: Meet Drawney Hicks. He claimed his wife is missing.
It's all yours now.
囧尼: When was the last time you see your wife?
Drawney: Debbie and I went out for dinner, and then I went to work.
莎拉: Where did you work?
Drawney: (不耐煩口氣不善) What the question has to do with my wife's
莎拉: (瞇眼) Are you ...
囧尼: (制止) Hey, Mr. Hicks, we're trying to help, okay?
Drawney: As a night manager at Sales Dealer, okay?
莎拉: And where is Debera after the dinner?
Drawney: Debbie, okay!? At home.
囧尼: Which house is your?
Drawney: 528!
囧尼: (跟莎拉看著只有信箱的空地) -It's a vacant lot.
Drawney: It's a vacant lot because someone stole my house!
囧尼: Hum... Mr. Hicks, are you saying that when you left last night
that your house and your wife were still here, but then you came
back and found that your wife is missing with the house?
Drawney: Yes! That was what I tried to tell you guys!
囧尼: (看向莎拉) You think somebody is after the house?
Drawney: (空地的電纜爆出火花) Oh, that's great! Yeah!
警局裡, Finn被測謊中
測謊員: Is your name Julie Finn?
Finn: Yes.
測謊員: Have you ever use any kind of drugs including marrigrana during
the past 10 years?
Finn: Nope. And do I ever involved in any kind of technical
construction? Yeah, a little bit.
測謊員: Did you break any laws ever?
Finn: I was married twice... in a little bit overlapped time.
測謊員: Did you ever have sex with animals?
Finn: What!? Well, my first husband is close to a dog. And my second?
A pig.
測謊員: Please answer with "Yes" or "No".
DB: (帶著Finn到辦公室) You know not everyone will appreciate that kind
of humor?
Finn: I know, I can't help myself though. I passed still, right?
DB: Yeah. Welcome to Las Vegas. (遞出工作證)
Finn: (看著大頭照) Looks better than the one in Seattle. Things been
looking up.
DB: (叫住經過的莎拉跟Morgan) Hey! I want you to come in for a while,
okay? This is Julie Fin. She's joinging us. This is Sara Siddle,
and that's Morgan.
Finn: Finns, two n's.
莎拉: I've heard about your blood construction, great job.
DB: So, hum, why you guys give her an official tour?
莎拉: I'd love to, but I have to go back to the weired crime scene.
I'll see you all later.
Morgan: I'll do that. I'll even give you an unofficial tour.
Finn: (跟著Morgan離開, 回頭對DB說) I liked her already.
囧尼: His neighbor said the house was still here last night
when they went to sleep. And the wife is the same.
莎拉: This is all nonsense.
布拔: And if you kidnapped someone, why take the house?
(皺眉看到兩個人衝下車跟Drawney爭吵) What the hell?
Traver: Hey, what you did!? You steal the house!?
Drawney: Really, why would I steal my own house?
Marla: Oh my God, what happened to our house?
囧尼: What the heck is going on here?
莎拉: (對著Marla問) Who are you?
Marla: Marla Hicks. They are my twin brothers, Trever and Drawney.
Drawney: (還在吵) Debbie is missing, dumbass.
Trever: You always stole thing from me! My pot, my jacket, and...
莎拉: (提高音量) A woman is missing, guys! And this is not helpful
at all.
布拔: All right, let's take this family feud to downtown.
莎拉: (看著他們離開) A family like that makes me happy that I'm the
only child.
囧尼: Well, maybe if we figured out what happened to the house, we'll
figure out what happened to the wife.
囧尼: They're lazy. They just slice through the tubes.
莎拉: You really think it is possible to steal a house?
囧尼: Yeah, that's actually kind of easy. (跟莎拉解釋步驟)
莎拉: With the wife inside?
囧尼: Oh, that. Well, they have to drug her first or it's impossible
for you to hear nothing.
莎拉: Unless you're dead.
警局裡, 布拔詢問Hicks兄弟
Trevor: Debbie is a total bitch.
布拔: Why would you say that? What benefit she can get?
Trevor: Money, mostly. She gambled their money all out already.
布拔: You seems quite frustrated.
Drawney: We lost our condo. Of course! What will Mom say!?
布拔: Where is your mother?
Drawney: She's dead.
布拔: I'm sorry for your loss. So your mother left the house to you?
Drawney: She would have, if she has the time to leave a will.
布拔: And your wife?
Drawney: Look, I don't know what Trevor told you, but Debbie just has
some little problems, no big deal.
布拔: Really? You guys seem not so well at Tasty Time last week.
Drawney: Well, Debbie flirts with a fry guy and she knows how I don't
like it. But why would I steal my own house?
布拔: May you lost your temper like what we saw? And you if you get
rid of the house, you can point to your "idiot brother" easily?
Trevor: Debbie is always the "Riffle queen."
布拔: Whay does that mean?
Trevor: She likes guys.
布拔: Looks like you work as a builder around Vegas? How's it?
Trevor: Well, on and off. I don't know if you notice but not a lot of
buildings around Vegas those days.
布拔: So you must know how to steal a house?
Trevor: I do not like Debbie but I would not touch her. You should ask
that to Drawney! Have you ever talked to Fred even?
布拔: Who is Fred?
Marla: Fred Baulentrant. He's my father's friend and he took care of
us when my father left us. I was very young back then.
布拔: It must be hard.
Marla: You didn't know my father. He was really son of a bitch. His
leaving is the best thing ever happened in our family. Anyway,
Fred helped a lot. He and my mother got very close recently.
He even moved in. Until Mother died and Drawney kicked him out.
I'm sure that's Debbie's idea.
莎拉: Your brothers are fighting over the house. How about you?
Marla: I don't want any part of that damn house. I'm glad it was gone.
小葛: I heard that Finn worked with you in Seattle before.
DB: It's right.
小葛: Rumor has it that you fired her.
DB: Right again.
小葛: That means there are a lot of underlying stories here.
DB: Maybe. (兩人接近大衛) What we got here?
大衛: Road kill. Lost of an arm right there. Look at the tire track.
小葛: (彎下身去量) 23 inches, and this is only 16.
DB: So the guy got crossed by a some kind of truck. Died last night.
Not a lot of street lights around this corner. Could be hard to
小葛: Hey, there's a bar right there. Maybe our victim is a hecker
at the bar?
DB: If he's hitted, I'm not seeing a lot of blood here.
大衛: Hey, guys. Blanched skin. And his mouth looked orange.
小葛: He was dead before he was crossed.
DB: This is not a oops-and-run. This is a dump-and-run.
囧尼: Do you have something for me? Is it after the wife? Or it was
just a random house stealing.
小哈: The wife is gambling, right? Maybe she got into trouble not
being able to pay, and they took her house for it? Anyway, I got
some truck record from the survillance camera on the street.
Where is the house?
Finn: (出現在門口) At the corner of Sunset and Burlaw.
囧尼: You must be Finn. Stolks. Hodges.
小哈: Welcome aboard. I just want to let you know if you want to learn
more about the sin of Vegas, I'm in that. (眨眼, 囧尼翻白眼)
Finn: Yeah. Russell told me that. Did you get the question about having
sex with animals when you were checked before entering the lab as
well? Given your tentacle porn fetch.
小哈: (尷尬) Yeah, Russell told you about that.
囧尼: (偷笑) All right, the record?
小哈: ...Housezilla did quite a construction. House is heading east.
That's a big area even for searching a house.
囧尼: Not if you have an eye from the sky.
Finn: I like the way you think.
囧尼: (撥電話) Jim. Stolks. We need a chapper.
囧尼, DB, 跟Finn找到了房子
囧尼: ... Don't lying there playing dead since we're not sure if the
house can handle that now.
Finn: You're still doing that?
DB: That's my pro.
囧尼: It is the house! Fits well by the description of Hicks. Well,
in addition to one thing... (看到被壓在房子下的屍體)
It's not Debbie though. Those were man.
Finn: (看著那雙紅色運動鞋) Ruby red shoes.
DB: I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
大衛來到現場處理屍體, 警方已經把房子架起來了
Finn: You need a hand?
大衛: Thanks.
Finn: I'm Finn.
大衛: David. Welcome aboard.
囧尼: The shoes matches the prints found in Hicks' yard.
Finn: (找到皮夾) Dennis Hutchins.
DB: (指著屋子底下的某物對Finn說) Hey, can you take a picture of that?
On second thought, I think I got something on the truck to get
that out... (Finn趴下去照相後整個人鑽進去了) What are you doing?
Come'on, Jules!
Finn: No one called me like that here! There you go.
DB: Hum. I got another from his truck. This one got jamed. Mr.
Hutchins here tried to fix the house.
Finn: But forget to balancely support the house. Cause of death:
exterm stupidity.
DB: Cause of death: Karma. The house killed the guy.
三人進入屋內, 看到地板上一大灘的血
囧尼: Well, this looks not good.
DB: Does not bond well to Debbie. Dragging pattern?
Finn: Injures and death, right from here. High-velocity spatter.
囧尼: Gun shut?
Finn: (拿出放大鏡檢查血跡) Yeah, one single blood.
It's expraied blood.
DB: So Debbie coughed out blood.
Finn: Yes, induced by multiple force entry instead of gun shut really.
DB: So you're thinking about stabs.
Finn: That's what the pattern tells. Based on the amount of blood spit
on the wall, I estimated it's about XXX. So that means she was
stabbed at least four times.
DB: Mr. Hutchins stole the house doesn't mean that he's the killer.
囧尼: No, we got a lot of suspects, Boss. The Hicks brothers, the
sister, Fred and the guy who moved the house.
莎拉: Open up.
Trevor: Why?
莎拉: So that I can swab your mouth to get your DNA.
Trevor: I don't understand why you need my DNA?
Drawney: So that they can prove that you killed Debbie!
Trevor: You honestly think I killed Debbie? It's insane!
莎拉: I need to take your DNA as well.
Drawney: What? Why?
Trevor: Ha! See? You are no better than me. Maybe you're just trying
to get rid of her in a dirty way!
莎拉: To eliminate anyone who can potentially left any trace there.
Drawney: Of course I were there! It is my house!
Trevor: It's not your house!
Marla: You guys need to talk about the house again? Debbie is dead!
(乖乖配合莎拉張開嘴, 另外兩個繼續吵)
Drawney: What, are you also thinking that I may kill Debbie?
莎拉: If you don't do that, you have nothing to worry about.
Drawney: No!
莎拉: Do anyone of you want a trip to jail?
Debbie: (忽然出現在門口) Drawney?
Drawney: Debbie? (大家都傻了)
Trevor: I know it is too good to be true.
Debbie: What happened to our house?
莎拉: Where have you been?
Debbie: ... I went to gambling again.
莎拉: All night?
Debbie: You lost tracks in time when you're in a casino. I waited
until Drawney left to work and went there with a friend.
莎拉: I'll need your DNA and the detailed alibi.
Debbie: Why?
莎拉: House stealing and murder.
Debbie: Murder? The house was spotless!
莎拉: Look, when we found the house, there is a pool of blood. Someone
is killed there. You were the last one in the house.
Debbie: If anyone will kill someone for the house, then you should talk
to Drawney's stupid brother. You know who's killed?
莎拉: Well, you know, we thought the blood is yours.
羅賓爺爺: He's basically all destroyed for identification.
小葛: Good way to dispose a body.
羅賓爺爺: I think we got a murder weapon.
Morgan: Tip of a knife!
Finn: (走進來) The cause of death is multiple force stabbing on the
chest. I'm Finn.
羅賓爺爺: Dr. Robbins. And you know that how?
Finn: I know who the victim is.
小葛: You ID my victim?
Finn: Well, technically you got my victim out.
小葛: What?
Finn: This is Fred Baulentrant. I got the hit in system.
Finn: Look at the door. That would not be there if someone dragged him
DB: All right, so if Fred is in the house when Dennis moved that, it
could be that he slipped through the door. That pointed the fact
that our killer could be Dennis Hutchins.
Finn: Yes, but on the other hand he could be clueless as well. The
Hicks sibling still have the best motive. And their alibi is
DB: Debbie's alibi is shakier here. (一陣沉默)
Finn: What?
DB: Nothing.
莎拉: So, Marla, how did you know Dennis? He worked for Fred before,
布拔: But you hired him to steal the house?
Marla: He was after me a while to ask me out for a date. So finally I
said I would if he do me a favor.
莎拉: That's a big favor.
Marla: I didn't know Fred will be there. I told Dennis to make sure
there is no one in the house!
布拔: Maybe he is so determined that not letting anything get in the
way of his date.
Marla: Fred is like a father to me. I hate the way my brothers
treating each other! It's all because of that stupid house!
莎拉: That still didn't explain why you want to steal the house.
Marla: I didn't think it through. My mother's body isn't even cold
when my brothers start arguing about the house. I don't
understand why they still want it. After it killed her.
莎拉: The house killed your mother?
Marla: She was hanging a pot when a branch fall on her. Termites.
莎拉: First your Mom, then Fred, then Dennis.
布拔: That's one killer house.
囧尼: ...So Finn was right. Fred got stabbing.
Morgan: Now all we need to do is finding the missing tip.
囧尼: (撬開一塊牆板, 愣住) Morgan. Found something.
Morgan: Murder weapon?
囧尼: No.
Morgan: (走過去, 看到一具骸骨) Ouch.
囧尼: Most family keeps their secret in their closet.
Morgan: Got it?
囧尼: Yeah. This house has killed four people now.
Morgan: That makes it a serial killer.
羅賓爺爺: (檢查骨骸) ...Possible front force trauma.
囧尼: (查看牆後空間) I saw some mouds... Which means this guy
decomposed right here. He's here long, 10 years, maybe even
Morgan: Back then Hicks brothers are teenagers. Old enough to claim
murder. But who is he?
囧尼: You know, someone is missing in this family.
羅賓爺爺: You think this is Walter Hicks?
Morgan: That will give us more suspects. Hicks, Fred- They all hated
him. They all have motive.
囧尼: There's some papers in here. Stained by the decomposition of
the body.
Morgan: That may tell us who he is. Could be significant.
羅賓爺爺: First thing first, let's get our mummy back to the Moragan.
囧尼, Morgan, DB跟Finn討論案情進展, 亨利跑來報告結果
亨利: Our mummy is a daddy.
Finn: (故做驚訝) Really?
亨利: Now that's the interesting part. He is the biological daddy of
Marla, but not the brothers.
DB: And we still don't who killed Fred.
Drawney之前跟Fred有衝突, 於是被布拔問話
Drawney: Like I told you, he attacks me!
布拔: Dawyen, I like the story, I really do. But Fred was attacked in
his house as well.
Drawney: Hey, that's not his house! When Mom is dead, he should just
move out! Yeah, we pushed him a bit, so what? He left alive!
Marla: No! You can't do that! This is his house, too.
Drawney+Debbei: Shut up, Marla.
Drawney: This is our family house. He's not part of our family.
布拔: Maybe he sneaked back at night and you got all mad of him?
Drawney: Ask Marla! Or Debbie! They'll tell you the same truth!
Morgan: Maybe the knife is still on the chest when the killer walked
DB: Or maybe the knife got out of the house as the body did. Expanding
the searching area. And you can take boyfriend Greg with you.
小葛: A piece of the blade.
Morgan: Maybe we can get some trace? Blood, DNA, print maybe? Well, I
found another piece. This is gonna take a while.
小葛: You any good at doing puzzles?
Morgan: I once had an Empire Building puzzle... Did it in six hours.
By myself.
小葛: Then I won't break your fun. (兩人重建了大部分的刀柄, 發現指紋)
Morgan: It's a partial.
小葛: Let's see if we can find something.
DB: I hear you gonna blowing my mind.
Morgan: The blood we found on the knife. Matches Fred. It's our murder
DB: Not exactly breaking my mind.
小葛: The print, on the other hand, belongs to a Hicks.
DB: So we have three Hicks, right? Which one?
Morgan: None of the above.
DB: What?
Morgan: We hit it in CODIS. It went to a long-lost member of the
Hicks family. Walter.
DB: How we get the record?
小葛: He was in record for insulting a guy in a bar fight 15 years
Morgan: So we know the body inside the wall isn't Walter.
DB: So who is he?
莎拉: Now we know that Walter Hicks killed Fred Baulertant.
囧尼: Did he kill the mummy, too?
莎拉: That we don't know. Well, it could be, right?
囧尼: Right. I'm trying to do figure out waht's on the paper. I bet
they'll help us restore this guy.
囧尼: So that you're not Walter Hicks' daughther. Your biological
father's name is Tony Perella. Did you ever heard him?
Marla: No. Mom never said anything.
Finn: He was a handyman working for Fred and fixing the house back
then. We found his body hiding behind the wall of the house.
Marla: My mother had sex wih a handyman?
囧尼: It's not just sex. We restored a letter. You want to see it?
Marla: (接過信) "I never believed in soulmates until I met you... I
can't wait to start our life together. Tony."
囧尼: Looks like your mother planned to leave Walter Hicks.
Finn: Knowing what kind of person he is, that was a very good desicion.
Tony was reported missing on Aaugust 1990.
Marla: I was born in November that year.
Finn: She probably though Tony left her. It must be hard. Loosing
somebody loved her so much.
Marla: My mother always have a sad face. I don't know why until now.
DB: Walter Hicks. You know what's funny? We looked for you all the
way, but we forgot that your whole name is Walter Douglas Hicks.
So, Walter Douglas, records showed that he used his credit card
in Las Vegas two days ago. After all 10 years.
布拔: Tony Perella. Your handyman. His body was found inside your
house. He's been there, hasn't he? Doing repairs. Your wife.
And that's why you killed him.
DB: We found records on shopping blocks, glues, boards from you. Back
on the time when Tony is reported missing. And, right, "Stink Away."
Don't forget that.
Walter: Lois took the boys to their grandparent that summer. And then
Tony confronted with me.
Tony: I loved her.
Walter: Get away from her! (拿錘頭猛砸, 之後把Tony的屍首藏到牆後)
Walter: Said that he wants a fair fight. He lost.
DB: You got the body behind the wall then. Too bad Lois died, hum? So
you started to worry that the house will be sold. People will find
the secret. You went back, and then run into your old good friend.
Fred: What the fuck are you doing here? What? Are you coming to pay
your respects? After all those years?
Walter: Shut up! (拿出刀子攻擊Fred致死)
DB: Every time you lost your temper, somebody ends up dead.
Walter: I'm just trying to do a financial dispute. He came into that.
We got a fight.
布拔: Financial dispute? That's bull shit.
DB: You came back to move the body, but ends up leaving another one
in the house.
Walter: I heard a big truck parked outside. I have to leave.
DB: Anger is like a toxin. It poisons eveyrhing it touches. Your
family. And the house.
布拔: So you'll pay for it.
Trevor: Possessioning isn't healthy. You can't do that!
Drawney: Yes I can. This is my house!
Trevor: Not yours! (看到莎拉跟Finn駕到) Hey! Arresting him!
Drawney: No, squatting him!
Marla: It is just a house! Can't you guys be mature!
Trevor: Shut up, Marla!
Drawney: Yeah, you're no even our sister anymore!
Marla: We have the same mother! You idiots!
莎拉: Well, we're gonna do something for sure. But...
(兄弟倆繼續吵沒人理她) Hey, you guys!
Finn拿起電鉅啟動, 大家一下子都愣住安靜了
Finn: (靠近房子) You want the living room? Or the dining room.
Come'on, tell me and I'll seperate that part for you!
Trevor+Drawney: No!!!!
莎拉: Or, you know, there are better ways to fix this. By the way,
it costs a lot for us on the way up here. Whoever owns the
house pays the bill. (兄弟倆一起愣住了)
Trevor: (指向Marla) She stole it.
Drawney: Yeah, give her the bill!
Marla: What? I never even want this house.
Finn: Marla decided to donate the house to goverment for other uses.
So, she doesn't need to pay the bill in that way.
DB: Nice.
Finn: It's actually Sara's idea, you know.
DB: Well, isn't it because of a crazy lady running around with a
chainsaw as well?
Finn: You heard that.
DB: A little too familiar.
Finn: You know, I poked around those days. This place is like a family.
You got the best of best.
DB: That's true.
Finn: So why- why did you bring me here?
DB: Because you're the best.
Finn: You know that's only half the answer.
DB: Come'on, let's not talk about it.
Finn: I just don't want history to repeat.
DB: Well, it has to take the two of us.
本集心得: 1) 那兩個兄弟到底是怎樣, 莎拉中肯了!
2) 被Finn虧的章魚哈超好笑~~
至於DB, 你這樣以後小葛追不到Morgan會怪你的啦~~ XDD
3) DB跟Finn的火花相當讓人期待.
本集重點: 殺人房子! 但是跟NY那次的很不一樣~~非常符合本店風格~~ XDD
囧尼: So I got working with you?
莎拉: You know the reason. You have problem with that?
囧尼: Oh, nothing, I just keep my opinion open.
(看到Mitch面對一個抓狂中的男子) Hey, what's happening, Mitch?
Mitch: Meet Drawney Hicks. He claimed his wife is missing.
It's all yours now.
囧尼: When was the last time you see your wife?
Drawney: Debbie and I went out for dinner, and then I went to work.
莎拉: Where did you work?
Drawney: (不耐煩口氣不善) What the question has to do with my wife's
莎拉: (瞇眼) Are you ...
囧尼: (制止) Hey, Mr. Hicks, we're trying to help, okay?
Drawney: As a night manager at Sales Dealer, okay?
莎拉: And where is Debera after the dinner?
Drawney: Debbie, okay!? At home.
囧尼: Which house is your?
Drawney: 528!
囧尼: (跟莎拉看著只有信箱的空地) -It's a vacant lot.
Drawney: It's a vacant lot because someone stole my house!
囧尼: Hum... Mr. Hicks, are you saying that when you left last night
that your house and your wife were still here, but then you came
back and found that your wife is missing with the house?
Drawney: Yes! That was what I tried to tell you guys!
囧尼: (看向莎拉) You think somebody is after the house?
Drawney: (空地的電纜爆出火花) Oh, that's great! Yeah!
警局裡, Finn被測謊中
測謊員: Is your name Julie Finn?
Finn: Yes.
測謊員: Have you ever use any kind of drugs including marrigrana during
the past 10 years?
Finn: Nope. And do I ever involved in any kind of technical
construction? Yeah, a little bit.
測謊員: Did you break any laws ever?
Finn: I was married twice... in a little bit overlapped time.
測謊員: Did you ever have sex with animals?
Finn: What!? Well, my first husband is close to a dog. And my second?
A pig.
測謊員: Please answer with "Yes" or "No".
DB: (帶著Finn到辦公室) You know not everyone will appreciate that kind
of humor?
Finn: I know, I can't help myself though. I passed still, right?
DB: Yeah. Welcome to Las Vegas. (遞出工作證)
Finn: (看著大頭照) Looks better than the one in Seattle. Things been
looking up.
DB: (叫住經過的莎拉跟Morgan) Hey! I want you to come in for a while,
okay? This is Julie Fin. She's joinging us. This is Sara Siddle,
and that's Morgan.
Finn: Finns, two n's.
莎拉: I've heard about your blood construction, great job.
DB: So, hum, why you guys give her an official tour?
莎拉: I'd love to, but I have to go back to the weired crime scene.
I'll see you all later.
Morgan: I'll do that. I'll even give you an unofficial tour.
Finn: (跟著Morgan離開, 回頭對DB說) I liked her already.
囧尼: His neighbor said the house was still here last night
when they went to sleep. And the wife is the same.
莎拉: This is all nonsense.
布拔: And if you kidnapped someone, why take the house?
(皺眉看到兩個人衝下車跟Drawney爭吵) What the hell?
Traver: Hey, what you did!? You steal the house!?
Drawney: Really, why would I steal my own house?
Marla: Oh my God, what happened to our house?
囧尼: What the heck is going on here?
莎拉: (對著Marla問) Who are you?
Marla: Marla Hicks. They are my twin brothers, Trever and Drawney.
Drawney: (還在吵) Debbie is missing, dumbass.
Trever: You always stole thing from me! My pot, my jacket, and...
莎拉: (提高音量) A woman is missing, guys! And this is not helpful
at all.
布拔: All right, let's take this family feud to downtown.
莎拉: (看著他們離開) A family like that makes me happy that I'm the
only child.
囧尼: Well, maybe if we figured out what happened to the house, we'll
figure out what happened to the wife.
囧尼: They're lazy. They just slice through the tubes.
莎拉: You really think it is possible to steal a house?
囧尼: Yeah, that's actually kind of easy. (跟莎拉解釋步驟)
莎拉: With the wife inside?
囧尼: Oh, that. Well, they have to drug her first or it's impossible
for you to hear nothing.
莎拉: Unless you're dead.
警局裡, 布拔詢問Hicks兄弟
Trevor: Debbie is a total bitch.
布拔: Why would you say that? What benefit she can get?
Trevor: Money, mostly. She gambled their money all out already.
布拔: You seems quite frustrated.
Drawney: We lost our condo. Of course! What will Mom say!?
布拔: Where is your mother?
Drawney: She's dead.
布拔: I'm sorry for your loss. So your mother left the house to you?
Drawney: She would have, if she has the time to leave a will.
布拔: And your wife?
Drawney: Look, I don't know what Trevor told you, but Debbie just has
some little problems, no big deal.
布拔: Really? You guys seem not so well at Tasty Time last week.
Drawney: Well, Debbie flirts with a fry guy and she knows how I don't
like it. But why would I steal my own house?
布拔: May you lost your temper like what we saw? And you if you get
rid of the house, you can point to your "idiot brother" easily?
Trevor: Debbie is always the "Riffle queen."
布拔: Whay does that mean?
Trevor: She likes guys.
布拔: Looks like you work as a builder around Vegas? How's it?
Trevor: Well, on and off. I don't know if you notice but not a lot of
buildings around Vegas those days.
布拔: So you must know how to steal a house?
Trevor: I do not like Debbie but I would not touch her. You should ask
that to Drawney! Have you ever talked to Fred even?
布拔: Who is Fred?
Marla: Fred Baulentrant. He's my father's friend and he took care of
us when my father left us. I was very young back then.
布拔: It must be hard.
Marla: You didn't know my father. He was really son of a bitch. His
leaving is the best thing ever happened in our family. Anyway,
Fred helped a lot. He and my mother got very close recently.
He even moved in. Until Mother died and Drawney kicked him out.
I'm sure that's Debbie's idea.
莎拉: Your brothers are fighting over the house. How about you?
Marla: I don't want any part of that damn house. I'm glad it was gone.
小葛: I heard that Finn worked with you in Seattle before.
DB: It's right.
小葛: Rumor has it that you fired her.
DB: Right again.
小葛: That means there are a lot of underlying stories here.
DB: Maybe. (兩人接近大衛) What we got here?
大衛: Road kill. Lost of an arm right there. Look at the tire track.
小葛: (彎下身去量) 23 inches, and this is only 16.
DB: So the guy got crossed by a some kind of truck. Died last night.
Not a lot of street lights around this corner. Could be hard to
小葛: Hey, there's a bar right there. Maybe our victim is a hecker
at the bar?
DB: If he's hitted, I'm not seeing a lot of blood here.
大衛: Hey, guys. Blanched skin. And his mouth looked orange.
小葛: He was dead before he was crossed.
DB: This is not a oops-and-run. This is a dump-and-run.
囧尼: Do you have something for me? Is it after the wife? Or it was
just a random house stealing.
小哈: The wife is gambling, right? Maybe she got into trouble not
being able to pay, and they took her house for it? Anyway, I got
some truck record from the survillance camera on the street.
Where is the house?
Finn: (出現在門口) At the corner of Sunset and Burlaw.
囧尼: You must be Finn. Stolks. Hodges.
小哈: Welcome aboard. I just want to let you know if you want to learn
more about the sin of Vegas, I'm in that. (眨眼, 囧尼翻白眼)
Finn: Yeah. Russell told me that. Did you get the question about having
sex with animals when you were checked before entering the lab as
well? Given your tentacle porn fetch.
小哈: (尷尬) Yeah, Russell told you about that.
囧尼: (偷笑) All right, the record?
小哈: ...Housezilla did quite a construction. House is heading east.
That's a big area even for searching a house.
囧尼: Not if you have an eye from the sky.
Finn: I like the way you think.
囧尼: (撥電話) Jim. Stolks. We need a chapper.
囧尼, DB, 跟Finn找到了房子
囧尼: ... Don't lying there playing dead since we're not sure if the
house can handle that now.
Finn: You're still doing that?
DB: That's my pro.
囧尼: It is the house! Fits well by the description of Hicks. Well,
in addition to one thing... (看到被壓在房子下的屍體)
It's not Debbie though. Those were man.
Finn: (看著那雙紅色運動鞋) Ruby red shoes.
DB: I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
大衛來到現場處理屍體, 警方已經把房子架起來了
Finn: You need a hand?
大衛: Thanks.
Finn: I'm Finn.
大衛: David. Welcome aboard.
囧尼: The shoes matches the prints found in Hicks' yard.
Finn: (找到皮夾) Dennis Hutchins.
DB: (指著屋子底下的某物對Finn說) Hey, can you take a picture of that?
On second thought, I think I got something on the truck to get
that out... (Finn趴下去照相後整個人鑽進去了) What are you doing?
Come'on, Jules!
Finn: No one called me like that here! There you go.
DB: Hum. I got another from his truck. This one got jamed. Mr.
Hutchins here tried to fix the house.
Finn: But forget to balancely support the house. Cause of death:
exterm stupidity.
DB: Cause of death: Karma. The house killed the guy.
三人進入屋內, 看到地板上一大灘的血
囧尼: Well, this looks not good.
DB: Does not bond well to Debbie. Dragging pattern?
Finn: Injures and death, right from here. High-velocity spatter.
囧尼: Gun shut?
Finn: (拿出放大鏡檢查血跡) Yeah, one single blood.
It's expraied blood.
DB: So Debbie coughed out blood.
Finn: Yes, induced by multiple force entry instead of gun shut really.
DB: So you're thinking about stabs.
Finn: That's what the pattern tells. Based on the amount of blood spit
on the wall, I estimated it's about XXX. So that means she was
stabbed at least four times.
DB: Mr. Hutchins stole the house doesn't mean that he's the killer.
囧尼: No, we got a lot of suspects, Boss. The Hicks brothers, the
sister, Fred and the guy who moved the house.
莎拉: Open up.
Trevor: Why?
莎拉: So that I can swab your mouth to get your DNA.
Trevor: I don't understand why you need my DNA?
Drawney: So that they can prove that you killed Debbie!
Trevor: You honestly think I killed Debbie? It's insane!
莎拉: I need to take your DNA as well.
Drawney: What? Why?
Trevor: Ha! See? You are no better than me. Maybe you're just trying
to get rid of her in a dirty way!
莎拉: To eliminate anyone who can potentially left any trace there.
Drawney: Of course I were there! It is my house!
Trevor: It's not your house!
Marla: You guys need to talk about the house again? Debbie is dead!
(乖乖配合莎拉張開嘴, 另外兩個繼續吵)
Drawney: What, are you also thinking that I may kill Debbie?
莎拉: If you don't do that, you have nothing to worry about.
Drawney: No!
莎拉: Do anyone of you want a trip to jail?
Debbie: (忽然出現在門口) Drawney?
Drawney: Debbie? (大家都傻了)
Trevor: I know it is too good to be true.
Debbie: What happened to our house?
莎拉: Where have you been?
Debbie: ... I went to gambling again.
莎拉: All night?
Debbie: You lost tracks in time when you're in a casino. I waited
until Drawney left to work and went there with a friend.
莎拉: I'll need your DNA and the detailed alibi.
Debbie: Why?
莎拉: House stealing and murder.
Debbie: Murder? The house was spotless!
莎拉: Look, when we found the house, there is a pool of blood. Someone
is killed there. You were the last one in the house.
Debbie: If anyone will kill someone for the house, then you should talk
to Drawney's stupid brother. You know who's killed?
莎拉: Well, you know, we thought the blood is yours.
羅賓爺爺: He's basically all destroyed for identification.
小葛: Good way to dispose a body.
羅賓爺爺: I think we got a murder weapon.
Morgan: Tip of a knife!
Finn: (走進來) The cause of death is multiple force stabbing on the
chest. I'm Finn.
羅賓爺爺: Dr. Robbins. And you know that how?
Finn: I know who the victim is.
小葛: You ID my victim?
Finn: Well, technically you got my victim out.
小葛: What?
Finn: This is Fred Baulentrant. I got the hit in system.
Finn: Look at the door. That would not be there if someone dragged him
DB: All right, so if Fred is in the house when Dennis moved that, it
could be that he slipped through the door. That pointed the fact
that our killer could be Dennis Hutchins.
Finn: Yes, but on the other hand he could be clueless as well. The
Hicks sibling still have the best motive. And their alibi is
DB: Debbie's alibi is shakier here. (一陣沉默)
Finn: What?
DB: Nothing.
莎拉: So, Marla, how did you know Dennis? He worked for Fred before,
布拔: But you hired him to steal the house?
Marla: He was after me a while to ask me out for a date. So finally I
said I would if he do me a favor.
莎拉: That's a big favor.
Marla: I didn't know Fred will be there. I told Dennis to make sure
there is no one in the house!
布拔: Maybe he is so determined that not letting anything get in the
way of his date.
Marla: Fred is like a father to me. I hate the way my brothers
treating each other! It's all because of that stupid house!
莎拉: That still didn't explain why you want to steal the house.
Marla: I didn't think it through. My mother's body isn't even cold
when my brothers start arguing about the house. I don't
understand why they still want it. After it killed her.
莎拉: The house killed your mother?
Marla: She was hanging a pot when a branch fall on her. Termites.
莎拉: First your Mom, then Fred, then Dennis.
布拔: That's one killer house.
囧尼: ...So Finn was right. Fred got stabbing.
Morgan: Now all we need to do is finding the missing tip.
囧尼: (撬開一塊牆板, 愣住) Morgan. Found something.
Morgan: Murder weapon?
囧尼: No.
Morgan: (走過去, 看到一具骸骨) Ouch.
囧尼: Most family keeps their secret in their closet.
Morgan: Got it?
囧尼: Yeah. This house has killed four people now.
Morgan: That makes it a serial killer.
羅賓爺爺: (檢查骨骸) ...Possible front force trauma.
囧尼: (查看牆後空間) I saw some mouds... Which means this guy
decomposed right here. He's here long, 10 years, maybe even
Morgan: Back then Hicks brothers are teenagers. Old enough to claim
murder. But who is he?
囧尼: You know, someone is missing in this family.
羅賓爺爺: You think this is Walter Hicks?
Morgan: That will give us more suspects. Hicks, Fred- They all hated
him. They all have motive.
囧尼: There's some papers in here. Stained by the decomposition of
the body.
Morgan: That may tell us who he is. Could be significant.
羅賓爺爺: First thing first, let's get our mummy back to the Moragan.
囧尼, Morgan, DB跟Finn討論案情進展, 亨利跑來報告結果
亨利: Our mummy is a daddy.
Finn: (故做驚訝) Really?
亨利: Now that's the interesting part. He is the biological daddy of
Marla, but not the brothers.
DB: And we still don't who killed Fred.
Drawney之前跟Fred有衝突, 於是被布拔問話
Drawney: Like I told you, he attacks me!
布拔: Dawyen, I like the story, I really do. But Fred was attacked in
his house as well.
Drawney: Hey, that's not his house! When Mom is dead, he should just
move out! Yeah, we pushed him a bit, so what? He left alive!
Marla: No! You can't do that! This is his house, too.
Drawney+Debbei: Shut up, Marla.
Drawney: This is our family house. He's not part of our family.
布拔: Maybe he sneaked back at night and you got all mad of him?
Drawney: Ask Marla! Or Debbie! They'll tell you the same truth!
Morgan: Maybe the knife is still on the chest when the killer walked
DB: Or maybe the knife got out of the house as the body did. Expanding
the searching area. And you can take boyfriend Greg with you.
小葛: A piece of the blade.
Morgan: Maybe we can get some trace? Blood, DNA, print maybe? Well, I
found another piece. This is gonna take a while.
小葛: You any good at doing puzzles?
Morgan: I once had an Empire Building puzzle... Did it in six hours.
By myself.
小葛: Then I won't break your fun. (兩人重建了大部分的刀柄, 發現指紋)
Morgan: It's a partial.
小葛: Let's see if we can find something.
DB: I hear you gonna blowing my mind.
Morgan: The blood we found on the knife. Matches Fred. It's our murder
DB: Not exactly breaking my mind.
小葛: The print, on the other hand, belongs to a Hicks.
DB: So we have three Hicks, right? Which one?
Morgan: None of the above.
DB: What?
Morgan: We hit it in CODIS. It went to a long-lost member of the
Hicks family. Walter.
DB: How we get the record?
小葛: He was in record for insulting a guy in a bar fight 15 years
Morgan: So we know the body inside the wall isn't Walter.
DB: So who is he?
莎拉: Now we know that Walter Hicks killed Fred Baulertant.
囧尼: Did he kill the mummy, too?
莎拉: That we don't know. Well, it could be, right?
囧尼: Right. I'm trying to do figure out waht's on the paper. I bet
they'll help us restore this guy.
囧尼: So that you're not Walter Hicks' daughther. Your biological
father's name is Tony Perella. Did you ever heard him?
Marla: No. Mom never said anything.
Finn: He was a handyman working for Fred and fixing the house back
then. We found his body hiding behind the wall of the house.
Marla: My mother had sex wih a handyman?
囧尼: It's not just sex. We restored a letter. You want to see it?
Marla: (接過信) "I never believed in soulmates until I met you... I
can't wait to start our life together. Tony."
囧尼: Looks like your mother planned to leave Walter Hicks.
Finn: Knowing what kind of person he is, that was a very good desicion.
Tony was reported missing on Aaugust 1990.
Marla: I was born in November that year.
Finn: She probably though Tony left her. It must be hard. Loosing
somebody loved her so much.
Marla: My mother always have a sad face. I don't know why until now.
DB: Walter Hicks. You know what's funny? We looked for you all the
way, but we forgot that your whole name is Walter Douglas Hicks.
So, Walter Douglas, records showed that he used his credit card
in Las Vegas two days ago. After all 10 years.
布拔: Tony Perella. Your handyman. His body was found inside your
house. He's been there, hasn't he? Doing repairs. Your wife.
And that's why you killed him.
DB: We found records on shopping blocks, glues, boards from you. Back
on the time when Tony is reported missing. And, right, "Stink Away."
Don't forget that.
Walter: Lois took the boys to their grandparent that summer. And then
Tony confronted with me.
Tony: I loved her.
Walter: Get away from her! (拿錘頭猛砸, 之後把Tony的屍首藏到牆後)
Walter: Said that he wants a fair fight. He lost.
DB: You got the body behind the wall then. Too bad Lois died, hum? So
you started to worry that the house will be sold. People will find
the secret. You went back, and then run into your old good friend.
Fred: What the fuck are you doing here? What? Are you coming to pay
your respects? After all those years?
Walter: Shut up! (拿出刀子攻擊Fred致死)
DB: Every time you lost your temper, somebody ends up dead.
Walter: I'm just trying to do a financial dispute. He came into that.
We got a fight.
布拔: Financial dispute? That's bull shit.
DB: You came back to move the body, but ends up leaving another one
in the house.
Walter: I heard a big truck parked outside. I have to leave.
DB: Anger is like a toxin. It poisons eveyrhing it touches. Your
family. And the house.
布拔: So you'll pay for it.
Trevor: Possessioning isn't healthy. You can't do that!
Drawney: Yes I can. This is my house!
Trevor: Not yours! (看到莎拉跟Finn駕到) Hey! Arresting him!
Drawney: No, squatting him!
Marla: It is just a house! Can't you guys be mature!
Trevor: Shut up, Marla!
Drawney: Yeah, you're no even our sister anymore!
Marla: We have the same mother! You idiots!
莎拉: Well, we're gonna do something for sure. But...
(兄弟倆繼續吵沒人理她) Hey, you guys!
Finn拿起電鉅啟動, 大家一下子都愣住安靜了
Finn: (靠近房子) You want the living room? Or the dining room.
Come'on, tell me and I'll seperate that part for you!
Trevor+Drawney: No!!!!
莎拉: Or, you know, there are better ways to fix this. By the way,
it costs a lot for us on the way up here. Whoever owns the
house pays the bill. (兄弟倆一起愣住了)
Trevor: (指向Marla) She stole it.
Drawney: Yeah, give her the bill!
Marla: What? I never even want this house.
Finn: Marla decided to donate the house to goverment for other uses.
So, she doesn't need to pay the bill in that way.
DB: Nice.
Finn: It's actually Sara's idea, you know.
DB: Well, isn't it because of a crazy lady running around with a
chainsaw as well?
Finn: You heard that.
DB: A little too familiar.
Finn: You know, I poked around those days. This place is like a family.
You got the best of best.
DB: That's true.
Finn: So why- why did you bring me here?
DB: Because you're the best.
Finn: You know that's only half the answer.
DB: Come'on, let's not talk about it.
Finn: I just don't want history to repeat.
DB: Well, it has to take the two of us.
本集心得: 1) 那兩個兄弟到底是怎樣, 莎拉中肯了!
2) 被Finn虧的章魚哈超好笑~~
至於DB, 你這樣以後小葛追不到Morgan會怪你的啦~~ XDD
3) DB跟Finn的火花相當讓人期待.
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