CSI: NY 804 雷~~ - CSI

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-10-16T07:03

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Welcome back, Danny 之 防雷頁~~

本集重點: 丹尼拍拍, 沒關係啦! 他們不要我們要~~

片頭, 一名男子倒在地上,
丹尼的視線有點模糊, 後腦杓流血了,
他的兩名員警Terrence Foley跟Gleen Cates拉起他,
丹尼看到那個女性員警Lauren Cooper蹲在一具屍體旁邊,

丹尼走到Lauren旁邊, 收走自己的槍.
Lauren: I had to do. He pulled the gun. I had no choice.
丹尼: Don't move. (詢問另兩名男性員警) All right, tell me. Tell
me what happened. Off the record.
Gleen: It's all of a sudden. There are three of them
Terrence: Yeah, the guy hit you with a bottle and start to fight.
丹尼: Guys from the bar? Where are the other two?
Gleen: They ran off. Just around the corner.
丹尼: Cooper says he had a weapon?
Terrence: Yeah, .38 maybe. I heard the shut.
丹尼: All right, so you guys are saying that he pulled out his
weapon to attack and his partners just ran off?
Terrence & Gleen: (點頭)
丹尼: (看了看四周) Where is his gun?

於是說警方到了現場, 霍克葛格拍照蒐證, 亞當也出現了.
弗帥: You're saying three guys jumping on you. And one of them
has a gun?
Lauren: Guy on the ground had the gun. I fired one shut. He went
弗帥: You see what happened to the gun?
Lauren: He has it when I shut him.
Jo: Did on of the guys take the gun with him when they ran?
Terrence: The guy on the ground pulled out the gun. Officer Cooper
fired one shut. The guy went down.
Jo: I understand that. I'm asking about his friends.
Gleen: The guy on the ground pulled out the gun.
弗帥: Yeah, and Officer Cooper fired one shut. I got that.
Gleen: Then you got enough to fill the file. You know the drill.
I'm not saying more words toward you.

包子大: You okay? Danny. Walk through this with me.
丹尼: We went in the bar after the shift. Later Cooper pointed a
guy who's drunk and keep checking on her. That's all where
it starts.
包子大: This is the victim?
丹尼: Yeah. He got aggressive with Cooper. She said "Hey, back
off." So I showed him the door.
包子大: Did you identify yourself as a policeman?
丹尼: No, Mac. The guy is wasted. Showing my shieff will make
things wore. The guy is a jerk. If I give it a second
thought, I probably will do that. Next thing I know is that
my head is bleeding and my weapon is on Cooper's hand. That
man is dead.
包子大: ... there are three men jumping to you?
丹尼: That's right. Three of them. They have weapons.
包子大: You didn't see that, Danny. You were unconcious.
丹尼: ... That's what my people said.
包子大: They already made their statements.
丹尼: Right. I assumed this is officers involving shooting...
包子大: Not only them, Danny. You're their supervisor. You were
in the bar. Somebody got shut. And he is dead. Bosses
are the ones someone to ask. You are the one to straight
then. Get ready, Danny.

霍克葛格: GSR test comes back positive.
亞當: Means that this guy had a gun.
霍克葛格: Maybe. Officer Cooper told Danny she checked the guy's
pulp after shooting.
亞當: GSR is transferred from her hand to his hand.
霍克葛格: There is just no evidence to back up the cop's story.

Jo: They all have their stories straight. Like they rehersed that.
弗帥: Makes sense... they avoid the details about how they screwed
Jo: Victim's ID as Pete Miller. He's a house wracker, no criminal
包子大: Not a profile as a guy who will bring a gun for a bar
Jo: Searched the whole area and to see a gun was dumped. Nothing.
弗帥: Plus we have no witness seeing Office Cooper being attacked
and the dead guy's friends are gone in the wind.
包子大: So we got no witness, no gun. Just four off-duty officers
in a dead villey.

丹尼: Hey, babe, don't worry, don't worry. Just a little cut.
蒙大拿: (抱一下, 看頭) There are still glasses on your head, we
should get a sample for Mac.
丹尼: I already got a sample. (笑)
蒙大拿: Then let me get you to the hospital.
丹尼: I'm fine. I got to stay here for them.
蒙大拿: There is nothing you can do for them now, Danny. In spite
of bleeding out.
Mitchell: (接近丹尼) She's right, Detective Messer. I'm IAB Lt.
Mitchell Adler. How are you doing.
丹尼: I'm good. It's not a big deal.
Mitchell: Great. Then you probably do not mind to answer me a
few questions:
丹尼: Yeah, I'm... (被蒙大拿打斷)
蒙大拿: Actually he did. Running to the ER.
Mitchell: Just a few questions.
丹尼: (嘗試要說話又被打斷)
蒙大拿: The regulation is fine as long as he answered those
questions within 24 hours. So you can ask later.

席德大叔: I pulled out those glass pieces from victim's head.
包子大: They looks like a match to the ones we got from Danny's
席德大叔: And he is seriouly toxined. The alchol level is .19.
包子大: Bartender said the victim ordered only one beer.
席德大叔: So he must drink at somewhere else before. To be
through, I checked the stomach contents. Found this.
包子大: Some kind of stone? Actually they're perfectly cubed...
I'll take this to the lab.
They said there are two to three shuts happenes...
席德大叔: Just one shut here. Perfectly near the heart.
包子大: Could be Officer Cooper stayed calm and took her chance.
席德大叔: Despite that there is no gun on the hand of this man.
In that case, she killed a man unarmed.

亞當在檢查死者的衣服, 看到神秘的液體殘留.
蒙大拿: Hey, Adam.
亞當: You ever dance with green fairy?
蒙大拿: I can't help you, hum.
亞當: How about evidence? It's a 19 century version of magic
mashrooms. You know why they called it green fairy?
Because it's made warm-blooded... Maybe that's what up
with our vic.
蒙大拿: I really can't say.
亞當: That can explain why a guy with no records comes up with
a gun. And this, I can tell head or tail up! Some kind of
fibers. I originally thought it was as human hair. But
then the diameter came out as XXX millimeters, it was too
thin! Some kind of fur maybe? How you think?
蒙大拿: Adam, what happenes when you're the wife of the officers
involved in the shooting scene and you happened to work
in the crime lab? (亞當愣住) Yeah, conflict of interests.
亞當: Oh, uh, I'm sorry, I was... Is he okay?
蒙大拿: He got several cuts on his head. And he is making his
statement now with the IAB.
亞當: I will be careful about that.
蒙大拿: I thought he will. Tell EDNA I said hello. (離開)
亞當: EDNA!

霍克葛格: The GSR residue I found on victim's hand is a match
to the gun Officer Cooper fired.
包子大: Confirmed that it is transferred from her hand.
霍克葛格: Yeah, but that's not all. I also found different GSR
residues on the upper arm of the victim.
包子大: ... so there are two guns. Friends of our victim must
take it when they flew.
霍克葛格: But in addition to those guys and words from the cops,
there is no evidence of the second gun.
包子大: There is one thing the friends didn't take when they ran.
(霍克葛格: ?) The bullet that Pete fired.

Jo: Hey, check it out! (路牌上發現子彈擦過的痕跡!)

Mitchell: Made me feel better you didn't come in with your wife.
That's a nice union power she can do. (笑)
丹尼: (不予置評)
Mitchell: Let's start from the fight in the bar.
丹尼: It's not a fight. Kid got wasted. I showed him the door.
Mitchell: Ah, the victim we're talking about I see. Showing him
the door by dragging his neck.
丹尼: Yeah, he was disturbance.
Mitchell: A disturbance to Officer Cooper. No one else complained.
He came back then.
丹尼: Yeah. Couple guys. Showed up from nowhere. Someone hit me
with a bottle, which is qualified to be a weapon.
Mitchell: What was next?

Lauren: I went to check Sergeant Messer. Officer Foley tried to
get them.
Mitchell: You drew the gun because Officer Foley is being
Lauren: Well, I drew him down because this guy is pulling out a
gun. He was dead before he hits the ground.

Mitchell: So Officer Cooper used your weapon.
丹尼: I told my guys to leave their off-duty weapons at home.
Mitchell: But you have it.
丹尼: Yeah because I wasn't drinking. And thank God I have my
gun or otherwise we might be investigating a cop murder.
Mitchell: Bartender said that he got a full house that night.
Sending out beers, taquila...
丹尼: Lt., like I said, I wasn't drinking.
Mitchell: So what was that for your officers?
丹尼: ......

Lauren: Two beers before we left. That was it.
Mitchell: What about Sergeant Messer? What do you think about him?
Lauren: As a boss? He is excellent.

丹尼: Officer Cooper? She is smart. She got instinct. I think she
will be a good cop.
Mitchell: She spoke high for you as well. Said you're a great
boss. Let's see what your choice last night. You went
out drinking with your patronma. You brought a loaded
weapon to a crowded bar... End up with one of your
patron shut a guy with your weapon. (停止錄音)
You seem capable, Sergeant Messer. Things you did for
your lab? It's impressive. But as a boss? You're way
out of yours.

霍克葛格: (架設紅外線中) How about this?
Jo: (調整一下) Okay. Now it's about the angle the bullet bounce
that board.
兩人順著紅外線找過去, 碰上一面磚牆,
霍克葛格: Hey, I got something. (在一個木質窗框內)
Jo: We found the missing bullet.
霍克葛格: Now we only need to find the missing gun.

街頭, 一個利用自己當漆彈活靶賺錢的人對著Pete的同夥招徠生意,
結果那人走入射擊範圍圈內, 卻取出真槍將之殺害...

弗帥: Victim is Thomas Hurtz, "The Geek." You paid 5 bucks, then
you can shut him. That's how he made the money.
Jo: Really. The shooter didn't get rules. He used a real gun to
shot. Do we get a description?
弗帥: My people is asking the witness now.
Jo: (點頭, 看向死者) Really? Get a geek, hum?
弗帥: Maybe he told his mother it's a piece of show business.

霍克葛格: How's Danny's talk with the IAB?
蒙大拿: (嘆口氣) He said it was fine. And... huh... Sheldon?
How's the case looking?
霍克葛格: (壓低音量) Between you and me, we found the bullet that
confirmed Pete had a gun.
蒙大拿: Did you find the gun?
霍克葛格: Just bullet now. We still work on to find the gun.
Don't look so heavy.
蒙大拿: Well, once you find the gun, at least Officer Cooper is
霍克葛格: Only her?
蒙大拿: I don't know... IAB looks so much want to point their
fingers on someone.
霍克葛格: With what?
蒙大拿: Do you realize how many rules Danny might broke? I have
spent hours on reading that.
霍克葛格: Look, don't worry, okay? We are scientists. There is
no evidence suggesting they were wrong, right?
蒙大拿: I hope you are right.
蒙大拿: I got good news and bad news, Sheldon. Good news is this
fiber looks exactly like what Adam pull from Pete's
霍克葛格: What's the bad news?
蒙大拿: That I can't work on this case anymore.

經過蒙大拿的"提醒", 亞當在用EDNA查那根詭異的纖維

丹尼: How are you doing?
Lauren: Good, I'm good.
丹尼: If you want to talk...
Lauren: I'm okay. Don't feel anything right now. I did the right
thing. The guy had a gun.
丹尼: It still takes a life. And it is not a comfortable feeling.
You want to talk to someone about that. If you want to
talk to someone have been there, I'm right here...
Gleen & Terrence: Laura!
Lauren: Just a second.
Gleen & Terrence: (兩人做出招手貌)
丹尼: I'll talk to you later.

Mitchell: Detective Taylor. I've heard you figured out there is
a gun?
包子大: Is any question about that?
Mitchell: Did you guys find the gun or not?
包子大: ... not yet.
Mitchell: Like you, I like facts and evidence.
包子大: Danny is a good cop. Not to mention the politics you
guys are trying to play underneath this.
Mitchell: That reminds me the shooting Messer was involved two
years ago. It's a interesting career.
包子大: This time it is not Danny firing the gun.
Mitchell: Yes, but he has his own problems. So far, I got no
evidence of the witness or the gun.
包子大: ...I told you I'll find the gun.
Mitchell: If you want to protect your people, Detective Taylor.
You got to do better. You got to put the gun on Pete's

Jo馬上判斷出那是指fly fishing的假餌.
亞當: You know that? It's usually made by ooo, xxx, and...
包子大: (走進來) Rooster feathers.
亞當: You know that as well? Am I the only one who doesn't know
總之那神秘的纖維是公雞羽毛, 亞當做出fly fishing的甩竿動作,

包子大: According to your statement, Pete fired the gun.
Lauren: (點頭)
包子大: Show me how he held the gun.
包子大: We tested the GSR. When one fires a gun, the particles
land on the shooter's hand. But instead, Pere's upper
arms is where the GSR located... Pete Miller didn't fire
the gun. He was standing next to the shooter.
Lauren: ... It was an accident. I was aiming the shooter. It was
a good shut.
Mitchell: If it is a good shut, you don't have to lie.
Lauren: I want to tell the truth.
包子大: Then why not?
Lauren: It wasn't his fault. He was trying to protect me...
包子大: Why didn't you tell the truth?
Lauren: I was told not to.
包子大: By who?
Lauren: Sergeant Messer.

Mitchell: We got the videos from the survillances of the bar.
Do you want to take a look?
丹尼: (點頭)
Mitchell: Probably not to you. But to me. You and Office Cooper
look very close. And this part, too. Again, just me.
It looks like a fight over a girl.
丹尼: Why you have me back here?
Mitchell: What's your relationship with Officer Cooper?
丹尼: She's my driver.
Mitchell: Oh yeah? According to other cops, you took her under
your wings and spent time with her often.
丹尼: I'm married.
Mitchell: Yet after your shift you didn't go home but went out
with Officer Cooper.
丹尼: Yeah, and two other cops! Are you kidding me? Just ask the
Mitchell: Are you having an affair with Officer Cooper?
丹尼: Why don't you take a walk?
Mitchell: It is not a no.
丹尼: I had enough! (往外走)
Mitchell: Sit down! This is not an crime investigation now! This
is an Internal Fair investigation!
丹尼: Pete Miller, that kid, he was the one having troubles!
And my relationship with Officer Cooper is not...
Mitchell: (打斷) ...This man is unarmed. And he was shut to death.
丹尼: She saw a gun!
Mitchell: And she was lying about what happened!
丹尼: I don't know why she do that!
Mitchell: It looks bad. It had looked better. Or you'll have
problems since she said you're the one telling her to
丹尼: (愣住) It's not true.
Mitchell: ...I am done with personal questions. Let's see what
the Fairs decide about your career.

Leo: ...Somebody shut me last night. I don't know who.
包子大: The hospital report says you lost quite an amount of
blood. Probably took hours to loose or even more...
You weren't shut this morning. You were shut two nights
ago. And the buller matches to another shooting event.
弗帥: Which someone is dead... Cooperate or you'll be treated as
the primary suspect. I guarantee you that will happen.
Want to talk now? What are you doing in the bar?
Leo: ... Pete called me said he got some problems with some jerk.
So I went there. He's my friend! I didn't know he brought a
gun there.
弗帥: Who, Pete?
Leo: Travis. I don't know his last name. He was the other guy
Pete called. We got a fight, he pulled out the gun, and
those guys shut back. I ran. I thought Pete is right behind
me but it was Travis...
包子大: So much for you as a good friend of Pete.
Leo: He told me to keep my mouth shut or he'll kill me.

包子大, Jo跟霍克葛格整理案情進展.
嫌犯為Travis Moss, 跟Pete Meller是同事,

蒙大拿: Mac, Danny is sent to the Fairs. Is it normal?
包子大: It's part of the process.
蒙大拿: ...Danny's career is on the line and I even don't know
why! He didn't do anything wrong!
包子大: I know.
蒙大拿: So what we do now?

亞當: I found the source of green fairy. A club is closed a few
months and just reopened few days ago. It's ordered to
closed because of a particular drink they provided...
It's a stripe club.
Jo: I think you mean a Latrec Club.
亞當: Anyway it looks not like a place house wrackers can afford.
Jo: (接過pad翻找網頁) Let's get the benefit of employee discount.
They're there for Travis's ex, Crystal. (舞者介紹頁)

Crystal上台了, 兩人仔細留意觀眾...
一口喝乾加有green fairy的飲料的Travis搖搖晃晃起身舉槍,
被包子大制止, 兩人扭打間鳴空開了好幾槍,
Travis意圖自盡, 但是已經沒子彈了...

蒙大拿: It's hard to pull the weapon on someone, right?
Lauren: Who are you?
蒙大拿: Lindsay Messer.
Lauren: I can't talk to you.
蒙大拿: Oh yeah? I understand that some words are harder to speak
inside the office. And that's why I'm talking to you in
privates now. Like things about your relationship with
my husband.
Lauren: It's not true.
蒙大拿: I know. So you only comfortable with certain lies?
Lauren: I do not lie.
蒙大拿: Really? What exactly Danny told you to lie?
Lauren: He... he didn't really say that. He suggested it.
蒙大拿: So? How many words does it take?
Lauren: I do not have to explain myself to you.
蒙大拿: No, no. I know it is normal for first instinct to protect
yourself first. But you know what? If the roles reversed,
you were in his shoes...
Lauren: I always want to tell the truth!
蒙大拿: So look me in the eye, Laura. Tell me that Danny Messer
told you to lie.
Lauren: ... (非常狼狽的逃走了)

丹尼等著被Fairs招見, 包子大出現了.
丹尼: What are you doing here?
包子大: ... I am thinking you might want some supports.
丹尼: Yeah. They took my shireff, my gun...
包子大: Temporarily, theu'll give those back to you.
丹尼: Really? You know, I'm trying to make my people avoid the
experience I had, but...
包子大: You remember last time you was sent to the Fairs, I
called you to the office?
丹尼: (苦笑) Yeah, and thanks to you it never really happened.
I am not that good, which is why I am deserved it now...
包子大: You're an excellent boss, Danny. That's what I told her
when I brought her in.

丹尼看向外頭, Lauren走過, Mitchell走了進來.
丹尼: Time for the Fairs?
Mitchell: ... We don't do it all. Officer Cooper switched her
confession. She took all responsibilities now.
丹尼: What about Cooper?
Mitchell: That's not decide by me. You can return your normal
duty, Sergeant Messer. Right from now. (離開)
包子大: (看著一臉複雜的丹尼) You're not relieve.
丹尼: No, I'm not. I treated them as families. They didn't think
twice about throwing be out of the bus... If I've worked
this job too long. I don't know it I can find people I

兩個星期之後, 丹尼出現在蒙大拿的實驗室外.
蒙大拿: Hey! How's it?
丹尼: I've finished the talk with Sinclair. No more Sergeant.
Just a plain detective.
蒙大拿: So I don't need to do salute to you every morning anymore?
丹尼: (笑) I still need you to do that.
蒙大拿: (笑) So glad you're here, Danny.
丹尼: This is where I belong.

本集心得: 1) S大跟Jessicak都可以去擺算命攤了!
一個說下班還是乖乖回家好一個說有後續都說對了耶~~ XDD
2) 蒙大拿帥呆了!!! 丹尼不要難過, 有妻如此夫復何求了啦! (拍)

Tags: CSI

All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-10-19T04:35
囧丹果然還是囧= = 趕快把眼鏡給我戴回來啦 \__/
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-10-19T17:47
不過笨當他耍釣魚那邊我笑死了 xDDDDDD
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-10-24T05:50
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-10-28T19:33
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-11-01T06:23
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-11-01T13:31
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-11-04T11:36
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-11-09T06:16
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-11-13T17:42
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-11-14T02:10
弗:對啊,而且那裡的護士都很不可愛唷 (啾)
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-11-16T11:01
紐約可能在鋪隊員歸隊吧 現在都回來了 辦個好看的案子吧
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2011-11-20T19:50
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-11-24T00:23
這集確定了 Danny 的冏神地位,快比冏尼還冏了~~XD
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-11-25T04:59
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-11-26T21:48
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-11-30T23:26
Lindsay好賢慧~~~講Lindsay Messer時超帥的啦!!
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2011-12-02T10:31
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2011-12-04T11:43
這集的梗鋪的頗爛@@ 那個女人果然是禍水啊~~看眼神就覺得怪!
John avatar
By John
at 2011-12-08T00:09
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-12-10T22:38
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-12-15T13:30
照劇情 丹尼被打昏了根本甚麼都不清楚 組員串供
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-12-15T17:18
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-12-16T04:28
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-12-20T14:08
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-12-25T11:55
編劇是巴不得NY就停在第八季嗎OAQ *集
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-12-29T07:21
可憐的Danny~拍拍! 還是歸隊好XD


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2011-10-15T03:33
這裡分享可以找CSI音樂的網站(應該是很多歐美影集都可以找到啦) 裡面有分哪一季、哪一集,以及音樂出現的時間 還頗方便的,有時聽到喜歡的音樂就會跑去找歌名,在此分享囉! CSI NY http://www.tunefind.com/show/csi-ny CSI LV http://www ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-10-14T22:34
剛剛看了21點的紐約, 播的是百貨女扒手和國王和影子的校園殺人事件, 我想請問最後女扒手在最後離開偵訊室時的音樂, 請問可以告訴我歌名和歌手嗎? 感謝萬分^^ -- ※ 發信站 :批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: 推 kim1990:Nelly Furt ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2011-10-14T14:29
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embeddedandamp;v=evEsG7dOyyAandamp;gl=TW 如連結,約35秒的地方。 不是要打廣告,畢竟我也不是特別喜歡烤魚~ 我比較愛NY的大家庭~ 只是剛好看到,有點好奇。 先 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-10-14T10:20
昨天自己跑到台大聽了鑑識實務的演講 不知道有沒有板友也有去? 聽完後覺得獲益良多 所以在這裡獻醜跟大家分享一下筆記跟心得andgt;///andlt; 有犯罪意圖(?)或壯陽需求的男士們請務必收看XDDD ----------------------------正文開始---------------- ...

CSI: LV 1204 雷~~

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-10-14T04:04
賭城活字典就是你了!小葛! 之 防雷頁 本集重點: 小葛 = 賭城活字典確認無誤, 雖然我完全FOLLOW不能 片頭, 眾多賭城舊時代的照片, 原來是一間Gang Museum的開幕秀 DB: (跟艾禿一起走進來) The story of the ...