NCIS 8x14 A Man Walks Into A Bar - 重返犯罪現場

By Mason
at 2012-03-17T10:37
at 2012-03-17T10:37
Table of Contents
"Director Vance, spending time with your agents has been... enlightening to
say the least. In clinical terms, they're a disaster. But their selfless
disfunction is ultimately why it works. It's clear to me that we all react to
life's challenges in different ways. Some fight death. And some embrace its
solace. Some recognize their fate, and others do whatever is necessary to
alter it. Sometimes we defy other's expectations and occassionally we rise to
meet them. But the constant is being true to ourselves. We do what we have to
when we have to. We react for better or worse. It's why your team succeeds.
But be careful, eventually it might catch up to you. A man walks into a bar,
and asks the bartender for a glass of water. The bartender pulls out a
※ 引述《saysmile (芳芳)》之銘言:
: 這集看到最後真的很感人
: 不知道有沒有人有最後Kate姊給Vance報告那一段的英文原文
: 我的功力不夠...
: 如果有的話真的是感激不盡~~~
: 我是有節錄中文
: 他們的無私和忘我
: 使一切皆成為可能
: 我們都用不同的方法來面對生活的挑戰
: 有人在與死亡鬥爭;有人卻認為那是種解脫
: 有人服從自己的命運;有人卻盡力改變
: 有時我們瞧不起別人的夢想;有時我們卻趨之若鶩
: 而唯一不變的 是對自己忠誠
: 不管什麼,不管何時,我們都會去做
: 不管是好,不管是壞,我們都努力應對
: 這也是你的團隊成功的原因
: 但是,千萬小心,天有不測風雲!
All Comments

By Hedwig
at 2012-03-20T04:38
at 2012-03-20T04:38
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