Re: 似乎沒什麼人在看3 Lbs - 歐美

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2006-11-30T12:17

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Brain drain: '3 Lbs.' goes to early grave
CBS places medical drama on hiatus

It's not brain surgery, but it's canceled.

New CBS medical drama "3 Lbs." has been declared brain dead after just three
weeks, though the Eye has yet to pull the plug officially.

After weighing the latest Nielsen numbers, net execs confirmed Wednesday that
the Peter Ocko-produced medical drama has been placed on hiatus effective

While the net isn't officially saying the show has been canceled, there are
no plans to produce more segs beyond the eight already filmed, and it's
unlikely CBS will give the show a shot elsewhere on its sked.

As it is, a special 9 p.m. Tuesday airing of "3 Lbs." slated for next week
has been scrapped in favor of "The Unit," which normally occupies the
timeslot. Following a planned preemption for the Victoria's Secret fashion
show, it seems likely CBS will fill the 10 p.m. Tuesday slot with a selection
of repeats from its crime show library.

Killing "3 Lbs." was a no-brainer. Skein's low ratings dropped each week it
aired, with its overall young adult average of a 2.7/7 down 16% from that of
previous slot occupant "Smith."

Ocko's "3 Lbs.," from CBS Paramount Network Television, becomes the latest
casualty in what's become a death slot for CBS skeins. Its succumbing after
three airings Tuesdays at 10 follows similarly short stints this year from
dramas "Smith" and "Love Monkey," as well as reality skein "Tuesday Night
Book Club."

Last season, "Close to Home" also performed miserably in the slot but was
saved by a shift to Friday.

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2006-12-03T14:02
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2006-12-06T18:49
前兩個時段都是軍事相關(NCIS、The Unit),接下來的都不合
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2006-12-08T22:06
我覺得這部被砍是在預期內 整各就是不好看啊
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2006-12-11T13:24
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2006-12-11T17:02
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2006-12-12T04:38
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2006-12-13T16:14
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2006-12-15T15:14
其實跟收視習慣也有關 大家已經習慣SVU了 很難轉台
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2006-12-15T21:09
可惜了 覺得Mark Feuerstein很帥說~
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2006-12-17T23:39
當初還用力追Good Morning,Miami 該劇真的很難笑
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2006-12-22T14:00

NBC midseason schedule

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2006-11-30T11:16
Friday Night Lights移到週三8點, The Apprentice, Crossing Jordan將在一月週日首撥新一季. Mondays 8-9 p.m. -- and#34;Deal or No Dealand#34; 9-10 p.m. -- and#34;Heroesand#34; ...

Robin Sparkles - Let's Go to the Mall!

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2006-11-30T00:17
幫忙訂正一些小地方... ※ 引述《nopeeking (Down Under)》之銘言: : Letand#39;s go to the mall, everybody! : Come on Jessica, come on Tori, : Letand#39;s go to the mall, you ...

Everwood 對岸翻(雪山鎮)

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2006-11-29T21:12
最近因為不追OTH之後... 內心的一部份還是比較想看溫馨一點的小品家庭劇 Ex.美國小鎮的故事 就亂逛亂逛 偶然之下發現這部影集 還以為是新檔呢Orz.. 原來是舊的XD(最近對岸風軟有開始翻譯..) 看了前面兩集 目前來說感覺還不錯~~ 編劇在劇情的拿捏上不溫不火~~ 不會太灑狗血(不 ...

Robin Sparkles - Let's Go to the Mall!

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2006-11-29T20:58
Letand#39;s go to the mall, everybody! Come on Jessica, come on Tori, Letand#39;s go to the mall, you wonand#39;t be sorry Put on your jelly bracelets And ...

Studio 1x10

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2006-11-29T18:19
這一集時間跳來跳去,一開始還會抓不到到底現在是進行到哪裡 當星期五的show在進行的時候,慢慢跳回去一整個週間發生的事情 不過每次跳回到過去的那個點都抓的很棒,多看幾次就會發現有趣之處:P 那個VF的女記者回來了,但是一整集都是在被Danny質疑文章的來源可靠性 這裡還扯了一個Aint-it-Cool-Ne ...