Wojciech Kilar Dies at 81, RIP - 電影配樂

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2013-12-30T01:45

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He wrote scores for many films, including Roman Polanski's Oscar-winning "The
Pianist" and Francis Ford Coppola's "Bram Stoker's Dracula."

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Wojciech Kilar, a Polish pianist and composer of
classical music and scores for many films, including Roman Polanski's
Oscar-winning The Pianist and Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula,
died Sunday. He was 81.

Kilar was born on July 17, 1932, in Lviv, a former Polish city now in
Ukraine, to a doctor and an actress. The family moved to Rzeszow in
southeastern Poland, then to Katowice in the south, where Kilar continued the
musical education that he had started in Rzeszow.

He studied piano, music theory and composition in Rzeszow, Krakow and
Katowice before graduating in 1955 with top honors from the State Music
Academy in Katowice.

He made Katowice — the heart of Poland's industrial and coal mining region —
his home, finding charm and peace in the area and its people.

A well-known anecdote says that when Coppola asked the composer what it took
to write music like his, Kilar cryptically replied: "You need to live in
Katowice." He was known to also consider Katowice a place of hard work, where
toil and effort are respected.

At a 2006 meeting with his music fans, Kilar said he was happiest "at home,
in silence, with my loved ones, with my cat." But he also said it was
fantastic to conduct a symphony orchestra and see "violinists bent over their
instruments, the gold of the brass, the drums on the other side."

In 2003 the British Academy of Film and Television Arts gave the composer an
award for his score for The Pianist. Kilar also wrote music for Polanski's
The Ninth Gate. In Poland, he was known for working with three influential
Polish film directors: Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Kieslowski, and Krzysztof

Kilar told the PLUS journal he would like to be remembered as a "good human
being, someone who brought a little happiness, hope and reflection into life
and into the world and perhaps a bit of faith."

His wife of over 40 years, Barbara, died in 2007. They had no children.

http://blog.roodo.com/koalalin Snow Cockroach Soundtrack Personal Reviews

"You have to get into a mindset that this is the greatest “fill-in-the-blank
”-type of movie ever made, and treat it that way. Otherwise you're just
going to blow it, and there can't be any phone-ins because your name is on it
forever. " ------ Brian Tyler


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