《郊遊》多倫多影展預告 - 蔡明亮
By Skylar Davis
at 2013-09-10T22:51
at 2013-09-10T22:51
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蔡明亮《郊遊》 Tsai Ming Liang '' Stray Dogs ''
,- 他便過起野狗般生活。當他每天身披廣告牌在城市各處遊走,他的孩子就整天在附近
商廈中- 游盪,在琳瑯商品間玩耍。本片主要以視覺呈現繁榮背後人心的空洞與荒蕪,為
了做足這種- 從內到外的廢墟感,全片沒有一棟完整建築
值得一提的是,《郊遊》入圍第70屆威尼斯影展、2013紐約影展、2013多倫多影- 展,同
A father and his two children wander the margins of modern day Taipei, from
the woods and rivers of the outskirts to the rain streaked streets of the
city. By day the father scrapes out a meager income as a human billboard for
luxury apartments, while his young son and daughter roam the supermarkets and
malls surviving off free food samples. Each night the family takes shelter in
an abandoned building. The father is strangely affected by a hypnotic mural
adorning the wall of this makeshift home. On the day of the father's birthday
the family is joined by a woman - might she be the key to unlocking the
buried emotions that linger from the past?
Tsai Ming-liang won the new Grand Jury Prize for his film "Jiaoyou" (Stray
Dogs) at the 70th Venice International Film Festival .
,- 他便過起野狗般生活。當他每天身披廣告牌在城市各處遊走,他的孩子就整天在附近
商廈中- 游盪,在琳瑯商品間玩耍。本片主要以視覺呈現繁榮背後人心的空洞與荒蕪,為
了做足這種- 從內到外的廢墟感,全片沒有一棟完整建築
值得一提的是,《郊遊》入圍第70屆威尼斯影展、2013紐約影展、2013多倫多影- 展,同
A father and his two children wander the margins of modern day Taipei, from
the woods and rivers of the outskirts to the rain streaked streets of the
city. By day the father scrapes out a meager income as a human billboard for
luxury apartments, while his young son and daughter roam the supermarkets and
malls surviving off free food samples. Each night the family takes shelter in
an abandoned building. The father is strangely affected by a hypnotic mural
adorning the wall of this makeshift home. On the day of the father's birthday
the family is joined by a woman - might she be the key to unlocking the
buried emotions that linger from the past?
Tsai Ming-liang won the new Grand Jury Prize for his film "Jiaoyou" (Stray
Dogs) at the 70th Venice International Film Festival .
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