一些看不懂的疑惑 - 六人行

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-07-24T05:53

Table of Contents



The One With The Jellyfish
Entry When Ross and Rachel are fighting, Chandler hides behind the door and
bursts out saying "I knew it." When Rachel says, "It's not that common, it
doesn't happen to every guy and it is a big deal.", is this just a Chandler
moment or is there another joke I have missed?

[The statements that she's contradicting (that it is common, it happens to
every guy, and it's not a big deal), are the things that a woman commonly
says to a man who is suffering from erectile difficulty, typically to
assuage his bruised ego. However, most men do not believe that these
statements are true, as evidenced by Chandler's outburst. He's so caught up
in the proof that women are lying about it that he gives himself away.]
Answered by Rooster of Doom


我覺得以上的回應有個重點:"the statements that she's contradicting"


出軌這件事來說,雖然 Ross 覺得情有可原,可是我不記得,而且我想他也沒有



因此 Rachel 這段話極不像在指涉出軌這件事



All Comments

Matthew Perry 入圍 the Emmys 2007

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2007-07-23T18:22
http://www.imdb.com/features/emmys/2007/emmys 今年的艾美獎 Matt以The Ron Clark Story入圍了Outstanding Lead Actor in a Miniseries or Movie 而劇集本身也入圍了Outstanding Made ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2007-07-23T11:45
我想知道在601裡面 PHOEBE跟JOEY一起開車回去的時候 不是在玩車上遊戲嗎 我可以理解那個20 question是在玩什麼 但是有強者告訴我那個搭便車的人上車以後 PHOEBE不准JOEY玩的那個 license play game 那個是在幹什麼阿ORZ 感謝 - ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2007-07-23T02:29
就是瑞秋跟羅斯在爭論他們未來孩子的名字 羅斯說 如果是女的就要叫做and#34;Ruthand#34; 瑞秋本來不同意 後來又同意了 結果後來檢查結果知道了他們小孩的性別 是女孩 然後他們就很興奮 瑞秋就說 and#34;We are going to have a little baby Ru ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2007-07-23T01:40
※ 引述《AnakinFever (膚淺幼稚任性鬼 )》之銘言: : 我覺得Rachel講的是出軌耶 : 是Chandler自己誤會了 自己對號入座 : 所以才會那麼好笑啊 XD : Rachel: And hey! Just so you know, it’s *not* that common! : ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2007-07-23T01:06
我覺得Rachel講的是出軌耶 是Chandler自己誤會了 自己對號入座 所以才會那麼好笑啊 XD Rachel: And hey! Just so you know, it’s *not* that common! It *doesn’t* happen to every guy! An ...