如果你是舊版的馬蓋先,可以換新了!! - 馬蓋先

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2008-01-16T10:37

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請各位自行寄信到這個E-mail address,與他們的執行長連絡:
[email protected]



Absolutely – I thought you had the new one – please give me your address and we will send you one.

Kathy Scheid
Executive Director Customer Service
Paramount Home Entertainment
Phone: 323-956-5640
Fax: 323-862-8528


From: 凡哲 Jerry
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 6:06 PM
To: Scheid, Kathy - Paramount
Subject: RE: I want to ask...

So, if I bought a old version, can I change to a new one?
Because you never marked it out!
I hope you can deal with that...

Jerry Jian


From: Scheid, Kathy - Paramount [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:27 AM
Subject: RE: I want to ask...

I agree with your findings – we did find missing footage and added it when we found the error – that is why there are 2 different versions – the old one with missing footage and the new one with the correction.

Kathy Scheid
Executive Director Customer Service
Paramount Home Entertainment
Phone: 323-956-5640
Fax: 323-862-8528


From: 凡哲 Jerry
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 7:41 PM
To: Scheid, Kathy - Paramount
Subject: RE: I want to ask...

If you want the proof, I can give to you. there is a picture with the e-mail, In the picture, the right one is old version (I bought it on 2004), and the left one is new version (my friend bought it on 2006). And the different I write it under:

1. Theme, the new version is longer

2.The new version add new plots

There is about more than 1 minute different in the EP3 "The Thief of Budapest", but why you can do this, so...maybe you can look it up again. Thanks.

Jerry Jian


From: Scheid, Kathy - Paramount [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 3:14 AM
Subject: FW: I want to ask...

I forwarded your concerns to our marketing department and her is their response – sounds like you already have a good version of SSN one but you were correct that we did have an issue with our original release. I hope that addresses your concerns.

“This streeted 1/25/05. In April 2005 there were some consumer complaints about episode #4 "The Thief of Budapest" being released on the DVD as the a shortened version. When we researched this, we found it to be true. This was probably only our 2nd or 3rd TV boxset we had put out. At the time, there were about eight 1"s per episode all labeled the same the same in OPIS. I sent them all over to Point 360 to find the best quality master and they inadvertently used a syndi version (it wasn't labeled
syndi so there was really no way of knowing unless we A/B'd everything).

I can confirm, however, that from this first Disc of Season 1, we were extra careful and there has been no other syndication versions released on any of the remaining 6 seasons. I personally remastered every single episode in this series and there were no shortened versions released. So, I'm not sure what the below consumer is referring to in finding this in the latter seasons as well. We did no other running changes on the entire series...”

Kathy Scheid
Executive Director Customer Service
Paramount Home Entertainment
Phone: 323-956-5640
Fax: 323-862-8528


I bought a "MacGyver Complete First Season" DVD when it just on sell, than I bought the same one after 2 years, I found there are differents from the 2 copies!
First, the cover of DVD is diffenent, but I think it is OK. Second, the different is the film's runtime! I can't acept it, example season 1 episode 3, my "new" first season is more 2~3 minutes than old one.
How do you explain that, so I ask to change the "old" DVD to new one!! You must response to make known to the public! And there should be a site for change the DVDs.
Not only first season, there are 3 season have the situation, but you can public the differents beteen new and old seasons, then let consumers can change all diffenent episode!

Jerry Jian

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All Comments


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2008-01-15T19:32
: 2.http://www.tower.com/ : 有時比亞馬遜便宜,但要碰碰運氣,年節時似乎會有折扣,當然,運費也沒亞馬遜貴^^ : 要注意的是,他的同一件商品可能會有幾種不一樣價格,記得要挑最便宜的下訂XD : 至於包裝我還沒親眼見到,因為我的東西還是運送途中 東西來了,可以做一下評論 運送速度比亞 ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2008-01-11T13:27
最近剛剛入手 亞馬遜重新出版的馬蓋先全集 感謝版友的貢獻 使我們有字幕可看 不過剛剛看到第1季第3集 「神通廣大 / 布達佩斯的小偷」 片頭故事的字幕還沒有問題 但到了正文 大概是因為片頭音樂多唱一次的關係 所以使後面字幕 在片頭音樂時就出現了 我算了算 大概提早45秒左右 請問是我下載到較舊的字幕嗎 ...

099.S5.E16.Jenny's Chance 珍妮的運氣

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-01-06T20:06
※ 引述《doggo (徵求馬蓋先重譯者,請Q我)》之銘言: : -=版權聲明=- : 本字幕所有權益、翻譯文字版權歸屬原製作公司所有,純屬翻譯愛好者交流學習使用 : 謝絕它用,否則一切後果自負,嚴禁使用在商業行為販賣謀利 : -=影片簡介(採用瑞士刀影片導覽簡介)=- : 馬蓋先與賈大頓的一位騎師好友,因為 ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2008-01-04T16:06
不是買不到版權嗎?? 還是這是番外篇呢?? 總而言之現在HBO在播 - ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2008-01-03T03:25
原本打算旅遊回來再看 今天就比對完了 網誌有照片 http://blog.pixnet.net/daff0408/post/12544585 馬蓋先論壇上說第一季第三集 完全版跟 單季版(右邊) 有出入 我手邊這兩版比對的結果是 都一樣 一樣鐵灰色封面 長度一樣約48:05(by Media Player ...