希斯萊傑 猝死...哀悼~~ - 李安

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-01-23T07:09

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※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板]

作者: Davidgood (不是雞肉) 看板: movie
標題: [情報] 希斯萊傑 猝死...哀悼~~
時間: Wed Jan 23 06:15:32 2008


天哪~~ (T_T)



Heath Ledger found dead in NYC at age 28


By TOM HAYS, Associated Press Writer
14 minutes ago

NEW YORK - Heath Ledger was found dead Tuesday at a downtown Manhattan
residence, and police said drugs may have been a factor. He was 28.
NYPD spokesman Paul Browne said Ledger had an appointment for a massage
at the Manhattan apartment believed to be his home. The housekeeper who
went to let him know the masseuse had arrived found him dead at 3:26 p.m.


A large crowd of paparazzi and gawkers began gathering Tuesday evening
outside the building on an upscale block in SoHo, where several police
officers guarded the door.

The Australian-born actor was nominated for an Oscar for "Brokeback
Mountain," where he met Michelle Williams in 2005. The two had lived in
Brooklyn and had a daughter, Matilda, until they split up last year.


He most recently appeared in "I'm Not There," in which he played one of
the many incarnations of Bob Dylan — as did Cate Blanchett, whose
performance in that film earned an Oscar nomination Tuesday for best
supporting actress.

他最近的片子是"巴布狄倫的七段航程I'm Not There",飾演巴布狄倫的眾多分身

Ledger was to appear as the Joker this year in "The Dark Night," a
sequel to 2005's "Batman Begins." He's had starring roles in "A Knight's
Tale" and "The Patriot," and played the suicidal son of Billy Bob
Thornton in "Monster's Ball."

萊傑在今年會在蝙蝠俠續集中飾演小丑,他也曾在"騎士風雲錄" "決戰時刻"

Ledger grew up in Perth, and began doing amateur theater at age 10.
At 16, he moved to Sydney to pursue an acting career, quickly landing TV
movie roles and guest spots on Australian television.

After several independent films and a starring role in the short-lived
Fox TV series "Roar," Ledger moved to Los Angeles and costarred in "10
Things I Hate About You," a teen comedy reworking of "The Taming of the

Offers for other teen flicks came his way, but Ledger turned them down,
preferring to remain idle than sign on for projects he didn't like.

"It wasn't a hard decision for me," Ledger told the Associated Press in
2001. "It was hard for everyone else around me to understand. Agents
were like, `You're crazy,' my parents were like, `Come on, you have to


Associated Press Sara Kugler contributed to this report

Tags: 李安

All Comments

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2008-01-25T06:34
天啊@@ 雖然不是他的影迷 仍很驚訝!!!
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2008-01-30T05:50
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-01-31T08:41
possible Drug Overdose
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2008-02-04T05:14
非常非常可惜 一位那麼好的演員...安息吧
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2008-02-08T10:17
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2008-02-10T16:57
可惜呀!安導知道了一定特別難過呀!.. 希斯一路好走!
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-02-14T04:19
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2008-02-17T11:34
我剛一聽到廣播 震驚到想吐.....>______<
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-02-22T08:28
就這麼死了 @@ 好荒謬 好可惜..
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-02-25T19:41
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2008-02-29T00:53
我猜我去看the dark knight應該會看到哭....
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-03-04T18:23
噢~~我最喜歡的男演員之一!!! >_<
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-03-05T19:41
剛剛起來時昏昏沉沉的 突然聽到這個消息 我完全醒了 人好像
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-03-07T20:54
被槌了一記般 讓我不禁思考人生是什麼 真的太震驚了!!
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-03-10T01:19
現在很能理解BBM中Ennis跟Jack分離時 捶牆跟嘔吐的反應
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-03-10T11:54
因為從聽到這個消息開始 我就一直好想吐 為什麼啊!!!!
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-03-11T12:55
John avatar
By John
at 2008-03-13T21:51
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2008-03-16T03:30
Ennis..我會永遠在心中懷念你的.. 悼泣~~
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2008-03-19T11:20
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2008-03-20T00:21
當初一看"10 things I hate about you"就喜歡上他了,
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2008-03-21T09:03
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2008-03-24T20:27
這樣的結局未免太荒謬 太戲劇,真的一路好走。
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2008-03-26T10:57
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-03-30T09:50
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2008-04-02T06:06
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2008-04-02T14:28
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-04-05T01:57
我想起三十幾年前李小龍猝死 雖然我那時還未出生 但現在可以
體會當時影迷的震驚了 多希望這是一個玩笑罷了....
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2008-04-06T04:28
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2008-04-09T01:13
那種電影裡的power of lost,又重新襲過來了 > < 哀
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-04-13T23:15
R I P = =


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2008-01-23T07:00
剛剛看到新聞 斷背山男主角Heath Ledger在美國被發現時已經過世 以下是bbc的新聞 Heath Ledger is found dead in US Hollywood actor Heath Ledger has been found dead at a downtown Manhattan ...

英國奧斯卡 入圍

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-01-22T23:03
恭喜李安了,色戒大賣,又有獎可拿 - ...

英國奧斯卡 入圍

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-01-18T04:42
最佳服裝設計 最佳非英語片 - ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-01-14T17:06
李安所執導的色戒, 入圍2008金球獎的最佳外語片, 可惜最後得獎的並非色戒, 而是出品國為法國與美國的 [潛水鐘與蝴蝶]. 對李安電影友好的外籍記者會, 這次沒有選擇色戒, 是還滿意外的. 有人說, 金球獎是奧斯卡的風向球, 那麼是否可推測奧斯卡也不會把獎頒給色戒呢? 接下來還是先看英國電影學院頒 ...


Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2008-01-11T13:07
首先跟大家自我介紹一下 我是一個在電影圈工作將近五年的人 現在大部分時間在某研究所讀書,所以從全職工作轉為兼職 不過電影仍然是我的最愛 這段時間離電影比較遠了,心裡覺得虛虛的,於是突發奇想: 來搞個電影讀書會吧 目前我只有一個簡單的想法,就是如果大家願意,我們可以找一個固定的時間地點 大家一起討 ...