想送給直樹跟琴子的婚禮之歌 - 日劇

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2013-07-27T21:01

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旋律浪漫唯美 歌詞也很棒


Until the oceans all run dry
Until the stars fall from the sky
Even if words dont seem to rhyme
Ill be addicted to your smile

And if the wind blows out the sun
Ill still believe you are the one
No matter what we're going through
I'll plan to spend my nights with you

I promise you my heart wont fade
I swear to you my soul always
It isnt hard to understand
You're making me a better man

Baby my love will say it all
I'll always catch you when you fall
And if the hard times get too much
I'll still be craving for your touch

一如歌名 我覺得是琴子讓直樹成為一個更好的人


生來就是天才的他 身邊所有的事對他都太容易

但琴子出現後 他才體會到生活的意外 災難 與樂趣




他找到一個能懂他 了解他心中寂寞

而且百分之百 絕對愛他 也無法放棄的女孩了

在神聖美麗的婚禮中 神父為他們見證


I promise you my heart won’t fade 我承諾我的愛情不褪

I swear to you my soul always 我發誓我的心靈不變

It isn’t hard to understand 顯而易見

You're making me a better man 妳讓我成為更好的人

Tags: 日劇

All Comments

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2013-07-28T19:52

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Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2013-07-27T17:30
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