[新聞] 美國好萊塢電影節得獎名單 - 李安

By Rachel
at 2010-03-30T00:29
at 2010-03-30T00:29
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※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板]
作者: kimbum (小範) 看板: movie
標題: [新聞] 美國好萊塢電影節得獎名單
時間: Fri Mar 26 14:46:07 2010
○Environmental Film of the Decade
An Inconvenient Truth (不願面對的真相)
○Best International Environmental Film
Earth(Disney Nature)
○Humanitarian Film of the Decade
Hotel Rwanda(盧安達飯店)
○Best Picture(最佳影片)
○Best Comedy(最佳喜劇)
It's Complicated(愛找麻煩)
○Best Action Film(最佳動作電影)
○Best Science Fiction Film(最佳科幻電影)
○Best Foreign Language Film (最佳外語片)
Mother (韓國)(非常母親)
○Best Foreign Culture Film of the Decade(十年最佳外語片)
Slumdog Millionaire(貧民百萬富翁)
○Best Director (最佳導演)
○Best Actor (最佳男主角)
Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes)(小勞柏道尼/福爾摩斯)
○Best Actress (最佳女主角)
Sandra Bullock (The Blind Side)(珊卓布拉克/攻其不備)
○Best Supporting Actor(最佳男配角)
Matt Damon (Invictus)(麥特戴蒙/打不倒的勇者)
○Best Supporting Actress (最佳女配角)
Penelope Cruz (Nine) (潘妮洛普克魯茲/華麗年代)
○Best Male Entertainer appearing in a Movie (Decade: 2000-2009)
Will Smith(威爾斯密斯)
○Best Female Entertainer appearing in a Movie (Decade: 2000-2009)
Jennifer Lopez(珍妮弗洛佩茲)
○Best Music/Song in a Film (最佳電影音樂 /歌曲)
I Want To Come Home – Everybodys Fine: Music/Lyrics By: Paul McCartney
○10 Outstanding Asians in Hollywood(好萊塢十年亞裔人士)
John Woo (Red Cliff II) 吳宇森(赤壁二)
Ang Lee (Taking Woodstock) 李安(胡士托風波)
Hiroyuki Sanada (Lost) 真田廣之(迷失)
Sandra Oh (Grey's Anatomy)(實習醫生葛蕾)
Yun-Fat Chow (Dragonball Evolution)周潤發(龍珠:全新進化)
Zhang Ziyi (The Founding of a Republic) 章子怡(建國大業)
Lucy Liu (Dirty Sexy Money) 劉玉玲(黑金誘惑)
Jet Li (The Founding of a Republic) 李連杰(建國大業)
Jackie Chan (Shinjuku Incident) 成龍(新宿事件)
Rain (Jeong Jihoon / Jung Jihoon ) (Ninja Assassin) Rain(忍者刺客)
○10 Best Pictures of the Decade (十年最佳電影)
Moulin Rouge! (紅磨坊)
A Beautiful Mind (美麗境界)
Brokeback Mountain (斷背山)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon(臥虎藏龍)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身)
Gladiator (神鬼戰士)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (魔戒: 王者再臨)
Slumdog Millionaire (貧民百萬富翁)
Avatar (阿凡達)
○10 Best Actors of the Decade (十年最佳男演員)
Russell Crowe(羅素克洛)
Tom Cruise(湯姆克魯斯)
Denzel Washington(丹佐華盛頓)
Morgan Freeman (摩根弗里曼)
Matt Damon (麥特戴蒙)
George Clooney (喬治克隆尼)
Tom Hanks (湯姆漢克)
Brad Pitt (布萊德彼特)
Leonardo DiCaprio (李奧納多狄卡皮歐)
Johnny Depp (強尼戴普)
○10 Best Actresses of the Decade (十年最佳女演員)
Penelope Cruz(潘妮洛普克魯茲)
Cate Blanchett (凱特布蘭琪)
Halle Berry (荷莉貝瑞)
Kate Winslet (凱特溫斯雷)
Jodie Foster (茱蒂佛斯特)
Angelina Jolie (安潔莉娜瓊莉)
Nicole Kidman (妮可基曼)
Julia Roberts (茱莉亞羅勃茲)
Sandra Bullock (珊卓布拉克)
Meryl Streep (梅莉史翠普)
○10 Best Filmmakers of the Decade(十年最佳製片人)
George Clooney(喬治克隆尼)
Peter Jackson (彼得傑克遜)
Oliver Stone(奧立佛史東)
Martin Scorsese(馬丁史柯西斯 )
Tim Burton(蒂姆伯頓)
Ang Lee(李安)
Quentin Tarantino(昆汀塔倫提諾)
Clint Eastwood(克林伊斯威特)
James Cameron(詹姆斯柯麥隆)
Steven Spielberg (史蒂芬史匹柏)
○Best Animated Feature Film (最佳動畫片)
○Best International Director (Asia) (最佳導演:亞洲)
Joon-ho Bong (Mother)(奉俊昊/非常母親)
○Best International Film (Asia)(最佳電影:亞洲)
Mother (Korea)(非常母親/韓國)
○Best International Drama (Asia)(最佳戲劇:亞洲)
Mother (Korea)(非常母親/韓國)
○Best International Comedy (Asia)(最佳喜劇:亞洲)
Crazy Racer (China)(瘋狂的賽車/中國)
○Best International Action Film (Asia) (最佳動作電影:亞洲)
Sniper (The Sun Cheung Sau) (Hong Kong)(狙擊手/香港)
○Best International Thriller (Asia)(最佳驚悚:亞洲)
M.W. (Japan)(日本)
○Best International Actor (Asia)(最佳男演員:亞洲)
Joseph Chang (Prince of Tears)(張孝全/淚王子)
○Best International Actress (Asia)(最佳女演員:亞洲)
Ziyi Zhang (Forever Enthralled)(章子怡/梅蘭芳)
○Best International Entertainer (Asia)(最佳藝人:亞洲)
Rain (Jeong Jihoon / Jung Jihoon ) (Korea)(Rain/韓國)
○Asian Cultural Ambassador of the Year(年度亞洲文化大使)
Rain (Jeong Jihoon / Jung Jihoon ) (Korea)(Raim/韓國)
○Asian Cultural Ambassador of the Decade(十年亞洲文化大使)
Jackie Chan (China)(成龍/中國)
○Best International Film of the Decade (Asia)(十年最佳電影:亞洲)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Wo Hu Cang Long) (China)(臥虎藏龍/中國)
○10 Best International Actors of the Decade (Asia)(十年最佳男演員:亞洲)
Hiroyuki Sanada (Japan) (真田廣之)
Tadanobu Asano (Japan) (淺野忠信)
Min-shik Choi (Korea) (崔岷植)
Takeshi Kaneshiro (Taiwan/Japan)(金城武)
Byung-Hun Lee (Korea) (李秉憲)
Ken Watanabe (Japan) (渡邊謙)
Tony Leung Chiu-Wai (China) (梁朝偉)
Stephen Chow (China) (周星馳)
Andy Lau (China) (劉德華)
Yun-Fat Chow (China)(周潤發)
○10 Best International Actresses of the Decade (Asia)(十年最佳女演員:亞洲)
Rinko Kikuchi (Japan) (菊地凜子)
Yoon-jin Kim (Korea) (金允珍)
Yaqing Jin (China)
Hye-Soo Kim (Korea) (金慧秀)
Angelica Lee (China) (李心潔)
Nae Yuki (Japan)
Maggie Cheung (China)(張曼玉)
Gong Li (China) (鞏利)
Ziyi Zhang (China) (章子怡)
Nora Aunor (Philippines)
作者: kimbum (小範) 看板: movie
標題: [新聞] 美國好萊塢電影節得獎名單
時間: Fri Mar 26 14:46:07 2010
○Environmental Film of the Decade
An Inconvenient Truth (不願面對的真相)
○Best International Environmental Film
Earth(Disney Nature)
○Humanitarian Film of the Decade
Hotel Rwanda(盧安達飯店)
○Best Picture(最佳影片)
○Best Comedy(最佳喜劇)
It's Complicated(愛找麻煩)
○Best Action Film(最佳動作電影)
○Best Science Fiction Film(最佳科幻電影)
○Best Foreign Language Film (最佳外語片)
Mother (韓國)(非常母親)
○Best Foreign Culture Film of the Decade(十年最佳外語片)
Slumdog Millionaire(貧民百萬富翁)
○Best Director (最佳導演)
○Best Actor (最佳男主角)
Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes)(小勞柏道尼/福爾摩斯)
○Best Actress (最佳女主角)
Sandra Bullock (The Blind Side)(珊卓布拉克/攻其不備)
○Best Supporting Actor(最佳男配角)
Matt Damon (Invictus)(麥特戴蒙/打不倒的勇者)
○Best Supporting Actress (最佳女配角)
Penelope Cruz (Nine) (潘妮洛普克魯茲/華麗年代)
○Best Male Entertainer appearing in a Movie (Decade: 2000-2009)
Will Smith(威爾斯密斯)
○Best Female Entertainer appearing in a Movie (Decade: 2000-2009)
Jennifer Lopez(珍妮弗洛佩茲)
○Best Music/Song in a Film (最佳電影音樂 /歌曲)
I Want To Come Home – Everybodys Fine: Music/Lyrics By: Paul McCartney
○10 Outstanding Asians in Hollywood(好萊塢十年亞裔人士)
John Woo (Red Cliff II) 吳宇森(赤壁二)
Ang Lee (Taking Woodstock) 李安(胡士托風波)
Hiroyuki Sanada (Lost) 真田廣之(迷失)
Sandra Oh (Grey's Anatomy)(實習醫生葛蕾)
Yun-Fat Chow (Dragonball Evolution)周潤發(龍珠:全新進化)
Zhang Ziyi (The Founding of a Republic) 章子怡(建國大業)
Lucy Liu (Dirty Sexy Money) 劉玉玲(黑金誘惑)
Jet Li (The Founding of a Republic) 李連杰(建國大業)
Jackie Chan (Shinjuku Incident) 成龍(新宿事件)
Rain (Jeong Jihoon / Jung Jihoon ) (Ninja Assassin) Rain(忍者刺客)
○10 Best Pictures of the Decade (十年最佳電影)
Moulin Rouge! (紅磨坊)
A Beautiful Mind (美麗境界)
Brokeback Mountain (斷背山)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon(臥虎藏龍)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身)
Gladiator (神鬼戰士)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (魔戒: 王者再臨)
Slumdog Millionaire (貧民百萬富翁)
Avatar (阿凡達)
○10 Best Actors of the Decade (十年最佳男演員)
Russell Crowe(羅素克洛)
Tom Cruise(湯姆克魯斯)
Denzel Washington(丹佐華盛頓)
Morgan Freeman (摩根弗里曼)
Matt Damon (麥特戴蒙)
George Clooney (喬治克隆尼)
Tom Hanks (湯姆漢克)
Brad Pitt (布萊德彼特)
Leonardo DiCaprio (李奧納多狄卡皮歐)
Johnny Depp (強尼戴普)
○10 Best Actresses of the Decade (十年最佳女演員)
Penelope Cruz(潘妮洛普克魯茲)
Cate Blanchett (凱特布蘭琪)
Halle Berry (荷莉貝瑞)
Kate Winslet (凱特溫斯雷)
Jodie Foster (茱蒂佛斯特)
Angelina Jolie (安潔莉娜瓊莉)
Nicole Kidman (妮可基曼)
Julia Roberts (茱莉亞羅勃茲)
Sandra Bullock (珊卓布拉克)
Meryl Streep (梅莉史翠普)
○10 Best Filmmakers of the Decade(十年最佳製片人)
George Clooney(喬治克隆尼)
Peter Jackson (彼得傑克遜)
Oliver Stone(奧立佛史東)
Martin Scorsese(馬丁史柯西斯 )
Tim Burton(蒂姆伯頓)
Ang Lee(李安)
Quentin Tarantino(昆汀塔倫提諾)
Clint Eastwood(克林伊斯威特)
James Cameron(詹姆斯柯麥隆)
Steven Spielberg (史蒂芬史匹柏)
○Best Animated Feature Film (最佳動畫片)
○Best International Director (Asia) (最佳導演:亞洲)
Joon-ho Bong (Mother)(奉俊昊/非常母親)
○Best International Film (Asia)(最佳電影:亞洲)
Mother (Korea)(非常母親/韓國)
○Best International Drama (Asia)(最佳戲劇:亞洲)
Mother (Korea)(非常母親/韓國)
○Best International Comedy (Asia)(最佳喜劇:亞洲)
Crazy Racer (China)(瘋狂的賽車/中國)
○Best International Action Film (Asia) (最佳動作電影:亞洲)
Sniper (The Sun Cheung Sau) (Hong Kong)(狙擊手/香港)
○Best International Thriller (Asia)(最佳驚悚:亞洲)
M.W. (Japan)(日本)
○Best International Actor (Asia)(最佳男演員:亞洲)
Joseph Chang (Prince of Tears)(張孝全/淚王子)
○Best International Actress (Asia)(最佳女演員:亞洲)
Ziyi Zhang (Forever Enthralled)(章子怡/梅蘭芳)
○Best International Entertainer (Asia)(最佳藝人:亞洲)
Rain (Jeong Jihoon / Jung Jihoon ) (Korea)(Rain/韓國)
○Asian Cultural Ambassador of the Year(年度亞洲文化大使)
Rain (Jeong Jihoon / Jung Jihoon ) (Korea)(Raim/韓國)
○Asian Cultural Ambassador of the Decade(十年亞洲文化大使)
Jackie Chan (China)(成龍/中國)
○Best International Film of the Decade (Asia)(十年最佳電影:亞洲)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Wo Hu Cang Long) (China)(臥虎藏龍/中國)
○10 Best International Actors of the Decade (Asia)(十年最佳男演員:亞洲)
Hiroyuki Sanada (Japan) (真田廣之)
Tadanobu Asano (Japan) (淺野忠信)
Min-shik Choi (Korea) (崔岷植)
Takeshi Kaneshiro (Taiwan/Japan)(金城武)
Byung-Hun Lee (Korea) (李秉憲)
Ken Watanabe (Japan) (渡邊謙)
Tony Leung Chiu-Wai (China) (梁朝偉)
Stephen Chow (China) (周星馳)
Andy Lau (China) (劉德華)
Yun-Fat Chow (China)(周潤發)
○10 Best International Actresses of the Decade (Asia)(十年最佳女演員:亞洲)
Rinko Kikuchi (Japan) (菊地凜子)
Yoon-jin Kim (Korea) (金允珍)
Yaqing Jin (China)
Hye-Soo Kim (Korea) (金慧秀)
Angelica Lee (China) (李心潔)
Nae Yuki (Japan)
Maggie Cheung (China)(張曼玉)
Gong Li (China) (鞏利)
Ziyi Zhang (China) (章子怡)
Nora Aunor (Philippines)
All Comments

By Zenobia
at 2010-04-03T16:43
at 2010-04-03T16:43

By Eartha
at 2010-04-05T21:16
at 2010-04-05T21:16

By Poppy
at 2010-04-09T08:05
at 2010-04-09T08:05

By Megan
at 2010-04-12T23:41
at 2010-04-12T23:41

By Linda
at 2010-04-13T08:30
at 2010-04-13T08:30

By Olivia
at 2010-04-18T07:40
at 2010-04-18T07:40

By Kumar
at 2010-04-19T11:43
at 2010-04-19T11:43

By Olga
at 2010-04-19T18:01
at 2010-04-19T18:01

By Quanna
at 2010-04-21T18:38
at 2010-04-21T18:38

By Selena
at 2010-04-24T09:46
at 2010-04-24T09:46

By Delia
at 2010-04-27T06:35
at 2010-04-27T06:35

By Mia
at 2010-04-27T22:14
at 2010-04-27T22:14

By Lily
at 2010-05-02T17:39
at 2010-05-02T17:39

By Rachel
at 2010-05-06T17:25
at 2010-05-06T17:25

By Elvira
at 2010-05-11T04:18
at 2010-05-11T04:18

By Gilbert
at 2010-05-13T09:07
at 2010-05-13T09:07

By Cara
at 2010-05-16T02:43
at 2010-05-16T02:43

By Sarah
at 2010-05-19T07:05
at 2010-05-19T07:05

By Quintina
at 2010-05-20T10:57
at 2010-05-20T10:57

By Heather
at 2010-05-21T01:12
at 2010-05-21T01:12

By Daph Bay
at 2010-05-23T18:49
at 2010-05-23T18:49

By Genevieve
at 2010-05-27T04:03
at 2010-05-27T04:03

By Kyle
at 2010-06-01T03:26
at 2010-06-01T03:26

By Noah
at 2010-06-04T12:49
at 2010-06-04T12:49

By Hardy
at 2010-06-08T20:27
at 2010-06-08T20:27
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