星戰七 Rey看到的畫面(有劇情雷) - 星際大戰

By Rebecca
at 2015-12-19T21:15
at 2015-12-19T21:15
Table of Contents
※ 引述《owenkuo (Time Capsule)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1MTGEtOH ]
: 作者: wh0386 (碳酸鈣) 看板: movie
: 標題: [討論]Rey看到的畫面(有劇情雷)
: 時間: Sat Dec 19 15:13:55 2015
: 這幾天爬文電影版許多人在討論Rey的身世
: 讓我們來討論一下Rey在拾起Luke光劍到底看見了什麼
: 最近這段影片剛流出,國外網友也非常熱烈地在討論影片給的線索
: http://sendvid.com/i0q9ybuc
: (不過這應該是偷拍的,不確定哪時會被下架)
: 我這邊就列舉影片中的畫面一一討論,
: 將美國鄉民和部份我的看法整理在下面
: 防雷頁
: 1.一開始可以發現Rey出現在一個神祕走廊,
: http://imgur.com/xZQSyh3
: 如果對經典三部曲夠熟悉應該會發現這一幕就是在雲城Cloud City
: http://imgur.com/4ttYyGX
: 還可以很清楚聽到Luke大喊Nooooooooo的聲音
: 2.路克用手去摸R2-D2,這幕在預告片就出現了,但還是沒有解釋為何路克變成機械手臂
: (在EP5時,路克手斷掉後是用和皮膚一樣的手臂修復)
: 此外這時出現的聲音是尤達的,仔細聽可以聽到
: "It's energy surrounds us and binds us."
: 3.下一幕則是Kylo用光劍將一位不明人士刺死的畫面,之後看到地上一群屍體,
: 推斷這一幕應該就是Kylo屠殺Luke所開的絕地學校學生的畫面
: 而這位不明人士所拿的武器很有可能就是Rey的那把長棍
: 至於這位不明人士是誰,我的看法是Kylo那幫人中有人想殺Rey,但是Kylo阻止了他
: (Kylo殺的人應該不會是絕地學徒,沒拿光劍)
: 4.接下來就是回到Rey小時候不斷喊 "No... Come back...",一艘太空船離去
: 但那艘船辨識度不高,不確定是誰的
: 另外可聽到"Quiet girl"這句話由Unkar Plutt發出(Rey拿一些機械交易食物的)
: 推斷應該是照顧Rey的人將她丟在Jakku星後交給Unkar Plutt照顧並給她糧食
: 這邊在The Force Awakens所出的電影小說其實還有多幾句話(電影沒演出的)
: "Stay here.I'll come back, sweetheart. I promise."
: 5.來到雪地 即是電影後面有演到的Kylo大戰Rey的場景
: 值得注意的是可以聽到Alec Guiness(飾演老歐比王)喊了一聲Rey!
: 這下又更亂了,連歐比王也拉尬一腳,絕地英靈再現??
: 最後則是有一個不明的人說了this is the first step...
: ----
: 從這幾幕來看應該就是在講述著這把光劍的歷史
: 這些事件也是有按照時間順序排出
: ->Luke和他老爸對決(Ep5)
: ->Kylo Ren在絕地學院的大屠殺(Rey小時候應該也有被送到Jedi Academy)
: ->年幼Rey 被送到Jakku星球,對著離去的太空船說Come back
: ->(在電影後段才發生的事)Rey和Ren的對決
: 至於Rey身世到底是誰?討論已經非常多了我就不贅述
: 不過我是支持Rey是Luke Skywalker的女兒這派的XD
: 這個影片應該非常有助於大家對於未來星戰8發展的預測!
以下是美國12/18和電影The Force Awakens
“Though curious as to their functions and origins, she ignored them all,
moving deeper into the room toward a table on which rested a single wooden
box. There was nothing especially impressive about the container, nothing
overtly valuable or significant. Yet of all the items in the chamber she was
drawn only to it. Behind her, not a peep of a beep came from an anxious BB-8.
The box was not locked. She opened it. A heavy, slow, mechanical breathing
filled the room. Turning, she found herself looking down an impressive
hallway, its architecture reminiscent of the Old Empire. Peering harder,
farther, she saw in the distance a section of the famed Cloud City. Two
figures were locked in combat, distant, distant. Someone, somewhere,
somewhen, spoke her name. “Hello?” Wreathed in the irrationality of the
moment, she called hopefully, but received no answer. A boy appeared at the
end of the hallway. She started toward him, and the world turned inside out,
causing her to trip and fall. Onto the wall, which had become the ground. Not
the adamantine ceramic she had just “seen, but dry grass. Nearby, a
lightsaber slammed into the ground. A missed thrust, a statement of power—
she didn’t know, couldn’t tell. A hand appeared to pull it upward. Day
became night, sky ominous and filled with rain, cold and chilling to the
bone. She was standing, she was sitting, she was looking up—to see someone,
a warrior, take the full force of the lightsaber. He screamed and fell.
Battlefield then, all around her. Putting a hand to her mouth, she rose and
turned. As she turned, she found herself confronted by seven tall, cloaked
figures, dark and foreboding, all armed. Soaked and shivering, she stumbled
backward, turning as she half fell. Firelight illuminated her, firelight from
a distant, burning temple. The seven vanished. A sound made her turn, and she
blinked in surprise at the sight of a small blue-and-silver R2 unit. A new
figure appeared. Falling to his knees, he reached out to the droid with an
artifice of an arm—metal and plastics and other materials with which she was
not familiar. She blinked and both were gone. Around her now: barren, snowy
woods, the sounds of unknown forest creatures, and a “conviction that she
must be losing her mind. Once more she climbed to her feet, her chilled
breath preceding her. From in front of her, not far away, came the sounds of
battle: the cries of the wounded and the clashing of weapons. Then behind
her, another voice. That voice. “Stay here. I’ll come back for you.” She
whirled, glazed eyes desperately scanning the dark gaps between the slender
trees, trying to penetrate the darkness. “Where are you?” She started
running toward the voice. “I’ll come back, sweetheart. I promise.” “I’m
here! Right here! Where are you?” No response. She started forward again,
running, only to be brought to a sudden halt by a figure appearing without
warning fro
“appearing without warning from behind a tree. She screamed, and screamed
again, and fell backward, backward, sitting down hard in— She was in the
underground corridor, sitting on the cold old stone, her chest pounding as if
she had just run from her home all the way to Niima Outpost. “There you are.
” The voice made her jump. But it was only Maz Kanata, standing alone in the
passageway between her and the far stairway. “What was—that?” Rey
stammered as she struggled to catch her breath. Maz looked from her to the
open doorway and then back to Rey. “It called to you.” Rey stood
unsteadily, her mind still rocked by a succession of rapidly evaporating
nightmares. BB-8 rolled out of the room to come to a stop beside her. “I—I
shouldn’t have gone in there.” Aware that she might well have violated
unknown privacies, she hurried to voice amends. “I’m sorry…” “Listen to
me.” Maz was watching her closely. “I know this means something. Something
very special…” “I need to get back.” Rey shook her head, as if the simple
physical action might somehow clear everything from her memory. Maz came
有興趣看完整版的也可以去itunes購買 https://itun.es/us/s5l26.l
: ※ [本文轉錄自 movie 看板 #1MTGEtOH ]
: 作者: wh0386 (碳酸鈣) 看板: movie
: 標題: [討論]Rey看到的畫面(有劇情雷)
: 時間: Sat Dec 19 15:13:55 2015
: 這幾天爬文電影版許多人在討論Rey的身世
: 讓我們來討論一下Rey在拾起Luke光劍到底看見了什麼
: 最近這段影片剛流出,國外網友也非常熱烈地在討論影片給的線索
: http://sendvid.com/i0q9ybuc
: (不過這應該是偷拍的,不確定哪時會被下架)
: 我這邊就列舉影片中的畫面一一討論,
: 將美國鄉民和部份我的看法整理在下面
: 防雷頁
: 1.一開始可以發現Rey出現在一個神祕走廊,
: http://imgur.com/xZQSyh3
: 如果對經典三部曲夠熟悉應該會發現這一幕就是在雲城Cloud City
: http://imgur.com/4ttYyGX
: 還可以很清楚聽到Luke大喊Nooooooooo的聲音
: 2.路克用手去摸R2-D2,這幕在預告片就出現了,但還是沒有解釋為何路克變成機械手臂
: (在EP5時,路克手斷掉後是用和皮膚一樣的手臂修復)
: 此外這時出現的聲音是尤達的,仔細聽可以聽到
: "It's energy surrounds us and binds us."
: 3.下一幕則是Kylo用光劍將一位不明人士刺死的畫面,之後看到地上一群屍體,
: 推斷這一幕應該就是Kylo屠殺Luke所開的絕地學校學生的畫面
: 而這位不明人士所拿的武器很有可能就是Rey的那把長棍
: 至於這位不明人士是誰,我的看法是Kylo那幫人中有人想殺Rey,但是Kylo阻止了他
: (Kylo殺的人應該不會是絕地學徒,沒拿光劍)
: 4.接下來就是回到Rey小時候不斷喊 "No... Come back...",一艘太空船離去
: 但那艘船辨識度不高,不確定是誰的
: 另外可聽到"Quiet girl"這句話由Unkar Plutt發出(Rey拿一些機械交易食物的)
: 推斷應該是照顧Rey的人將她丟在Jakku星後交給Unkar Plutt照顧並給她糧食
: 這邊在The Force Awakens所出的電影小說其實還有多幾句話(電影沒演出的)
: "Stay here.I'll come back, sweetheart. I promise."
: 5.來到雪地 即是電影後面有演到的Kylo大戰Rey的場景
: 值得注意的是可以聽到Alec Guiness(飾演老歐比王)喊了一聲Rey!
: 這下又更亂了,連歐比王也拉尬一腳,絕地英靈再現??
: 最後則是有一個不明的人說了this is the first step...
: ----
: 從這幾幕來看應該就是在講述著這把光劍的歷史
: 這些事件也是有按照時間順序排出
: ->Luke和他老爸對決(Ep5)
: ->Kylo Ren在絕地學院的大屠殺(Rey小時候應該也有被送到Jedi Academy)
: ->年幼Rey 被送到Jakku星球,對著離去的太空船說Come back
: ->(在電影後段才發生的事)Rey和Ren的對決
: 至於Rey身世到底是誰?討論已經非常多了我就不贅述
: 不過我是支持Rey是Luke Skywalker的女兒這派的XD
: 這個影片應該非常有助於大家對於未來星戰8發展的預測!
以下是美國12/18和電影The Force Awakens
“Though curious as to their functions and origins, she ignored them all,
moving deeper into the room toward a table on which rested a single wooden
box. There was nothing especially impressive about the container, nothing
overtly valuable or significant. Yet of all the items in the chamber she was
drawn only to it. Behind her, not a peep of a beep came from an anxious BB-8.
The box was not locked. She opened it. A heavy, slow, mechanical breathing
filled the room. Turning, she found herself looking down an impressive
hallway, its architecture reminiscent of the Old Empire. Peering harder,
farther, she saw in the distance a section of the famed Cloud City. Two
figures were locked in combat, distant, distant. Someone, somewhere,
somewhen, spoke her name. “Hello?” Wreathed in the irrationality of the
moment, she called hopefully, but received no answer. A boy appeared at the
end of the hallway. She started toward him, and the world turned inside out,
causing her to trip and fall. Onto the wall, which had become the ground. Not
the adamantine ceramic she had just “seen, but dry grass. Nearby, a
lightsaber slammed into the ground. A missed thrust, a statement of power—
she didn’t know, couldn’t tell. A hand appeared to pull it upward. Day
became night, sky ominous and filled with rain, cold and chilling to the
bone. She was standing, she was sitting, she was looking up—to see someone,
a warrior, take the full force of the lightsaber. He screamed and fell.
Battlefield then, all around her. Putting a hand to her mouth, she rose and
turned. As she turned, she found herself confronted by seven tall, cloaked
figures, dark and foreboding, all armed. Soaked and shivering, she stumbled
backward, turning as she half fell. Firelight illuminated her, firelight from
a distant, burning temple. The seven vanished. A sound made her turn, and she
blinked in surprise at the sight of a small blue-and-silver R2 unit. A new
figure appeared. Falling to his knees, he reached out to the droid with an
artifice of an arm—metal and plastics and other materials with which she was
not familiar. She blinked and both were gone. Around her now: barren, snowy
woods, the sounds of unknown forest creatures, and a “conviction that she
must be losing her mind. Once more she climbed to her feet, her chilled
breath preceding her. From in front of her, not far away, came the sounds of
battle: the cries of the wounded and the clashing of weapons. Then behind
her, another voice. That voice. “Stay here. I’ll come back for you.” She
whirled, glazed eyes desperately scanning the dark gaps between the slender
trees, trying to penetrate the darkness. “Where are you?” She started
running toward the voice. “I’ll come back, sweetheart. I promise.” “I’m
here! Right here! Where are you?” No response. She started forward again,
running, only to be brought to a sudden halt by a figure appearing without
warning fro
“appearing without warning from behind a tree. She screamed, and screamed
again, and fell backward, backward, sitting down hard in— She was in the
underground corridor, sitting on the cold old stone, her chest pounding as if
she had just run from her home all the way to Niima Outpost. “There you are.
” The voice made her jump. But it was only Maz Kanata, standing alone in the
passageway between her and the far stairway. “What was—that?” Rey
stammered as she struggled to catch her breath. Maz looked from her to the
open doorway and then back to Rey. “It called to you.” Rey stood
unsteadily, her mind still rocked by a succession of rapidly evaporating
nightmares. BB-8 rolled out of the room to come to a stop beside her. “I—I
shouldn’t have gone in there.” Aware that she might well have violated
unknown privacies, she hurried to voice amends. “I’m sorry…” “Listen to
me.” Maz was watching her closely. “I know this means something. Something
very special…” “I need to get back.” Rey shook her head, as if the simple
physical action might somehow clear everything from her memory. Maz came
有興趣看完整版的也可以去itunes購買 https://itun.es/us/s5l26.l
All Comments

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at 2015-12-24T00:37
at 2015-12-24T00:37

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at 2015-12-24T10:50

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