第五季劇情大綱 - 六人行

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2006-04-26T10:10

Table of Contents

501 - The One After Ross Says Rachel

- Monica和Chandler一直在找機會上床, 但是老天好像不怎麼眷顧他們...
- Ross不斷的在找逃婚的Emily, 但是他總是找不到她...
- Rachel不斷的在說服別人Ross在婚禮上說她的名字的確有問題..
(Ross: I don't care about the stupid band!!!!)( he said it very angrily)

wine cellar, beef-tip, spritzer

Monica: Ugh, y’know, umm we gotta get up early and catch that plane for
New York.
Chandler: Yeah, it’s a very large plane.

[guest star]
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Tom Conti (as Stephen Waltham)
Jennifer Saunders (as Andrea Waltham) Helen Baxendale (as Emily
Waltham-Geller) Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller)
Peter Eyre (as The Registrar)
502 - The One With All The Kissing

- Rachel一直想要告訴Ross她還愛著他, 但是Monica一直勸她不要這樣做, 但是最後
Rachel還是說了, 不過..
- Chandler在親Monica的時候都不巧被Rachel和Phoebe看到, 為了避免誤會他只好
- Phoebe覺得只有她沒有去倫敦, 聽到大家都在談論倫敦的事情, 覺得自己受到排擠,

liquor up, cole slaw, shabby, smudgy, mulch, swing dancing, potpourri,
shotgun, golden, carbon dating


Chandler: I can't believe she can out run you man!
Ross: HEY, SHE'S FAST!! OKAY?!! (Chandler is so shocked at Ross's outburst
that he drops his spoon and backs up) Oh! You-you think you can be
beat me? Let's go! Outside!!

Rachel: All right, you're the boss. I guess I gotta do what you tell me.
Joey: Say that to him and you're golden. (She just glares at him.)

Monica: You can't fire me. I make your decisions and I say, "I'm not fired!"

Ross: Monica's right, swing dancing can be tricky. I'm gonna use the phone.
I gotta cancel those five giant teddy bears I sent to Emily.
(Looks at the rose mulch.) My God, think of the massacre.

Chandler: Well, I'm gonna go home and bask in the triumph of my
Central Park idea. (Gets up to leave.)

Phoebe: Ooh, Atlantic City! Oh, that's a great plan! Who's plan was that?
Joey: Mine!
Ross: Wait! It was my plan.
Joey: Nooo, I said we needed a new plan.
Ross: And, I came up with Atlantic City.
Joey: Which, is the new plan!

[guest star]
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Zen Gesner (as Dave)
503 - The one Hundreth
- Phoebe要生小孩了, 但是她卻遇到一個老是在說Fonzie的醫生...
- Joey在醫院的時候發現他得了腎結石..於是就在Phoebe生產的同一個時間, 他也
- Rachel幫Monica和她自己找了醫院裡的男護士約會, 但是Chandler起先卻裝做不在乎


financing, jell-o, bum, impersonate, urethra, on a clock, sterile, bongo,
sonogram, fangle, petri

[guest star]
Giovanni Ribisi (as Frank Jr.) Sam Anderson (as Dr. Harad)
Debra Jo Rupp (as Alice) Patrick Fabian (as Nurse Dan) Iqbal Theba (as Joey's
Doctor) T.J. Thyne (as Dr. Oberman)
Brenda-Isaacs Booth (as The Nurse) Heidi Beck (as The Delivery Room Nurse)
504 - The One where Phoebe Hates PBS

- Ross不斷的再找Emily復合, 但是她卻要求Ross不能再見Rachel, 他該怎麼決定呢?
- Phoebe說她討厭PBS, 因為PBS在她最難過的時候讓她大失所望, 而Joey則跟她爭論
起世界上沒有所謂的"無私的好事", 而Phoebe 一直想要證明世界上還是有這種事的..
- Chandler聽Monica說她跟她的"秘密男友"性生活相當的美滿, 這讓Chandler相當的

* Joey告訴Phoebe聖誕老人不存在的時候,Phoebe的表情非常驚訝
* Monica告訴Rachel她的秘密男友床上功夫很好,Chandler竟然得意的在桌上跳舞

out of hair, prissy, twit, tux, Muppet, key chain, pledge, broil,
caterpillar, back on, surpass, carried away, TV exposure, grove


Chandler: Well y'know a lot of those Muppets don't have thumbs.

Joey: That's because all people are selfish.
Phoebe: Are you calling me selfish?!
Joey: Are you calling you people?

Ross: She wants me to move to London.
Monica: But you live here! (Ross rolls his eyes.)

[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham-Geller)
Jane Sibbett (as Carol [DVD only]) Jessica Hecht (as Susan [DVD only])
Gary Collins (as Himself) Charlie Allen (as Ben [DVD only])
Jack Allen (as Ben [DVD only]) Sandra Thigpen (as The Stage Manager)
John R. McLaughlin (as The PBS Volunteer)
505 - The One With The Kips

- Ross要告訴Rachel他為了Emily以後都不能再見她了, Rachel覺得Ross這樣做
- Monica和Chandler覺得老是偷偷摸摸很累, 於是他們決定出去度個假, 但是沒想到
那邊的房間不好, Chandler又太注意電視上的警匪槍戰..
- Rachel知道Ross不能見她後, 覺得自己很可憐, 於是她想找Phoebe出去組個新團體..

* Joey竟然不知道早上九點是什麼光景..
* Joey發現Monica和Chandler已經在一起的秘密

culinary, wig, Rollos, diarrhea, woof, curler, lift out, Madlib


Phoebe: (To Chandler) Can you hear anything?
Chandler: Oh yes, somebody just said, "Can you hear anything?"

Phoebe: Come where?
Rachel: Wherever I go. Come on you and me, we'll-we'll start a new group,
we're the best ones.
Phoebe: Okay, but try and get Joey too.
Ross: (entering) Pheebs, you mind if I speak to Rachel alone for a sec?
Phoebe: Oh, sure! (She gets up to leave.) Bye Ross! (Whispering behind his
back.) Forever.

[guest star]
Christopher Liam Moore (as The Hotel Clerk)
506 - The One With The Yeti

- Ross要搬出去了, 但是大夥兒對於這件事實在不能諒解, 不過他們還是決定尊重
Ross的意見, 但是Joey他..
- Monica和Rachel在地下室遇到了一個毛茸茸的傢伙, 但是Rachel後來發現這個毛茸茸
- Phoebe從她的生母那邊拿到了一件皮衣, 雖然有違她的價值觀, 但是她卻發現這件

heirloom, mink, waffle, continuum, crematorium, pelt, quirky, sport (V),
read up, underprivileged, seeing eye dog


Phoebe: I think he's right. You guys hang out at the coffeehouse way too much.

[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham-Geller) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
George Newbern (as Danny)
507 - The One With Ross Moves In

- Ross被Emily的堂弟趕了出來, 但是他沒地方住, 於是Joey跟Chandler收留他, 但是
他們卻發現Ross一直有很惱人的習慣, 於是他們決定..
- Rachel一直在覺得Danny喜歡她卻又不敢說, 於是當他來邀約的時候Rachel又故意裝
- Phoebe開始跟一個衛生管理局的官員約會, 但是後來她發現這個人對餐廳的衛生都
很嚴格, 搞到最後連個東西都吃不成..
(Joey made a very ridiculous face when Ross was working)

lease, gonad, deduct, sidekick, jazz up, badge, purifier, gala, regatta,
ladle, salsa, lob up


* Ross的白痴答錄機錄音..
* Joey在Ross工作的時候吵個不停

[guest star]
Gregory Sporleder (as Larry) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
George Newbern (as Danny) Doug Benson (as Tom)
508 - The One With All The Thanksgivings (+++)

- 一連串的感恩節回憶.. (Chandler父母離婚, Phoebe的前世, Joey把火雞塞在頭上,
Monica被Chandler說肥, Monica砍了Chandler的腳趾..
Ending : Phoebe在1912年的感恩節又被炸了一次.. XDDDD

spandex, eviction, feat, butler, platter, bast, squash, lapse, knapsack,
mole cluster, lacrosse, dishtower, dab, reflex action, wicker, sever

* Phoebe回憶前世被炸的那幕很蠢

[guest star]
Morgan Fairchild (as Nora Bing) Michael Winters (as The Doctor)
Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller) Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller)
Alec Mapa (as The Housekeeper) Douglas Looper (as The Paramedic)
Joshua Preston (as Young Chandler)

509 - The One With Ross's Sandwich (++++)

- Joey不斷的被誤會是變態, 但是他實在是受夠了當Chandler和Monica的代罪羔羊,
- Ross的三明治被偷吃了, 他對此很火大, 於是他後來採用Phoebe的建議, 但卻被同事
指稱為"瘋人"(Mental), 最後, 院長請他去看心理醫生..
- Phoebe開始去大學上課, 她還找了Rachel一起去, 但是Rachel根本心不在焉, 還搶了

undies, grub, stab, pep rally, more, limerick, goodie-goodie, cyborg, snap,
peephole, sex addict.


Ross: Someone at work ate my sandwich!
Chandler: Well, what did the police say?

[guest star]
Michael Ensign (as Dr. Ledbetter) Scott Mosenson (as The Teacher)
Jennette Robbins (as Cynthia) Alexia Roberts (as The Female Student)

510 - The One With The Inappropriate Sister (+++)

- Ross在家裡沒有事情做覺得很無聊, 於是他決定幫Joey忙, 督促他寫劇本, 但是
Chandler一直想找他玩..最後Chandler跟Ross竟然吵起來, 不過Joey想出了個辦法..
- Phoebe找到了一個在聖誕節募款的臨時工, 不過有的路人竟然把垃圾丟進募款的
- Rachel跟Danny開始約會, 但是她發現Danny有個姊姊跟他過從甚密, 甚至有點超過的
地步, 這使得眾人都覺得反感...

* Opening: Joey敎Ross打電話裝女聲耍Chandler
* Ending: Joey自從成功讓Chandler和Ross和解之後,又寫了劇本要讓Monica和Rachel

subbatical, crank up a notch, hammer dart, spackle, lawsuit, urinal, ashtray,


Danny: I had a really nice time tonight.
Rachel: So did I. I'm really glad Monica asked us out.

[guest star]
June Gable (as Estelle Leonard) Julie Lauren (as Krista)
George Newbern (as Danny) Tom Bailey (as Bob) Lee Arenberg (as The Man)
Robyn Pedretti (as Ginger)
511 - The One With All The Resolutions (++++)

- Ross希望今年會有好事發生, 他交了一個新女友, 並在第一次約會的時候穿了皮褲,
- 大家都覺得Chandler平常愛挖苦朋友, 於是Ross跟他打賭他不能夠一個禮拜不挖苦
- Joey的新年新希望是要學吉他, 於是Phoebe說她可以教他, 不過她的教學方法可跟
- 大家也覺得Rachel平常太愛八卦了, 她在新年應該要停止講別人的八卦


plummet, sprout, planeload, botch, snuggle, sprinkle, fringe, unattendented

[guest star]
Sara Rose Peterson (as Elizabeth Hornswoggle) Jack Allen (as Ben)
Charlie Allen (as Ben)
512 - The One With Chandler's Work Laugh (+++)

- Chandler跟老闆在一起的時候, 都會裝出一種奇怪的笑聲, 這使得Monica很不自在,
- Ross知道Emily在英國又結了婚後十分的惱怒, 不過之後他卻遇到了Janice...
- Rachel一直想要套出Monica跟Chandler之間的事情, 但是Monica卻老是裝做不知道...

* Opening: Rachel質問Joey是不是知道Chandler和Monica的戀情,不過他只會回答
I don't know
* Ending: Ross向Chandler坦承他跟Janice的關係,但是他聽到的反應卻是詭異的笑..

scone, inventory, cluck, put out, snivel, weasel, whine


Monica: Look at us all dressed up for the big office party! By the way,
what are we celebrating?
Chandler: Oh, we had a lot of liquor left over from the Christmas party.

Ross: Just, y'know out.
Rachel: Ohh, out, oh God, I don't know why we didn't think to check there!

Phoebe: So are you actually gonna see her again?
Joey: Phoebe! Don't put ideas in his head!
Ross: I am gonna see her again.
Joey: Damnit Phoebe!!

[guest star]
Maggie Wheeler (as Janice) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Sam McMurray (as Doug) Lise Simms (as Kara)
513 - The One With Joey's Bag

- Rachel推薦一個包包給Joey, 不過很不巧的, 這是一個女性的手提包, 不過Joey
- Phoebe的祖母過世了, 於是她替她辦了一個告別式, 正巧Phoebe的生父卻出現了...
- Monica替人按摩的技術真是差到極點, 不過Chandler為了不讓她傷心故意不說出來,

* Opening: Monica幫Chandler按摩 (Chan: Goodbye muschles!)
* Ending: 每個人都在勸Joey不要再帶著那個女用包包了

suave, unisex, mustard, 3-d glasses, amnesia


Rachel: Exactly! Unisex!
Joey: Maybe you need sex. I had sex a couple days ago.
Rachel: No! No Joey! U-N-I-sex.
Joey: Well, I ain't gonna say no to that.

[guest star]
Bob Balaban (as Frank Sr.) Daniel Hagen (as The Casting Director)
514 - The One Where Everybody Finds Out (++++)

- Phoebe也知道Chandler和Monica在一起的事情了, 但是她決定不戳破, 反而和Rachel
設計要引誘Chandler, 一場好戲就要上演..
- 住在Monica對街的Ugly Naked Guy要搬走了, Ross覺得如果搬過去的話會是個好主意,
於是他要從眾多的申請者中脫穎而出, 他就得跟這傢伙攀上關係..
- Monica和Chandler知道Phoebe是故意要引誘他的時候, 他們決定也要好好的反擊回去

squishy, fornicate, quartet, disposal, hit on sb, foxy, flex, edge,
trampoline, bluff, pinball, vest, hats off

* Ross脫個精光在Ugly Naked Guy的公寓與他茶敘。

[guest star]
Michael Ensign (as Dr. Ledbetter)
515 - The One With The Girl Hits Joy (+++)

- Joey交了個女朋友Katie,可是她不斷的在打Joey, 儘管Joey暗示她不要再這樣做,
她還是依然故我, 直到Katie在咖啡館遇到Rachel,這才擺脫了這個惡夢
- Ross搬進了新公寓, 但是公寓的人要Ross繳100塊當作他們公寓一個雜工的歡送派對
費用, Ross拒繳卻被他們傳是小氣鬼, 於是他想要舉辦個party來讓大家喜歡他,而
- Chandler對於大家在身邊說到結婚或是小孩的事情覺得很恐懼, 有一次他這樣的

* Opening: Ross知道C&M的戀情時,表情反應都變化的超快的 XD
* Ending: 每個人都在取笑Chandler以求婚道歉的蠢方式,直到Ross講了更智障的話...

on the lamb, handy man, cheapskate, nametag, breadstick, fang, chip in, hit,
abrasive, craddle robbing (have sex with yunger people), Gold digger


Chandler: Yeah I know, but I was really confused and then I talked to
these guys. (Turns to look at Ross and Joey.)
Monica: Who? Two divorces and Joey?!

Joey: Hey Ross, will you pass me that knife?
Ross: No, I will not!
Joey: Oh, it's okay. You don't have to be so mean about it.
Ross: You're right, I'm sorry. Will you marry me?
(They all laugh.)
Phoebe: Aw, and I was gonna ask you to marry me because I forgot to say
hello to you last week.

[guest star]
Willie Garson (as Steve) Soleil Moon Frye (as Katie)
David Dalton (as Guest #1) Linde Gibb (as Guest #2)
516 - The One With The Cop

- Ross到店裡買了一張新的沙發椅, 不過就算他怎麼試他都無法把這椅子搬到樓上去,
- Joey自從看到CHandler和Monica之後就十分的羨慕他們可以如此的親密, 而且他夢到
Monica之後就更顯的不自在, 不過經過他們的開導之後, Joey似乎有了新的體悟。
- Phoebe找到一個警察的徽章, 並以這個徽章到處的做"好事", 她以此為樂, 卻沒想到

* Opening: Joey夢到他和Monica在一起
* Ending: Ross把被劈成兩半的沙發退還給店家

slammer, tape measure, 10-4, undercover, crank it up, pickup line, fugitive,
Connect the Dots(連連看), store credit


Gary: Okay. And don't worry, I'm not just gonna take you out for donuts.
(Chandler busts out laughing and everyone just looks at him.)
Chandler: (To Rachel) He has a gun!

[guest star]
Michael Rapaport (as Gary) NiCole Robinson (as The Smoking Woman)
Mark Fite (as The Salesman) Aloma Wright (as The Saleswoman)
517 - The One With Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss

- Rachel去參加面試的時候, 不小心親了那個老闆, 結果第二次去的時候又不小心以為
- Phoebe正在熱戀中, 這使得Monica十分的忌妒, 而十分不理智的要求Chandler一定要
- Joey在窗邊看到Ross他們公寓的一個辣妹, 但是他怎麼找就是找不到她住的地方..
- Ross一直在他的房子假裝做一些事情來騙Joey

* Opening: Rachel對新公司的面試感到很緊張,Phoebe自願幫忙,輪到Monica時她的
* Ending: Monica和Rachel擺了一個人型看板在窗邊,不知情的Ross還以為她們喜歡看

sewer, litigious, tortilla, excess

[guest star]
Michael Rapaport (as Gary) Samantha Smith (as The Window Woman)
Steve Ireland (as Mr. Zelner) Marc Goldsmith (as The Man)
Devyn La Bella (as The Little Girl) Ralph Manza (as The Old Man)
Tamara Pennington (as The Woman [DVD only])
518 - The One Where Rachel Smokes

- 當Ross和Carol帶著Ben在公園走的時候遇到了一個拍廣告的導演, 那個導演說Ben
很可愛, 於是決定給他一個試鏡的機會, 結果Joey也希望可以得到機會, 於是他也
- Phoebe和Monica決定替Rachel辦一個驚喜的生日派對, 但是Monica顯然幫Phoebe
決定了所有的事情, 不過她倒是妥協讓Phoebe處理杯子和冰塊..但是..
- Rachel的上司喜歡抽煙, 而且喜歡再抽煙的時候決定事情, 這使得Rachel覺得很沒
參與感也覺得很不公平, 於是她也開始跟著抽煙..

goblin, Tuscan, downtrodden, nerve wracking, rue, chain smoking, cut back,
plaid, rammage, caveman, festoon, snow cones, longingly, cencer stick(菸)

[guest star]
Joanna Gleason (as Kim Clozzi) Jane Sibbett (as Carol) Megan Ward (as Nancy)
Judy Kain (as The Casting Director) Jim Wise (as Kyle) Jack Allen (as Ben)
Charlie Allen (as Ben) Matt Weinberg (as Raymond)
519 - The One Where Ross Can't Flirt

- Ross看到Chandler跟送披薩的女孩調情(flirt), 覺得她背叛Monica, 談過之後
才知道是Ross喜歡那個女孩, 於是Ross決定展出他的調情技巧..
- Joey把他的奶奶帶來要看他在Order and Law一劇中的演出, 可是不幸的是導演
把他的戲砍掉了, 於是他只好..
- 今天是Monica跟Chandler的一週年紀念, Chandler想要Monica戴上他送給她的耳環,
不過她借給Phoebe, Phoebe又借給Rachel, 而Rachel把他給弄丟了...

pull strings, uncanny, pepperoni, exorcise, bash, tri-state, shush,
odorless, brace oneself agains/for,

[guest star]
Kristin Dattilo (as Caitlin) Lilyan Chauvin (as Grandma Tribbiani)
520 - The One With The Ride Along

- Ross, Chandler跟Joey和phoebe的警察男朋友去跟蹤嫌犯, 但是在車上發生了一些事情
當一聲巨響發生的時候,Joey撲身去保護Ross, 但是事實的真相..竟然會是..
- Emily突然在結婚的前一天打電話回來, 她說她想要復合, 但是Ross不在, Rachel又
不小心把留言刪除了, 她該怎麼告訴Ross呢?

blender(果汁攪拌機), demote, backfire, pout, foxhole, sb's number is up,


Ross: Oh hey, Gary, want me to grab the berry for ya?
Gary: It's called the cherry.
Ross: It's the—Chandler!!

Chandler: I can't smell your sandwich?
Joey: Half the taste is in the smell! You-you're sucking up all the tastiness!
Chandler: Okay, I'll give them back. (Exhales strongly through his nose and
Joey just glares at him.)

Ross: I know where Joey would be. He would be down in the foxhole protecting
all of us.
Chandler: Yes, if the foxhole was lined with sandwiches.

[guest star]
Michael Rapaport (as Gary) Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham (voice))
521 - The One With The Ball (++++)

- Phoebe的男朋友想要叫Phoebe搬去跟他一起住, 但是大家都覺得太快了, Phoebe起先
不想, 但是當她看到Gary的反應後她又改口說好,但是最後..
- Rachel花大把錢買了一隻奇怪的貓, 鬧了很多笑話
- Joey跟Ross在房間玩球玩了一整天, 他們在想如果可以這樣一直丟下去, 將會是一件

* Ending: Chandler is a DROPPER!!!


Monica: Rachel! What is your cat doing in one of my bowls!
Rachel: It's not! I'm defrosting a chicken. (Pause) Oh, I uh sold Mrs.

[guest star]

Michael Rapaport (as Gary) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Victoria Kelleher (as Woman #2) Antoinette Spolar (as Woman #1)
522 - The One With Joey's Big Break

- Phoebe莫名其妙的討厭Ross, 讓Ross百般不解, 不過經過一番詢問之後, 竟然發現
- Rachel眼睛痛, 但是她卻對眼睛特別敏感, 甚至不敢看別人碰眼睛的動作, Monica
強迫帶她去看醫生, 但是她還是不肯點眼藥水..
- Joey終於得到一個主演電影的機會, 但是他卻拿不到錢, 而在他和Chandler一起去

push one's buttons, square one, ascot, egg whites, glaucoma, flinch, puss,
hiney, fauna,

[guest star]
Michael Monks (as Dr. Hiller) John Kassir (as Stanley)
John C. McDonnell (as Grip)
523-524 - The One In Vegas

- Chandler和Monica決定去拉斯維加斯慶祝一週年, 順便去探望Joey, 結果Chandler
後來知道了Monica遇到Richard的事情而大為光火, 不過後來他們合好, 並決定要在
- Joey在拉斯維加斯的賭場裡找到了他的手的雙胞胎, 他認定這可以讓他大賺一筆錢..
- Ross跟Rachel因為有事情不能夠跟Monica他們一起去維加斯, 於是他們兩個一起去,
但是他們從飛機上玩到下飛機後, 喝酒喝到不醒人事,最後竟然還在教堂裡結了婚..
- Phoebe在賭場裡搞出一大堆好笑的事情..

sucker, stunt double (特技替身), Cleopatra, setback, roll. file-a-facts,

Chandler: Y'know, if I won $5,000 I'd join a gym, y'know build up my upper
body and hit Richard from behind with a stick! (Mimics it.)

[guest star]
Thomas Lennan (as Randall) James Paradise (as The Casino Boss)
Rick Pasqualone (as The Croupier) Todd Glass (as The Airplane Guy)
Baillie Gerstein (as The Tourist) Lisa Jamie Cash (as The Flight Attendant)

Thomas Lennan (as Randall) Jeanette Miller (as The Elderly Woman)
Rojai Holloway (as The Security Guard) Frank Novak (as Gambler)
Gabi Simson (as The Woman Dealer) Nina Mann (as The Attendant)


But in real life, you're not properly lit
and there's no soundtrack. --Jack


All Comments

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2006-04-27T18:47
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2006-05-02T10:16


George avatar
By George
at 2006-04-25T21:35
301 - The One With the Princess Leia Fantasy Plots: - Monica 剛剛跟Richard分手, 心情低落,結果Phoebe去幫她治療,還是沒用, 最後還是Mr. Geller來告訴她Richard也過的很不好,她這才放下心來睡覺。 - Joey 不 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-04-25T21:02
201 - The One With Rossand#39; New Girlfriend Plots: - Rachel到機場接機要表白,才看到Ross還帶了Julie回來,Joey建議她還是老實告訴 Ross,但Rachel最後還是卻步... - Phoebe幫Chandler和Joey剪了頭 ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2006-04-25T20:26
101 - Pilot [plots] - Rachel從婚禮逃出來,決定住進Monica她家,開始她獨立的生活 - Ross跟他的lesbian老婆離婚了,整個人很是沮喪。 - Monica跟她的男友Paul約會,後來發現... [laugh] - Ross在抱怨他的婚姻: 這時候Rachel ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2006-04-25T00:10
※ 引述《orion (火星上的人類學家)》之銘言: : 瑞秋的助理男友 : 是不是有演 CSI:NY ? : 剛剛看到似乎有點熟悉的臉孔... 如果是那個助理小男友的話沒錯ˇ 他是CSI:NY裡面那個認真帥氣的警探-弗蘭克 既然說到男友再爆個料(?) 他也演過慾望城市裡頭主角的小男友 而且這次比 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2006-04-25T00:06
瑞秋的助理男友 是不是有演 CSI:NY ? 剛剛看到似乎有點熟悉的臉孔... -- ◢◤ ◣ ◢●◣ ◢●◣ Scifi_drama 〃 ˙˙ 〃 科幻頻道板 ◥ ╰──╯ ◤ ◥ ◤ ██ ▏▉ ...