第四季劇情大綱 - 六人行

By Jacky
at 2006-04-26T08:49
at 2006-04-26T08:49
Table of Contents
401 - The One With The Jellyfish (++)
- Phoebe找到她的生母, 但是Phoebe對她十分的不諒解, 後來..
- Rachel跟Ross想要復合, 但是Rachel寫了一封18頁的信給Ross, 要他負起責任,
- Joey, Monica和Chandler三人去海灘玩, 結果Monica被水母給螫傷了, 而Joey
- Chandler不斷的在跟Monica說兩人交往的事情
holocaust, ammonia, gist, ramble, apostrophe
Chandler: (jumping up) Oh, I’ll go out and get you some.
Monica: Really?!
Chandler: Nope! Because I’m not your boyfriend.
Chandler: I found a dried up seashores.
Phoebe: (reading from the note) “Good-bye Phoebe and Ursula. I’ll miss
you. P.S. Your Mom lives in Montauk.” You just wrote this!
Chandler: (wails loudly into his hands) Joey kept screaming at me, “Do it
now! Do it!! Do it! Do it now!!” Sometimes late at night I can
still here the screaming.
Joey: (laughs) That’s ‘cause sometimes I just do it through my wall to
freak you out.
Chandler: I KNEW IT!!!!
[guest star]
Christine Taylor (as Bonnie) Teri Garr (as Phoebe Sr.)
402 - The One With The Cat
- Joey要把他們的Entertainment Center賣掉..結果最後他們的家卻被偷的一乾二凈。
- Phoebe無意間遇到一隻貓, 但是他認為這隻貓是他死去的媽媽轉世的...
- Monica在銀行遇到高中時代的大帥哥Chip並獲得邀約, 但豈知道這傢伙長這麼大了還是
tetanus, lace, glycoma, orange felt, letterman, mascot, squirm,
screening process, tack up, pur, chopper, wedgie, bend over, futon
* Chandler早上一出來又被電視櫃割到衣服 / 大家都不知道Chandler的職業是什麼
Joey: What kind of profit is that?! And you call yourself an accountant.
Chandler: (looks at him) Nooo.
Joey: (to Chandler) Dude, Phoebe’s mom has got a huge peni...
Chandler: (interrupting) Let it go!!
Ross: (entering) Hey! So ah, what did the insurance company say?
Chandler: Oh, they said uh, “You don’t have insurance here, so stop
calling us.”
Chandler: Pheebs, if she could come back as a couch, we’d really
appreciate it. (Joey nods in agreement)
* Ending: Chandler和Joey坐在獨木舟裡面發呆
[guest star]
Dan Gauthier (as Chip) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Matthew Kaminsky (as Tony) Ken Weiler (as Peter) Marc Unger (as The Thief)
403 - The One With The Cuffs (+++ 超好笑)
- Chandler又跟Rachel的老闆Joanona搞到一起, 還搞到辦公室去, Rachel要Chandler
- Joey一個人在家裡, 這時候卻來了一個百科全書的推銷員..
- Monica的媽媽請Monica去當她的宴會主廚, 不料她還是認為Monica會把事情搞砸..
paddle, bubble wrap, white trash, cater, smidgin, pickle, occurance, dud,
quiche, rave (about/over sth), Algonquin Kids Table, gag gift (=joke gift),
macaroon, scoot, pantsuit, shoot right out, vulcanized rubber, patio
movie stub (票根), igneous, spew, dormant, army man, vivisection(活體解剖)
Chandler: Could we be more white trash?
* Joey模仿床鋪震動的聲音
* Chandler被鎖住那段真的很好笑,包括被手銬銬住假裝很痛,還有嘴巴被塞住但是
* 最後Rachel和Chandler在辦公室達成的協議很好笑
* Joey到最後還是聽不懂別人講啥
[guest star]
Alison La Placa (as Joanna) Penn Jillette (as the Salesman)
Laura Dean (as Sophie) Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller)
404 - The One With the Ballroom Dancing
- Rachel去倒垃圾的時候被管理員噱了一頓, Joey看不過去而去找他理論, 結果管理員
- Phoebe喜歡上她的一個按摩的客人, 但是基於職業道德她不能這樣做..
- Chandler沒辦法退出體育館的會員, 於是他找了Ross一起去幫忙..結果...
clog, chute, coveralls, peppiness(充滿活力), lycra, spandex, plunger,
pedicure(足部美容), evict, saggy, flabby gut, prison lingo,
superintendent of schools, spotter, touchy, pademarie, nail, siadic
[guest star]
Jason Brooks (as Rick) Michael G. Hagerty (as Mr. Treeger)
Rhoda Gemignani (as Mrs. Potter) E.J. Callahan (as Mr. Simon)
Brien Perry (as Gym Employee) Christopher Carroll (as Bank Officer)
Amber Smith (as Maria) Hope Allen (as Karen Lambert)
Cheryl Francis Harrington (as Interviewer)
405 - The One With Joey's New Girlfriend (+++超好笑, Monica自己抱自己)
- Phoebe感冒了, 但是她覺得她在感冒時後的聲音比較性感
- Ross和Rachel不斷的在向對方炫耀他們的新女/男友, 但是其實他們都沒那麼好..
- Chandler愛上了Joey的新女朋友, 他感到很痛苦..
limb, lay off, floozy, varsity, dope!, give a finger, phlegm, pneumonia,
broth, fishnet stockings, cough drop, platting, paper mache
* Ross的手勢 (拿來罵人的)
* Chandler在街上為了追Cathy跑老遠的一景 XD
* Monica後來被Phoebe傳染感冒
* Gunther最後感冒,結果Phoebe就親了他,後來Guntehr還告訴Rachel這件事情XD
[guest star]
Laura Stepp (as Amanda) Paget Brewster (as Kathy)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Brian "Fish" Smith (as Josh)
406 - The One With The Dirty Girl
- Chandler替Joey的女朋友買了一本他最喜歡的書, 但是Joey卻只給她買了一隻筆...
- Monica向Phoebe借錢去幫葬禮提供食物, 但是後來她們遇到一個不給錢的老女人...
- Ross遇到一個超辣的女人, 但是後來他卻發現她的家裡真的是髒到不行..
- Rachel在做猜字謎的遊戲
Ending : Monica跑到那個髒女人的家裡去, 想要幫她清房子..
aerobics, paleontology, wrapping paper, omelet, Hanukka, sombrero, endearing,
intermission, wuss, take credit, centazoic
Chandler: Okay, but don't touch it, because you fingers have destructive oils.
Rachel: Huh. Well, then you'd better keep it away from Ross's hair.
So this is pretty rare. How did you get that?
Monica: (To the gang) I just had to turn down a job catering a funeral for
sixty people.
Rachel: Oh my God! What happened?
Monica: Sixty guests.
Chandler: Okay, so when do you want to go?
Rachel: What? Oh, I'm sorry, I can't, I'm busy.
* Rachel做完了字謎遊戲,卻發現沒有人可以擁抱,結果Gunther就從廚房跑出來
還跌倒 XDDD
* Monica半夜還跑來說要清那個髒女人(ross's date)的家
[guest star]
Paget Brewster (as Kathy) Rebecca Romijn-Stamos (as Cheryl)
Gretchen Wyler (as Mrs. Burkart) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
407 - The One Where Chandler Crossed The Line (+++ very funny)
- Chandler在一次跟Joey女友的談話之後跟她接吻了, 他該怎麼辦呢?
- Ross會彈電子琴! 但是他彈的實在太糟糕了!! 不過Phoebe似乎很欣賞他的"天份"。
boles, grant, article, stern, transmission fluid, dog grooming, poofy,
emphatic, chimp, savings account, dwarf (V), cinnamon, urn,
Phoebe: What are you guys talking about, I loved it! It was soo moving.
Oh, plus it’s just, it’s so different from the stuff you usually hear.
Chandler: You mean like, music?
Kathy: You have really great hair.
Chandler: Well, thanks. I grow it myself.
[guest star]
Paget Brewster (as Kathy) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Tom Sullivan (as Guy [DVD only])
408 - The One With Chandler In A Box (++ kinda funny)
- Joey對Chandler非常的火大並決定要搬走, Chandler想要補償些什麼卻找不到法子,
- Monica的眼睛被冰刺傷, 後來他去找Richard的兒子看病,還把他兒子帶回來吃晚餐,
- Phoebe決定這次的感恩節來交換禮物, 但是沒有人要跟Rachel交換,因為她都會把
禮物換給別人, 這可惹火了Ross...
Secret Santa, on-call, mumble, jam (v), scratch, cornea, plank, devoid,
moon(v), left-handed,
* Ross的 "who gets whom" 文法糾正
* Joey的義大利髒話 XD / Rachel後來也罵了(對Ross罵)
Monica: No, my eye doctor is Richard! I can’t go to him when I don’t have
a boyfriend!
Chandler: He’s really picky about his patients.
Monica: Fine! Judge all you want to but, (points to Ross) married a lesbian,
(points to Rachel) left a man at the altar, (points to Phoebe) fell
in love with a gay ice dancer, (points to Joey) threw a girl's wooden
leg in a fire, (points to Chandler) livin’in a box!!
(goes to her room)
[guest star]
Michael Vartan (as Dr. Tim Burke) Paget Brewster (as Kathy)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Marcy Goldman (as Nurse)
409 - The One Where They Are Going To Party
- Rachel知道有個工作機會, 於是她向她的老闆Joanna要求讓她順利通過面試, 但是
的同意成為Assistant Buyer。
- Phoebe和Monica開始了她們的合夥生意, 但是Monica突然被找去寫評論文章而導致
一家餐廳的老闆來找她理論, 不過最後 Monica反而得到那間餐廳主廚的工作。
- Ross跟Chandler聽說Gandolf要來party!,他們都高興的要命, 但是後來他卻又不能
baguette, cilantro, bumblebee, waterbed, retraction, inedible, swill,
breadstick, marinara, binge, expense account, effective tomorrow, checkbook,
snowball (V), beat(a.), mitten, Without further ado, dollup, Nova Scotia
[guest star]
Alison La Placa (as Joanna) Taylor Negron (as Allesandro)
Richard Fancy (as Mr. Posner) Jennifer Rhodes (as Mrs. Lynch)
Laura Dean (as Sophie) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
410 - The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie (+)
- Ross遇到了兩個女孩子, 一個住的很遠但是很風趣, 另一個就住在城裡但是很無趣,
- Monica工作的地方的人都很討厭他, 後來Chandler提出了個辦法, 就是找人去假裝
被她開除, 結果Joey自告奮勇的去了...
- Rachel覺得過節一個人很孤單, 於是她託Chandler去幫她找個約會的對象, 結果
- Phoebe在幫大家寫歌~ Ending Song!
fling, see-saw, like father like son, relish, floss, swordfish, lean, bur,
magnetic strip,
* Joey剛開始在嘴裡塞了15塊餅乾..
* Joey和Phoebe一直認為Chandler和機器人一起工作
* Joey拍Monica的胸部在這集 (Tiny Little Fire)
* Phoebe還住過布拉格....
* Ending Phoebe把大家的名字都寫進了她的歌
[guest star]
Fred Stoller (as The Waiter) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Jamie Kaler (as Mike) Micheal DiMaggio (as Drew)
Shannon Maureen Brown (as The Woman on the Train)
Amy Smallman (as The Kitchen Worker)
Yasemin Bayton (as The Poughkeepsie Woman) Vic Helford (as The Conductor)
411 - The One With Phoebe's Uterus
- Chandler和他的女友性生活不美滿(因為他害怕被拿來和Joey比較) 於是他求教於
Monica, 結果Monica的確教給了他一些好用的招術..(seven!seven!seven!)
- Ross幫Joey在他的博物館找到了一個擔任解說員的工作, 但是後來Joey發現在博物館
- Phoebe的弟弟Frank Jr.和他的未婚妻因為年紀問題不能夠有小孩, 於是他們找了
elope, courthouse, carnivore, denim, glaze, nudes, parenty, blue blazer,
erogenous, squat, flip , pear (發音)
Chandler: [gets up to leave] All right, all right, I'll sleep with my
girlfriend. But I'm just doing it for you guys. [leaves]
* Phoebe拿到小狗的時候一直在跟牠玩 XDDD 結果都不聽人講話了
* Monica告訴Chandler所有女人會"興奮"的地帶
* Ending: Kathy跑來謝謝Monica XDDD
[guest star]
Teri Garr (as Phoebe Sr.) Giovanni Ribisi (as Frank Jr.)
Debra Jo Rupp (as Alice) Paget Brewster (as Kathy)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Sherri Shepherd (as the Tour Guide)
Miles Marsico (as The Smart Kid) Jack Ong (as The Older Scientist)
Jim Bentley (as Another Tour Guide) Chip Chinery (as Another Scientist)
412 -The one with the embryos (+++ very funny)
- Chandler, Joey和Monica, Rachel四人加上Ross開始比賽一場看誰比較了解誰的
比賽, 輸的人代價可不小...
- Phoebe去醫院做受精卵移植, 結果手術相當的成功~
Ending : Two sets of people in their seperate apartment.
get a second opinion, embryo, endometria, tortilla chip, yogurt, scotch tape,
fork it over, cough it up, pay a piper,
gumball machine, pet peeves, bejejeezus, flail, burlesque, rile up, motion,
field hocky, goalie, transpond, tonsil,knock up, drape (v), lollipop, bicker
* 剛開始的時候,Chandler和Joey養的公雞長大了,結果一大早一直在叫
* Ross 在比賽的時候假裝的機器人的聲音
* Chandler和Joey騎著白狗滑進來
Frank: Hey, y’know I was thinking, what are the odds like if-if, if you
stuff like 200 of them in there?
Alice: Sweety, now, she’s a woman, not a gumball machine.
[guest star]
Giovanni Ribisi (as Frank Jr.) Debra Jo Rupp (as Alice)
Cindy Katz (as Dr. Zane)
413 - The One With Rachel's Crush
- Rachel在公司被降為採買部門的助手, 她本來想要辭職的, 但是後來來了一個很帥
- Monica自從換了公寓之後就被冷落了, 於是她努力的打掃房子想要把大夥兒再吸引
- Chandler懷疑她的女友移情別戀, 於是大發脾氣..女友烙話說等Chandler變成熟再
abs,blouse, grunt, snooty, donut, gravy train, waffle, wardrobe, fiddle,
v-neck, floor polishing machine, geometry,lint, debrief, pecs, billfold,
Chandler: Yeah, it’s like someone literally wrote down my worst nightmare
and then charged me $32 to see it!
* Joey在作煎餅,然後他用丟的給別人,Monica接不到,但是Phoebe把它抓起來丟進
盤子裡 XDDD
* Monica在她新的公寓拿電風扇吹餅乾.../在吸塵器上打轉
* Chandler開門進來罵slut的時候Joey和 Ross在偷看Playboy XDDDDD
* Joey第一次的 "how you doing" / Phoebe的笑很三八
* Ending: Rachel發花痴還說how you doing..
[guest star]
Tate Donovan (as Joshua) Paget Brewster (as Kathy)
Paxton Whitehead (as Mr. Waltham)
414 - The One With Joey's Dirty Day(++)
- Rachel想要跟賈許華約會, 但是當他約他出去的時候她的老闆卻要她跟他的姪女去看
- Ross在一次機會中看到了Emily, 從此之後他們就在一起了~
- Chandler跟女朋友分手一直想不開, 後來Monica跟Phoebe乾脆陪他去看脫衣舞
- Joey跟他老爸去釣魚, 結果三天沒洗澡, 整個人臭死了,後來他睡過頭直接跑去排戲
lure (魚餌), hunk, tenor, emanate, retch, bait, peephole, wiener cart, bum,
elastic, whiff, franticly, liquorice whip, daiquiris, spunky, clock
Phoebe: Oh no wait, oh no, the elastic on my underwear busted.
Phoebe: (going over to comfort her) Aww, Pheebs.
Rachel: Honey, that’s your name.
Phoebe: That’s short for Phoebe?! I thought that was just what we called
each other!
* Phoebe把Chandler罵哭了
* Ending: Chandler的 "phase 4" 他在夢裡夢到一堆stripper XDDD
[guest star]
Tate Donovan (as Joshua) Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham)
Paxton Whitehead (as Mr. Waltham) Carlos Lacamara (as The A.D.)
Rocky McMurray (as The Cigarette Guy) Charlton Heston (as Himself)
415 - The One With All The Rugby
- Monica對她們公寓的一個壞掉的開關十分的在意, 於是她不斷的在找那個開關到底
- Ross遇到Emily以前在英國的男朋友, 他們提議要玩英式足球, 為了不丟面子, Ross
- Chandler跟Rachel去做足部美容的時候遇到了Janice, 但是現在Chandler祇想擺脫她
而已, 於是他騙Janice他要被公司調到葉門,但是事情不總是那麼順利...
alimony, pre-emptive, ring sb., schmoon, scrum, huddle, cufflink, cup,
trick hip, concussion
* Chandler竟然跟Rachel去做足部美容...
Monica: They wouldn’t have put it there if it didn’t do something! How can
you not care?
Joey: Like this. (Shrugs)
* Monica在找電源的時候,Joey故意發出聲音騙大家..
Rachel: It’s coming from Joey!
Phoebe: Oh my God, that’s so freaky! Turn him off!!
Ross: (to Phoebe) Tell my son that I love him.
Janice: Oh. Well, I’ll write you everyday. (Reading the address) 15 Yemen
Road, Yemen.
* Monica公寓的開關最後竟然是連接到Joey那邊的電視....
[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham) Maggie Wheeler (as Janice)
Mark Thomas (as Liam) Adamo Palladino (as Devon)
Robin McDonald (as Ticket Counter Attendant)
416 - The One With The Fake Party (++)
- Rachel舉辦了一個假的歡送會給Emily, 但是其實她是要來引誘Joshua的, 為了留住他
- Phoebe不斷的想要吃肉, 最後她終於克制不住了..
nanseous, craving, guava, bologna, doorknob, ornate, lax, glow, cashmere,
thinker, cleavage, plumber, welder, flashdance, mistketoe, skit, corn beef,
Ross: Oh, we went to see a collection of Victorian doorknobs and the
Cupert-Hewitt museum.
Chandler: Without me?!
Rachel: Uhh, because I’m trying to play hard to get. Oh, quick he’s looking
over here, say something funny.
Chandler: Like what?
(Rachel laughs hysterically.)
Chandler: There’s a Phoebe on my sandwich! (He walks away, giving the
sandwich to Phoebe.)
* Rachel超白癡的/啦啦隊舞
* Gunther竟然偷偷跟Emily講Rachel是他女朋友,Emily的表情超好笑的 (而且gunther
Rachel: You’re a pathetic loser, right?
Chandler: Oh-ho, yeah!
[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham) Tate Donovan (as Joshua)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
417 - The One with the Free Porn (++)
- Phoebe去醫院檢查卻發現她有了三胞胎, 但是這下子Frank跟Alice的經濟負擔也因此
而加重了, Phoebe於是開始想著有什麼樣的工作可以開始賺錢..
- Emily回去倫敦了, 但是Monica一值聳恿Ross去倫敦找她, 最後...
- Chandler和Joey無意中發現有一台免費的色情節目可以看...
snake(v), flip-flop, lug, ob-gyn, cockpit, stewardess, log ride, sweatshop,
corny, tin, dealership, inside trading, white (as in "free white")
* 剛開始trigger在清廁所的叫聲很好笑
* Rachel說她腦袋裡一直有個聲音,還唱出來 (很蠢的歌)
Rachel: What’s that song? It has been in my head all day long.
Chandler: It’s the theme from Good Will Humping.
* L-shaped hand sign done by Joey (while Ross leaves)
* Joey看到Emily手上帶的巧克力超想吃,後來她打電話的時候還跟她要XDDD
[guest star]
Giovanni Ribisi (as Frank Jr.) Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham)
Debra Jo Rupp (as Alice) Michael G. Hagerty (as Mr. Treeger)
Shelley Jordan (as The Doctor)
418 - The One With Rachel's Dress
- Frank&Alice要給Phoebe取最後一個小孩的名字, 而Joey和Chandler則毛贅自薦自己
- Rachel跟她的男友Joshua開始約會, 起先原本在家裡,不過Joasha竟然害怕住在隔壁
- Ross帶Emily給她的前妻和Susan見面, 沒想到Emily跟Susan一拍即合, 這使得醋勁
shower rod, traumatise, Valdez, frilly, filet mignon, frieze salad,
goat cheese, asparagus, crabby, dustpan, magnet, sycophant, croup,
*開頭: Pheobe拿著鼓唱Smelly Cat
Joey: (answering the door.) Hey, how did you do that?! Come on in.
(He brings them inside.)
* Joey和Phoebe一直叫Chandler :"Jim", 而他給自己的名字卻是Clint
[guest star]
Tate Donovan (as Joshua) Jane Sibbett (as Carol)
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham) Jessica Hecht (as Susan)
Debra Jo Rupp (as Alice) John Bennett Perry (as Mr. Burgin)
Pat Crowley (as Mrs. Burgin) Charlie Allen (as Ben) Jack Allen (as Ben)
419 - The One With All The Haste (++)
- Ross受不了Emily又要回去倫敦, 因此他向Emily提出同居的要求, 沒想到到最後Ross
- Rachel跟Monica受不了他們的公寓, 於是用Knickers的球賽季票誘惑他們, 結果卻
輸了, 但是當他們去看球賽後, 卻發現 Monica跟 Rachel把房子給換過來了...
bellyache, hole, blimey, bachelor pad, go-go, leafy, deck. trick deck,
wind up,
* 開頭: Rachel房間外面的人一大早在唱"Morning's here"
Chandler: (ignoring him) Yes, Gunther, can I get two cups of chino, please?
Gunther: Good one.
Emily: I packed while you were gone. I left some knickers under your pillow.
Joey: Monica and Rachel made out. (Giggles like a schoolboy and Monica
glares at him.)
* 公寓之戰,四人又開始打賭 (Phoebe ball, 比大小)
* Phoebe玩trick deck
* 最後女生給男生親一分鐘,一切問題都解決了..XD (後來Chandler還關了兩個門,
[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Michael Condor (as The Singing Man)
420 - The One With All The Wedding Dress (+++)
- Joey晚上睡覺的時候會打呼, Chandler被他吵的受不了, 於是他決定叫Joey去看
- Monica跟Pheobe去拿Emily的結婚禮服, 結果到最後卻變成他們兩個一直在試穿...
- Ross跟Emily一個月內就要結婚了, 這使得Rachel十分的尷尬, 於是她也跟Joshua
Chandler: Gunther, can I get another cup of coffee, please? (Gunther starts
to pour him another cup.) So uh, what do you do when you're not
working here?
Gunther: You don’t need to fill these silences.
* Chandler假裝用鞭子抽馬的聲音,Joey還跟他辯論
* Chandler跳舞..(蠢斃)
Chandler: Because weddings are a great place to meet women, and when I dance,
I look like this… (Starts to dancing really, really, really badly.
Ross enters behind him and he stops.)
Joey: (still looking in date book) Hey! That’s the day after I stop
menstruating! (They all look at him.) This isn’t mine.
* Rachel問Josh要不要結婚,結果Josh嚇壞不答應,Gunther跑來罵他白癡 XDDD
* 結尾那女的尖叫,Joey還跑過來打開門的"上半部"
[guest star]
Tate Donovan (as Joshua) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Christina Moore (as Marjorie) Anne Betancourt (as The Saleslady)
Thea Mann (as Sleep Clinic Worker)
421 - The One With The Invitation (回憶Ross跟Rachel的過往)
- 大家都收到Ross結婚的邀請函, 但是Rachel卻是這唯一覺得尷尬的人...結果最後,
- Chandler和Joey覺得大家好像都有事情做, 於是他們兩個在思考該做些什麼大事..
regroup, trimester, stutter, bucket
Chandler: All right, check it out. Check this out. It says here that there's
a place you can go to rent videos of all the museums! (Reading from
the book.) " It’s almost as good as being there."
[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham)
422 - The One With The Worst Best Man Ever (+++)
- Phoebe接近生產期, 脾氣越來越暴躁, Monica跟Rachel都遭她的殃
- Ross選了Chandler當他的伴郎, 但是Joey不服, 搞到最後Ross選了Joey當伴郎, 但是
- Rachel和Monica臨時決定要幫phoebe辦baby shower,但是後來Phoebe對收到的禮物很
funk, mood swings, hormone, -wise, mellow, chilie, comply, shrug, tad edgy,
flinch, blast, sterilise, nightstand, cubby
** 三個男生對Duck的回憶.. 後來還哭了/切掉的門這集也出現 XD
* 結尾只有鴨子
Chandler: You can be the best man when I get married.
Joey: (pause) I’ll never get to be a best man!
* Phoebe知道Monica和Rachel 要幫她辦shower的時候,高興的哭了出來 (非常激動那種)
Gunther: What’s my last name?
Chandler: Central Perk?
Gunther: (to Ross) Thanks for not marrying Rachel. (He starts to leave.)
Joey: Oh yeah-yeah. And I got the duck totally trained. Watch this. Stare
at the wall. (The duck complies.) Hardly move. (The duck complies.)
Be white. (The duck complies.)
Joey: Dude, I screwed up, you don’t have to turn me in!
* Phoebe連續騙了兩次Monica和Rachel,假裝她要生了
[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Lisa Rotondi (as The Stripper) Rob Koch (as The Doctor)
Cynthia Mann (as Jasmine [DVD only])
423 - The One With Ross's Wedding
- Ross終於要結婚了, 他和一行人前往倫敦, 在勘查場地的時候卻發現Emily想要結婚的
- Rachel在家裡越想越不對, 經過Phoebe的"指點"之後, 她決定去倫敦告訴Ross她心裡
- Monica被誤認為Ross的媽媽, 這讓她非常的沮喪, 於是在偶然的機會下她跟Chandler
- Chandler和Joey在倫敦遊玩,Chandler覺得Joey很智障...
pop-up book, syndorme, salmonella, shovel, wedgie, tepid, crunchy, aversion,
dashing, hung off, pillowcase, tier, chippy, litter, snooty, chestnut,
panchetta, nauseous, gazebo, fluster, cellar, clutch, chuckle, sedative,
Rachel: why didn’t you tell me?!!
Phoebe: All right, and umm… (She grabs the picture and smacks her in
the head.)
Rachel: Ow!
Phoebe: Okay, how do you feel now?
Rachel: Well, I like you less!
* Joey放了 "Cheers" (聽說是Friends的前身)
* 結尾有放NG片段 @@?
Sarah Ferguson (as Herself) Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham)
Richard Branson (as The Vendor) Pamela Kosh (as The Saleslady [DVD only])
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham)
Tom Conti (as Steven Waltham) Hugh Laurie (as The Gentleman on the Plane)
Jennifer Saunders (as Andrea Waltham) June Whitfield (as The Housekeeper)
Olivia Williams (as Felicity) Jane Carr (as The Ticket Agent)
Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller) Daniel Caltagirone (as The Waiter)
Heathcote Williams (as The Older Guest) Peter Eyre (as The Register)
But in real life, you're not properly lit
and there's no soundtrack. --Jack
- Phoebe找到她的生母, 但是Phoebe對她十分的不諒解, 後來..
- Rachel跟Ross想要復合, 但是Rachel寫了一封18頁的信給Ross, 要他負起責任,
- Joey, Monica和Chandler三人去海灘玩, 結果Monica被水母給螫傷了, 而Joey
- Chandler不斷的在跟Monica說兩人交往的事情
holocaust, ammonia, gist, ramble, apostrophe
Chandler: (jumping up) Oh, I’ll go out and get you some.
Monica: Really?!
Chandler: Nope! Because I’m not your boyfriend.
Chandler: I found a dried up seashores.
Phoebe: (reading from the note) “Good-bye Phoebe and Ursula. I’ll miss
you. P.S. Your Mom lives in Montauk.” You just wrote this!
Chandler: (wails loudly into his hands) Joey kept screaming at me, “Do it
now! Do it!! Do it! Do it now!!” Sometimes late at night I can
still here the screaming.
Joey: (laughs) That’s ‘cause sometimes I just do it through my wall to
freak you out.
Chandler: I KNEW IT!!!!
[guest star]
Christine Taylor (as Bonnie) Teri Garr (as Phoebe Sr.)
402 - The One With The Cat
- Joey要把他們的Entertainment Center賣掉..結果最後他們的家卻被偷的一乾二凈。
- Phoebe無意間遇到一隻貓, 但是他認為這隻貓是他死去的媽媽轉世的...
- Monica在銀行遇到高中時代的大帥哥Chip並獲得邀約, 但豈知道這傢伙長這麼大了還是
tetanus, lace, glycoma, orange felt, letterman, mascot, squirm,
screening process, tack up, pur, chopper, wedgie, bend over, futon
* Chandler早上一出來又被電視櫃割到衣服 / 大家都不知道Chandler的職業是什麼
Joey: What kind of profit is that?! And you call yourself an accountant.
Chandler: (looks at him) Nooo.
Joey: (to Chandler) Dude, Phoebe’s mom has got a huge peni...
Chandler: (interrupting) Let it go!!
Ross: (entering) Hey! So ah, what did the insurance company say?
Chandler: Oh, they said uh, “You don’t have insurance here, so stop
calling us.”
Chandler: Pheebs, if she could come back as a couch, we’d really
appreciate it. (Joey nods in agreement)
* Ending: Chandler和Joey坐在獨木舟裡面發呆
[guest star]
Dan Gauthier (as Chip) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Matthew Kaminsky (as Tony) Ken Weiler (as Peter) Marc Unger (as The Thief)
403 - The One With The Cuffs (+++ 超好笑)
- Chandler又跟Rachel的老闆Joanona搞到一起, 還搞到辦公室去, Rachel要Chandler
- Joey一個人在家裡, 這時候卻來了一個百科全書的推銷員..
- Monica的媽媽請Monica去當她的宴會主廚, 不料她還是認為Monica會把事情搞砸..
paddle, bubble wrap, white trash, cater, smidgin, pickle, occurance, dud,
quiche, rave (about/over sth), Algonquin Kids Table, gag gift (=joke gift),
macaroon, scoot, pantsuit, shoot right out, vulcanized rubber, patio
movie stub (票根), igneous, spew, dormant, army man, vivisection(活體解剖)
Chandler: Could we be more white trash?
* Joey模仿床鋪震動的聲音
* Chandler被鎖住那段真的很好笑,包括被手銬銬住假裝很痛,還有嘴巴被塞住但是
* 最後Rachel和Chandler在辦公室達成的協議很好笑
* Joey到最後還是聽不懂別人講啥
[guest star]
Alison La Placa (as Joanna) Penn Jillette (as the Salesman)
Laura Dean (as Sophie) Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller)
404 - The One With the Ballroom Dancing
- Rachel去倒垃圾的時候被管理員噱了一頓, Joey看不過去而去找他理論, 結果管理員
- Phoebe喜歡上她的一個按摩的客人, 但是基於職業道德她不能這樣做..
- Chandler沒辦法退出體育館的會員, 於是他找了Ross一起去幫忙..結果...
clog, chute, coveralls, peppiness(充滿活力), lycra, spandex, plunger,
pedicure(足部美容), evict, saggy, flabby gut, prison lingo,
superintendent of schools, spotter, touchy, pademarie, nail, siadic
[guest star]
Jason Brooks (as Rick) Michael G. Hagerty (as Mr. Treeger)
Rhoda Gemignani (as Mrs. Potter) E.J. Callahan (as Mr. Simon)
Brien Perry (as Gym Employee) Christopher Carroll (as Bank Officer)
Amber Smith (as Maria) Hope Allen (as Karen Lambert)
Cheryl Francis Harrington (as Interviewer)
405 - The One With Joey's New Girlfriend (+++超好笑, Monica自己抱自己)
- Phoebe感冒了, 但是她覺得她在感冒時後的聲音比較性感
- Ross和Rachel不斷的在向對方炫耀他們的新女/男友, 但是其實他們都沒那麼好..
- Chandler愛上了Joey的新女朋友, 他感到很痛苦..
limb, lay off, floozy, varsity, dope!, give a finger, phlegm, pneumonia,
broth, fishnet stockings, cough drop, platting, paper mache
* Ross的手勢 (拿來罵人的)
* Chandler在街上為了追Cathy跑老遠的一景 XD
* Monica後來被Phoebe傳染感冒
* Gunther最後感冒,結果Phoebe就親了他,後來Guntehr還告訴Rachel這件事情XD
[guest star]
Laura Stepp (as Amanda) Paget Brewster (as Kathy)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Brian "Fish" Smith (as Josh)
406 - The One With The Dirty Girl
- Chandler替Joey的女朋友買了一本他最喜歡的書, 但是Joey卻只給她買了一隻筆...
- Monica向Phoebe借錢去幫葬禮提供食物, 但是後來她們遇到一個不給錢的老女人...
- Ross遇到一個超辣的女人, 但是後來他卻發現她的家裡真的是髒到不行..
- Rachel在做猜字謎的遊戲
Ending : Monica跑到那個髒女人的家裡去, 想要幫她清房子..
aerobics, paleontology, wrapping paper, omelet, Hanukka, sombrero, endearing,
intermission, wuss, take credit, centazoic
Chandler: Okay, but don't touch it, because you fingers have destructive oils.
Rachel: Huh. Well, then you'd better keep it away from Ross's hair.
So this is pretty rare. How did you get that?
Monica: (To the gang) I just had to turn down a job catering a funeral for
sixty people.
Rachel: Oh my God! What happened?
Monica: Sixty guests.
Chandler: Okay, so when do you want to go?
Rachel: What? Oh, I'm sorry, I can't, I'm busy.
* Rachel做完了字謎遊戲,卻發現沒有人可以擁抱,結果Gunther就從廚房跑出來
還跌倒 XDDD
* Monica半夜還跑來說要清那個髒女人(ross's date)的家
[guest star]
Paget Brewster (as Kathy) Rebecca Romijn-Stamos (as Cheryl)
Gretchen Wyler (as Mrs. Burkart) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
407 - The One Where Chandler Crossed The Line (+++ very funny)
- Chandler在一次跟Joey女友的談話之後跟她接吻了, 他該怎麼辦呢?
- Ross會彈電子琴! 但是他彈的實在太糟糕了!! 不過Phoebe似乎很欣賞他的"天份"。
boles, grant, article, stern, transmission fluid, dog grooming, poofy,
emphatic, chimp, savings account, dwarf (V), cinnamon, urn,
Phoebe: What are you guys talking about, I loved it! It was soo moving.
Oh, plus it’s just, it’s so different from the stuff you usually hear.
Chandler: You mean like, music?
Kathy: You have really great hair.
Chandler: Well, thanks. I grow it myself.
[guest star]
Paget Brewster (as Kathy) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Tom Sullivan (as Guy [DVD only])
408 - The One With Chandler In A Box (++ kinda funny)
- Joey對Chandler非常的火大並決定要搬走, Chandler想要補償些什麼卻找不到法子,
- Monica的眼睛被冰刺傷, 後來他去找Richard的兒子看病,還把他兒子帶回來吃晚餐,
- Phoebe決定這次的感恩節來交換禮物, 但是沒有人要跟Rachel交換,因為她都會把
禮物換給別人, 這可惹火了Ross...
Secret Santa, on-call, mumble, jam (v), scratch, cornea, plank, devoid,
moon(v), left-handed,
* Ross的 "who gets whom" 文法糾正
* Joey的義大利髒話 XD / Rachel後來也罵了(對Ross罵)
Monica: No, my eye doctor is Richard! I can’t go to him when I don’t have
a boyfriend!
Chandler: He’s really picky about his patients.
Monica: Fine! Judge all you want to but, (points to Ross) married a lesbian,
(points to Rachel) left a man at the altar, (points to Phoebe) fell
in love with a gay ice dancer, (points to Joey) threw a girl's wooden
leg in a fire, (points to Chandler) livin’in a box!!
(goes to her room)
[guest star]
Michael Vartan (as Dr. Tim Burke) Paget Brewster (as Kathy)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Marcy Goldman (as Nurse)
409 - The One Where They Are Going To Party
- Rachel知道有個工作機會, 於是她向她的老闆Joanna要求讓她順利通過面試, 但是
的同意成為Assistant Buyer。
- Phoebe和Monica開始了她們的合夥生意, 但是Monica突然被找去寫評論文章而導致
一家餐廳的老闆來找她理論, 不過最後 Monica反而得到那間餐廳主廚的工作。
- Ross跟Chandler聽說Gandolf要來party!,他們都高興的要命, 但是後來他卻又不能
baguette, cilantro, bumblebee, waterbed, retraction, inedible, swill,
breadstick, marinara, binge, expense account, effective tomorrow, checkbook,
snowball (V), beat(a.), mitten, Without further ado, dollup, Nova Scotia
[guest star]
Alison La Placa (as Joanna) Taylor Negron (as Allesandro)
Richard Fancy (as Mr. Posner) Jennifer Rhodes (as Mrs. Lynch)
Laura Dean (as Sophie) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
410 - The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie (+)
- Ross遇到了兩個女孩子, 一個住的很遠但是很風趣, 另一個就住在城裡但是很無趣,
- Monica工作的地方的人都很討厭他, 後來Chandler提出了個辦法, 就是找人去假裝
被她開除, 結果Joey自告奮勇的去了...
- Rachel覺得過節一個人很孤單, 於是她託Chandler去幫她找個約會的對象, 結果
- Phoebe在幫大家寫歌~ Ending Song!
fling, see-saw, like father like son, relish, floss, swordfish, lean, bur,
magnetic strip,
* Joey剛開始在嘴裡塞了15塊餅乾..
* Joey和Phoebe一直認為Chandler和機器人一起工作
* Joey拍Monica的胸部在這集 (Tiny Little Fire)
* Phoebe還住過布拉格....
* Ending Phoebe把大家的名字都寫進了她的歌
[guest star]
Fred Stoller (as The Waiter) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Jamie Kaler (as Mike) Micheal DiMaggio (as Drew)
Shannon Maureen Brown (as The Woman on the Train)
Amy Smallman (as The Kitchen Worker)
Yasemin Bayton (as The Poughkeepsie Woman) Vic Helford (as The Conductor)
411 - The One With Phoebe's Uterus
- Chandler和他的女友性生活不美滿(因為他害怕被拿來和Joey比較) 於是他求教於
Monica, 結果Monica的確教給了他一些好用的招術..(seven!seven!seven!)
- Ross幫Joey在他的博物館找到了一個擔任解說員的工作, 但是後來Joey發現在博物館
- Phoebe的弟弟Frank Jr.和他的未婚妻因為年紀問題不能夠有小孩, 於是他們找了
elope, courthouse, carnivore, denim, glaze, nudes, parenty, blue blazer,
erogenous, squat, flip , pear (發音)
Chandler: [gets up to leave] All right, all right, I'll sleep with my
girlfriend. But I'm just doing it for you guys. [leaves]
* Phoebe拿到小狗的時候一直在跟牠玩 XDDD 結果都不聽人講話了
* Monica告訴Chandler所有女人會"興奮"的地帶
* Ending: Kathy跑來謝謝Monica XDDD
[guest star]
Teri Garr (as Phoebe Sr.) Giovanni Ribisi (as Frank Jr.)
Debra Jo Rupp (as Alice) Paget Brewster (as Kathy)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther) Sherri Shepherd (as the Tour Guide)
Miles Marsico (as The Smart Kid) Jack Ong (as The Older Scientist)
Jim Bentley (as Another Tour Guide) Chip Chinery (as Another Scientist)
412 -The one with the embryos (+++ very funny)
- Chandler, Joey和Monica, Rachel四人加上Ross開始比賽一場看誰比較了解誰的
比賽, 輸的人代價可不小...
- Phoebe去醫院做受精卵移植, 結果手術相當的成功~
Ending : Two sets of people in their seperate apartment.
get a second opinion, embryo, endometria, tortilla chip, yogurt, scotch tape,
fork it over, cough it up, pay a piper,
gumball machine, pet peeves, bejejeezus, flail, burlesque, rile up, motion,
field hocky, goalie, transpond, tonsil,knock up, drape (v), lollipop, bicker
* 剛開始的時候,Chandler和Joey養的公雞長大了,結果一大早一直在叫
* Ross 在比賽的時候假裝的機器人的聲音
* Chandler和Joey騎著白狗滑進來
Frank: Hey, y’know I was thinking, what are the odds like if-if, if you
stuff like 200 of them in there?
Alice: Sweety, now, she’s a woman, not a gumball machine.
[guest star]
Giovanni Ribisi (as Frank Jr.) Debra Jo Rupp (as Alice)
Cindy Katz (as Dr. Zane)
413 - The One With Rachel's Crush
- Rachel在公司被降為採買部門的助手, 她本來想要辭職的, 但是後來來了一個很帥
- Monica自從換了公寓之後就被冷落了, 於是她努力的打掃房子想要把大夥兒再吸引
- Chandler懷疑她的女友移情別戀, 於是大發脾氣..女友烙話說等Chandler變成熟再
abs,blouse, grunt, snooty, donut, gravy train, waffle, wardrobe, fiddle,
v-neck, floor polishing machine, geometry,lint, debrief, pecs, billfold,
Chandler: Yeah, it’s like someone literally wrote down my worst nightmare
and then charged me $32 to see it!
* Joey在作煎餅,然後他用丟的給別人,Monica接不到,但是Phoebe把它抓起來丟進
盤子裡 XDDD
* Monica在她新的公寓拿電風扇吹餅乾.../在吸塵器上打轉
* Chandler開門進來罵slut的時候Joey和 Ross在偷看Playboy XDDDDD
* Joey第一次的 "how you doing" / Phoebe的笑很三八
* Ending: Rachel發花痴還說how you doing..
[guest star]
Tate Donovan (as Joshua) Paget Brewster (as Kathy)
Paxton Whitehead (as Mr. Waltham)
414 - The One With Joey's Dirty Day(++)
- Rachel想要跟賈許華約會, 但是當他約他出去的時候她的老闆卻要她跟他的姪女去看
- Ross在一次機會中看到了Emily, 從此之後他們就在一起了~
- Chandler跟女朋友分手一直想不開, 後來Monica跟Phoebe乾脆陪他去看脫衣舞
- Joey跟他老爸去釣魚, 結果三天沒洗澡, 整個人臭死了,後來他睡過頭直接跑去排戲
lure (魚餌), hunk, tenor, emanate, retch, bait, peephole, wiener cart, bum,
elastic, whiff, franticly, liquorice whip, daiquiris, spunky, clock
Phoebe: Oh no wait, oh no, the elastic on my underwear busted.
Phoebe: (going over to comfort her) Aww, Pheebs.
Rachel: Honey, that’s your name.
Phoebe: That’s short for Phoebe?! I thought that was just what we called
each other!
* Phoebe把Chandler罵哭了
* Ending: Chandler的 "phase 4" 他在夢裡夢到一堆stripper XDDD
[guest star]
Tate Donovan (as Joshua) Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham)
Paxton Whitehead (as Mr. Waltham) Carlos Lacamara (as The A.D.)
Rocky McMurray (as The Cigarette Guy) Charlton Heston (as Himself)
415 - The One With All The Rugby
- Monica對她們公寓的一個壞掉的開關十分的在意, 於是她不斷的在找那個開關到底
- Ross遇到Emily以前在英國的男朋友, 他們提議要玩英式足球, 為了不丟面子, Ross
- Chandler跟Rachel去做足部美容的時候遇到了Janice, 但是現在Chandler祇想擺脫她
而已, 於是他騙Janice他要被公司調到葉門,但是事情不總是那麼順利...
alimony, pre-emptive, ring sb., schmoon, scrum, huddle, cufflink, cup,
trick hip, concussion
* Chandler竟然跟Rachel去做足部美容...
Monica: They wouldn’t have put it there if it didn’t do something! How can
you not care?
Joey: Like this. (Shrugs)
* Monica在找電源的時候,Joey故意發出聲音騙大家..
Rachel: It’s coming from Joey!
Phoebe: Oh my God, that’s so freaky! Turn him off!!
Ross: (to Phoebe) Tell my son that I love him.
Janice: Oh. Well, I’ll write you everyday. (Reading the address) 15 Yemen
Road, Yemen.
* Monica公寓的開關最後竟然是連接到Joey那邊的電視....
[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham) Maggie Wheeler (as Janice)
Mark Thomas (as Liam) Adamo Palladino (as Devon)
Robin McDonald (as Ticket Counter Attendant)
416 - The One With The Fake Party (++)
- Rachel舉辦了一個假的歡送會給Emily, 但是其實她是要來引誘Joshua的, 為了留住他
- Phoebe不斷的想要吃肉, 最後她終於克制不住了..
nanseous, craving, guava, bologna, doorknob, ornate, lax, glow, cashmere,
thinker, cleavage, plumber, welder, flashdance, mistketoe, skit, corn beef,
Ross: Oh, we went to see a collection of Victorian doorknobs and the
Cupert-Hewitt museum.
Chandler: Without me?!
Rachel: Uhh, because I’m trying to play hard to get. Oh, quick he’s looking
over here, say something funny.
Chandler: Like what?
(Rachel laughs hysterically.)
Chandler: There’s a Phoebe on my sandwich! (He walks away, giving the
sandwich to Phoebe.)
* Rachel超白癡的/啦啦隊舞
* Gunther竟然偷偷跟Emily講Rachel是他女朋友,Emily的表情超好笑的 (而且gunther
Rachel: You’re a pathetic loser, right?
Chandler: Oh-ho, yeah!
[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham) Tate Donovan (as Joshua)
James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
417 - The One with the Free Porn (++)
- Phoebe去醫院檢查卻發現她有了三胞胎, 但是這下子Frank跟Alice的經濟負擔也因此
而加重了, Phoebe於是開始想著有什麼樣的工作可以開始賺錢..
- Emily回去倫敦了, 但是Monica一值聳恿Ross去倫敦找她, 最後...
- Chandler和Joey無意中發現有一台免費的色情節目可以看...
snake(v), flip-flop, lug, ob-gyn, cockpit, stewardess, log ride, sweatshop,
corny, tin, dealership, inside trading, white (as in "free white")
* 剛開始trigger在清廁所的叫聲很好笑
* Rachel說她腦袋裡一直有個聲音,還唱出來 (很蠢的歌)
Rachel: What’s that song? It has been in my head all day long.
Chandler: It’s the theme from Good Will Humping.
* L-shaped hand sign done by Joey (while Ross leaves)
* Joey看到Emily手上帶的巧克力超想吃,後來她打電話的時候還跟她要XDDD
[guest star]
Giovanni Ribisi (as Frank Jr.) Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham)
Debra Jo Rupp (as Alice) Michael G. Hagerty (as Mr. Treeger)
Shelley Jordan (as The Doctor)
418 - The One With Rachel's Dress
- Frank&Alice要給Phoebe取最後一個小孩的名字, 而Joey和Chandler則毛贅自薦自己
- Rachel跟她的男友Joshua開始約會, 起先原本在家裡,不過Joasha竟然害怕住在隔壁
- Ross帶Emily給她的前妻和Susan見面, 沒想到Emily跟Susan一拍即合, 這使得醋勁
shower rod, traumatise, Valdez, frilly, filet mignon, frieze salad,
goat cheese, asparagus, crabby, dustpan, magnet, sycophant, croup,
*開頭: Pheobe拿著鼓唱Smelly Cat
Joey: (answering the door.) Hey, how did you do that?! Come on in.
(He brings them inside.)
* Joey和Phoebe一直叫Chandler :"Jim", 而他給自己的名字卻是Clint
[guest star]
Tate Donovan (as Joshua) Jane Sibbett (as Carol)
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham) Jessica Hecht (as Susan)
Debra Jo Rupp (as Alice) John Bennett Perry (as Mr. Burgin)
Pat Crowley (as Mrs. Burgin) Charlie Allen (as Ben) Jack Allen (as Ben)
419 - The One With All The Haste (++)
- Ross受不了Emily又要回去倫敦, 因此他向Emily提出同居的要求, 沒想到到最後Ross
- Rachel跟Monica受不了他們的公寓, 於是用Knickers的球賽季票誘惑他們, 結果卻
輸了, 但是當他們去看球賽後, 卻發現 Monica跟 Rachel把房子給換過來了...
bellyache, hole, blimey, bachelor pad, go-go, leafy, deck. trick deck,
wind up,
* 開頭: Rachel房間外面的人一大早在唱"Morning's here"
Chandler: (ignoring him) Yes, Gunther, can I get two cups of chino, please?
Gunther: Good one.
Emily: I packed while you were gone. I left some knickers under your pillow.
Joey: Monica and Rachel made out. (Giggles like a schoolboy and Monica
glares at him.)
* 公寓之戰,四人又開始打賭 (Phoebe ball, 比大小)
* Phoebe玩trick deck
* 最後女生給男生親一分鐘,一切問題都解決了..XD (後來Chandler還關了兩個門,
[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Michael Condor (as The Singing Man)
420 - The One With All The Wedding Dress (+++)
- Joey晚上睡覺的時候會打呼, Chandler被他吵的受不了, 於是他決定叫Joey去看
- Monica跟Pheobe去拿Emily的結婚禮服, 結果到最後卻變成他們兩個一直在試穿...
- Ross跟Emily一個月內就要結婚了, 這使得Rachel十分的尷尬, 於是她也跟Joshua
Chandler: Gunther, can I get another cup of coffee, please? (Gunther starts
to pour him another cup.) So uh, what do you do when you're not
working here?
Gunther: You don’t need to fill these silences.
* Chandler假裝用鞭子抽馬的聲音,Joey還跟他辯論
* Chandler跳舞..(蠢斃)
Chandler: Because weddings are a great place to meet women, and when I dance,
I look like this… (Starts to dancing really, really, really badly.
Ross enters behind him and he stops.)
Joey: (still looking in date book) Hey! That’s the day after I stop
menstruating! (They all look at him.) This isn’t mine.
* Rachel問Josh要不要結婚,結果Josh嚇壞不答應,Gunther跑來罵他白癡 XDDD
* 結尾那女的尖叫,Joey還跑過來打開門的"上半部"
[guest star]
Tate Donovan (as Joshua) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Christina Moore (as Marjorie) Anne Betancourt (as The Saleslady)
Thea Mann (as Sleep Clinic Worker)
421 - The One With The Invitation (回憶Ross跟Rachel的過往)
- 大家都收到Ross結婚的邀請函, 但是Rachel卻是這唯一覺得尷尬的人...結果最後,
- Chandler和Joey覺得大家好像都有事情做, 於是他們兩個在思考該做些什麼大事..
regroup, trimester, stutter, bucket
Chandler: All right, check it out. Check this out. It says here that there's
a place you can go to rent videos of all the museums! (Reading from
the book.) " It’s almost as good as being there."
[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham)
422 - The One With The Worst Best Man Ever (+++)
- Phoebe接近生產期, 脾氣越來越暴躁, Monica跟Rachel都遭她的殃
- Ross選了Chandler當他的伴郎, 但是Joey不服, 搞到最後Ross選了Joey當伴郎, 但是
- Rachel和Monica臨時決定要幫phoebe辦baby shower,但是後來Phoebe對收到的禮物很
funk, mood swings, hormone, -wise, mellow, chilie, comply, shrug, tad edgy,
flinch, blast, sterilise, nightstand, cubby
** 三個男生對Duck的回憶.. 後來還哭了/切掉的門這集也出現 XD
* 結尾只有鴨子
Chandler: You can be the best man when I get married.
Joey: (pause) I’ll never get to be a best man!
* Phoebe知道Monica和Rachel 要幫她辦shower的時候,高興的哭了出來 (非常激動那種)
Gunther: What’s my last name?
Chandler: Central Perk?
Gunther: (to Ross) Thanks for not marrying Rachel. (He starts to leave.)
Joey: Oh yeah-yeah. And I got the duck totally trained. Watch this. Stare
at the wall. (The duck complies.) Hardly move. (The duck complies.)
Be white. (The duck complies.)
Joey: Dude, I screwed up, you don’t have to turn me in!
* Phoebe連續騙了兩次Monica和Rachel,假裝她要生了
[guest star]
Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham) James Michael Tyler (as Gunther)
Lisa Rotondi (as The Stripper) Rob Koch (as The Doctor)
Cynthia Mann (as Jasmine [DVD only])
423 - The One With Ross's Wedding
- Ross終於要結婚了, 他和一行人前往倫敦, 在勘查場地的時候卻發現Emily想要結婚的
- Rachel在家裡越想越不對, 經過Phoebe的"指點"之後, 她決定去倫敦告訴Ross她心裡
- Monica被誤認為Ross的媽媽, 這讓她非常的沮喪, 於是在偶然的機會下她跟Chandler
- Chandler和Joey在倫敦遊玩,Chandler覺得Joey很智障...
pop-up book, syndorme, salmonella, shovel, wedgie, tepid, crunchy, aversion,
dashing, hung off, pillowcase, tier, chippy, litter, snooty, chestnut,
panchetta, nauseous, gazebo, fluster, cellar, clutch, chuckle, sedative,
Rachel: why didn’t you tell me?!!
Phoebe: All right, and umm… (She grabs the picture and smacks her in
the head.)
Rachel: Ow!
Phoebe: Okay, how do you feel now?
Rachel: Well, I like you less!
* Joey放了 "Cheers" (聽說是Friends的前身)
* 結尾有放NG片段 @@?
Sarah Ferguson (as Herself) Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham)
Richard Branson (as The Vendor) Pamela Kosh (as The Saleslady [DVD only])
Elliott Gould (as Jack Geller) Helen Baxendale (as Emily Waltham)
Tom Conti (as Steven Waltham) Hugh Laurie (as The Gentleman on the Plane)
Jennifer Saunders (as Andrea Waltham) June Whitfield (as The Housekeeper)
Olivia Williams (as Felicity) Jane Carr (as The Ticket Agent)
Christina Pickles (as Judy Geller) Daniel Caltagirone (as The Waiter)
Heathcote Williams (as The Older Guest) Peter Eyre (as The Register)
But in real life, you're not properly lit
and there's no soundtrack. --Jack
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at 2006-04-28T18:22
at 2006-04-28T18:22

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