紐時報導五名女性指控Louis C.K.性騷擾 - 電影

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-11-11T08:23

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※ 引述《joey0602 (joey)》之銘言:
: 紐約時報
: https://goo.gl/VkuXnC
: 很驚嚇,他竟然也有…而且這篇報導裡五人都是喜劇圈的女演員或工作人員。
: 剛剛HBO宣布把他的喜劇撤除。不知道網飛怎麼處理,買了很多他的喜劇秀欸…
: Louis C.K. 自編自導,和Chloe Moretz合拍的新電影「I Love You, Daddy」美國首映

: 取消

Louis C.K.已經承認指控都是真的


Louis C.K. Responds to Accusations: ‘These Stories Are True’
The complete statement from Louis C.K. appears below:

I want to address the stories told to The New York Times by five women namedAb
by, Rebecca, Dana, Julia who felt able to name themselves and one who did not.

These stories are true. At the time, I said to myself that what I did was O.K.
because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is alsotru
e. But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have powerover
another person, asking them to look at your dick isn’t a question. It’sa pr
edicament for them. The power I had over these women is that they admiredme. A
nd I wielded that power irresponsibly. I have been remorseful of my actions. A
nd I’ve tried to learn from them. And run from them. Now I’m aware ofthe ext
ent of the impact of my actions. I learned yesterday the extent to whichI left
these women who admired me feeling badly about themselves and cautiousaround
other men who would never have put them in that position. I also tookadvantage
of the fact that I was widely admired in my and their community, which disabl
ed them from sharing their story and brought hardship to them when they tried
because people who look up to me didn’t want to hear it. I didn’tthink that
I was doing any of that because my position allowed me not to thinkabout it. T
here is nothing about this that I forgive myself for. And I have toreconcile i
t with who I am. Which is nothing compared to the task I left themwith. I wish
I had reacted to their admiration of me by being a good exampleto them as a m
an and given them some guidance as a comedian, including becauseI admired thei
r work.

The hardest regret to live with is what you’ve done to hurt someone else. And
I can hardly wrap my head around the scope of hurt I brought on them. I’dbe r
emiss to exclude the hurt that I’ve brought on people who I work with andhave
worked with who’s professional and personal lives have been impacted byall o
f this, including projects currently in production: the cast and crew ofBetter
Things, Baskets, The Cops, One Mississippi, and I Love You, Daddy. I deeply r
egret that this has brought negative attention to my manager Dave Beckywho onl
y tried to mediate a situation that I caused. I’ve brought anguish andhardshi
p to the people at FX who have given me so much The Orchard who tookachance on
my movie. and every other entity that has bet on me through the years. I’ve
brought pain to my family, my friends, my children and their mother.
I have spent my long and lucky career talking and saying anything I want. Iwil
l now step back and take a long time to listen. Thank you for reading.



All Comments

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2017-11-15T18:47
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2017-11-20T00:57
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2017-11-21T21:15
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2017-11-26T04:30
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2017-11-29T18:04
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2017-12-02T09:12
整篇不斷強調自己倍受仰慕 文末暗示自己被踢爆是不幸受害
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2017-12-04T00:20
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2017-12-07T18:41
William avatar
By William
at 2017-12-10T21:21
確實 有才化的人被這群有權勢的人壓著 原來這群倒了
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2017-12-11T06:08
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2017-12-11T12:47
他在這節骨眼還在大頭症硬凹 剛剛環球把他從寵物當家2開除
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2017-12-12T02:02
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2017-12-16T11:36
最好通通爆一爆 看電影還要擔心他們有沒有被騷擾 令
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2017-12-20T02:57
人作嘔 有夠噁心的
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2017-12-22T18:48
道歉認錯都假的 沒人站出來的話他們還是繼續騷擾別
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2017-12-24T02:51
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2017-12-24T16:20
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-12-28T02:27
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2018-01-01T12:47
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2018-01-04T04:41
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2018-01-08T14:36
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2018-01-08T22:12
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2018-01-12T06:12
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2018-01-15T07:38
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2018-01-19T18:12
笑死 這世上有才華又人品好的人很多 不用擔心沒影片看
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2018-01-21T15:22
全都爆1爆 用權勢職場壓迫性騷的歪風該整頓
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2018-01-21T18:24
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2018-01-26T13:46
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2018-01-26T22:16
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2018-01-31T19:06
大家在諷這是沒道歉的道歉文 唯一比史派西可取是承認有做
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2018-02-01T18:39
是啊! 推特鄉民也在酸一篇道歉連個sorry都沒有,但只少比
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2018-02-04T20:42
目前經紀公司 公關 FX Netflix HBO 全部跟他掰掰 節目封殺
John avatar
By John
at 2018-02-06T02:23
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2018-02-10T05:41
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2018-02-13T08:23
權力使人腐化 千古不變道理
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2018-02-16T09:31
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2018-02-20T02:11
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2018-02-24T15:41
James avatar
By James
at 2018-02-28T01:09
下一個是bill burr要爆嗎?
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2018-03-04T19:44
哪裡推託了 他說的很明白了不是嗎 就是他的名聲和地位
讓他覺得這麼做是OK的 這就是事實了啊 也點出了這一連
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2018-03-07T21:43
今天還有Brett Ratner跟Gary Goddard
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2018-03-10T17:39
最新出來指控Ratner的是Ellen Page
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2018-03-14T02:11
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-03-14T08:17
他感覺就是超不尊重女性的垃圾人啊 不意外
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2018-03-17T06:26
Brett Ratner是老犯了,過去已經有超多不良傳聞
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2018-03-21T14:52
還是台灣演藝圈好多了 只會嘴巴講...
James avatar
By James
at 2018-03-22T02:02
希望全爆出來 把毒瘤清一清 有才華的人多的是 剛好能
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2018-03-23T23:58
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2018-03-26T18:49
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2018-03-31T11:21
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2018-04-04T19:49
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2018-04-06T11:53

JL Social Media Reactions(隨時更新

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2017-11-11T08:22
※ [本文轉錄自 SuperHeroes 看板 #1Q1Tcje9 ] 作者: sunny1991225 (桑妮) 看板: SuperHeroes 標題: [情報]JL Social Media Reactions(隨時更新 時間: Sat Nov 11 00:53:57 2017 embargo已經拿掉 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2017-11-11T06:57
國小曾經半夜轉台看到一部輔導級港片 大意好像是一個女人失去了兒子之後變得滿瘋狂的 接著就演到她從一棟公寓的通風口之類的管線爬進一對夫婦家的廚房把他們的兒子綁到水 塔裡 線索好像有點少抱歉 有些片段真的忘了 有人還記得這部嗎? - ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-11-11T06:43
【奪魂鋸:遊戲重啟 Jigsaw】 #前言: 奪魂鋸系列的第8集,俗稱奪魂G8。 我個人最愛的當代恐怖片系列之一。 但這集的英文片名 不再是Saw(鋸子/看見), 而是Jigsaw(拼圖)。 #評分:3.8 / 5 #簡評無劇透: 每逢萬聖節必朝聖的恐怖片,相隔7年 再度重回大螢幕。保安!可以讓拼圖殺手 ...

《解憂雜貨店》逮丸銷5千萬 霸下半年日片

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2017-11-11T05:45
新聞網址:https://tw.entertainment.appledaily.com/daily/20171111/37842675/ 《解憂雜貨店》逮丸銷5千萬 霸下半年日片票房王 【謝宛儒╱綜合報導】日本賣座電影《解憂雜貨店》改編自東野圭吾同名小說,上月13日 在台上映至今,截至昨天台北票房達22 ...

非一般床邊故事 Marguerite et Julien

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2017-11-11T05:01
跟著《我愛妳,妳愛她》與《女朋友的女朋友》的專業小三女主角 Anaïs Demoustier 往上追片單,追到這片《非一般床邊故事》Marguerite et Julien,這回她可要來演一對一從一而終的揮灑烈愛了。不過比較八卦的是:電影拍攝時女導演與男主角是情侶還有小孩、電影拍完卻變成男女主角是情侶甚至今日 ...