美國隊長2幾句台詞 (小雷) - 電影

By Catherine
at 2014-04-28T01:02
at 2014-04-28T01:02
Table of Contents
※ 引述《edison82606 ()》之銘言:
: captain經典台詞 自由代價很高就不再提了 大家都在講
: 有兩句 局長說 我爺爺很愛人們 但從不相信他們
My grandad loved people, but he didn't trust them very much.
: 另一句是 過去如何如何 我們不能只活在過去(有點在嗆隊長)
S.H.I.E.L.D. takes the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be.
It's gettin' damn-near past time for you to get with that program, Cap.
: 有記憶力好的強者可以解惑原句嗎 中英文皆可
: 你稍微有印象也可 感謝大家了 請不吝分享
: captain經典台詞 自由代價很高就不再提了 大家都在講
: 有兩句 局長說 我爺爺很愛人們 但從不相信他們
My grandad loved people, but he didn't trust them very much.
: 另一句是 過去如何如何 我們不能只活在過去(有點在嗆隊長)
S.H.I.E.L.D. takes the world as it is, not as we'd like it to be.
It's gettin' damn-near past time for you to get with that program, Cap.
: 有記憶力好的強者可以解惑原句嗎 中英文皆可
: 你稍微有印象也可 感謝大家了 請不吝分享
All Comments

By Oliver
at 2014-04-29T20:21
at 2014-04-29T20:21

By Agatha
at 2014-05-03T20:18
at 2014-05-03T20:18
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