[雷] 「再探萬能膠帶」之簡介及關鍵字 - 探索頻道

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-09-24T21:35

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流言終結者:再探萬能膠帶 (Duct Tape Hour 2) 第144集

單元: 膠帶的102種用途 (102 Uses for Duct Tape): 膠帶橋(Duct Tape Bridge)
、汽車修護(Duct Tape car fixed)、攔車膠帶(Car Stop)


「布」膠帶(duct tape)、繩橋(rope bridge)、裂溝(chasm);
用膠帶重新組裝車輛(reassembled car with tape)、高速的安全駕駛(safely
driven at high speed);
困住車輛(hold a car in place)、膠帶路障(Duct Tape Barrier);

台架試驗(bench test)、強度測試(strength test)、數位拉力計(digital force
gauge)、終極自動膠帶黏合機(ultimate Automatic duct-taping machine)、編織
(stabilizing rails)、橫樑(cross structs)、延展後下垂(stretch to droop)、卡
車(truck)、鋼製錨點(steel anchor points)、中點(midpoint)、預先拉長
(pre-stretch)、橋面翻轉(bridge turning)、吊車和安全索具(crane & safe
rigging)、搖晃(wobble)、振動(vibration)、懼高(fear of height)、亞當先通過
所施的力(stress of Adam's previous crossing)、彈性性質(elastic nature);

鴨子膠帶(duct tape)、颶風膠帶(hurricane tape)、電工膠帶(gaffer's tape)、時
速百哩膠帶(100MPH tape)、水箱膠帶(tank tape)、裝配工膠帶(rigger's tape)、
防水性(waterproof)、車輛拆除(dismantled car)、消防員(squad of San
Francisco firefighters)、車窗玻璃(window of door)、手電筒(flashlight)、阿
拉米達海軍航空基地(Naval Air Station Alameda)、G力(G Force)、障礙賽道
(obstacle course)、方格旗(Checkered flag)、越野測試(off-road)、引擎熄火
(engine stalled);

車的拉力(pulling power of car)、拉力計(force meter)、各個方向延伸、電線桿
(pole)、輪胎冒煙(tires smoked);
搞什麼鬼(What the Files)、行進的車輛(moving vehicle)、混凝土路障(concrete
barricades)、八字形(arrow formation)、偏斜(glancing blow)、牽引車(tow
vehicle)、牽引桿(tow bar)、拖纜和滑輪(tow cable & pulley)、繩鉤、快放繩、
鉤環(shackle)、遙控煞車系統(RC braking system)、延展(stretched)、吸收能量
(absorbing energy);

黏性(viscous)、彈性(elasticity)、承載力(load bearing capability)、斷裂強度
(breaking strength)、安全係數(safety factor)、聚乙烯層(polyethylene layer)
、纖維結構(fiber structure)、
天然橡膠壓感黏合劑(natural rubber pressure-sensitive adhesiv);


…build a usable bridge across a chasm. "Confirmed"
Adam and Jamie began by applying force to the middle of a strip of duct
tape in order to determine its breaking strength. Finding a result of
67.3 lb (30.5 kg), they built up strands from layers of tape and Adam
experimented with weaving them together to strengthen the design. They
settled on a rope bridge with a 10-layer walkway, two handrails, and two
stabilizing rails.
They took the bridge to Mare Island Naval Shipyard, where they could set
it up across a 104 ft (32 m) gap with a 50 ft (15 m) drop. During test
runs to pre-stretch the parts and remove the tape's elasticity, they
decided to connect the walkway and handrails with struts in hopes of
reducing the wobble. A total of 196 rolls of tape were used to build the
finished bridge, which was connected to steel frames on opposite ends of
the gap. Adam and Jamie both made the crossing successfully, though Jamie
had a much harder time keeping his balance due to his fear of heights
and/or the stress of Adam’s previous crossing. Jamie commented that the
elastic nature of the tape made it a poor choice for building bridges.

…hold a completely dismantled car together so that it can be safely
driven at high speed. "Confirmed"
Kari tore apart a car’s body and frame with the help of a squad of San
Francisco firefighters. Grant and Tory then reassembled it with tape, and
the Build Team took it to Naval Air Station Alameda, where they set up an
obstacle course on the runway to put as much stress on the car as
possible. With Kari driving 40–60 mph (64–97 km/h), the car held
together through 10 laps. Next they did some off-road driving in the
rain; the engine stalled after several minutes, but the tape did not fail.

…hold a car in place. "Confirmed"
The Build Team hooked a force meter between a car’s rear bumper and a
telephone pole, and found that the car could pull with a force of 1,300
lbf (590 kgf). Based on the breaking strength data from the bridge
testing, they wrapped five rolls of tape around the car and pole to bind
the two together. When Grant stepped on the gas, the car stayed in place
even as the tires began to smoke, with only one strip of tape breaking.

…stop a car going 60 mph (97 km/h). "Busted"
The Build Team placed two concrete barricades on the Alameda runway and
used one roll of tape to make a single thick strand strung between them.
Driving at 40 mph (64 km/h), Tory was able to break through easily. For
further tests, the team used 100 rolls of tape to make a 3 in (7.6 cm)
thick wall, which they hung between the barricades, and towed the car
into it while Grant steered remotely.
On the first test, a problem with the tow cable caused the car to hit one
of the barricades; the tape took a glancing blow, but did not break. The
second test ended with one of the wall’s anchor points breaking loose,
while the wall itself remained intact. In the third and final test, the
car hit the wall dead center and broke through, but not before the tape
had stretched nearly 6 ft (1.8 m). Based on the amount of time and
material that would be needed to construct a workable car stopper, the
team declared the myth busted.



All Comments

[雷] 「間諜車脫逃密技」之簡介及關鍵字

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2010-09-21T12:33
參考網址: List of MythBusters episodes (維基百科) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_MythBusters_episodes MythBusters 2010 season (維基百科) http://en.wikipedia.org ...

[雷] 「忍痛大考驗」之簡介及關鍵字

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2010-09-17T14:40
參考網址: List of MythBusters episodes (維基百科) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_MythBusters_episodes MythBusters 2010 season (維基百科) http://en.wikipedia.org ...

[LIVE] 第142集 忍痛大考驗

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-09-16T22:33
美國播出時間:2010.04.28 臺灣播出時間:2010.09.16 首播時間:09/16 23:00 重播時間:09/17 03:00 09/17 11:00 09/19 00:00 09/19 09:00 09/19 18 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2010-09-15T22:48
其實D台跟N台都有類似的系列節目 Discovery:【河中巨怪】 冒險釣客兼生物學家傑若米韋德走遍世界,尋找傳奇的肉食性淡水魚。 NGC:【尋找超級大魚】 探險家贊伯霍根尋找和研究世上最大的淡水魚。 版上最紅的討論還是關於【留言終 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-09-15T17:30
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