111-part 01 - 六人行

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2012-06-05T22:38

Table of Contents

111 The One With Mrs. Bing - PART 01

[Scene: A Street: Monica and Phoebe are walking to a newsstand.]

Phoebe: Do you think they have yesterday's daily news?

Monica: Why?

Phoebe: Just wanna check my horoscope, see if it was right.

Monica: Oh my God. (Grabs Phoebe and turns her away) Phoebe.
Don't look now, but behind us is a guy
who has the potential to break our hearts
and plunge us into a pit of depression.

Phoebe: Where? (Turns to face him) Ooh, come to Momma.

Monica: He's coming. Be cool, be cool, be cool.

(The guy walks past them)

Guy: Nice hat.

Monica and Phoebe: (in unison) Thanks.

(The guy walks on)

Phoebe: We should do something. Whistle.

Monica: We are not going to whistle.

Phoebe: Come on, do it.

Monica: No!

Phoebe: Do it!

Monica: No!

Phoebe: Do it do it do it!

Monica: (Shouts to the guy) Woo-woo!

(The guy turns round, startled. Monica points to Phoebe.
The guy gets hit by a truck)

Phoebe: I can't believe you did that!

Opening Credits

[Scene: Hospital, the guy is in a coma and Mon and Pheebs are visiting.]

Monica: Why did I 'woo-hoo'? I mean, what was I hoping would happen?
That-that he'd turn round and say 'I love that sound,
I must have you now'?

Phoebe: I just wish there was something we could do.
(Bends down and talks to him) Hello. Hello, Coma Guy.

Monica: Phoebe, what are you doing?

Phoebe: Maybe nobody's tried this.

Monica: I wish we at least knew his name... Look at that face.
I mean, even sleeping, he looks smart. I bet he's a lawyer.

Phoebe: Yeah, but did you see the dents in his knuckles?
That means he's artistic.

Monica: Okay, he's a lawyer, who teaches sculpting on the side.
And- he can dance!

Phoebe: Oh! And, he's the kinda guy who, when you're talking,
he's listening, y'know, and not saying
'Yeah, I understand' but really wondering what you look like naked.

Monica: I wish all guys could be like him.

Phoebe: I know.


All Comments


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-06-05T08:47
我記得好像有一集 是Ross和Chandler 在咖啡館被流氓欺負 然後Joey跳出來挺他們? - ...

Chandler&Phoebe singing in HD

Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2012-06-02T00:22
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ajs6JTVtro 在YOUTUBE上突然找到HD版本的 畫質真的超高的 這段是在是S3E08裡面的 Chandler跟Janice分手之後悲傷的Chan 聽久了Chandler唱歌滿好聽的 - ...

110-part 02 (翻譯)

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-06-01T10:52
※ 引述《samchiu (閒祭秋)》之銘言: [Scene: Monica and Racheland#39;s, everyone except Joey is decorating for Christmas.] [場景:莫妮卡和瑞秋家,除了喬伊之外的大家都在做聖誕裝飾] Ross: Come he ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-06-01T01:57
突然想到monica曾對chandler說過的一段話, 個人很喜歡,但想不起來詳細的情節了 大意是說我們之間不是命中注定,而是努力經營來的 有人知道是哪一集嗎?(如果能直接告訴我英文原文更是感激) - ...

110-part 01

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2012-05-31T10:40
※ 引述《samchiu (閒祭秋)》之銘言: 110 The One With the Monkey -- Part 01 [Scene: Monica and Racheland#39;s, Ross is entering.] [場景:莫妮卡和瑞秋家,羅斯進門] Ross: Guys? There ...