C22 第7名 賽後訪談 - 超級名模生死鬥

By Steve
at 2015-10-26T16:07
at 2015-10-26T16:07
Table of Contents
因為復活成功 所以名次有變喔
America’s Next Top Model cycle 22 revealedtons of dating drama during ‘The
Guy Who Gets a Hickey.’ We have an ANTMexclusive interview, and eliminated
model Dustin McNeer tells all. CDL also hasa full recap of America’s Next
Top Model season 22 episode 5 right here. Don’tforget to keep checking CDL
for all your ANTM cycle 22 needs and wants!
们有个赛外采访,淘汰选手Dustin McNeer告诉了我们所有的细节。除此之外,我们对第
The title of the episode pretty much saysit all – ‘The Guy Who Gets a
Hickey.’ What is the factor that always leads toromance and drama? Is it
just hormones or a need for companionship during achallenging time?
“We are all stuck together in a stressfulsituation and it’s bound to happen
in any situation. Given the circumstances,maybe people just need to have the
feeling of support or have someone to talkto. People start to like each
other, but that’s what just what happenssometimes.”
CDL: 这一集的标题已经大致上告诉了我们这一集说了什么——“身上有爱痕的男生”。
D: 我们都被“困”在一个压抑的环境中,所以这是必然会发生的事情。在这个情况下,
Do you think it’s possible any kindrelationship started during ‘America’s
Next Top Model’ will last outside theshow?
“Definitely, if it’s real, it can last.But, if the feelings are based only
on the emotions at that time, it willprobably fade.”
CDL: 你认为这些在节目中产生的男女关系会在节目结束后继续保持吗?
D: 如果这是真感情,那当然可以。但是,如果这些感情只是建立在当时的那种情绪上的
Nyle stated that you were the only one whomade a sincere effort at learning
sign language so you could communicate withhim. Is that true, and if so, why
do you think the other contestants weren’t asopen to making the effort?
“He’s my friend. I wanted to communicatewith him because that is what you
do for friends. As for the rest, I can’tspeak for them, but I will say that
it’s a contest. Maybe they tried to keep itsimple? Remember everyone is a
competitor in the end.”
CDL: Nyle说你是唯一为了能够跟他交流而努力学手语的选手,这是真的吗?你觉得为什
D: 他是我的朋友。我想跟他交流,那是作为朋友会做的事情。关于下一个问题,我不能
This episode also touched on the topic ofperfection and photo retouching.
Basically, models who need little touchups aremore desirable and bookable.
How does anyone, including a genetically blessedmodel, deal with the pressure
of perfection?
“Being able to look good on camera isdifferent than looking good in person.
Being a model is about knowing how tocreate a good picture, being photogenic,
and creating an image for the client.For example – If you’re doing a
project that will focus on muscle tone, thenyou need to prepare for that and
be able to change and accommodate. Hit thegym, gain some weight, whatever you
need to do.”
CDL: 这一集的主题是关于完美和修图的。基本上,适当的修图会让模特更加容易得到工
D: 镜头上好看和本人好看是不一样的。做模特应该要懂得怎么样拍出更好的照片,怎么
There drama is certainly intensifying. Howdo you feel about the cliques the
stuff going on behind the scenes?
“It didn’t bother me. I tried to ignore itand focus on what I needed to do.
They have their friendship, which is fine,but I didn’t let that pressure get
to me. Others had a different reaction.Alexa walked out at one point.”
CDL: 节目中的选手撕逼撕得很厉害。你怎么看待镜头下选手们组建小圈子的事情呢?
D: 这并没有对我造成任何影响。我尽量无视他们,专注于我需要做好的事情。他们有他
Here’s the time-machine question – If youcould go back and change one thing
during your time on ANTM, what would it be?
“I would keep it together better. I smiledtoo much, but that’s just who I
am. I definitely would have focused on the serious side of it more.”
CDL: 如果你能够回到过去并改变一件事情,你会做什么?
D: 我经常笑,这让我看起来好像对待比赛不够认真,但那不是真正的我。如果让我回到
America’s Next Top Model cycle 22 revealedtons of dating drama during ‘The
Guy Who Gets a Hickey.’ We have an ANTMexclusive interview, and eliminated
model Dustin McNeer tells all. CDL also hasa full recap of America’s Next
Top Model season 22 episode 5 right here. Don’tforget to keep checking CDL
for all your ANTM cycle 22 needs and wants!
们有个赛外采访,淘汰选手Dustin McNeer告诉了我们所有的细节。除此之外,我们对第
The title of the episode pretty much saysit all – ‘The Guy Who Gets a
Hickey.’ What is the factor that always leads toromance and drama? Is it
just hormones or a need for companionship during achallenging time?
“We are all stuck together in a stressfulsituation and it’s bound to happen
in any situation. Given the circumstances,maybe people just need to have the
feeling of support or have someone to talkto. People start to like each
other, but that’s what just what happenssometimes.”
CDL: 这一集的标题已经大致上告诉了我们这一集说了什么——“身上有爱痕的男生”。
D: 我们都被“困”在一个压抑的环境中,所以这是必然会发生的事情。在这个情况下,
Do you think it’s possible any kindrelationship started during ‘America’s
Next Top Model’ will last outside theshow?
“Definitely, if it’s real, it can last.But, if the feelings are based only
on the emotions at that time, it willprobably fade.”
CDL: 你认为这些在节目中产生的男女关系会在节目结束后继续保持吗?
D: 如果这是真感情,那当然可以。但是,如果这些感情只是建立在当时的那种情绪上的
Nyle stated that you were the only one whomade a sincere effort at learning
sign language so you could communicate withhim. Is that true, and if so, why
do you think the other contestants weren’t asopen to making the effort?
“He’s my friend. I wanted to communicatewith him because that is what you
do for friends. As for the rest, I can’tspeak for them, but I will say that
it’s a contest. Maybe they tried to keep itsimple? Remember everyone is a
competitor in the end.”
CDL: Nyle说你是唯一为了能够跟他交流而努力学手语的选手,这是真的吗?你觉得为什
D: 他是我的朋友。我想跟他交流,那是作为朋友会做的事情。关于下一个问题,我不能
This episode also touched on the topic ofperfection and photo retouching.
Basically, models who need little touchups aremore desirable and bookable.
How does anyone, including a genetically blessedmodel, deal with the pressure
of perfection?
“Being able to look good on camera isdifferent than looking good in person.
Being a model is about knowing how tocreate a good picture, being photogenic,
and creating an image for the client.For example – If you’re doing a
project that will focus on muscle tone, thenyou need to prepare for that and
be able to change and accommodate. Hit thegym, gain some weight, whatever you
need to do.”
CDL: 这一集的主题是关于完美和修图的。基本上,适当的修图会让模特更加容易得到工
D: 镜头上好看和本人好看是不一样的。做模特应该要懂得怎么样拍出更好的照片,怎么
There drama is certainly intensifying. Howdo you feel about the cliques the
stuff going on behind the scenes?
“It didn’t bother me. I tried to ignore itand focus on what I needed to do.
They have their friendship, which is fine,but I didn’t let that pressure get
to me. Others had a different reaction.Alexa walked out at one point.”
CDL: 节目中的选手撕逼撕得很厉害。你怎么看待镜头下选手们组建小圈子的事情呢?
D: 这并没有对我造成任何影响。我尽量无视他们,专注于我需要做好的事情。他们有他
Here’s the time-machine question – If youcould go back and change one thing
during your time on ANTM, what would it be?
“I would keep it together better. I smiledtoo much, but that’s just who I
am. I definitely would have focused on the serious side of it more.”
CDL: 如果你能够回到过去并改变一件事情,你会做什么?
D: 我经常笑,这让我看起来好像对待比赛不够认真,但那不是真正的我。如果让我回到
All Comments

By Ursula
at 2015-10-29T12:12
at 2015-10-29T12:12

By Kyle
at 2015-11-01T08:32
at 2015-11-01T08:32

By Rebecca
at 2015-11-04T03:44
at 2015-11-04T03:44

By Sandy
at 2015-11-06T03:52
at 2015-11-06T03:52

By Delia
at 2015-11-09T14:27
at 2015-11-09T14:27
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