CSI: Miami 雷~~ - CSI

By Jessica
at 2011-09-27T23:37
at 2011-09-27T23:37
Table of Contents
依然是美國進度雷, 這樣就三家店都開張完囉~~
本集重點: 1) Marisol
2) 何公無雙放超大!
老何: Am I late?
Marisol: Actually, you're just on time.
老何: (微笑) You look amazing.
Marisol: You look not so bad.
老何: I miss you, too. Mary.
Marisol: I miss you. Let's not waste another second.
老何: I agree. (皺眉, 低頭看自己的腹部, 有血滲出)
Marisol: Horatio, you know you have to go back.
老何: (想起了昏迷前自己中槍的事, 還有被關在車廂丟下海的蛇姐)
...I know, sweatheart.
Marisol: You have to go. Go now, Horatio. Go!
於是在愛的力量(?)下老何就醒了, 站在碼頭邊看著沉下去的車,
然後, 然後, 明明傷滿大的老何就這樣跳下去了!!! 囧"
老何先游往後車廂, 但是後車廂撬不開, 可以聽見裡面的蛇姐又喊又拍,
老何於是打開後車門, 從後座打開車廂空間, 托住蛇姐, 兩人浮出水面~~
救護車往醫院衝, 老何跟蛇姐都楚於神智不太清醒的狀態
駕駛: Hang on there, buddy. Hang on there! You'll be fine.
老何: Marisol... Marisol......
Randy: ...And you leave them with nothing!
蛇姐: I'm sorry, Randy.
Randy: Everyone is telling me that! (關車廂)
蛇姐恍惚之間覺得自己看到Randy了, 從擔架床上跳起, 嚇到一堆護士,
但是當她衝到櫃檯揪住那的人時, 才發現那根本不是Randy.
另一邊, 老何傷都沒處理好就整裝要走,
老何: It's fine, Natalia. I'm going back and we'll catch them.
Are you with me? (蛇姐點頭, 兩人往外走)
醫生: (完全被忽視) Nurse! That man is not authorized to leave the
回到局裡, 法蘭克大叔/小胖/戴可/小羊/小狼都簡短報告了他們現在有的資訊.
老何: ...I want Natalia and Cally on Randy North. (兩人點頭準備離開)
Natalia? Don't pull yourself on that.
然後聯邦探員Locklear出現了, 老何跟她簡短交換了情報,
老何要她記住Jack Toller要的不是錢~~
警方將Randy North的一雙兒女都帶到了局裡,
戴可去處理小女孩, 小羊去跟哥哥談.
小羊: Austin?
Austin: They can't seperate us, can we? I was supposed to look after
my sister.
小羊: We will look for the families who can take both of you. Now, can
you tell me where your daddy will probably be?
Austin: You mean, helping you catch him? He's my dad. I can't do that.
小羊: Okay, I understand... But letting him out means he probably will
hurt other people or even himself. Will you think about that again?
Austin: ...What you want me to do?
Randy說會去找他, 讓他繼續待在lifeguard tower下等,
當然Randy一出現就被警方鎖定了, 他還是不死心的想要接近兒子帶兒子逃走,
Randy: Austin!!! Come to your dad, Austin!!! (甩開警方往另一個方向跑)
老何: (從躲藏的樹後出現把人擊倒) We meet again, Randy.
It's payback time.
小羊抱著Austin安撫他, 因為他老爸在被押走的路上還是不停叫著他的名字~~
他拿出放在車前遮陽板裡他跟Marisol的合照, 看了一會才又打起精神上路.
蛇姐坐在儲物間的長板凳上發呆, 小狼走了進來...
小狼: Hey, you heard about Randy? (蛇姐點頭) ... Yeah, well they had
him in the PD now. Bet you would knock him down yourself if you
were there. (蛇姐笑出不來) You okay, Natalia?
蛇姐: ...No. No. I'm not. I thought I am okay, but the truth is I was
just keep relieving that I was not inside the trunk anymore...
It's just... I have so many close calls those years. Too many.
I don't know if I can do this if there are more on me.
小狼: (在蛇姐身邊坐下) You know? After that nail got in my eye. I was
afraid to go through a door. I was afraid to shut the crime scene.
I was afraid to look underneath my microscopes. Then one of my
friends told me: "You're bigger than your injuries... Now you
need go to those crime tapes and tangled yourself." I think you
are gonna be okay. Want me to walk you over there?
蛇姐: (笑) Yeah. Would you?
加上何公冷氣團, Randy很弱的還是招出了Toller跟他提過的交易對象,
Randy不知道名字, 只知道是跟什麼出租車/搶劫案有關的~~
何公搜尋引擎很快就想到了Leo Kandry, 還有他的同夥Ricky Galindo,
何公要蛇姐通知大家往這兩個線索查, 然後臉色再度看起來不是很好~~
蛇姐: H, are you okay?
何公: Yeah, go ahead.
Jack Tollar剛完成跟Leo Kandry的交易, 付了一大筆錢,
還要求了一個bonus: Leo Kandry的一名女性員工Melani.
Leo居然還真的把人交給他, 只說了I don't want her suffer這樣的話.....
法蘭克大叔跟小胖負責去找Ricky Galindo談談~~
Ricky: ... that's the job? Harrassing some innicient, good-looking guys?
法蘭克大叔: Oh, come on, Ricky. I'm good-looking?
法蘭克大叔: Sardin? Where have you been walking?
Ricky: I don't know. They could come everywhere.
小胖: Expect it is not a sardin. It only appears around shore, like the
xxx horbor.
另一邊何公是帶著人衝勁Leo的事務所, Locklear已經假裝是顧客混在裡頭了,
Leo: What now?
何公: You know that. Two words: Jack Toller.
Leo: ... Look, we closed the deal and he left with a bonus.
小狼: What kind of bonus?
Leo: A girl.
小狼: A girl? What is her name?
Leo: Melani! Is it important?
何公: Yes. Especially he's going to kill her.
Melani被Toller逼著開車, 然後到一個雜貨店買東西...
老闆: You have anything smaller than this?
Melani: (一邊偷覷外頭監視她的Toller) That's all I have.
老闆: (注意到Melani的狀況) Are you okay?
Melani: Please. He'll kill me.
老闆: (找了錢) Here. (看著Melani往外走, 然後趕快打電話給警方)
小狼: What did she say to him?
法蘭克大叔: Something like "He will kill me." I wondered how she know.
小狼: ... A man like that can't escape his MO. This guy killed three
girls already.
小羊跟蛇姐在看錄影帶, 發現Melani有在手機打什麼, 經AV處理後...
小羊: KQQ must be brand, D as d of dog, R. 4-03-3936.
蛇姐: ...I've seen the number. Where did I see that? (用電腦查詢)
It's Randy North!
小羊: Why would she called Randy North?
蛇姐: She's not. Toller was.
Randy: (想了很久) I- I know what he want. At the day he comes in the
jail, he dropped something. When they dragging him to the
solitary cell... This necklace, this stupid necklace!
He knew that I had it. It's just a necklace, you know?
I never thought that he'll hunt me down for that!
老何: We're going to arrange a meet.
沒想到Toller為了那條項鍊還真的出現了, 法蘭克/戴可/小狼密切觀察中...
Randy: What is it? A girl or something?
Randy: I did everything I was supposed to do!
法蘭克大叔: Shut up! (撥電話) H, bastard's gone like a wind.
小胖: So what are we looking for?
小羊: Some places that a man like Toller still consider as a comfort
小胖: You think if we can find it, we'll trace him down.
小羊: Yeah. So what do you think about the necklace?
小胖: ... some sort of trophy from one of the victims?
(翻查著證物) Hey, do we ever try to link the locations of all the
小羊: Not all of them, since the connection is so abvious.
小胖: (往外走, 小羊跟上) He burned all of them, right?
小羊: Yeah?
小胖: I believe he burned them at same place...
小羊: And you think if we find out where he did the burn, we'll find
小胖: We find the crime scene, we find Melani.
兩人檢視了證物半天, 小胖發現燒死人的成分裡都有landfill oil.
小胖: Toller killed those girls in a landfill?
小羊: And based on his MO, he'll do it again.
推論無誤, Toller正在進行Melani的"處決"中, 於一處landfill...
Toller: (拿出項鍊) My mother's. (被吊著的Melani不停掙扎)
Shh! Don't move. (給Melani戴上項鍊) Here we go. Okay. Okay.
Perfect. Now, say "Jack, I'm ashamed of you!" (Melani一臉驚慌)
You say it or I'll burn you!
Melani: ... I'm ashamed of you!
Toller: You forget Jack! Say it with my name!
Melani: Jack, I'm ashamed of you!
那瞬間Toller的記憶與小時候重疊了, 原來他小時候飽受老母虐待,
他老媽最長說的話就是I'm ashamed of you. I'm sick of you...
Melani: What are you doing? (Toller開始潑油在她四週)
Toller: What I can't do to her.
戴可: Don't do it! (Toller把火一丟就跑)
Melani: Help me! Please! (戴可去追人, 老何脫下外套撲火)
小胖: H! I got it! I got it! (拿出滅火器噴)
It's the girl. It's the girl! (扶住Melani)
何公跟戴可追著Toller, 最後是何公奮力一撲把Toller壓倒在地,
不過何公自己也精疲力盡了, 雖然勉強站了起來, 拿槍的手卻抖的厲害.
戴可趕了上來, 把何公的槍壓下, 把Toller銬住.
戴可: Got it. It's all right! H, I'll be back. I'll be right back.
Austin: I won't see him again, will I? Will I ever see my dad again?
小羊: Well, your daddy has to be away for a while. Not really a while,
it's amount of time. Austin, everyone is working super hard. We
find a family who's ready to take both of you.
Austin: ... Do we have to go with them?
小羊: Why? What's on your mind?
Austin: My dad's gone now, and my mom... You and I... I thought maybe
we could stay together a little bit longer. It's stupid, isn't
小羊: (感動) Awww, Austin... No, it's not stupid. I wish that I could
take you and your sister. But this job is important. It helps
people. And it- it asks a lot of me. Sometimes too much.
Austin: It's okay. I get it.
小羊: Austin, I want you know that you are really a special kid. And I
want you know this family who's going to take you is really
exited to have you. No matter wherever you go, I'll go find you.
Austin: I would like that.
小羊: I like that, too.
妹妹: (被帶過來了) Austin~~~
Locklear: We got him.
老何: Yes, we did.
Locklear: Can I ask you something? Who's Marisol?
老何: Where did you get the name?
Locklear: Apparantly you kept calling the name while you're unconcious.
老何: She was my wife. She- was murdered.
Locklear: I'm sorry.
老何: Yeah. She kept trying to tell me to go back.
Locklear: Well, I am glad you listend. (看著老何的臉色)
You're gonna be okay?
老何: ...I don't think so.
Locklear: We, um... get you locked down?
老何: Okay.
本集心得: 1) 看何公想念亡妻真的一整個心酸酸啊...
2) 醫生很無奈, 何公無雙放很大!
保安! 有人可以這樣血流了又止止了又流還一直任性到最後
3) 蛇姐秀秀, 妳沒問題的啦!!!
4) 小羊魅力老少通吃啊.....(煙) 小正太Austin很可愛~~
如此三家店都開張啦~~ 第一集跟最後一集的詳細雷一定都會有~~
中間的看狀況, 基於本人是本店粉本店應該不會有遺漏, 蘋果跟海灘就不一定了!
本集重點: 1) Marisol
2) 何公無雙放超大!
老何: Am I late?
Marisol: Actually, you're just on time.
老何: (微笑) You look amazing.
Marisol: You look not so bad.
老何: I miss you, too. Mary.
Marisol: I miss you. Let's not waste another second.
老何: I agree. (皺眉, 低頭看自己的腹部, 有血滲出)
Marisol: Horatio, you know you have to go back.
老何: (想起了昏迷前自己中槍的事, 還有被關在車廂丟下海的蛇姐)
...I know, sweatheart.
Marisol: You have to go. Go now, Horatio. Go!
於是在愛的力量(?)下老何就醒了, 站在碼頭邊看著沉下去的車,
然後, 然後, 明明傷滿大的老何就這樣跳下去了!!! 囧"
老何先游往後車廂, 但是後車廂撬不開, 可以聽見裡面的蛇姐又喊又拍,
老何於是打開後車門, 從後座打開車廂空間, 托住蛇姐, 兩人浮出水面~~
救護車往醫院衝, 老何跟蛇姐都楚於神智不太清醒的狀態
駕駛: Hang on there, buddy. Hang on there! You'll be fine.
老何: Marisol... Marisol......
Randy: ...And you leave them with nothing!
蛇姐: I'm sorry, Randy.
Randy: Everyone is telling me that! (關車廂)
蛇姐恍惚之間覺得自己看到Randy了, 從擔架床上跳起, 嚇到一堆護士,
但是當她衝到櫃檯揪住那的人時, 才發現那根本不是Randy.
另一邊, 老何傷都沒處理好就整裝要走,
老何: It's fine, Natalia. I'm going back and we'll catch them.
Are you with me? (蛇姐點頭, 兩人往外走)
醫生: (完全被忽視) Nurse! That man is not authorized to leave the
回到局裡, 法蘭克大叔/小胖/戴可/小羊/小狼都簡短報告了他們現在有的資訊.
老何: ...I want Natalia and Cally on Randy North. (兩人點頭準備離開)
Natalia? Don't pull yourself on that.
然後聯邦探員Locklear出現了, 老何跟她簡短交換了情報,
老何要她記住Jack Toller要的不是錢~~
警方將Randy North的一雙兒女都帶到了局裡,
戴可去處理小女孩, 小羊去跟哥哥談.
小羊: Austin?
Austin: They can't seperate us, can we? I was supposed to look after
my sister.
小羊: We will look for the families who can take both of you. Now, can
you tell me where your daddy will probably be?
Austin: You mean, helping you catch him? He's my dad. I can't do that.
小羊: Okay, I understand... But letting him out means he probably will
hurt other people or even himself. Will you think about that again?
Austin: ...What you want me to do?
Randy說會去找他, 讓他繼續待在lifeguard tower下等,
當然Randy一出現就被警方鎖定了, 他還是不死心的想要接近兒子帶兒子逃走,
Randy: Austin!!! Come to your dad, Austin!!! (甩開警方往另一個方向跑)
老何: (從躲藏的樹後出現把人擊倒) We meet again, Randy.
It's payback time.
小羊抱著Austin安撫他, 因為他老爸在被押走的路上還是不停叫著他的名字~~
他拿出放在車前遮陽板裡他跟Marisol的合照, 看了一會才又打起精神上路.
蛇姐坐在儲物間的長板凳上發呆, 小狼走了進來...
小狼: Hey, you heard about Randy? (蛇姐點頭) ... Yeah, well they had
him in the PD now. Bet you would knock him down yourself if you
were there. (蛇姐笑出不來) You okay, Natalia?
蛇姐: ...No. No. I'm not. I thought I am okay, but the truth is I was
just keep relieving that I was not inside the trunk anymore...
It's just... I have so many close calls those years. Too many.
I don't know if I can do this if there are more on me.
小狼: (在蛇姐身邊坐下) You know? After that nail got in my eye. I was
afraid to go through a door. I was afraid to shut the crime scene.
I was afraid to look underneath my microscopes. Then one of my
friends told me: "You're bigger than your injuries... Now you
need go to those crime tapes and tangled yourself." I think you
are gonna be okay. Want me to walk you over there?
蛇姐: (笑) Yeah. Would you?
加上何公冷氣團, Randy很弱的還是招出了Toller跟他提過的交易對象,
Randy不知道名字, 只知道是跟什麼出租車/搶劫案有關的~~
何公搜尋引擎很快就想到了Leo Kandry, 還有他的同夥Ricky Galindo,
何公要蛇姐通知大家往這兩個線索查, 然後臉色再度看起來不是很好~~
蛇姐: H, are you okay?
何公: Yeah, go ahead.
Jack Tollar剛完成跟Leo Kandry的交易, 付了一大筆錢,
還要求了一個bonus: Leo Kandry的一名女性員工Melani.
Leo居然還真的把人交給他, 只說了I don't want her suffer這樣的話.....
法蘭克大叔跟小胖負責去找Ricky Galindo談談~~
Ricky: ... that's the job? Harrassing some innicient, good-looking guys?
法蘭克大叔: Oh, come on, Ricky. I'm good-looking?
法蘭克大叔: Sardin? Where have you been walking?
Ricky: I don't know. They could come everywhere.
小胖: Expect it is not a sardin. It only appears around shore, like the
xxx horbor.
另一邊何公是帶著人衝勁Leo的事務所, Locklear已經假裝是顧客混在裡頭了,
Leo: What now?
何公: You know that. Two words: Jack Toller.
Leo: ... Look, we closed the deal and he left with a bonus.
小狼: What kind of bonus?
Leo: A girl.
小狼: A girl? What is her name?
Leo: Melani! Is it important?
何公: Yes. Especially he's going to kill her.
Melani被Toller逼著開車, 然後到一個雜貨店買東西...
老闆: You have anything smaller than this?
Melani: (一邊偷覷外頭監視她的Toller) That's all I have.
老闆: (注意到Melani的狀況) Are you okay?
Melani: Please. He'll kill me.
老闆: (找了錢) Here. (看著Melani往外走, 然後趕快打電話給警方)
小狼: What did she say to him?
法蘭克大叔: Something like "He will kill me." I wondered how she know.
小狼: ... A man like that can't escape his MO. This guy killed three
girls already.
小羊跟蛇姐在看錄影帶, 發現Melani有在手機打什麼, 經AV處理後...
小羊: KQQ must be brand, D as d of dog, R. 4-03-3936.
蛇姐: ...I've seen the number. Where did I see that? (用電腦查詢)
It's Randy North!
小羊: Why would she called Randy North?
蛇姐: She's not. Toller was.
Randy: (想了很久) I- I know what he want. At the day he comes in the
jail, he dropped something. When they dragging him to the
solitary cell... This necklace, this stupid necklace!
He knew that I had it. It's just a necklace, you know?
I never thought that he'll hunt me down for that!
老何: We're going to arrange a meet.
沒想到Toller為了那條項鍊還真的出現了, 法蘭克/戴可/小狼密切觀察中...
Randy: What is it? A girl or something?
Randy: I did everything I was supposed to do!
法蘭克大叔: Shut up! (撥電話) H, bastard's gone like a wind.
小胖: So what are we looking for?
小羊: Some places that a man like Toller still consider as a comfort
小胖: You think if we can find it, we'll trace him down.
小羊: Yeah. So what do you think about the necklace?
小胖: ... some sort of trophy from one of the victims?
(翻查著證物) Hey, do we ever try to link the locations of all the
小羊: Not all of them, since the connection is so abvious.
小胖: (往外走, 小羊跟上) He burned all of them, right?
小羊: Yeah?
小胖: I believe he burned them at same place...
小羊: And you think if we find out where he did the burn, we'll find
小胖: We find the crime scene, we find Melani.
兩人檢視了證物半天, 小胖發現燒死人的成分裡都有landfill oil.
小胖: Toller killed those girls in a landfill?
小羊: And based on his MO, he'll do it again.
推論無誤, Toller正在進行Melani的"處決"中, 於一處landfill...
Toller: (拿出項鍊) My mother's. (被吊著的Melani不停掙扎)
Shh! Don't move. (給Melani戴上項鍊) Here we go. Okay. Okay.
Perfect. Now, say "Jack, I'm ashamed of you!" (Melani一臉驚慌)
You say it or I'll burn you!
Melani: ... I'm ashamed of you!
Toller: You forget Jack! Say it with my name!
Melani: Jack, I'm ashamed of you!
那瞬間Toller的記憶與小時候重疊了, 原來他小時候飽受老母虐待,
他老媽最長說的話就是I'm ashamed of you. I'm sick of you...
Melani: What are you doing? (Toller開始潑油在她四週)
Toller: What I can't do to her.
戴可: Don't do it! (Toller把火一丟就跑)
Melani: Help me! Please! (戴可去追人, 老何脫下外套撲火)
小胖: H! I got it! I got it! (拿出滅火器噴)
It's the girl. It's the girl! (扶住Melani)
何公跟戴可追著Toller, 最後是何公奮力一撲把Toller壓倒在地,
不過何公自己也精疲力盡了, 雖然勉強站了起來, 拿槍的手卻抖的厲害.
戴可趕了上來, 把何公的槍壓下, 把Toller銬住.
戴可: Got it. It's all right! H, I'll be back. I'll be right back.
Austin: I won't see him again, will I? Will I ever see my dad again?
小羊: Well, your daddy has to be away for a while. Not really a while,
it's amount of time. Austin, everyone is working super hard. We
find a family who's ready to take both of you.
Austin: ... Do we have to go with them?
小羊: Why? What's on your mind?
Austin: My dad's gone now, and my mom... You and I... I thought maybe
we could stay together a little bit longer. It's stupid, isn't
小羊: (感動) Awww, Austin... No, it's not stupid. I wish that I could
take you and your sister. But this job is important. It helps
people. And it- it asks a lot of me. Sometimes too much.
Austin: It's okay. I get it.
小羊: Austin, I want you know that you are really a special kid. And I
want you know this family who's going to take you is really
exited to have you. No matter wherever you go, I'll go find you.
Austin: I would like that.
小羊: I like that, too.
妹妹: (被帶過來了) Austin~~~
Locklear: We got him.
老何: Yes, we did.
Locklear: Can I ask you something? Who's Marisol?
老何: Where did you get the name?
Locklear: Apparantly you kept calling the name while you're unconcious.
老何: She was my wife. She- was murdered.
Locklear: I'm sorry.
老何: Yeah. She kept trying to tell me to go back.
Locklear: Well, I am glad you listend. (看著老何的臉色)
You're gonna be okay?
老何: ...I don't think so.
Locklear: We, um... get you locked down?
老何: Okay.
本集心得: 1) 看何公想念亡妻真的一整個心酸酸啊...
2) 醫生很無奈, 何公無雙放很大!
保安! 有人可以這樣血流了又止止了又流還一直任性到最後
3) 蛇姐秀秀, 妳沒問題的啦!!!
4) 小羊魅力老少通吃啊.....(煙) 小正太Austin很可愛~~
如此三家店都開張啦~~ 第一集跟最後一集的詳細雷一定都會有~~
中間的看狀況, 基於本人是本店粉本店應該不會有遺漏, 蘋果跟海灘就不一定了!
All Comments

By Brianna
at 2011-10-02T06:58
at 2011-10-02T06:58

By Franklin
at 2011-10-06T12:41
at 2011-10-06T12:41

By Vanessa
at 2011-10-07T23:43
at 2011-10-07T23:43

By Zenobia
at 2011-10-08T04:42
at 2011-10-08T04:42

By Michael
at 2011-10-11T08:36
at 2011-10-11T08:36

By Caitlin
at 2011-10-13T22:28
at 2011-10-13T22:28

By Yuri
at 2011-10-18T13:15
at 2011-10-18T13:15

By Ida
at 2011-10-19T14:29
at 2011-10-19T14:29

By Zenobia
at 2011-10-20T13:27
at 2011-10-20T13:27

By Ursula
at 2011-10-25T09:29
at 2011-10-25T09:29

By Ethan
at 2011-10-27T23:35
at 2011-10-27T23:35

By Barb Cronin
at 2011-10-28T23:10
at 2011-10-28T23:10

By Belly
at 2011-10-30T03:19
at 2011-10-30T03:19

By Lucy
at 2011-11-02T13:27
at 2011-11-02T13:27

By Lauren
at 2011-11-06T00:17
at 2011-11-06T00:17

By Ida
at 2011-11-07T23:33
at 2011-11-07T23:33

By Olga
at 2011-11-10T17:20
at 2011-11-10T17:20

By Margaret
at 2011-11-12T20:08
at 2011-11-12T20:08

By Freda
at 2011-11-14T15:32
at 2011-11-14T15:32

By Iris
at 2011-11-18T17:12
at 2011-11-18T17:12

By Linda
at 2011-11-20T07:39
at 2011-11-20T07:39

By Jack
at 2011-11-21T18:42
at 2011-11-21T18:42

By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-11-25T02:49
at 2011-11-25T02:49

By Edwina
at 2011-11-27T01:39
at 2011-11-27T01:39

By Callum
at 2011-11-29T16:02
at 2011-11-29T16:02

By James
at 2011-12-01T05:23
at 2011-12-01T05:23

By Edward Lewis
at 2011-12-02T03:31
at 2011-12-02T03:31

By Linda
at 2011-12-03T15:22
at 2011-12-03T15:22

By Anonymous
at 2011-12-04T02:42
at 2011-12-04T02:42

By Eartha
at 2011-12-08T16:20
at 2011-12-08T16:20

By Aaliyah
at 2011-12-11T09:43
at 2011-12-11T09:43
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