"Lust, Caution" labelled NC-17 - 李安

By Faithe
at 2007-08-24T15:58
at 2007-08-24T15:58
Table of Contents
The MPAA has given Ang Lee's Toronto-bound "Lust, Caution" an NC 17 rating and
Focus Features has accepted it.
The erotic espionage thriller, co-written by Focus CEO James Schamus and Wang
Hui Ling, will bow in Gotham on Sept. 28, as skedded, and expand to additional
markets Oct. 5.
Based on Eileen Change's short story about a shy Chinese drama student drawn
into an assassination plot against a Japanese collaborator during WWII, the
Chinese-language pic stars Tony Leung and newcomer Tang Wei.
Schamus said the specialty label accepts the rating without protest.
"As with so many of his previous films, Oscar-winning director Ang Lee has
crafted a masterpiece about and for grown-ups, Schamus said.
Sources who have seen the film say it contains at least three scenes, one a
long montage, featuring multiple acts of aggressive sexual activity in
different positions. There's no full-frontal male nudity (the source of some
NC-17 rulings when shown in sex scenes), but male-on-female oral sex, non-S&M
restraints and several non-traditional sexual positions are seen, conveying
anger and aggression of the main characters. When asked if anyone was shown,
say, upside down, one viewer replied "it depends on where you're standing.
re very flexible."
Heisenberg: 科學根植於討論之中
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