Studio 60 1x11 - 歐美

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2006-12-07T08:37

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With all Danny's sweetness toward Jordan,
I prefer the moment when he says to her,
"You know, you look like one of them, but you
talk like one of us," or the scene when Trevor
(the young writer of "Nations") told Jordan
that she got the show. I really like the shots
of Danny in this scene: standing behind Trevor,
all of his face in the shadow, head dropped, eye
lifted, coming out of the shadow, and walking
across and out of the room saying "street credit."
All perfectly give you the idea about his shyness
of feeling for Jordan and yet his confidence in
helping her. So, I'm not sure about Danny's confession.
It is a little bit too obvious. I mean, you can surely
expect what he is going to do at the end since Matt
has pushed him a lot through out the episode.
Sometimes, you don't have to "say it." "Feel it"
would be more subtle and elegant.

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2006-12-08T05:27
but sometimes the audience doesn't get the "feel it".
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2006-12-13T02:45
Totally agree with eve. Before his confession I didn't
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2006-12-13T15:42
get the strong "feel it", and I was totally shocked to
see the promo last week.
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2006-12-16T07:38
Actually in ep2"the cold open", Danny already gave
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2006-12-19T06:41
praise to Jordan many times:)
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2006-12-21T04:38
"you look like one of them, but you talk like on of us"
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2006-12-23T09:10
that's why I begin to notice the Jordanny ship ^_^

Studio 60 1x11

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2006-12-06T18:30
可能因為tww和SN的原故,這集很可愛,不過最喜歡的SORKIN聖誕特集我最喜還是 NOEL(TWW)和SN第一季那集(有TWW的DONNA客串)。 THE CHRISTMAS SHOW最讓我動容的是最後的音樂,它提醒我們聖誕的重點不在聖誕樹 不在聖誕大餐(吃不停的JORDAN!)或者禮物,而是人們彼此的關 ...

Studio 60 1x11

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2006-12-06T17:36
※ 引述《b1ueish (藍色)》之銘言: : Merry Christmas~~!! : 這一集超級有氣氛的啦,而且主戲擺在Matt和Danny兩人各自的感情上面 : 那一親 : 那一告白 : 一整個就是佳節氣氛(好閃好閃) : Jorden這集不講話,一直吃(孕婦食慾這麼強) : Jack這集看起來超級 ...

Studio 60 1x11

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2006-12-06T15:47
※ 引述《b1ueish (藍色)》之銘言: : Merry Christmas~~!! : 這一集超級有氣氛的啦,而且主戲擺在Matt和Danny兩人各自的感情上面 : 那一親 : 那一告白 : 一整個就是佳節氣氛(好閃好閃) : Jorden這集不講話,一直吃(孕婦食慾這麼強) : Jack這集看起來超級 ...

Lost Moving to 10 on Wednesdays

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2006-12-06T12:03
midseason週三九點競爭太激烈了.. Lost移到十點復撥,ABC九點將撥出新喜劇. Lost Moving to 10 on Wednesdays Source: Variety December 5, 2006 ABC is moving and#34;Lostand#34; out of th ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2006-12-05T21:57
請問一下剛剛AXN播的那個慾望之都(是這個名字吧) 最後一幕有個女的(新老闆) 從屋頂上飛走 這是男主角的想像 還是是真的啊 超玄的 有外星人嗎 慾望之都我一直都沒在看 剛剛無聊看了一集 沒想到就給我來個奇怪的結尾 然後來個待續~~~ 可惡~~討厭等 我愛單元劇 誰來解救我 給我雷吧 - ...